Juan Cruz Giusto

Actualized.org Video Summaries!

362 posts in this topic



      Actualized.org Youtube Episodes:

  • The first 200 episodes have transcripts in the video section of Actualized.org
  • If you want to contribute to this thread, select one of the episodes that still needs a summary and post it here

      Episodes:      1 - 249


1. [x] How to Invest In Yourself (pg 11)

2. [x] Why Life Coaching Works (pg 11)

3. [] Be Different to Be Successful

4. [x] Get Coached (pg 12)

5. [] Inner Game of Career Development

6. [] The Most Interesting Problem in Philosophy and Science

7. [x] How I Lost 65 Pounds in 5 Months (pg 12)

8. [x] Understanding Resistance (pg 8)

9. [x] Mastery (pg 11) (book pg 140)

10. [] Work Less to Accomplish More

11. [x] What's the Worst That Can Happen? (pg 16)

12. [] What a Roman Emperor Can Teach You About Happiness

13. [] The Number One Reason Why You're Not Succeeding

14. [] The Problem of Self-Control

15. [] The Art of Solving Problems Permanently

16. [] How You Must Think About Failure

17. [] Life Purpose - Critical Points For Finding Your Life Purpose ?

18. [] As Good As Your Life Will Ever Get ?️

19. [] How to Delegate to Your Subconscious Mind

20. [] Garbage In, Garbage Out - Watch Your Information Intake

21. [] The $100 Million Dollar Question

22. [] Positive vs Negative Motivation

23. [] How To Transform Your Entire Life

24. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Intro - Actualized.org

25. [] Personal Development - The Ultimate Vision of What You Can Be

26. [] Life Purpose - The Thrill of Creative Contribution

27. [] Success & Creativity - Why You Should Be More Schizophrenic

28. [] Personal Development - How Your Mind is Like a Rider Atop an Elephant

29. [] Personal Development - Tips About How to Give Advice

30. [] Create an Exciting Life - Your 5 Proudest Moments Exercise

31. [] Happiness & Success - Should You Work on Strengths or Weaknesses?

32. [] Personal Development - Professional vs Hobbiest

33. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Mission Statement

34. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Charged Life

35. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Top 5 Feelings

36. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Eliminate Addictions

37. [] How to Make Your Life Extraordinary

38. [] How to Do Real Personal Development

39. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Meditation

40. [] How To Become Successful - The Secrets That Everyone Overlooks

41. [] How To Get More Energy - An Approach Nobody Ever Talks About

42. [] How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You - What Guys Really Want

43. [] How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You - What Girls Really Want

44. [] How To Make More Money - Increase Your Income In Career or Business

45. [] How To Become A Life Coach - Every Part of the Process Revealed inDetail

46. [] Benefits of Meditation - Top Reasons To Start Meditating Right Now

47. [] How To Overcome Shyness - Transform Yourself Into An Extrovert

48. [] What Is The Purpose Of Life? - Use Purpose to Achieve Massive Success

49. [] How To Motivate Employees - Creating Ultra-Productive Workers

50. [] How To Feel Happy - Scientifically Proven Ways of Creating Lasting Happiness

51. [] Productivity Strategies - Are You Prolific?

52. [x] How To Increase Your Results From Self-Help Products by 10x (book pg 206)

53. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Information Intake

54. [] New Years Resolutions - How Getting Back On Track Is A Huge Opportunity

55. [] Self Expression - How To Express Yourself & Find Your Authentic Creative Voice

56. [x] How to Be Happy in Life - Happiness Bottlenecks (pg 13)

57. [] Overcoming Fear - How To Slay Your Greatest Demon

58. [x] Sensitivity - Why Personal Development Is Impossible For You Right Now (pg 15)

59. [x] How To Never Quit - The Key To Reframing The Toughest Obstacles (pg 15)

60. [] The Subconscious Mind - Using Your Subconscious Mind to Create Massive Success

61. [] Negative Thoughts - The Origin Of Negative Thinking & How To Eliminate It Forever

62. [] How To Succeed In Life - The 6 Key Elements of Phenomenal Success

63. [] Fear Of Public Speaking - The One Key To Overcoming It Forever

64. [] How To Change Your Life - Making BIG Life Changes Actually Stick

65. [] Fear Of Failure - Why We Have It & How To Deal With It

66. [] How To Change Careers - Dealing With The Fear & Transitioning Smart

67. [] How To Stay Focused - The Key To Being Extremely Productive & ClearMinded

68. [] Resume Writing Tips - The Secret Mindset For Writing a Perfect Resume

69. [] How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight - The Psychology of Weight Loss Success

70. [] How To Stop Worrying - The Fundamentals of Eliminating Worry

71. [] How To Change The World - What It Takes To Have Massive Social Impact

72. [] Personal Power - How Personal Power Creates Success

73. [] SMART Goal Setting - How to Set Extremely Effective Goals

74. [] The Subconscious Mind - Using Your Subconscious Mind to Create Massive Success

75. [] What Is Ego - How Your Ego Dictates Your Entire Life

76. [] How To Get Motivated - Creating a Consistent Drive for High Performance

77. [x] The Law Of Attraction - How It Really Works & How To Use It (pg 11)

78. [] How To Stop Procrastinating - A Step-by-Step Process For Busting The Worst of Procrastination

79. [] How To Be More Confident - A Step-by-Step Process for Becoming Truly Confident

80. [x] Self Actualization - The Most Inspiring Self-Help Concept Of All Time (book pg 37)

81. [] Positive Affirmations - The Tricks of Using Affirmations to Transform Your Life

82. [] What Should I Do With My Life - How To Find Your Passion For Life

83. [] Peak Performance - How To Hit and Maintain Consistent Peak Performance In Life

84. [x] How To Stay Healthy - The Psychology of Maintaining Consistent, Effortless Health (pg 13)

85. [x] Overcoming Adversity - How To Handle The Most Horrific Life Challenges Ever (pg 15)

86. [] How To Become A Vegetarian - Practical Steps You Must Take To Succeed

87. [] How To Control Anger - The Shocking Truth Behind Your Anger Problems

88. [] Positive Psychology - What Is It & How It Can Transform Your Life

89. [x] Self Control - How To Develop Self-Control To Create An Amazing Life (pg 9)

90. [] How To Relieve Stress - Scientifically Proven Stress Relief Techniques

91. [x] How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy (pg 2)

92. [x] Why Am I Depressed? - The Shocking Truth Behind Your Depression (pg 12)

93. [x] Profound Quotes #001 - "All Of Humanity's Problems Stem From Man’s..." (pg 12)

94. [] True Vision - I Reveal My Life Purpose Until You Can Feel It ?

95. [] Willpower - Scientifically Proven Techniques to Increase Willpower

96. [] Redefining Philosophy - How To Become A Jedi Master

97. [] How To Become Rich - The Number One Reason You're Not Already Rich

98. [] Mindfulness - How To Actually Practice Mindfulness & Conquer Your Emotions

99. [] Profound Quotes #002 - "Specialization Is For Insects"

100. [x] What Is Happiness? - An Extremely Advanced Definition Of Happiness (book pg 60)

101. [x] Self Image - The Amazing, Absolute Key To All Personal Growth (pg 16)

102. [] How To Stay Committed To A Cause

103. [] Introvert vs Extrovert - A Deep Understanding Of Introverts And Extroverts

104. [] How To Eat Healthy - Create A Super Healthy Meal In 15 Minutes ?

105. [x] How To Be A Man - The Deep Core Of Being Masculine (pg 10)

106. [] Positive Thinking - The Key To Thinking Positive

107. [] Healthy Relationships - What You MUST Know To Sustain A Great Relationship

108. [x] Dream Life - What It Takes To Create An Extraordinary Life (pg 15)

109. [] Best Supplements - What You Must Know About Supplementation ?

110. [x] Optimism - How To Become Optimisitic Right Now (pg 10)

111. [] Letting Go Of The Past - How To Get Over The Past In Minutes

112. [] How To Find Your Passion - Why You Have No Passion & How To Fix It

113. [] Critical Thinking - Use Independent Thinking To Build A Powerful Life

114. [] How To Motivate Yourself - The Trick Behind Lasting Self-Motivation

115. [x] Emotional Intelligence - Why Your EQ Is More Important Than Your IQ (pg 9)

116. [x] Cause & Purpose - What Are You Willing To Bleed For? (pg 10)

117. [] Id, Ego, Superego - Understanding An Old School Psychology Concept

118. [] Self Help - How Self-Help Can Revolutionize Your Entire Life

119. [] Life Coaching - The Powerful Benefits Of Working With A Life Coach

120. [] How To Start A Business - Bootstrapping A Successful Business

121. [] How To Use Technology To Super-Charge Your Personal Growth

122. [] Time Management - How To Get More Time In Your Day

123. [] State Of The Union - My Camera Dies In Death Valley

124. [x] The Secret - The Truth They Didn't Tell You (pg 13)

125. [] Personal Development Plan - The Essentials Of Getting Results

126. [] How To Love Yourself - How To Like Who You Are Right Now

127. [] How To Feel Good - Re-Designing Your Life To Feel Amazing

128. [] How To Be Yourself - Become Your Authentic Self Right Now

129. [] True Value - How To Create Success Out Of Nowhere

130. [] The Power Of Routines - How Your Daily Routine Holds You Back From Your Dreams

131. [] Staying Hungry - How To Use Pain For Growth ⚖️

132. [x] Relationship Advice - The Master Plan For Creating An Amazing Relationship (pg 10)

133. [] How To Become A Millionaire - The Truth No One Tells You

134. [] Self Esteem - Understanding & Fixing Low Self-Esteem

135. [] Judgment - How You Ruin Your Own Happiness

136. [x] Profound Quotes #003 - "Children Want Candy; The Intelligent Want Self-Control” - Rumi (pg 9)

137. [] Whatever Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger - True or False? ?

138. [] What Women Want In A Man - 5 Factors That Hook Women Like Crack

139. [] How To Make A Girl Squirt - Give Your Girl An Explosive Orgasm

140. [] Positive Attitude - The 3 Pillars To Cultivating Positivity

141. [x] How To Exploit People To Grow Yourself - An Advanced Technique (pg 1) (book pg 269)

142. [] Stress Management - Permanent Solutions For Stress Reduction

143. [] Why I'm A Dick - And Why I Won't Change

144. [] Goal Setting - How To Set Goals Effectively

145. [x] Bad Relationships - How To Break Your Cycle Of Painful Relationships (pg 9)

146. [] Bad Habits - A Live Exercise For Dropping Any Bad Habit For Good

147. [] How To Get A Girlfriend - The Ultimate Guide For Landing A Hot Girlfriend

148. [] How To Forgive Someone - The One Trick That Makes Forgiveness Easy

149. [] Openmindedness - A Huge Overlooked Obstacle To Self Improvement

150. [] How To Make Friends - 4 Sticking-Points That Limit Your Ability To Make Friends

151. [] Good Vs Evil - Why Evil Doesn't Actually Exist

152. [] Communication Skills - The 6 Keys Of Powerful Communication

153. [] Low Self Esteem In Women - Why Women Have Lower Self-Esteem Than Men

154. [x] Visualization - A Powerful Technique For Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind (book pg 203)

155. [] Self Confidence - The Two Essential Avenues For Building Confidence

156. [] Why Women Use You For Money - And How To Never Get Used Again

157. [] Why Men Cheat - And 8 Ways To Keep Your Man Loyal

158. [] How To Follow Advice Without Betraying Yourself

159. [x] How To Master & Control Your Emotions (book pg 201)

160. [] Negative Visualization - An Ancient Stoic Technique For Creating Happiness

161. [x] How To Stop Being A Victim - The #1 Reason You Are Stuck In Life  (pg 15) (book pg 84)

162. [] Spirituality vs Religion - The No-Bullshit Guide To Spirituality

163. [x] Self Discipline vs Freedom - How To Create More Freedom In Your Life (pg 11)

164. [x] How To Deal With Depression - The Key To Breaking Out Of Depression (pg 3)

165. [x] How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You (pg 13) (book pg 199)

166. [] How Science Keeps You Stuck In Life - Exposing Problems With "Scientific" Thinking

167. [] Why Women Fall For Assholes

168. [x] Understanding The Authentic Self - Discovering Who You Really Are (book pg 197)

169. [] How To Deal With Difficult & Toxic People

170. [] Leo's List of Top 140 Self-Help Books ?

171. [] How To Stop Watching TV - Why You Must Eliminate TV Right Now!

172. [] Luck & Success - Is Luck Important For Being Successful?

173. [] How To Meditate - The No Bullshit Guide to Meditation

174. [] How To Manage Your Money Easily Using This Budget Template

175. [] The Biggest Thing You Should Fear - Halloween Special ?

176. [] How To Be An Attractive Man - Interview With Dating Coach, TrippAdvice

177. [x] How To Stop Being Lazy - Solutions For Short-term & Long-term Laziness (book pg 196)

178. [] How To Deepen Your Love For Life - A Powerful Exercise

179. [] How To Deal With A Breakup

180. [] Why The Most Successful People Don't Do Personal Development

181. [] How To Have Amazing Sex - Part 1

182. [] The Truth About Passive Income

183. [] How To Practice Gratitude - Xmas 2014 Special ?

184. [x] How To Stop Being Jealous - Techniques To End Jealousy Forever (pg 2)

185. [x] Responsibility vs Blame - Why You Are 100% Responsible For Everything (book pg 89)

186. [x] How To Study - The Keys To Acing School & College (pg 2) (book pg 214)

187. [x] Beware Of False Prophets - Stop Worshipping Human Personality (pg 11)

188. [x] What Is Karma? - The No-Bullshit Explanation Of How Karma Works (book pg 140)

189. [] Stop Demonizing People! - Why You Are Wrong For Calling Terrorists Evil

190. [x] Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear (book pg 98)

191. [] What To Do Next After Learning About Enlightenment

192. [x] The Happiness Spectrum - The Best & Worst Kinds Of Happiness (book pg 58)

193. [x] Paradoxes Of Personal Development (book pg 61)

194. [x] Spiritual Enlightenment - Part 2 - Understanding The Conceptualized Self (book pg 100)

195. [] The Secret Curse Of Being Human + Bonus: A True Spiritual Exercise!

196. [] How To Have Amazing Sex (For Women) - Drive Your Man Wild In Bed

197. [x] Enlightenment - Part 3 - Creating An Experience Of No-Self (book pg 101)

198. [x] Enlightenment FAQ - Part 1 - All Your Questions Answered (pg 2) (book pg 246)

199. [x] Enlightenment FAQ - Part 2 (pg 14)

200. [x] All Of Religion Explained In One Video (pg 2) (pg 12) (book pg 112)

201. [] How To Have Amazing Sex - Part 2 - Increasing Intimacy & Dominance

202. [x] Understanding Emotions - Part 1 (book pg 190)

203. [] Feminine vs Masculine Compassion

204. [x] How To Stop Backsliding - How To Stop Procrastinating (pg 10) (book pg 195)

205. [x] How To Become Enlightened - The Exact Step By Step Process Revealed! (book pg 102)

206. [x] How To Be A Leader - Leadership Secrets Revealed! (book pg 188)

207. [] How To Stop Being A Workaholic

208. [x] How To Meditate Deeper (pg 8)

209. [x] Science vs Religion - The Absurdity Revealed! (book pg 186)

210. [x] How To Create Your Dream Career - The Ultimate Life Purpose Course (pg 15)

211. [x] How To Unleash Your Ambition - Must-Watch For Ambitious People (pg 1) (book pg 82)

212. [x] How To Get Shit Done - The Inner Game Of Being A Results-Maker (pg 1) (book pg 80)

213. [] My Enlightenment Experience - Exactly How It Happened

214. [x] Lower vs Higher Self - Understanding Your Two-Faced Nature (book pg 184)

215. [x] Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs To Self-Actualize (book pg 35)

216. [x] Masculinity vs Femininity - Psychology Of The Male & Female Mind (book pg 182)

217. [x] Meditation Techniques: Do Nothing - The Simplest Meditation Possible (pg 1) (book pg 124)

218. [x] Meditation On Steroids - How To Get The FASTEST Meditation Gains (book pg 127)

219. [x] The Grand Model Of Psychological Evolution - Clare Graves & Spiral Dynamics (book pg 52)

220. [] Being A Spiritual Seeker, Good or Bad?

221. [x] One Simple Rule For Acing Life (book pg 49)

222. [] How To Be Funny - Comprehensive Guide To Developing A Sense of Humor

223. [x] Contemplating Your Own Death - To Stay Motivated For Life (book pg 181)

224. [] How To Deal With Criticism, Trolls, and Haters

225. [x] Avoiding Dysfunctional & Abusive Relationships - 30+ Red Flags (pg 15)

226. [x] Advice For High School & College Students - The Keys To Mastering Life (book pg 204)

227. [] Curing Perfectionism - How To Stop Being A Perfectionist

228. [x] Mindfulness Meditation - A Complete Guide With Techniques & Examples (pg 15) (pg 16)

229. [x] A Vision For The Self Actualized Life - Get Yo Ass Inspired! (book pg 21)

230. [] How To Overcome Creative Blocks & Writer's Block

231. [x] How To Deal With Strong Negative Emotions (pg 14) (book pg 43)

232. [x] Radical Openmindedness - How To Break Free Of Dogma & Beliefs (book pg 94)

233. [x] 30 Ways Society Fucks You In The Ass (pg 1) (book pg 54)

234. [x] How You Lie - All Your Dirty, Sneaky Lies & Manipulations Exposed! (book pg 135)

235. [x] 40 Signs That You Are Neurotic - Understanding Neurosis  (pg 1) (book pg 178)

236. [] How To Stop Judging Yourself

237. [] The Challenges Of Making Bold Life Changes

238. [x] Understanding Awareness - The Staggering Depth Of Your Unawareness Revealed (pg 1) (book pg 39)

239. [x] Free Will vs Determinism - Does Free Will Exist? (book pg 176)

240. [] A Rant Against The Pickup Community - Must Watch For All PUAs

241. [x] The Ultimate Model Of Human Knowledge - All Knowledge Explained! (pg 12) (book pg 66)

242. [x] The Most Important Commitment You Can Make + Huge Announcement (pg 1) (book pg 230)

243. [x] 27 Qualities Of All Successful People (pg 2) (book pg 209)

244. [x] The Enlightened Self - A Description Of Your Existential Nature (pg 1) (book pg 105)

245. [x] Fake Growth vs Real Growth - What If You're Just Tricking Yourself? (pg 1) (book pg 26)

246. [x] How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others (pg 1) (book pg 227)

247. [x] How To Be A Strategic Motherfucker - The 7 Pillars Of Strategic Thinking (pg 1)  (pg 7) (book pg 76)

248. [x] Why Rationality Is WRONG! - A Critique Of Rationalism (pg 1) (book pg 174)

249. [x] The Power Of Self Acceptance - How To Stop Beating Yourself Up (pg 1) (book pg 173) ?

      Episodes:  250 - 514


250. [x] The Benefits Of Enlightenment  (pg 14) (book pg 259)

251. [x] 3 Step Formula To Be Ruthlessly Effective At Anything (pg 15) (book pg 219)

252. [x] Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction (pg 1) (pg 4) (book pg 44)

253. [x] How Your Mind Distorts Reality - Needy vs Non-Needy Perception (pg 4) (book pg 90)

254. [x] Enlightenment Guided Inquiry - The Neti Neti Method (book pg 106)

255. [x] Grasping The Illusory Nature Of Thought (pg 4) (book pg 93)

256. [x] Lifestyle Minimalism - Renouncing Your Busy Stupid Life (pg 4) (book pg 47)

257. [x] How To Stop Being A Victim - Part 2 - What All Victims Fail To Understand (pg 14) (book pg 87)

258. [x] A Rant Against Morality - Very Foundational (pg 4) (book pg 167)

259. [x] How To Stop Moralizing - Removing The SHOULDs From Your Life (pg 4) (book pg 170)

260. [x] Meditation For Beginners (pg 4) (book pg 264)

261. [x] Awareness Alone Is Curative - How To Auto-Correct Unwanted Behaviors (pg 4) (book pg 42)

262. [x] Be Fucking Patient! - How To Deal With Lack Of Results (pg 4) (book pg 50)

263. [x] The Psychology Of Small Business Success - Top 5 Errors Of Aspiring Entrepreneurs (pg 4) (book pg 220)

264. [x] 10 Important Things You Don't Know You Want (pg 4) (book pg 138)

265. [x] You're Not Happy Because You Don't Really Want To Be (pg 4) (book pg 165)

266. [x] The 3 Levels Of Personal Development Work (pg 4) (book pg 31)

267. [] The Amazing Power Of Psychedelics - Leo Does Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms!

268. [x] How To Use Psychedelics For Personal Development (pg 11) (book pg 207)

269. [] Guided Meditation - The Next Level Of Meditation

270. [x] The Paradox Of Developing Self-Trust (pg 4) (book pg 244)

271. [x] How To Be A Man - Part 2 (Advanced Version) (pg 10)

272. [x] The 64 Most Fascinating Questions A Human Can Ask (pg 4) (book pg 160)

273. [x] What's Wrong With Ego? (book pg 162)

274. [] What Is God? - Leo Becomes Absolute Infinity (Aka God) - All Of Reality Explained

275. [x] 5-MeO-DMT - The Magic Pill To Enlightenment & God (pg 16)

276. [x] Low Quality vs High Quality Consciousness (pg 4) (book pg 24)

277. [x] The Dark Side Of Meditation (pg 4) (book pg 157)

278. [x] The Mechanics Of Belief (pg 4) (book pg 154)

279. [x] How To Harness Your Intuition (pg 4) (book pg 262)

280. [x] The Trap Of Projection, Especially Onto Teachers & Mentors (pg 10)

281. [x] A Rant Against Culture (pg 4)

282. [x] Money Psychology - The Inner Game of Mastering Money (pg 4) (book pg 222)

283. [] Using 5-MeO-DMT To Become Enlightened - Interview With Martin Ball

284. [x] How To Deal With Confusion (pg 4) (book pg 33)

285. [x] Becoming A Sage - A New Vision For Actualized.org & You! (pg 4) (book pg 23)

286. [x] Mystical Traditions Around The World - Nonduality Goes Cosmopolitan! (book pg 110)

287. [x] Becoming A Zen Devil - The Dangers Of Half-Assing Enlightenment (pg 4) (book pg 107)

288. [x] Uncovering Your Childhood Vows - Unwire Your Neurotic Personality (book pg 122)

289. [x] The Pre-mortem Technique - The Trick To Avoiding Project Failure (pg 4)

290. [x] How To Control Anger - Part 2 - Understanding Evil To Death (pg 4) (book pg 153)

291. [x] A Rant Against Naive Realism - Reality Is NOT Physical! (pg 4) (book pg 151)

292. [x] How I Do Research & Develop Big Picture Understanding  (pg 2) (pg 4) (book pg 132)

293. [] The Launch Of Infinite Insights - Leo's Blog!

294. [x] The Role Of Balance In Personal Development (pg 4) (book pg 63)

295. [x] Dropping The Roles You Play (pg 4)

296. [] The Gallery Of Absolute Infinity ?

297. [x] Build Your Infrastructure For Success (pg 4) (book pg 149)

298. [x] AL-LAD Trip Report - A Powerful Tool For Consciousness Work (pg 10)

299. [x] Understanding How Paradigms Work (pg 4) (book pg 68)

300. [x] Contemplation - The Most Important Tool For Sages (pg 4) (book pg 128)

301. [x] Concentration vs Meditation - How To Develop Concentration (pg 4) (book pg 126)

302. [x] The Big Picture Of Self-Actualization (pg 4) (book pg 18)

303. [x] True vs False Skepticism (pg 4) (book pg 72)

304. [x] Leo's Super Healthy Blueberry Smoothie ? (pg 16)

305. [x] The Highest Hero's Journey - What It Means To Be Real Hero (pg 4) (book pg 130)

306. [x] Leo's Super Healthy Vegetable Soup ? (pg 9)

307. [x] Understanding Default Positions (pg 4) (book pg 147)

308. [] Leo's Solo Meditation Retreat - 90 Hours Of Nonstop Meditation In The Forest ?

309. [x] Balancing Theory vs Practice (pg 4) (book pg 29)

310. [x] How To Deal With Loneliness - Especially While Self-Actualizing (book pg 145)

311. [x] How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques (pg 16) (book pg 19)

312. [] 2C-B Trip Report - Experiencing Physical Death

313. [x] Intro To Systems Thinking (pg 4) (book pg 142)

314. [x] Why People Seem Crazy (pg 4) (book pg 119)

315. [] Subtle Addictions

316. [] Successful People Are Not Happy

317. [] Making Sense Of Paranormal Phenomena & Psychic Powers ???‍♀️

318. [x] Understanding Absolute Infinity - Part 1 (pg 3)

319. [] Understanding Absolute Infinity - Part 2

320. [x] What Is Art? - Understanding The Essence Of Art (pg 8)

321. [] Setting Proper Expectations

322. [] Leo Hits Rock Bottom - EVERYTHING Understood

323. [x] Learning = Behavior Change (pg 4) (book pg 274)

324. [x] No Growth Possible Without Training (pg 4) (book pg 217)

325. [x] Understanding Meaning, Purpose, & Value ? (pg 4)

326. [x] Distraction - The Ego's Favorite Defense Mechanism (pg 9)

327. [x] What Is The Devil? - The Mechanics Of Evil (pg 3)

328. [x] How To Raise Rockstar Kids (pg 8)

329. [] Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 1

330. [] Learning = Observation

331. [] Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 2

332. [] The Topic Of Mindfuckery

333. [x] Advanced Tips For Self-Inquiry (pg 3)

334. [x] Building Your Existential Vocabulary (pg 4)

335. [] How To Keep The Ultimate Journal (Commonplace Book) + LIVE DEMO ?

336. [x] Comprehension Has Many Degrees (pg 13)

337. [x] Why Brains Do Not Exist (pg 7)

338. [] Reality Is A Strange Loop - The Beauty Of Paradox + GRAPHICS ? 

339. [] The Theme Of Things Going Full-Circle

340. [x] Motivational Speech For Building A Passionate Life (pg 4) (book pg 15)

341. [x] The Deep Problem Of Marketing (pg 3) (pg 4) (book pg 270) ?

342. [x] Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction, Post-Modernism & Nonduality (pg 4)

343. [x] All Criticism Is Untenable (pg 4) (pg 10)

344. [x] Self-Deception - Part 1 (pg 2) (book pg 231)

345. [x] Self Deception - Part 2 - 60+ Self-Deception Mechanisms (pg 2) (book pg 234)

346. [] Enlightenment Experience Happening In Real Time - LIVE! ?️

347. [x] Enlightenment Experience Explanation & Key Lessons (pg 3) (book pg 266)

348. [x] Self-Deception - Part 3  (pg 2) (book pg 237)

349. [] Hitler Reacts To Nonduality / Enlightenment - FUNNY!

350. [] Life Is A Dream

351. [x] How To Shop For Healthy Food (pg 3)

352. [] My Deepest Awakening Yet - Becoming Infinite

353. [] The Importance Of Real Yoga

354. [] Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 1

355. [] Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 2

356. [] Comprehending The Magnitude Of Reality

357. [] Metaphysical Implications Of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem - Part 1

358. [x] Understanding Islam - What Most People Misunderstand (pg 12)

359. [x] Shamanic Breathing Technique + LIVE DEMO ??‍♀️ (pg 8)

360. [x] Collective Ego - Understanding The Egoic Dynamics Of Social Systems (pg 12)

361. [] Going Buddha - 30 Day Meditation Challenge

362. [x] What Is Consciousness? - All Questions Answered (pg 2)

363. [] What Is Intelligence? - Infinite Intelligence Explained

364. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Blue (pg 5) (book pg 275)

365. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Orange (pg 5) (book pg 275)

366. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Green (pg 5) (book pg 275)

367. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Yellow (pg 5) (book pg 275)

368. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Turquoise (pg 5) (book pg 275)

369. [x] Understanding Recontextualization (pg 3)

370. [x] How To Contemplate Using A Journal (pg 10)

371. [x] Sameness vs Difference - The Metaphysical Foundation Of Reality (pg 13)

372. [x] How Ideology Works (pg 12)

373. [] Life Is A Maze

374. [x] What Is Spirituality? - A No-Bullshit Intro To Spirituality (pg 3)

375. [x] How To Escape Wage Slavery (book pg 224)

376. [] Body Awareness - How To Relax Your Body

377. [x] What Is Love? - Advanced Spiritual Explanation (pg 2)

378. [x] 35+ Subfields Of Self-Help (pg 3)

379. [] What Is Actuality? - Distinguish Direct Experience vs Concept

380. [x] Mankind Is The Bullshitting Animal (pg 3)

381. [x] Nootropics - Top Supplements For Increasing Mental Performance (pg 12)

382. [] The Radical Implications Of Oneness (Halloween Edition) ?

383. [x] 65 Core Principles Of Living The Good Life (pg 3)

384. [x] What Is Perception? - The Metaphysics Of Perception (pg 4) (book pg 254)

385. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Important Insights & Nuances (pg 17)

386. [x] The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures - Zen’s Stages of Enlightenment Explained (pg 4)

387. [] The Counter-Intuitive Nature Of Life

388. [x] Understanding Ego Backlash (pg 14)

389. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Areas Of Application (pg 5) (book pg 276)

390. [x] How To Do Self-Inquiry (pg 10)

391. [x] Cult Psychology - Part 1 - How Cults Work (pg 7)

392. [x] Cult Psychology - Part 2 - The Big Picture (pg 8)

393. [x] What Is God? - Part 1 - A No Bullshit Explanation For Smart People (pg 4)

394. [x] What Is God? - Part 2 - Clear Answers To 70+ Commonly Asked Questions (pg 4)

395. [] Aztec Nonduality - Profound Life Lessons From Aztec Philosophy

396. [] Leaving On 30-Day Solo Retreat

397. [] Becoming God - Insights From 13 Back-to-Back Awakenings

398. [x] Understanding Duality - Part 1 - Master List of 250+ Dualities (pg 5)

399. [] Understanding Duality - Part 2 - Scientific Dualities

400. [] Understanding Duality - Part 3 - Existential Dualities

401. [x] Life Unfolds In Chapters & Phases (pg 6)

402. [x] The Power Of Asking Questions (pg 7)

403. [x] What Is The Point Of Life? - An Advanced, Life-Changing Explanation (pg 9)

404. [x] Understanding Survival - Part 1 - The Metaphysics Of Being Human (pg 7)

405. [x] Understanding Survival - Part 2 - Advanced Insights About Survival (pg 7)

406. [x] Understanding Relativism - Part 1 (pg 7)

407. [] What Is Reality? - A Radical Explanation

408. [x] How Authority Works - Where Does Truth Come From? (pg 5)

409. [x] Conscious Politics - Part 1 - The Deepest Political Analysis You'll Ever Hear (pg 5)

410. [x] Conscious Politics - Part 2 - Foundational Insights About Political Ideology (pg 6)

411. [x] Conscious Politics - Part 3 - The Core Principles Of Conscious Politics (pg 6)

412. [x] Conscious Politics - Part 4 - 100+ Specific Policy Proposals (pg 11)

413. [x] Self-Bias - Why All Worldviews Are So Skewed (pg 7)

414. [x] What Is Truth? - The Definitive Answer (pg 7)

415. [] The Power Of Letting Go - How To Overcome Clinginess, Attachment, OCD

416. [x] What Is Love? - Part 2 - The Brutal Nature Of Love (pg 6)

417. [x] How Fear Works - Part 1 - The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With Fear (pg 6) (pg 10)

418. [x] How Fear Works - Part 2 - The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With Fear (pg 6) (pg 10)

419. [x] Understanding Impermanence - Why Reality Is Always Changing (pg 6)

420. [] Announcement - Actualized.org Launching On Patreon + Vision For The Future

421. [x] The Many Facets Of Awakening - List of Top 30 Enlightenment Insights (pg 7)

422. [x] How Corruption Works (pg 6)

423. [] The Dangers Of Spiritual Work

424. [x] How To Discover What's True - A Deep Inquiry (pg 13)

425. [x] Content vs Structure - Going Meta Is A Super-power (pg 15)

426. [x] What Is Death? - How Immortality Works (pg 8)

427. [] Self-Love - The Highest Teaching In The Universe

428. [x] Division vs Unity - The Engine That Runs Reality (pg 8)

429. [] Why Reality CANNOT Be A Simulation - A Clear Answer ?

430. [] Reproduction Is An Illusion - Why It Doesn't Matter If You Have Kids ?

431. [] Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 1 ?

432. [] Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 2 ?️

433. [x] Explicit vs Implicit Understanding (pg 7)

434. [] How Psychedelics Work - Making Sense Of Psychedelics

435. [x] How Society Evolves - Introducing The World Values Survey (pg 9)

436. [] I'm Leaving To Pursue Awakening & Healing - March 2020

437. [x] Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days (pg 8)

438. [] How Openmindedness Works - Exercises To Open Your Mind

439. [x] Life Advice For Young People - Part 1 (pg 8)

440. [x] How To Forgive Anyone Who Hurt You - A Powerful Trauma Release Exercise (pg 15)

441. [] Learning = Making Distinctions - The Secret To Rapid & Deep Learning

442. [x] Life Advice For Young People - Part 2 (pg 8)

443. [] The Ultimate Structure Of Reality Explained

444. [] Understanding Democracy & Authoritarianism

445. [] Why Libertarianism Is Nonsense - Deconstructing Freedom

446. [] What If Reality Is Nothing But Perspective?

447. [] Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?

448. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Red (pg 9)

449. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Purple (pg 14)

450. [x] The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 1 (pg 9)

451. [x] The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 2 (pg 9)

452. [x] The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 3 (pg 9)

453. [x] The Trap Of The Toxic Life Purpose (pg 9)

454. [x] Developing Introspection - The Solution To The Problem Of Self-Deception (pg 9)

455. [x] The Sneaky Psychology Behind Conspiracy Theories (pg 9)

456. [] What Is Actualized.org? - The Big Picture of Personal Development

457. [] Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness

458. [x] Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 1 (pg 12)

459. [x] Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 2 (pg 12)

460. [x] Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 3 (pg 12)

461. [x] Should You Go To College? - Common Traps & Mistakes (pg 10)

462. [] What Is Goodness? - Good & Morality Fully Explained

463. [] Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God

464. [x] What Is Wisdom? - The Ultimate Guide To Wisdom (pg 10)

465. [x] What Are Holons? - Understanding Holism - Part 1 (pg 10)

466. [x] Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 1 (pg 11)

467. [x] Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 2 (pg 11)

468. [x] What It Means To "Go Meta” (pg 12)

469. [] Is Actualized.org a Cult?

470. [x] What Is Integrity? - The Role Of Integrity In Life (pg 10)

471. [x] How Survival Shapes Who You Are (pg 14)

472. [] Is Gender A Social Construct? - A Profound Explanation

473. [] Making Sense of Jordan Peterson

474. [] An Advanced Explanation of God Realization

475. [] The Dangers of Misapplying Spiritual Teachings ?️?

476. [x] Understanding and Coping with Nihilism (pg 15)

477. [] How Modern Branding Exploits and Abuses You

478. [] Expose Yourself to More Experience

479. [] Not Everything Can Be Explained Simply

480. [] Why God Forgives Devilry

481. [x] How Your Mind Interprets Reality (pg 13)

482. [] Relative vs Absolute Truth

483. [] The Social Matrix - How Society Is A Mass Hallucination

484. [x] The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics (pg 14)

485. [x] The Root Solution To People Pleasing & Loneliness (pg 14)

486. [x] Satisfaction Meditation - How To Make Meditation Enjoyable! (pg 16)

487. [] What Does Awakening Feel Like?

488. [] Everyone Acts From Good Intentions

489. [x] Why Valuable Things Require Development Over Time (pg 16)

490. [] Understanding Bias - Bias, Love, & Mind Explained ?

491. [] Life, It's All A Mind Game!

492. [x] Introducing 5-MeO-MALT - The Other God Molecule (pg 17)

493. [] Does Free Will Exist? - What Is Will?

494. [] What Is Paradox? - Why Does Paradox Exist?

495. [] Leo's Worst Bad Trips - Psychedelics Gone Wrong

496. [x] Motivational Speech - Oct 2021 (pg 17)

497. [] Assumption Is The Mother Of All F**k-Ups

498. [] Burning Through Karma - How To Exhaust Material Desires ?

499. [x] How To Get Laid - Part 1 - The Foundations Of Success With Women (pg 16) (pg 16)

500. [x] How To Get Laid - Part 2 - Outer Game Techniques (pg 16) (pg 16)

501. [x] How To Get Laid - Part 3 - The Top Principles Of Game (pg 16) (pg 16)

502. [] How To Detox Heavy Metals (Lead & Mercury)

503. [] Creation vs Destruction ??

504. [] The Avoidance Of Truth - Why You Fear Truth ?

505. [] Understanding War & Conflict - Part 1

506. [] How To Avoid Getting Scammed, Cheated, Exploited, Conned, and Screwed In Life

507. [] Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality?

508. [] State of Consciousness is Everything

509. [x] New Kind of Awakening: Infinity of Gods (pg 17)

510. [] How To Practice Love - What Does It Mean To Love?

511. [x] How To Fall In Love With Life (pg 17)

512. [] The Power of Not-Knowing

513. [] How to Become Decisive

514. [] The Next Evolution of Actualized.org Teachings

Edited by FlyingLotus

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Guerilla Business Advice( blog video)

- The best way to become successful in life is through leveraging your ability to be creative

- Most people don't realize how powerful creativity is. You can train yourself to become extremely creative and innovative as an individual.

- If you're looking for a way to change your financial situation and more than for example: computer programming ask: what kind of innovation could I create or invent that would provide millions of dollars of value to the world?

- People don't realize how much opportunities are out there, and the only things that's stopping you it's your own self, lack of discipline, lack of motivation, ingenuity, creativity, lateral thinking( solving a problem by an indirect and creative approach, typically through viewing the problem in a new an unusual light).

- There are literally gadget you could invent that change how mankind communicates or has sex or learns or plays games or whatever

Example. Inventing a new type of mouse

- One of the biggest problems when starting a business is: you're stuck in a hole where you don't have capital to start any business you want it, most businesses are out of your league. Example. Manufacture new airplane, new car( too expensive, to competitive)

- There are little niches, gadgets, works of art that are actually doable for a single individual or a couple of people. You're supposed to bootstrap your business somehow

How do you do that?

- Got to be very wise and strategic about the product you choose, find something that people need, improve people's life, something that's missing in the market place and maybe they don't know they're missing. Maybe something that's not a gigantic problems that takes decades, millions of dollars to start. Usually this comes by innovation.

- The value you're adding to marketplace is by a gigantic project( which most people can't do) because they lack capital.

- Examples: writing a book, creating a video game, piece of music, inventing some kind of gadget( help old people, children, for dog, cat, new way to design pen or pencil).

- These days every idiot is starting YT, Twitch channel, but lean into creativity, let pure creativity that drives the value into your business

- What's stopping you: lack of creativity. If you sit down and spend 1000h over the next couple of years to invent some new toys for children you might invent it

- It's shocking how many creative opportunities exist and are completely uneased. The competition for true creativity is so slim. So few companies and people are actually doing genuinely creative things, that's so rare 1/100. The majority of companies and people are just aping others.

- Guerilla Low Scale Hyper Creative Strategy: there are alternatives to this but this is a pretty good way to do it

- What you're looking for: the key is, since the most of the labor is done by you, and don't have bunch of capital to hire bunch of people, you have to be extremely creative with your project, spend a lot time in your mind brainstorming ideas to find the one really good idea and something that doesn't require ton of money or work to actually create.

- What's stopping you: lack of skill, lack of creativity, lack of discipline

- You have to make yourself successful

- This is not a highly exploitative tactic, it will make people happy, improve the world and be a legitimate win/ win scenario

- Don’t think your powerless against big corporation because there are niches that are so small that can be occupied by an individual or small group of people. There are certain things that a large company won't invent, create because it's too small for them. What's small for amazon, for you will make you a millionaire. By being small your project can be more risky, creative innovative and can be very flexible, agile.

You got to invest time being creative

- Here is where simple principles of motivation and discipline comes in.

- Is lot more fun being creative and innovative. All factory jobs will be automated very soon.

- You got to find some way to be creative in whatever area you're interested in. Turn this into a career and take it serious.

- Is not the case that the first idea is the winner. You will have dozens of them and they will be silly

- If you keep going you will find something that is: feasible, requires low capital investment, provide lots of value to the world: sweet spot that overlap all of these

- Example. How can I design a simple game that's easy to make just by myself that would be so addictive, fun, highly replayable( so the player gets tons of value from it) and fit in the marketplace that millions of people would play it?

- Most of you won't have the discipline to work 4 years on a game. You must have the vision, make the connections and see that this is a game that will fit in some kind of a niche that would appeal to lots of people and make millions of dollars. This guy didn't have all the skills when he started, what he did it was accidental

- The mistake here is to learn lesson to narrowly. The proper lesson is: you want to find some kind of niche very similar to what this guy found: could be new good toy, sex-toy, type of mouse, for people who have disabilities. Be careful to not fall into total fantasy land. Don't create art that it's purely masturbatory: create art for your own self.

- For this strategy to work it has to be founded upon a deep understanding of something that people are interested in or want. What is it that actually make a game fun and sell well( 10 million units), it is accident? What makes a book sell so many copies? What makes a rubik cube so popular?

- Spend a lot of time brainstorming until you find the right niche, product, time, opportunity, something that's small enough to do then put all eggs in that basket do that for few years, try to build it, create it and if it doesn't work you'll fail but that's experience and lessons: business lessons, marketing lessons, skills and use that for next project and repeat that process again and again and again until one of them clicks. This requires a certain psychology, mindset of persistence, to be a creative person you have to spend lots of time on dead ends, you rarely succeed on first attempt on something creative

- What are people interested in now?( it has to be time creative). You don't want to be on a tail end of a trend, you want to be at the beginning of a trend, look into the future( what would people be interested 10 years from now?). Example: Which popular have not been popular lately but popular in the past which I can do a sort of revival on?

- The idea of inventing new categories: products, services -> this is a potentially huge money maker here( really fun and exciting). In the 70s the category of video games didn't exist: someone get the idea of combining existing components: TV( with pixels), computer, input device( remote control). Someone invented that but didn't see the full potential of it

- If you want to add massive value to the world find a new medium.  How to invent entire new medium? Baseball didn't exist, and somebody invented baseball; Novels didn't exist and somebody invented novels etc.

- You have to be very choosy because ideas are cheap and easy but implementation is the hard part. But it's very important to have the idea because it can worth 100M $

- Trick: one of the way to be creative - you must have a need to be one, study lots of sources. What are the different fields there: go look at what makes baseball popular? Why do people go to baseball, enjoy it, buying the merch? What are the common factors that makes these videogames successful? Why is pokemon such a craze?

- What makes things popular? For purposes of business

- How good ideas come: take something from the world and extrapolate, abstract out form that and build on top of it and turn it into something rather new but is very reminiscence something that exist in the world already. You can get inspirations by trends

- Untapped market: virtual worlds, virtual community of people in 3D space that live together, have politics, governments. VR and virtual worlds will come together

- You can get venture capital for ideas. If you come to investors with a really good solid idea or maybe a prototype( practical, realistic, fit into existing trends and technology and show them how you're going to monetize that idea) you can get venture capital for that

- You have to pick a lane in which you're going to be creative: it's hard to be creative with everything. You can begin that way

- Dangerous mindset: trying to knock it out of the park on the first attempt. You want to pace yourself that this is a process you'll be doing for many years/ decades and be patient about it. You'll learn a lot from project that are failures.

- The sooner you can find your lane the better

- It's a really good get rich quick strategy

- Brush up on creativity: read some books, find ways on becoming more creative

- Creativity: fun, spiritual rewarding( aspect of spirit), infinite, your mind has the possibility of connecting to that source

- Lots of obstacles are going to be emotional rather than financial

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Spiral Dynamics: Important Insights & Nuances

Sloppy application of spiral dynamics:

- Is a very complicated, nuanced and rich model, and that makes it so powerful

- Maybe after 30-40 hours of trying and applying it your own life and see where you're making mistakes and getting corrections to all that only then this model reveals it's whole potential

- It's easy to use this model to judge, classify, pigeon hole people and not get the whole fruit of it

- It takes dozens of hours of studying and application to understand the nuances of this model and how it gets misapplied


3 lines: additional ways to slice and dice the same thing and talk about human development and evolution of consciousness( additional vocabulary to understand evolution of mankind)

Lines of development: additional vocabulary to understand the evolution of mankind

Moral development & Cognitive development

- These can be developed individually



Egocentric - about myself

Ethnocentric - all about my community

World-centric - concerned about the world

Cosmo-centric - concerned about all cosmos

Circle of concern is expanding wider and wider with each of these stage



Sensorimotor - basic cognitive development that toddler child goes through

Emotional - also toddlers and babies go through

Con op( conventional operational)

Form op( formal operation) - most adults stop their cognitive development here( sort of rationalist cognitive function)

Post-formal( post-modern)

Vision-logic - advance form of thinking and reasoning which really goes beyond reasoning into vision an into higher states of intuitive understanding




- To apply the model properly you have to understand the notion of the center of gravity of a stage. E.g. When I say a country\ person is at stage orange it doesn't mean that is 100% orange and have no other qualities and characteristics from other stages rather they're 50% orange( their center of gravity) 25% spills into green and 25% spills into blue. Very few people are 100% one particular colour. This is what makes this model a little bit messy and when you're trying to apply/ diagnose you think that it doesn't fit.

- Movement up the spiral it's incremental( but not by 100% from stage to stage), jumping up but you're sort of slowly inching your way up and this applies to societies as well( has more diverse elements in it than an individual, there are different regions, cultures, sub-cultures, cities, rural areas, some parts are more advanced than others)

- Individual psyche does quite have a bit of diversity and people are complex we can't boil them down to one single dimension/ color

- These stages stack on top of each other: every stage is necessary. In the same way that 5th grade stay on top of 4th grade. It's now like you get to 5th grade and throw away all information, knowledge from previous grades and demonize, ridicule them, because it's a progressive ladder that we're climbing it together. It's only by understanding the necessity of each stages, only then you can stop demonizing and judge them. E.g. what it means to be at stage green is that it incorporates the lessons from previous stages.

- When you evolve to a stage you transcend and include( not demonize) it and bring the healthy elements with you and leave behind the pathological, dysfunctional, limiting elements of orange

- Doesn't mean if you're on a higher stage of the spiral that everyone in the world can be: you need to be very cognizant of your own privilege and good luck received as a child growing up: decent family, decent economic situation, able to get education. By the virtue the advancement of society that you're in you're standing on the shoulders of giants, be careful not to expect the rest of the world to already be there

- Society and culture are always evolving their way up the spiral. We've had several thousands of years of evolution culturally. The only reasons you're on higher stages on the spiral is of the reason on how much society and culture has helped you. Society has a pulling up and down effect, this depends on the center of gravity of your society. Society, friends and family will pull you down to their level and think you're nuts for trying to go beyond, and in history that's how it always was.

- In order to develop individuals we need to evolve the culture and society but we can't do that because all the people who are voting and making decisions are at lower levels who create low consciousness society. It takes time and we have to bootstrap ourselves. Most people who are born in a 1st world country they are already in a an orange or green society and take it for granted and have the tendency to criticize blue people for being to religious or fundamentalist


What these stages represents:

Each color stage represents density of EGO:

- RED: more dense EGO than BLUE, ORANGE etc. Expanding on what you're identifying yourself with. The sense of void/ formlessness within you is identifying with more and more form. Starts with physical body, expands to your tribe and nation, beyond to entire race and part of the world, entire human species and in the end you identify literally with everything. Because generally that's what consciousness is doing: SD is not just a human thing is just 1 particular case or example of evolution as a whole by developing more complexity expanding.

Each color stage represents levels of cognitive development:

- Is how you think/ mind work. Every color of stage represents a more sophisticated nuanced and complex way of thinking about reality and understand it. A way of thinking that builds on top of older ways of thinking. E.g. Reptilian brain -> Mammalian brain( sits on top of reptilian) -> Human brain( sits on top of both); Like updating your software from 1.0 to 2.0 and so on

- Your cognitive development really determines your value system and also the needs that you have

Each stage represents the ability to take on more perspective:

- This is one of the keys to understanding how to climb the spiral quickly, it's about taking on more points of view beyond your limited egoic perspective

- The thing that keep people stuck at their level and not evolving is that they get stuck in one perspective or another

- A mistake that many people who are good at dealing with different perspectives and looking at the world through different lenses they assume that everybody can do this. Majority of mankind( 21 century) is incapable doing that.

- Looking at the world from multiple perspectives and being able to be mentally and cognitively flexible enough to jump and abandon your own perspective and look at different points of view that's like a skill

- Most of stages are not good at this: especially stage blue and bellow, they don't even acknowledge the existence or importance of perspective, for them it's just reality and the truth. That's why those people are so close minded: especially at stages like blue, orange or even green. E.g. don't be surprised if stage blue are not being able to see all the interconnectedness of all religions and culture in the world. It's ethnocentric and can be quite racist. This is just how that mind work at that level of development

- E.g. Stage blue: is the ability to see for the perspective of your civilization and culture. Blue stage is unable to step outside of the perspective of his culture, race, ethnicity, religion, his mind needs a software upgrade towards orange and by that becoming less ethnocentric and more world-centric but also get stuck in science and rationality.

- If you want to evolve very rapidly through the spiral you have to become very good at dropping old perspectives and taking on new perspective

- Looking at the world from a new perspective is challenging, difficult, taxing for the mind to see a problem in a new creative way but you can train yourself to get good at this

As society evolves, survival needs change:

- Spiral Dynamics stages: responses to various kinds of survival needs. Each set of survival need corresponds with a particular environment that it needs to survive in

- Mankind creates and shapes its own environment which adds a very interesting extra layer of depth to this whole survival needs issue. Mankind don't survive in a dessert, tundra, we survive within the society and culture that we create most to suit ourselves, but as we do this we're becoming our greatest enemies because it's our changing social climate, changing technological advances that are happening that now creates new sets of survival needs, is no longer about physical dominance but how capable you are at socializing, playing politics that's what you need to survive in modern society.

- Having big muscles is not so important these days but knowing how to use your mind though that's very important: can earn you millions of dollars. Right skillset: program, socialize, network with people( soft skills) are more important than hard skills( lumber jack, cutting down trees, drive bulldozer)

- At big picture level consciousness is bootstrapping itself and building the infrastructure that it needs to facilitate more consciousness.

Distinction between stages, states, types and lines of development( Ken Wilber: visionary thinker) - additional dimension:

- SD: color stages - but don't explain everything

- States( additional layer of complexity): waking, dreaming, deep sleep, various mystical, non-dual, psychedelic, emotional states. Mystical states are possible at any stage, Any mystical experience will be interpreted through the lens of the stage you're at.

- Distinction between awakening and development: these are independent things but there is some correlation, the more developed you are the more likely you are to be awaken or be interested in it. You really want both. Awakening: waking up from the dream; Development: develop yourself - withing the dream

- Types: masculine vs feminine( various Myers Briggs personality types - 16 of them; Enneagram - 9 of them and other types): E.g. you can be masculine or feminine at every color of the spiral: this adds an additional independent axis, additional dimension

- As SD model as is becoming more complicated it gets better at explaining human behavior

Lines: human psyche has different facets to it, when we talk about SD we're talking about one line: cognitive development and values, but there's more. E.g. You can have a high level of cognitive development but a low level of emotional or moral development.

Types of development lines:

- Cognitive and values

- Emotional

- Moral

- Career and livelihood

- Health, nutrition & diet

- Interpersonal relationships

- Metaphysical and spiritual

- Education

- Political

- Psychosexual

- Kinesthetic

When evaluating: let's focus on the moral line( green? Orange? Blue?), how is their interpersonal development( these can be different)


E.g. Line an RPG character:

- Stage orange cognitive development but moral development stage red. How developed you are when you interact with other people?

- Metaphysical and spiritual very high but cognitive level of development will only be at stage orange or blue

- If you want to develop yourself you want to become a well-rounded human being, especially some of these lines are important to increase otherwise they're going to be sticking points for you and drag you down ruining your entire life. This doesn't need to mean that you'll be perfect in every line, in practice will be very difficult because raising even one of these lines will be very difficult to do

- Most people is lob-sided: nobody is the same color across the board

- What happens when we apply this model for collective groups like: corporations, nations, religions, sports teams and families: there are different lines there also. E.g. Country: lines there might be: economy, religion, culture, media, food, politics, science and technological development level, medicine system, education system, business and marketing, law enforcement, prison system, mental health, how family and marriage is viewed within that country, art. Each of these lines can have different levels of development. E.g. a country can be highly developed economically and at a low level spiritual level of development( America) or vice-versa( India)

- If you really want to apply SD to a complex problem( business, policy etc.) you would really want to break it down into all these individual lines. E.g. reforming legal system: at what level is our legal system at? Let's say orange: what would a green/ yellow legal system look like


E.g. Masculine/ feminine and moral lines at play in the real world:

Difference between masculine and feminine:

Masculine emphasis on value of:

- Rights

- Autonomy

- Individuality

- Agency

- Thinking

- Freedom


Feminine emphasis on value of:

- Care

- Connection

- Compassion

- Feeling rather than thinking

- Relationship

- Community


- This masculine feminine will play out at different colors of the spiral in different ways: What does autonomy plays out at stage red vs stage orange? Compassion for a women at: red, orange, yellow


How moral development line evolved:

3 cruel phases( orientation towards the world):

- Selfish

- Caring

- Universal care


3 finer phase:

When you're born your only care is about you

As you get socialized: it's about us( family, tribe, nation, city, corporation) - shift in moral development

Must include all decent human being: my levels of care extends to every human being that isn't evil

Care for all human beings without exception

Care for all living beings on earth without exception

Care for all sentient beings on all places on all planets and all realms

Care for all reality( past, present and future) - Gods perspective


E.g. Feminist: all war happened from men fault but that's not true because there's different flavors of masaculine

- These different color stages cannot be seen through introspection, sitting on a meditation cushion, they require wide scientific research, go out and study lots of groups of individuals across the whole world: different cultures, societies, races and compile all data and only them you see this model unfold

- Enlightenment itself has no stages, it's absolute. How you interpret it depends very much on what stage you're at


Spiral dynamics don't account for everything, there are independent factors:

- IQ

- Spiritual attunement

- Karma

- Genetics and environment

- Early trauma

- Physical/ mental illness: psychopaths, sociopaths

- Racial differences

- Class differences

- Economic status


Psychological factors and things which are independent of your stage on the spiral( can happen at any stage):

- Judgement

- Hatred

- Addiction

- Fear

- Demonization

- Projection

- Radicalization

- Ideology and dogma

- Paradigm lock

- Duality

- Justification

- Distraction

- Self-bias

- Ignorance

- Bad public policy

- Emotional reactivity

- Trigger

- Close mindedness

- Passion

- Lying

- Selfishness

- Abuse of power

- Fame

- Spirituality

- Crime

- Manipulation

- Hypocrisy

- Injustice

- Inequality

- Love

- Horniness

- Mistakes

- Business and wealth

- Denial

- Gender identity

- Victim mentality

- Laziness

- Pathology

- Group think

- Misunderstanding

- Miscommunication

- Reasoning

- Obesity

- Mental disorders

- Self-deception



There's literally no such thing as reality, you replace this notion of 1 reality with SD, which means every stage is a new reality where you live in your own bubble

Different at each stage:

- Love

- Spirituality

- Religion( E.g. there are green version of Christianity)

- Business

- Notion of family

- Health & nutrition

- Relationships and marriage

- Art

- Media

- Video games

- Movies

- Entertainment

- Politics

- Motivation: what motivates you/ nation/ team/ group of people?

- Fears & worries

- Criticism & analysis

- Reason and justification


What you consider good, bad, destructive, healthy, unhealthy, dangerous or crazy is relative to your stage. Every stage looks dangerous, crazy, criminal, insane, evil or deluded to some other stage on the spiral because of the lens you're looking through.

- E.g. How blue sees red: savages; how blue see blue: as a lesser civilization; how blue view orange: to materialistic, secular and to liberal; how blue sees green: relativists, nihilists, libertines, bohemians, communists and hippies; how blue views yellow: space cadets, elites, intellectuals, lost in the cloud intellectuals; how blue views turquoise: arrogant, heretics, nut cases

- How orange sees different stages red: dangerous, criminals; blue: religious fanatics who won't listen to reason; orange: competition;  green: naïve idealists, hippies, snowflakes, social justice warriors, soy boys, to feminine; yellow: impractical philosophers, theoreticians, source of ideas to exploit; turquoise: new agers, fraud and religious nut cases

- How green sees other stages: red: victim of social abuse; blue: heartless medieval fundamentalist who lack compassion; orange: used-car salesmen and greedy capitalist or exploiting people; green: fellow comrades to build a social justice with; yellow: aloof elitists and intellectuals( way to much stuck in their head, not enough compassion, not enough community and relationship); turquoise: as already what green is doing

- How yellow sees other stages: red: dangerous narcissists; blue: closed-minded bigots and moralists; orange: myopic rationalists and sleazy business men and trap in the rat race; green: naïve emotional do-gooders; yellow: competent experts, values the expertise and intelligence of yellow; turquoise: wise masters, the example of mankind can aspire to



Whatever stage you're at you will pick up the facts that support and validate the correctness of your stage while ignoring other set of facts( confirmation bias - not limited to any stage).


- if you're at stage blue in America you will think that Muslims are taking over the world and are the greatest threat and using confirmation bias your mind will cherry pick all the facts in order to support that narrative: look at the news that you need to look at, talk to the people you need to talk to in order to only see the facts of how Muslims are going to take over the world

- If you're at green you think that global warming and capitalism is killing us all, you're going to ignore green technology( electric cars, solar panels etc.) just to confirm your bias

- If you're yellow you think: tier 1 of spiral is going to kill us

- If you're turquoise you think: it's perfect and find the facts to confirm that perspective


All tier 1 stage hates each other because at low levels of development the more hate, fear, bigotry, arrogance, selfishness, closemindedness, demonization, projection, emotional reactivity is in you. These forces are the source of much suffering and violence around the world that could lead to massive destruction. The benefits of having a high level of development is that you transcend fear and hatred, bigotry and closemindedness, that produces an objectively better society. It's not going to be an straight linear path because there are going to be all sorts of interests( every stage believes is the best).

- If you still judge any stage bellow you it means you didn't integrated fully that stage, you're still missing something and need to go back and relearn


Insights about humanity and people:

Stages bellow green don't care about the environment

Stage blue and orange will NOT understand and appreciate psychedelics

Stages bellow green will NOT appreciate non-dual or mystical teachings


Is it possible to move backwards:

- Generally speaking not: if you're solid at a stage or there's a temporary regression from some threat from environment or powerful negative emotions

- If you're at stage green and you have to survive at a stage red environment you'll have to go back to RED just in order to survive


You cannot see more than 1-2 stages ahead:

- If you're at stage orange you can see stage green, a little bit of yellow but stage turquoise you won't be able to understand

- The best teacher helping you to evolve is roughly 1-2 stages higher than you. If teacher is 3 stages is above, you won't be able to resonate with him


You cannot get to higher stages through logic:

- It's like a discovery/ insight which is tricky

- If you want to get from Orange to Green that's going to happen by opening your heart

- If you want to get from Green to Yellow that's going to happen through other new unforeseen paradigm shift


Every stage has 4 phases:

E.g. Solid stage orange:

- 1st phase - Pre-entry phase: you don't take green seriously or has any worth of value by judge, demonize, ridicule green

- 2nd phase - Entry phase: it feels like you discover a new world, you feel refreshed and enthusiastic of possibilities by telling everybody about it

- 3rd phase - solid in green and feels rather familiar, there's growth left but you kind of getting get to the plateau

- 4rd phase - the point where you've been green for a long time and get frustrated with the limitations of it and start to look for something new and admit that this wasn't the holy grail


You don't want to take shortcuts with working with these stages, but don't rush yourself because there's lot of material to learn within each stage. Keep going back to stages and ask: what have I failed to embody from this stage? What healthy function does this stage serve that I haven't integrated yet? There's a lot to learn about tier 1 stages. Try to exhaust the stage until you're sick of it. It's hard to do the higher level stuff when you don't have basic stuff( shelter, food etc.)


How to fully integrate a stage:

Find a healthy role model from that stage and study their work, how they think, system of values that guide their life, emulate them, model them, satisfy those needs and make sure you don't get stuck


Best techniques to move up stages quickly( without the following techniques it will take the average human being 10-20 years to move just 1 stage):

- Meditation: people who meditate move up 2 stages withing several years of meditation

- Mindfulness practice

- Psychedelics: the most powerful tool to move up stages

- Meditative yoga

- Contemplation

- Journaling

- Reading: reading material from stages above you

- Having higher consciousness friends

- Solo retreats

- Workshops and seminars

- Travel and exposure to new culture, cuisines: expands your perspective


Stages are a concept, they are relative, the absolute/ consciousness/ being is just 1 thing.

Pathology is possible at every stage, possible to screw up in the way that you're executing these stages


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Are these notes added in the Actualized.org textbook? I think I have different notes.

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I remember taking notes on balancing theory vs practice but I never thought about posting it on the forum. I will try to look for them and post them.

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How to Fall in Love with Life

  • If you are doing personal development without increasing your zest for life, you are doing it wrong.
    • "normies" have it easier in the sense that, with mindlessness comes a specific form of zest.
    • But if personal development is easy, everyone would be doing it, therefore this is a cost you would have to pay upfront before most of payouts come.
    • Don’t turn it into a grind
  • Personal development and spirituality give you a different pleasure than for example, playing video games
    • You will realize that dopamine hits you have been chasing your whole life is not true happiness
    • Chasing dopamine will not work
  • Here is what will work:
    • Switch your paradigm from the one that your friends and society and everyone is living
    • Switch to a new paradigm
    • There are six pillars for the new paradigm.
  • First pillar: fall in love with consciousness itself
    • Ultimate pillar.
    • Consciousness is everything, it’s everything you experience and it is life.
    • Have some awakenings to realize consciousness.
    • You need to be able to look at your hand (or anything) lovingly and marvel at its beauty.
    • Use creativity to deepen your connection to consciousness.
    • You can be creative in anything.
    • Participate in consciousness with creativity
    • When you are unsatisfied with life, that’s a signal your spirit is sending to you that you are not living in connection with consciousness.
    • Make something out of your life, it does not matter what you do in life, but how you do it and the principles which you live by.
  • Second pillar: fall in love with health
    • Reprogram your mind to enjoy being healthy.
    • When consciousness is healthy, it wants health, when it is unhealthy, it will chase unhealthy and bad food.
    • Don’t eat healthy because you are gonna look fat or something.
    • Eat healthy because you know that by not eating healthy, you are disrespecting god and disrespecting life.
    • Not just food and exercise, health involves healthy communication, healthy information, healthy career.
    • This is what gives you integrity
  • Third pillar: fall in love with growth
    • Get excited everyday by what will grow you.
    • Reading a book today or going out to improve social skills won't grow you today, but you need to see how you will grow in five years down the road.
  • Fourth pillar: fall in love with learning and investing in yourself
    • Undertake a deliberate learning process every day for the rest of your life.
    • Through books, podcasts, audio, etc.
    • Highest form of learning is where you face an experiential problem, new experience or a difficult project and you commit to doing it no matter what (deliberately).
  • Fifth pillar: fall in love with execution
    • Not executing results in low self-esteem, since self-efficacy is half of self-esteem (credit to Nathanial Branden).
    • All spirituality without execution does not help.
    • There is a joy that comes from the habit of execution
  • Sixth pillar: fall in love with creativity.
    • To be fulfilled you got to be creative and have a purpose.
    • Your life purpose, strengths, values, etc. are the meat and potatoes of a beautiful and fulfilling life
  • petty human bullshit (pop culture, gossip, celebrity news, social games, status, money, sex, etc.).
    • Others will suck you in human petty human bullshit.
    • Petty human bullshit is a game you cannot win, and if you do win, it is not as satisfying.
  • There are greater joys in life
    • Journaling and planning
    • Going out to talk to girls
    • Being on your edge and facing challenges and fears
    • Facing difficult trips
    • Building up infrastructure for life
    • Saying no
    • Optimizing your health
    • Exposing yourself to new experiences
    • Adding massive value to the world
    • Looking at beautiful things
    • Human connection of consciousness
    • Conscious leadership
    • Become more self-less and loving
  • In summary, the joy of sober living is the best possible life.
    • Sober means truth, saying no to petty human bullshit, pleasure and hedonism.
  • How to begin
    • Decide that you want to and you will do whatever it takes.
    • Start taking action every day.
      • Sit down with a notebook and ask "what actions do I take that make me disillusioned with life" and "what do I have to do to convince myself to not do these actions again"
  • Don’t be jealous of people who have it easy.
    • They are not deep people, they are spoiled, they don’t appreciate it
    • What you will appreciate the most is what you work your ass off.
    • If you are deconstructing life through spirituality, you can know you are doing it right if you still maintain the zest for life

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Motivational Speech - Oct 2021

  • This video is like an intervention to a drug addict.
    • You are the drug addict.
  • The problem of motivation comes from a lack of spiritual connection
    • you exist, and you do not appreciate this gift of existence, honor it.
    • You picked up the habit of complacency and taking the miracle of life for granted from those around you who are sleep walking through life, living for survival.
  • Complacency is our biggest problem today
    • Because life and survival have become too easy in first world countries, you take it for granted.
    • It's too easy to distract yourself with entertainment for years without going after your vision, or not even having a vision.
  • Be deeply conscious of the gift of life.
    • This will make you realize that there's only one thing to do in life: honor the gift of life as much as you can humanly stomach.
    • Realize that this is your duty to the universe.
    • This life is more difficult than going through the path of least resistance, but that doesn’t matter when you want to honor life and take on all its challenges.
  • Figure what will make you fully engaged with life, what can you really believe in? that’s what you should do every day.
    • Don’t make excuses.
    • As long as you have the vision, it will unfold.
    • Cut through all the bullshit, all the limiting beliefs.
    • Don’t get caught up in the details, it does not matter if you know how, or if it is impossible.
    • You can use the internet to build skills and solve problems.
    • Be willing to do whatever it takes.
    • All the problem you face can be solved with: vision, clarity, focus and hard work.
    • You need to develop a work ethic.
  • Enjoy yourself on the process.
    • The core of the work you are doing must be built on something you enjoy doing.
    • Figure that out, what facet of reality fascinates you?
    • Once you figure it out, all you have to do is keep working on it.
    • Its gonna take years.
  • Build your skills.
    • Inner game and outer game.
  • Expose yourself to experience, test the waters.
    • Traveling.
    • Reading books.
    • Going to conventions.
    • Talking to different types of people.
    • Doing lots of research online.
    • Etc.
  • If you really fell in love with life and you worked towards it you would not have problems with paying your bills or feeding your children.
    • You would have skills that provide real value for the world.
    • To provide real value you must be in love with your work.
  • There are two types of video games:
    • Linear games: for sheep gamers, requires no vision.
    • Sandbox games: hardcore, there is no clear objective, you create your own, you need vision.
    • Linear games are not fun to play with again, what's the point of playing through the same thing again?
    • Sandbox games are open-ended with endless possibilities.
    • Life is a sandbox game.
    • Because it is so open ended, nobody is telling you what to do, so you need to create your own objectives.
  • Go your own path
    • Other people have created corridors which they lead other people in for money (academia, religions, business, etc.).
    • These are easy, mechanical and not fulfilling, but you can go your own path, creating your own rules and experiencing life for what it is.
    • Don’t get influenced too much by others.
    • Customize your life to suit you, but that needs vision, seriousness, and work.
  • Nobody is stopping you but yourself.
    • Your limiting beliefs.
    • Your lack of vision.
    • Your complacency.
    • Start today, even if you wasted a lot of time.
  • Life becomes shitty when you are not living according to principles.
    • And becomes great when you live according to principles.
  • Some principles:
    • The pursuit of love for life is not a luxury, it is the core.
    • You cannot have a great life without work ethic.
    • Facing your fears.
    • You are going to get from life what you put into it.
    • Be constructive rather than destructive.
    • Don’t take these as dogma, think through them and see them.
    • You will fail a lot, but no matter what keep going back to the principles, eventually they will become ingrained in your psyche, and they will snowball.
  • What you do has no ultimate meaning.
    • It is a game, it is your way of expressing your love for reality.
    • Don’t confuse your work with the subtotal of reality.
    • Your spiritual work will help in this.
  • Do not take life too seriously.
    • Just like playing monopoly, it does not matter in the real world, but you still play as if it matters, you still try to win, but in the back of your mind, you know it is a game.
    • Don’t forget that it is a game.
    • Appreciate that not everyone is playing the game your way.
  • Take action.
    • Make the principles the core of your life
    • It will be hard at first.
    • If you do not take action, since you know about this, you will carry a burden, that is the burden of being aware of what you are missing.
    • Don’t complicate it.
    • Commit and refuse to live a passionless life.
  • Disconnect from the harmful social activities that you are immersed in.
    • It could be media.
    • It could be tv.
    • It could be the wrong type of food that you eat.
    • It could be your family situation.
    • It could be your friends
    • It could be your trolling.
  • If you can't follow through and you are easily distracted:
    • It does not matter how many times you fail.
    • Keep trying.
    • Notice the deceptive nature of your mind.
    • Be aware of your limiting beliefs.
    • Example: your mind tells you that you can't lost weight, you have tried so much, but you keep failing, tell yourself that despite that, you will still go to the gym.
    • Trying and failing is better than not trying.
  • Do not over intellectualize, sometimes, even if you do not know the right action, you still need to take action
    • You will get feedback from doing the right things, so continue on those.
    • Your self-esteem will grow from growing your self-efficacy.
  • What you need :
    • Discipline
    • Principles
    • Independence of mind
    • Strong work ethic
    • Focus
    • Solitude
    • All sorts of opportunities will come as you do this.
  • Random stuff will happen that will reveal what you need to do to move forward.
    • If you are looking for it.
    • You might be listening to the radio and you hear about seminars being held in your city about something you need.
    • Trust that the universe will help you in this process, when you align yourself with the right principles, when you are asking questions, when you are doing spiritual practices, when you align yourself with love, when you are taking action, when you are contemplating, etc.
  • Have faith
    • Not religious faith.
    • Faith in this process.

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anyone could do a summary on 'Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality'  would be appreciated

thanks :)

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Awesome job @Ayham :D

On 6/14/2022 at 1:07 AM, AndylizedAAY said:

Are these notes added in the Actualized.org textbook? I think I have different notes.

This thread has way more summaries than the Actualized.org textbook.  There's a list of episodes and summaries at the top of this page (and pgs 13-17).  Episodes that are in version 2 of the textbook will say:   (book pg XX).  Episodes with summaries in this thread will have a link that says: (pg XX)


311. [x] How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques (pg 16) (book pg 19)

Edited by FlyingLotus

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I suggest using a youtube transcript generator like youtubetranscript.com for everyone going through videos and taking notes. You can click on the line and it will take you to the exact spot in the video.

This is tremendously helpful when combined with the search tool (for me STRG+F) for finding specific passages and topics.

In addition to that, I think I will use this for lectures, talks and interviews because I can read faster than most people speak.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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The Importance of Asking Questions


- the quality of your life depends on the questions you ask and how consistently you ask them.
    - you need to build a habit of questioning things

- the reason you are suffering is because of your lack of understanding, which comes from not asking the right questions.
- this technique is perfect for starting self help and sorting out your life, but you can change it to fit you over the years to take you to advanced levels.
- the answers to life are inside of you, not outside, example of answers that to questions that can be found inside of you:
    - how to be successful.
    - how to meditate better.
    - how to solve a relationship problem.
    - how to solve a health problem.
    - how to follow your life purpose.
    - etc.
- don't fall into the trap of thinking that because all the answers are inside of you, you don't need to read, to study and to learn.
    - think of the content you consume as grist for the mill.
    - after you collect knowledge, you sit down and start deeply questioning everything you know, holding no ideas sacred.
    - so you develop your own unique answers rather than following what some guru said.
- contemplation is similar, but different.
    - contemplation is existentially oriented, while this is practically oriented.
- examples of high quality questions:
     1. What do I really want?
     2. What is most important for me in life?
     3. What is my life purpose?
     4. What is my highest vision for myself?
     5. What is the next level of my life purpose?
     6. How do I be more creative?
     7. How do I be a visionary?
     8. How do I keep myself from backsliding?
     9. Why do I have ego backlashes?
     10. What new product or service could change the world?
     11. What does the world really need right now?
     12. What causes me to get in a rut
     13. What motivates me? What excites me?
     14. What would I do if I had no fear or limitation?
     15. How am I dishonest with myself?
     16. What am I avoiding in my life?
     17. What ideological believes or positions do I cling to?
     18. What am I unwilling to let go of in my life?
     19. Why aren't I able to surrender?
     20. Why is my mind so active all the time?
     21. Why do I have emotions?
     22. What is their purpose?
     22. Why are people selfish?
     23. Why does religion exist?
     24. Why are there so many different kinds of religion?
     25. Why do people disagree about non-duality?
     26. Where is humanity headed in the future?
     27. What is my role in society?
     28. Why do I judge, criticize and complain?
     29. How am I failing to take responsibility for my life?
     30. What does it mean to be more conscious?
     31. What are some examples of [blank]
     32. How is my worldview holding me back?
     33. What is my worldview?
     34. Why do I love [blank]?
     35. What is the next stage of evolution for my business and/or my career?
     36. What do I truly believe that I need to have to be happy?
     37. Why do I meditate?
     38. Why do I want this relationship?
     39. What is the most powerful question that I could ask?
     40. How do I become successful?
     41. What makes people so effective, such a great salesman, such a great leader?
     42. How am I unique?
     43. How am I not being true to my uniqueness?
     44. How do I become a better leader, artist, parent, person, [blank]?
     45. What am I like when I'm at my best?
     46. What am I like when I'm at my worst?
     47. In what ways am I a devil?
     48. How are x and y the same? How are x and y different?
     49. What are some totally new ways that I could live my life?
     50. Why am I resisting x?
     51. Why am I afraid of x?
     52. What would be my ideal job?
     53. What would I regret most on my deathbed
     54. How am I being inauthentic and why?
     55. What am I most proud of in my life? How could I do more of that?
     56. What robs me of energy and passion?
     57. How can I use my mind in better ways?
     58. Why are there so many deluded people in the world? How do I avoid becoming deluded?
     59. What is the lesson here?
     60. What are the top 5 ideas from this book?
     61. What causes me stress? What is stress?
     62. What do I admire about person x?
     63. What lessons could I learn from that person?
     64. What would a permanent fix for this be?
     65. What is the root of this problem?
     66. What opportunities am I overlooking?
     67. If I could get the answer to any question, what question would I ask?
     68. What makes me feel creative?
     69. What would be a more authentic way of doing my job, flirting, relating to my children, x?
     70. What would be a better way of doing this?
     71. How does this look from another persons' point of view?
     72. What top 3 things would transform my life if I did them?
     73. What makes me come alive?
     74. Why does this trigger me?
     75. How can I be more aligned with God?
     76. Why am I struggling with [blank]?
     77. Where can I find the answers?
     78. How am I being selfish?
     79. How do I make my psychedelic experiences stick in everyday life?
     80. What is holding mankind back?
     81. What is the big picture here?
     82. What are the most common traps with enlightenment, meditation business, dating...?
     83. If this fails, what will be the most likely causes of the failure?
     84. What am I really good at?
     85. What is a new way of seeing this problem?
     86. How is my thinking about this limited?
     87. Who could give me good advice on this topic?
     88. What if my core assumptions are wrong about this? What are they?
     89. What could I accomplish if I had more confidence in myself?
     90. What am I really trying to say here?
     91. How am I creating this problem?
     92. How can I make this task more enjoyable?
     93. How am I being closed-minded?
     94. What are the most powerful self-help techniques?
     95. How can I become financially independent?
     96. What should be the next chapter in my life?
- when you ask a question, your mind opens up, it goes in a different direction.
- have faith that you will get the answers, be curious about them.
    - phrase your questions in curious ways, seeking to understand, rather than phrasing them as a victim or negatively.
- Top tips:
    - believe that your questions are important and that it is possible to answer them.
    - be genuinely curious.
    - phrase your questions well.
    - be open minded
- all of reality is understandable, there is nothing you can't know.
- start asking questions habitually.
- answers to your questions might come from unexpected sources.
- action steps:
     1.  contemplate the importance of questioning
     2. start a list of all your important questions in life
     3. determine which of these questions are ones that you really care about.
     4. identify your top obstacles and ask questions related to that.
     5. make a list of questions you are afraid to ask.
     6. buy a stack of legal pads and use them for questioning.
- three most life changing questions:
    - what is consciousness
    - what is reality
    - what do I really want?

Edited by Ayham

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Intro To Pure Philosophy


“Philosophy is not the love of wisdom, it’s the love of pure understanding.” - Leo Gura


“There is only one serious philosophical question, which is: What is Consciousness?  And that is because, Consciousness is all there is.” - Leo Gura


All the real philosophy is needed to be learned on my own.


Top lesson of philosophy is appearances can be deceiving.


Consider that philosophy is the most important thing a human can do.


Grasp the importance of curiosity, contemplation, and asking profound questions about reality.  


Philosophy is about connecting with life.


Science is a subset of philosophy.  Science was created by philosophers.


Questioning is what humans take for granted.


What is a question? How do questions work? How is questioning reality possible?  Why do humans have questioning functions?


It is amazing that I can ask questions about reality and get meaningful answers.  Questioning itself is amazingly mysterious.


Asking questions is a superpower.  


Most people underutilize the power of asking questions.


Turn questioning into an art.  Become curious.


Philosophy is also very practical.  There is a philosophy of success, and I can ask questions about what success is and the principles to be success, and study the work and philosophies of people who have been successful.


A true philosopher takes up the task to ask questions for their own genuine curiosity.


Questions to get started in philosophy 

Write down the questions I am genuinely interested in


Where did reality come from?

Why is there something rather than nothing?

What is language?

What is consciousness?

Is a rock conscious?

Are plants conscious?

Can a machine be conscious

What is the relationship between mind and matter

What is truth?

Does ultimate truth even exist?

What makes for a good life?

why do people suffer?

how do we reduce suffering?

is religion valid?

does God exist?

what is God?

Where did God come from?

How can I know science is true?

What makes science better than religion?

What is rationality?

Can anything be known for certain?

Is philosophy even worthwhile?

How can I be sure anything exists outside my own consciousness?

What are the best ways to understand nature?

What do the results of Quantum Mechanics mean?

What is the color red?

How do I know I am not fooling myself?

What is life?

Where did life originate?

Where did the laws of physics come from? Could they have been different?

What is time?

Is time travel possible?

why does war happen? Why does war keep happening?

What would it be like to communicate with aliens?

How do we construct the best society possible?

Can all true things be proven? What is proof? What constitutes proof?

Why is the world ordered?

What is more certain perceptions or reason? Which should I trust more than the other?

How do I know which sources of information I should trust?

Does philosophy have right or wrong answers or is everything subjective and relative?



How to know if philosophy is right for me?

Am I deeply curious about fundamental existential questions

Am I able to stop wondering and questioning everything?

Do I love truth and pure understanding for its own sake?

Do I love to question and contemplate?

Do I love to do thought experiments?

Does asking existential questions excite me?

Do I love conversations about profound existential topics with other humans?


What do I want out of philosophy?

Why am I doing philosophy?

What are my motivations?


It is important to be clear about this for myself.


Contemplation is a lifelong journey.  It is about deepening my understanding and insight into reality.


Contemplation is not about getting some quick answer or asking other people for the answers.  Philosophy is all about going through the process myself and deriving my own answers.


Various fields in philosophy


What is existence/reality?

What is anything?

Does God exist and what is God?

Is reality material or mental?


How do I know what is true?


What is good? What is evil?


What is beauty?

What is art?

Political philosophy


What scientific paradigms are correct?



Philosophy of mind

What is consciousness?

What is qualia?

What is subjectivity?


How do I do good philosophy if my psychology is weakened?

I have to take into account my own biases when doing philosophy





Make a distinction between speculation and genuine observation and insights.


Philosophy is not about speculation and belief.


Philosophy is about making genuine observations about reality and having genuine insights.


The only way to become a great philosopher is to spend thousands of hours in deep questioning and contemplation.


Knowing how to question well and how to think is an essential skill to have that I have to develop just like tennis.


Most people are poor thinkers because they are biased in their thinking.




Confirmation bisa



Reasoning backwards from conclusions

Question Begging

Circular logic


Notice how tricky my own mind is.  That is how I become more aware of self-deceptions.


Philosophy is about improving the quality of my thinking.


Philosophy is about high-quality thinking in general.


Philosophical work is accomplished through contemplation and observation.

Contemplate and observe

Do thought experiments and observe what happens


Philosophy work is accomplished by thought experiments and also accomplished by exploring different points of view.


Philosophers are interested in exploring perspectives for their own sake and not about whether it is right or wrong.


Questioning everything and all assumptions.


Learning how to think and how to question is valuable for its own sake.


I will be thinking throughout my life.  Will I think good or bad?


High quality thinking will help me throughout all domains in life.  It is a wise investment.


Philosophy is about self-reflection


Be aware of how my own mind gets in the way of my observation.


Philosophy is not armchair and guessing.

Bad philosophy: I think plants are conscious or not conscious.

Good philosophy: What might plant consciousness look like and how would I verify that?


Bad philosophy is mental masturbation


Good philosophy is pure understanding


Philosophy is all about genuine desire Truth not verifying pet theories.  This means to admit when I am wrong and adjust my methods.


Most philosophers try to reinforce their biases.


Groupthink and ideology is another trap.


There is a difference between reading Karl Marx and being a Marxist than just studying economics and come to my own conclusions.


Inquiry vs. rationalization


Inquiring = asking questions and deriving answers


Rationalization = coming up with stories why it is true and why something else is false



Debating, arguing, and critiquing is another trap of philosophy.


When I am debating I am doing rationalization and not inquiry.


My mind can rationalize and convince me of any philosophy and anything.


Deciphering old texts from philosophers is a distraction.


Philosophy is not writing and publishing papers.


Philosophy is not subscribing to a philosophy or philosopher.


Philosophy is not about proving things to others.


I don’t have to prove my understanding to others.


Other people are so closed-minded that I could never prove anything to them.


Credentials and status have nothing to do with philosophy.  What if Plato is a bad philosopher?  It is not about the philosopher, it is about the quality of their ideas.  Even intelligent people like Einstein have bad ideas.  Authority doesn’t guarantee whether ones ideas are good or valid.  Putting people on pedastles isn’t philosophy.


Using philosophy to avoid survival and practicality is another trap.  Philosophy can be used as escapism.


Put my philosophy to the test in the real world not just brainstorm.


Suffering is a true test to my philosophy.


True understanding is not just theory, it is transforming me.


Deep Philosophy changes my behavior, it is not just brainstorming.


Serious philosophy can scare and threaten me.


Philosophy requires deep courage for truth-seeking.


Correct philosophy, I will be able to answer every existential question and come to know myself and reality completely.


Pure Philosophy is philosophy devoid of any person, history, or ideology.


Pure Philosophy is caring only about the ideas themselves.  It is like a spread sheet of every idea, concept, and perspective about reality.  Then, these concepts are evaluated based on their merit and revise them freely to create the best possible understanding of reality.


Pure Philosophy is only about complete understanding and not about proving or debunking or convincing the whole world or writing papers.  It is simply interested in Pure Understanding of reality, which involves questioning everything.  Nothing is taken for granted.  Everything starts from scratch.  Infinite open-mindedness.


5 questions for pure philosophy


How is anything possible?

What is anything?

Where did I come from?

What is consciousness?

How do I live the best life?



**Top techniques for serious philosophers**

Sit down and contemplate for hours in solitude

Sitting alone and thinking with focus is challenging.

Asking powerful questions and getting better at asking questions and clarifying questions.

Simplicity, clarity, and cutting through ignorance/delusion

If I truly understand something, I should be able to explain it to a child.  I will be able to explain it simply.

Radical skepticism

Question everything and apply skepticism to my own ideas

Get an overview of all philosophies. Study all philosophies a little bit so that I can understand the landscape of many different points of view.  Don’t just study one philosophy/philosopher in-depth and neglect all others. Big picture is key to full understanding. 

Explore radical perspectives and points of view. 

Radical open-mindedness.

Question science as though it were a religion


Keep a common-place book of all my notes and quotes.

Write down all of my major insights and put them in my commonplace book

Do serious meditation practices.  Go to meditation retreats.  

Make a deep study of psychology and sociology

    - Understand my mind and how culture programs my own mind

Making and collapsing distinctions

Generate specific and powerful examples.  Analyze the examples and how they work.  Observation happens externally and internally.  


Master language and clear articulation of my ideas

Engage with other intellectuals in philosophical conversations but not debate.  Arguing with others with retard my development.

Writing.  Write out all my ideas.  Do my philosophy on paper.  It helps to keep me honest and articulate my ideas.

Teaching philosophy.  Start YouTube channel, blog, or public speaking.  Get my ideas out there and learn.


Develop practical skills like computer programming, copywriting, sales skills, cooking skills, etc.


Keep my philosophy simple and clear.  Articulate my ideas so simple that a child can understand it.


Be careful of pet theories and intuitions.


Consciousness is key.  Study consciousness the most.  Consciousness is my north star.  What is consciousness?


Be more open minded


Enjoy the process of pure understanding.  There is no rush.  This process will take a few decades.


Generate practical insights for materialistic pursuits


Be an original thinker.  Don’t follow any philosopher.  


Read less and contemplate more.


Contemplation is more powerful than reading


Don’t get attached to any one school of thought like Buddhism.


I don’t need technicalities of philosophers.  All I need is overview on the wikipedia page.  I don’t need to spend a month reading Descartes when I can read Descartes in one hour.  I don’t need to read the original works.  Their ideas are what are important.  Wikipedia is my greatest friend.


Study self-help


Be careful of being too specialized.  Be holistic.  Holism = pure understanding


Make clarity one of my highest values.


History and parroting are not philosophy


Beware of intellectual fads



Which philosophies are worth reading and studying?




Political philosophy

Eastern philosophy









Philosophers most worth reading?





Sextus Empiricus


German idealists (excluding Kant)


Thomas Kuhn

Paul Firerobind


Willard Quine

William James

Stoics: Marcus Aurelius & Epictetus


Ken Wilber

Peter Ralston


Overrated philosophers who are least worth reading (Just read their stuff on wikipedia for their ideas)















Ayn Rand




Is there one correct philosophy?









Radical Skepticism





Hindu idealism





Is philosophy worth doing?


Mental masturbation is a trap of philosophy but philosophy done properly can be used practically and to understand reality.  Philosophy can be done to connect deeper with life and be happy.


You can’t avoid philosophy.  Not doing philosophy means being programmed by philosophies of my culture.


What is the end point of philosophy?

Philosophy is like a maze



Philosophies that are a waste of time






logical positivism









Should I become a professional philosopher?

Leo does not recommend it because the university does not care about truth.

I can be a philosopher outside of academia like on YouTube, but there are only a few slots.  I have to offer unique and original insights that provide value.


Getting started with philosophy

Briefly study all the different philosophies out there in summaries

Decide what questions I am most interested in answering.  Make a list.

Start a habit of independent contemplation

Observe my own mind at work and write down new insight about how my own mind works.

Be really truthful and honest about my biases and self-deceptions


Set a timer for 60 minutes and contemplate a question of interest.  Have a notepad for only writing down insights.  Mindless writing is a distraction and is not contemplation.


Do philosophy that transforms me.  That is true philosophy.






“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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How Socialization Makes You Stupid


“The supreme lesson of any education should be to think for yourself and to be yourself; absent this attainment, education creates dangerous, stupefying conformity.”

Bryant McGill


“Just sit alone in a room and think.” - Leo Gura



Why do I struggle with socialization?

Why don’t I like socialization?


It interferes with highest values.  It interferes with original thinking and takes me away from truth.


Socialization introduces a pressure to conform to social values that may not be compatible with my own.


There are hidden costs to socializing.


It is possible to socialize consciously but a lot of it is unconscious.


People are dumb through conformity.  They tend to not think original thoughts and are subject to groupthink.


Even smart people and spiritual people are made dumb by socialization.


People are constantly parroting things they had heard elsewhere and are not speaking or thinking original thoughts.



Original thinking takes a lot of work.  I need to take more time to do this.


Almost nobody spends time doing intellectual original work.


How can I reach the highest levels of intelligence? Avoiding socializing and groupthink and spending time alone contemplating.



The majority of humans have not fallen in love with intelligence.


Conformity and groupthink are the main obstacles to achieving intelligence and originality/creativity.


The cost of socializing is that the mind gets infected by herd mentality and values.



The most intelligent people in history were loner, reclusive men.


Socialization takes time and energy away from intellectual work such as meditation, contemplation, being creative, etc.


When I socialize, I become the average of the minds around me.  What kind of minds am I socializing with? Geniuses or stupid?


No matter how many geniuses, PhD’s, CEOs, the socialization is making me stupid.


Consider that there are tradeoffs to socialization.


The more social I am, the more minds I am communing with.  The more I commune with others, the less time I will have for original thinking.


There can be accomplishments in a team and in solo.  There are tradeoffs.  I have to sacrifice parts of myself to be in a team.


There is more pressure to conform to a team.


It can be selfless to be part of a group, but it can also betray my own authentic values and desires.


The group can be devilish and low conscious really easily.


Many people and groups don’t value deep intelligence.


My mind will become the average of my social group.



Socialization has many goodies such as social networking, jobs, fortune, etc.



Dont confuse success from socializing for true intelligence.


It is difficult to sit alone in a room and think.  It is so much easier and entertaining to join a group.



What was the cost of me being indoctrinated into math and not learning math on my own?


How do I want to strategically position myself in society?


Working as a manager at Starbucks for 30 years puts constraints on my mind. Such as creative, moral, cognitive, development, and other constraints.


Professor at Harvard - Consider the constraints it will have on my mind.  


What do I care about?  Consider how positioning myself in society will impinge upon what I want and value.



Consider how my position in society affects my intellectual sovereignty.


Original thought is rare and precision.  The act of original thinking is difficult, highly valuable, and rare.  Almost nobody is thinking from scratch.


My thinking is biased by social conditioning and my position within society.


How I am surviving places limits on my mind.



What position do I want to take in society based on how free I want my mind to be?


Observe and deconstruct the constraints on my own mind



Some people think they are being smart but they are just parroting ideas such as simulation theory, Matrix, etc.


People parrot analogies without tracing where they got them from.


These frames/paradigms need to be broken down to unleash my fullest intelligence.


Identify and break down these frames and constraints in my mind.



Intelligence is inadequately defined and measured in society.


The social matrix misdefines intelligence because society is stupid.  


Society confuses success and survival with intelligence.  It confuses logic and IQ for intelligence.


There are many degrees of intelligence that society does not measure.


Intelligence must include wisdom and love.  If it isn’t wise and loving, it isn’t worthy of being called intelligence.


The highest intelligence is wisdom and love.  Intelligence means approaching God.  If intelligence isn’t aligned with infinite intelligence, then it is stupid intelligence.


Self-actualization boils down to intelligence.



Intelligence is key to life.  The quality of my life hinges on how intelligent I am.


Intelligence isn’t just book-smart.  Reading books is helpful but they can also limit my intelligence.  


After a certain point, reading more books can make one stupid, fills the mind with wrong ideas.


Intelligence is required for understanding and understanding is the ultimate pursuit of all of life.


Open my mind to the possibility that all of reality hinges on understanding.  If you understand all of reality, you are done and win the whole game.



Intelligence characteristics





big picture thinking


deep grasp of relativity


ability to take on new perspectives



awareness of self-deception

awareness of bias and be unbiased

facing fear


Intelligence tests should measure one’s courage. 


emotional intelligence


A lot of people with high IQs don’t have high EQ.  There is a lot of intelligence in my emotional system.  If I am not aware of how emotions run me and my logic, then I am not intelligent.  Within spirituality, there is a great emphasis on emotional intelligence when compared to academia.


ability to surrender and accept what is.

ability to be trans-logical

Capacity for abstract, implicit thinking

ability to think in non-linear ways to work with paradox

Intelligence must have an existential and spiritual dimension.


An intelligent person is someone who is on their way towards God.  The more intelligent I am, the more God-like I am.


My identity, survival, selfishness limits my intelligence.


Going against norms affects my survival.


Thinking in new ways, leads to acting in new ways, and live in new ways.


Everything begins with intelligence.


How can I think better? How can I be more intelligent in my thinking?


There is a difference between original thinking, high-quality thinking, and shutting off my mind.


Mainstream spirituality teaches shutting off the mind to access non-dual states.  It is good and has its tradeoffs.  But it doesn’t teach me how to think in a high-quality way.  It doesn’t teach me deep intelligence or how to understand things deeply.


The mind is a powerful tool.  I can develop mastery of using the mind but not many people teach this because they have not mastered their mind.


It is possible to develop mastery in how my mind works and thinks.


If all I do is shut off mind in meditation, then I will not develop mastery in using my mind and deep intelligence in my thinking process.





Notice the affect other minds and culture has on my mind.

Notice how the thoughts I think are affected by other minds.


Catch myself parroting ideas that are not my own. Especially spiritual ideas/cliches.

Think for myself.


Notice how the need for social survival pressures my mind to groupthink.

Catch myself in the moment where my authentic self is being compromised and I am falling into groupthink.


Notice how many original thoughts I generate and trace where my ideas come from.

Trace all of my ideas and see how many of them I actually generated.


Sit down for 60 minutes and try to generate at least one chain of original thought.



The default of our society and doing the bare minimum is being a battery for the matrix.  My intellect will be enslaved.  I will be mentally slaved.


Society and technology must be used consciously with independence of thought.  If I am not careful, socialization will turn me into a zombie and I will squander my life. 


Look at how all of socialization is enslaving my mind.


Do not let culture and business define the meaning of my life.  I must have meaning independent of all socialization.


The main challenge of the modern life is to not let myself be turned into a mindless zombie through complacency.


My number 1 job is to direct my life and be CEO of my life.


My job is to be my most authentic self.


One of the greatest joys in life is defining myself.  I get to define that.  


What do I love?  On every gravestone should be “This person loved _____.


My deepest love shouldn’t be a mystery, it should be obvious what I love.


Make it a goal to have my mind independent of social frames and have creative intelligence.


This is the greatest time era to be a creator, innovator, sage or mystic.  Society has many great tools but also many great distractions.


It is easier more than ever to become a zombie and become complacent.  Watch how my mind conforms.



Spend a lot more time contemplating and thinking original thoughts.


Reading deep books and videos is not the same as thinking original thoughts.


When was the last time I sat down for 60 minutes to think original thoughts?


Pick any subject and think about it from scratch.


It is all about contemplation.


The challenge is to both think deeply and have the ability to let go of thinking.  Practice both meditation and contemplation.


I need the ability to socialization and solitude.




- Just because I am a loner doesn’t make me highly intelligent.


If I am too shy or not able to talk to a stranger or girl or have friends, then I am not intelligent.


Learn to have both aspects of being playful/stupid and being intelligent.


Dont use intelligence to judge others.



Be non-conformist in a deep way.


Joining a cult, being a Libertarian, Marxist, etc. or some group is a shallow way of non-conformity.


Deep non-conformity is sitting at home, contemplating my deepest values, my priorities, how I want to be creative.



Anti-mainstream is stupider in general than mainstream.



The whole point of Actualized.org is to get me to cut out the middle man and be inspired to investigate reality for myself and generate my own insights.


The point is for me to get excited to understand reality.


Forge my own path intellectually.  I will start living the day I commit to developing my own original thoughts.


How To Be More Decisive

How To Become More Decisive


“When you get to a fork in the road, take it.” - Yogi Berra


“By not making a choice, you make a choice.”


Creating a good life requires making high quality decisions.  


Indecision is a big danger.  The quality of my decisions will determine the quality of my life.


Many people ruin their lives through indecision.




Should I work on life purpose or dating?


Career or spirituality?


Education or jump straight into working?


What career do I want to have?


Should I change careers if I am in a career that doesn’t suit me?


Which passion should I follow more?


Which meditation technique should I commit to?


Should I have children and get married?


Where should I live and settle down?



Many decisions I make are made by default by indecision.


Ex. being in a job I don’t like.  


I can choose to not put up with that and change my career.  But most people will stay with it and stall because it is uncomfortable to make big changes.


The default is mediocrity.


To create a great life, I have to make bold decisions and stop going with the path of least resistance.


Bold decisions can be scary and uncomfortable, but the default of indecision will never make me reach my highest potential.


Choose decisions that grow me.


I don’t need a hundred good decisions to create a good life.  I only need a few wise decisions to change my life.



I need my own ambition to drive me to make bold decisions.


I need to challenge myself and create larger objectives.


The Hero’s Journey:


The hero’s journey starts with a bold decision.


Where in my life have I been refusing and stalling the call for my hero’s journey?


My mind is lazy and prefers comfort.





What is the default trajectory of my life right now?  If I don’t make any bold decisions and just keep staying on my path, where is the path I am on going to lead me?  Will I be satisfied with that? 


What are some bold decisions I can make to achieve greatness?



Become mindful of how I stall out my life with being indecision.


My decisions are based on my values.  Every decision says yes to one value and no to another.


Most people make decisions unconsciously.  


Make conscious decisions and reflect on what values am I honoring with all my decisions.


Ex. My decision to play video games is honoring the value of entertainment and is dishonoring the value of learning.


Make my decisions that are in alignment with my top 10 values.  If I do this, I will achieve greatness.


If most of my decisions don’t align with my top 10 values, then I won’t have a good life.


Decisions for a great life will align with my top 10 values + Truth, Love, Consciousness, and Selflessness.



Decisions are important because I have to focus my energy at one point.  Making a decision is choosing one thing and not choosing all other options.


Look at the opportunity costs.  With everything I am doing, consider the cost and consider how much I am investing with each opportunity.


Do an audit of my decisions and time.


Making important decisions quickly is a highly valuable skill.


Being able to make high quality development requires wisdom, vision, discipline, experience, integrity, holism, education, lack of bias, clear perception of reality.





What are the best decisions I have made in my life?


What are the worst decisions I have made in my life?


What made the best decisions good and worst decisions bad?



Good decisions require integrity.  I live in an unintegris and unconscious world.  Most people are not decisive, not clear, not ambitious, not constructive, ideological, etc.


Being decisive gives me a sense of direction, peace of mind, and clarity in life.


I cannot create a good life without being clear about what I really want.


Clarity should be a core value of mine.  Clarity helps with being decisive.  


Set a goal to have high clarity in life.  Leaders have clarity.



Contemplate: Who do I want to be?  What kind of character do I want to be?  What do I want people to think of me?  



Decide what I want and don’t want in my life.


Being indecisive wastes a lot of mental energy.



Causes of indecisive:


lack of clarity and self-understanding.


    It takes years to discover myself and my personality.


    Clarity is gained by observing myself deeply.


Fear is another cause of indecisiveness.  I fear making the wrong decision.


Laziness is another cause.  Thinking that things will work themselves out.  Being passive vs. being active.


Lack of responsibility.  I want someone else to make decisions for me but I really don’t.


Placing too much importance on the decision.  If I place too much importance, I will be indecisive.  



Reframe decision-making to take the fear out of it.  


Most of my decisions can be undone.  Making the wrong decision gives me the clarity and understanding that I lacked.


Dont trap myself with the fear of failure.  To succeed, I will have to embrace failure.


Most of my decisions won’t kill me.



Make the decisions that are new and challenging and will grow me.


Staying in comfort zone won’t do anything.  I will be on the same road.



Most of the time I can explore both options, both sides of the forked decision.


Ex. Musician or filmmaker?  I can choose both.  If musician doesn’t work out, then I can transfer the experience I gained and switch at any time.  I will have gained a lot of experience.


I can choose to be a mental health counselor, and if that doesn’t work out, then I can choose something else.  I will work a lot harder than most people but I will grow from that work.


Dont be afraid of hard work and working more than other people around me.  



What if I make a disastrous decision?


It is possible.  But consider the alternative.  If I fear making disastrous decisions, then that could lead me to the disaster of indecision and stall out the clock of my life and ending up with mediocrity.  I should be more afraid of not taking action and not going for what I want.  


I should fear resistance to action more than wrongful action.


The comfortable life slowly leads into depression over time because I am not acting on my greatest ambitions.



Gift of God is in my hands.  God’s creation is in my hands.



How to be decisive:


Be willing to make mistakes and learn from them.


Dont be afraid of making bad or wrong decisions.


Train myself on minor, mundane decisions, make them decisively, then I will be prepared for being decisive on big decisions.


Dissect my decisions.


Train myself to stick to my decisions.


Get clear about my values, vision, and life purpose.  Keep working at clarifying that across my lifetime.


Use my top 10 values to help me make my decisions.


Take full responsibility for being a decision-maker, think of myself as a decision-maker, and stop outsourcing that to other people.


Dont stall or procrastinate decisions.  Train myself to make decisions as they arise.


Observe the consequences of stalling and backtracking, and not being clear on my decisions.  Being decisive gives me peace of mind, calm, and confidence.


I become decisive by changing my behavior.  How do I have to change my behavior to become a more decisive person?


Make decisions before problems arise.


Foresee my decisions by thinking in the long-term.


Shallow vs. deep decision


Deep decisions - I have contemplated it thoroughly and understand why I should do it or not or why it is the right or wrong decision for me.



Shallow decision Ex.


Seeing junk food but turning it down and going to get something healthy.


Deep decision Ex.


Think about all the things I am putting into my body on a daily basis.  What impact will this have on my life and my ambition?  How does eating this junk serve my top values?  How will making this decision affect my meditation, thinking, and spiritual practice? What if I make a decision to not eat junk food ever again because I want to honor my top 5 values and this is undermining it.  Deep decisions think through the full cost and consequences are long-term for my vision, top values, and who I want to be as a character in life.  





Do I want to be decisive or not?  Consider pros and cons and the work it will take to achieve that.  Is it worthwhile to put in the work to be decisive?


What will indecisiveness cost me over my lifetime?  Indecision is worse than making the wrong decision.  


Why have I been indecisive?  What were the costs?  What could my life look like if I made more bold decisions?

What are some really good decisions that I can make in my life?

What are some really bad decisions I can make in my life?

What decisions have I been stalling on?

How can I make better decisions?

What makes a decision good?


Making great decisions ties into intuition and wisdom.


There are things in my life so non-negotiable that they do not feel like decisions.

Ex. living a life with passion.

rejecting the easy life

rejecting path of least resistance


Do the thing that is right not the thing that is easy.


Pursue philosophy and truth.





Contemplate The Following:


What is the default trajectory of my life right now?  If I don’t make any bold decisions and just keep staying on my path, where is the path I am on going to lead me?  Will I be satisfied with that? 


What are some bold decisions I can make to achieve greatness?


What are the best decisions I have made in my life?


What are the worst decisions I have made in my life?


What made the best decisions good and worst decisions bad?


Who do I want to be?  What kind of character do I want to be?  What do I want people to think of me?  


Do I want to be decisive or not?  Consider pros and cons and the work it will take to achieve that.  Is it worthwhile to put in the work to be decisive?


What will indecisiveness cost me over my lifetime?  Indecision is worse than making the wrong decision.  


Why have I been indecisive?  What were the costs?  What could my life look like if I made more bold decisions?


What are some really good decisions that I can make in my life?


What are some really bad decisions I can make in my life?


What decisions have I been stalling on?


How can I make better decisions?


What makes a decision good?


What are some deep decisions that I can make?





Commit to this work of living a decisive and contemplative lifestyle.



















“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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