Juan Cruz Giusto

How To Deal With Confusion Summary

1 post in this topic

You are on the path of self actualization and what you are encountering is confusion and it can manifest in any different ways:
- Enlightenment vs Life Purpose
- What I awareness.
- What should I do with life
- What is God?.
- Free will vs self development
- Which is the best meditation technique?
- Leo contradicts himself in the videos and so on
- Different perspectives.

THIS IS A GOOD THING. Of course you are not going to understand because your default state is not-understanding and then you build it up. In self actualization the most important thing you are doing is developing understanding. You need to have a sense of direction of what you are doing and why to start inner or outer work. It all begins with understanding but understanding is a challenge and it is your work to reconcile a lot of stuff. THIS IS A LEARNING PROCESS! But this process entails confusion.


Your job, if you want to create a great life, is to get comfortable navigating through confusion and sometimes it takes a while to reconcile the information and this reconciliation is a laborious and lengthy process (a lifetime process).


Your mind loves certainty and order but this can become dysfunctional. Confusion arises when the mind tries to reconcile ideas but this is an emotionally challenging process. So the mind tries to close this gap as soon as possible by clinging to beliefs and create an illusory sense of clarity and security and this created mechanical behaviors.


One characteristic of a self developed individual is to maintain paradoxes in their minds without the need to resolve them.


What to do about it? You have to develop emotional tolerance for confusion.. You have to let go the need to know. Rather than running away from confusion, try to embrace it. This is a 5 step process:


Notice that you are confused (this is more difficult than it sounds because it requires awareness). Find the confusion in your body and become very familiar with the feeling

Label it: Locate the feeling and say “that is confusion”

Face the confusion: Ask yourself what is really going on here. Why am I feeling this way?

Should I get married?

What should I do with my life?

Which is my life purpose?


Allow it: ask yourself “can I allow myself to be confused?”

Enter a state of not knowing: Ask yourself “can I let go of my need to know?”


You need to surrender your need to know. What leads to ignorance is ignoring the fact that you don't know stuff (ignorance is a false sense of certainty). Ignorance cannot survive in a state of not knowing. Ignorant people think they know everything. If you embrace confusion you will become more robust and grounded intellectually and it will put you in the best position possible for a revelation.


We like to think that we are the ones who come up with the understanding and knowledge by pushing but all the deepest knowing and understanding come from revelation, not from the pushing. Curiosity is a good thing, but it is different from needing to know. What you really want is to be honest about the stuff you don't know, you acknowledge confusion and you let reconciliation happen organically. The best answers don't come from you, they come through you from something beyond you.


If you take this approach, you will need more patience because this process is going to take longer. It might take months or even years so you will need to develop a high tolerance for confusion and uncertainty. Even though you don't know, you have to still move forward and take action regardless your confusion.


You need to let your intuition function! By not embracing confusion, you close yourself to the most profound insights in life. Also, if you don't tolerate confusion you will not be able to dive deep in topics and research.


If you keep insisting on your need to know you will fuck your life up! Open yourself up to learning and discovery for a lifetime and enlightenment is not the final step, it is just the beginning..

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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