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About r0ckyreed

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    United States
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  1. That’s what AI stands for these days.
  2. I heard of that one! Do you like it? I have been hearing good things about Asus Rog Zephyrus G16.
  3. Hello. I am curious as to what you guys have found to be the best laptop to play video games on? I want to play some old video games that I used to play as a child on windows XP such as Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. But I also want to play newer video games on the PC such as Life is Strange, Skyrim, GTA-6, etc. Any recommendations on a PC that can do this?
  4. Why is everyone having a Mandela Effect. She said I rebuke you in the name of Satan. Not Jesus. This is why cops should have a degree before they carry a gun like a doctor having a degree before they can carry a stethoscope.
  5. It’s not possible because the Universe put those constraints on human brain. Thinking you can understand reality totally is like saying you can be unconditionally happy. This is foolish. The Universe is so profound that it cannot be understood. How do you think you can understand God/Universe if one cannot understand a basic calculus and a single grain of sand? The Universe is infinite and human perception is 3D. There is no way.
  6. I agree with increasing the standards. There is only so much flat earth, red pill, and Trump that a mind can hear before it starts losing IQ. Im tired of the low quality BS posted on here. If you aren’t conscious, then go to Reddit and Twitter. People posting suicidal stuff need to be on Betterhelp and not on here. This isn’t a psychward. This is a philosophy academy.
  7. Don’t blame yourself. It sounds like you weren’t comfortable with that. If she really wanted to, she could also do it herself. She could’ve just said “I would like to invite you to my place after this.” Women expect men to do everything. If your woman isn’t willing to put in some work to escalate herself, don’t give her any attention. I had trouble escalating before and do you know what happened? She asked me if she could touch me, and I said yes. If a woman is always depending on you. Drop her. A good woman that cares about you will go after what she wants and not play all these games with you. Also, I understand your hesitancy because a lot of guys are afraid of escalation and being falsely accused. But don’t fall into this red pill me too movement crap. Focus on yourself and being a gentleman. If she wants you to escalate, she will tell you. I’ve had a woman tell me that she really wants to make out with me. Trust me, the right woman will not psychologically torture you.
  8. Satan does his best work when you don’t believe in him. You are Satan. Ego is Satan.
  9. I do dollar cost averaging of $500 per month into Vanguard Total Stock Market. I invest in the whole Stock Market rather than in individual stocks. I set it and forget it.
  10. "But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see my face and live." —Exodus 33:20 (NIV)
  11. I am a 27 year old virgin as well. It honestly isn't worth losing your virginity just for the sake of losing your virginity. Do you see how toxic our culture is that it would lead to you want to kill herself because you haven't lost your virginity? There is nothing you have to lose. I will be honest that I would like to find a woman and have deep intimate passionate sex with, but at the same time, that is something that cannot be forced. Also, I have a fear of giving away my power and energy to another person. I hear people saying that once they do sex, it is like a drug, and that you will want to keep doing it. I would just give you the advice that I am trying to give myself after my own breakup of my first long-term relationship, and that is to focus on developing yourself into the greatest version of yourself. "The flower does not dream of the bee. It blossoms and the bee comes." Good luck.
  12. Even a job is a gamble. If everything is a gamble, then you might as well make smart gambles. Keeping your money in the bank is a gamble because your money loses value from inflation 3-5% per year. Whereas investing in a mutual fund with a solid track history is a calculated risk. Driving your car to work is a gamble, but there are ways you can do it consciously and unconsciously. Life is a game a Texas Hold'em. We don't get to choose our cards. All we can do is play our best hand with what we have been dealt with and keep moving forward.
  13. You mean we don’t deserve their help? We aren’t beyond their help. We are beneath their help.