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  2. @Leo Gura I am afraid that the forum will get flooded wirth Andrew Taters and other weird people. But the interview could be really interesting, so it might be worth it.
  3. I'm the only one in my family that watches Leo's videos, doing the life purpose course, meditating, contemplating and a lot of reading books on spirituality, philosophy and psychology. Knowing all this material and having mystical experiences with an expanded mind I get worried about my twin toddlers, boy and girl and how they are influenced by extended families, and just sheer indoctrination. I do my best to instill in them consciousness and love, healthy foods and specific words. But it feels like going up against a wall as far as having family on board with this. Let me know how you can relate.
  4. Only fuck with the G.O.A.T.
  5. Thanks, my nde and some own spiritual work
  6. Modafinil gives me that feeling
  7. Today
  8. There is goat porn as well . There is probably porn for everything these days.. if not real creatures then via anime and stuff . Why aren't we open to having sex with a goat ? This is a profound existential question. If you stare at a naked beautiful woman long enough will eventually realise there is nothing "hot " about her at all . It's just a bunch of fleash and bones.
  9. Ye ok man….. if “nothing “ exists then “something” exists Just a note : I lucid dream quite often and I’m aware in the dream it’s me who’s directing the dream and it’s me who’s dreaming. thanks for sharing your perspective
  10. pilot study found that,and a healthier gut microbiome. Thoughts?? Has anyone tried plant based diet and got to the point where it felt like you were on modafinil without side effects If so, I'm gonna try it out again. @Leo Gura @Michael569 @Schizophonia
  11. It's way ..way worse than that . There isn't a now either
  12. Obviously i fear death .if I didn't I couldn't exist . Its one thing to have these kinds of insights and totally different thing to embody their practical ramifications. I'm working on dissolving all my attachments so that I can face My death with zero fucks then . You should intuit that this is not an easy process.
  13. Locate the dreamer in direct experience. Next time you dream ..become lucid and actually locate the dreamer . If The dream is nothing ..then the dreamer is also nothing ..since they are inseparable.
  14. Maybe there's nothing after all. Not to be confused with nihilism. Don't believe this. To add some: others, life, mind, experience. Any distinction that shows up or appears as, real. But knowing what's the case ourselves is a different matter.
  15. Why a israelian would call himself Vercingetorix. It's like my nickname is Zhuge Liang
  16. Ahah, you can flirt with her I don't care. Just be careful, she's english and probably aspie. That's complex brooo.
  17. Free documentary here!
  18. Lol, no. It was like guy/girl teasing for the value of teasing.. more like cousins that "hate each other" 😂😉
  19. Me i prefer buy this liter of coconut water at the supermarket, the one that has been pasteurized at 300°C during 3H and stocked in a storage shed for 6 years. More simple and so yummy.
  20. No, she has a vagina. It's obvious.
  21. @Merkabah Star Lol there's seriously a really good reason why I've had only 11 posts in, as I felt the choice of staying silent was the wise choice in many instances as there was a dramatic chance of chit chatter if I had posted a reply and ain't nobody got the time for that
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