Leo Gura

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About Leo Gura

  • Rank
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  • Birthday 04/24/1985

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  • Location
    Las Vegas, USA
  • Gender
  1. That's not where it ends. Mormonism comes next.
  2. It depends on how good your day game locations are. It's all about location, location, location. Good day game locations are pretty rare. But in some cities they are amazing.
  3. One option is to have phases in your life where you sleep around, and phases where you are in serious relationships. This seems more realistic for many people.
  4. @James123 You figure out how deep consciousness goes beyond basic nonduality yet?
  5. That's why hardcore players don't settle down, they just sleep around and date casually. Not saying that's right, but that is one lifestyle option. Yes, there is an inherent tradeoff between relationship and freedom/variety.
  6. Yeah, there's a thousand examples like that in the corporate world.
  7. When I was young and considering whether I should get a philosophy PhD, I read this book and it helped me understand whether it was right or not for me: https://amzn.to/42uGcf0 You can find more such books which explain the PhD graduate school life/process to you. These books are essential to read before taking the leap. When I read that book I realized that I would never find truth in graduate school. So I dropped it. Remember, for pretty much any path you want to pursue in life, someone else has already pursued it and written a book about it. So do your research before you make such a big decision.
  8. Take the best insights and lessons from everyone. No need to chose a favorite. You will learn important bits from everyone. I learned valuable tidbits from everyone I ever met in game. Even from psychopaths, rapists, criminals, creepers, alcoholics. It's all grist for the learning mill. You learn from the good, the bad, the ugly. From success and from failure alike.
  9. It's not equal. It's a function of development level. If a psychopath religious barbarian wields nuclear weapons we are very worried. If Biden or Kamala does, we don't worry. The lower the worldview the more violent. Don't give a box of hand grenades to a chimpanzee.
  10. 25+ rounds. Have not tried DMPS yet.
  11. It is hard for me to definitively attribute my improvement to heavy metal detox because lots of other factors were at play. But I think it played some important role. I did many urine tests and my heavy metal values did objectively decrease. My improvements were definitely more than placebo, I just can't be sure that it was due to the detox or other factors in my life. When it comes to stuff like supplements, diets, and detox protocols, you're never going to know 100%. You're eye-balling things, looking for any improvement that may come your way.
  12. If it's documentaries you want to share, that seems acceptable. But don't share like gore porn. Stuff with more substance to it is okay. Post some examples of what you mean and I'll double-check it.