Leo Gura

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About Leo Gura

  • Rank
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  • Birthday 04/24/1985

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  • Location
    Las Vegas, USA
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  1. You called hornets parasites but not colorful birds. Watch those biases
  2. Why you so racist against hornets and centipedes?
  3. Cops barely have enough money to maintain their departments. These are not techbros who can afford $200/hr therapy sessions. On the one hand leftists cry for Defund The Police and call police racist fascist pigs, on the other hand they expect every cop to go to therapy. It's a joke. That's because they get shot and stabbed on a regular basis. That's the job. They don't work at Disneyland. See above.
  4. A human is in different emotional states through life and day to day. Humans are not right and wrong guys per se, they can be the right guy on the right day and the wrong guy on the wrong day. Maybe this cop's dog died that day or his wife cheated on him? You have no idea.
  5. Yeah, but this craziness produced serious results. You can nitpick it, but the simple fact is that normal straight-lace people do not produce such results. To call FSD, Teslabot, Neuralink, or other things just "public brainstorms" is absurdly poor analysis. This are legit technologies years in development. Does Musk overpromise and hype stuff? Of course. But he also delivers a lot. He is not like that Theranos lady who was literally running a scam. And yeah, sometimes the only difference between a scam and not a scam is simply that you deliver on your hype. When Steve Job demoed the first iPhone he had engineers display a fake wi-fi signal reception icon on the phone because the iPhone's wi-fi worked so badly that it could not connect even with multiple antennas in the studio. The iPhone's wireless capabilities were all fake before launch. Musk does that kind of fakery.
  6. It is a very poor analysis from Musk haters. The reality is that when you are a visionary creative and you pursue many ambitious projects, you will not deliver on all your goals and deadlines. What Musk has been able to deliver on is extraordinary. And if you don't understand that, you are not serious. CyberTruck is outselling Ford F150 electric. Teslabot is just still in the prototyoe stages. Neurolink is just in the prototype stages. You need to really check your biases here.
  7. Yes, dealing with millions of dangerous degenerates every year is a systemic issue. What I said is not about rationalizing corruption, it is about expanding your understanding of why this happens. It is not as simple as blaming it on corruption.
  8. Trump was a DEI pick for orangatags. So watch those double-standards.
  9. Yeah, well, let's talk after I see you spend 5 years dealing with degenerates who try to stab you in the face. It's easy to sit on a forum and wax philosophical about what is right and wrong with the world. But none of you here understand what it's like to work with degenerates every day. A little perspective would be nice.
  10. Probably because cops deal with 100s of batshit degenerates every week, for years.
  11. Locking this. If you want to debate the Israel-Gaza issue we have a thread for that.
  12. I will consider it, after you fuck a goat.