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About AndylizedAAY

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  • Birthday 08/31/2004

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  1. @puporing Sorry, there was a technical difficulty with submitting a response on the forum on my phone. Is Christ Consciousness supposed to be a facet of Awakening? What if my questions are not a priority for @Leo Gura to respond because of lack of Christ Consciousness? I wouldn't know because I wasn't getting into the specifics of Christianity when I was asking those new questions which is what he wanted. It's not like I wasn't being serious about Awakening, but I do remember things about the Bible even though ultimately doesn't help me to Awaken at all. It's not like I was separate from Christian influence
  2. @Jodistrict Would it be difficult for you to remember the details of where it all started with leaving because it didn't serve you to explain to Christians and thus have a hard time explaining to anyone else who is not in your personal life unless you sat down and took some notes? It would only make my departure feel complete if I could do that even though there seems to be no point explaining it here because it makes no difference unless I can practice explaining epistemically since I transitioned into atheism before ditching that completely and deciding to take the path of because atheism reacts to religious ideology and doesn't see anything higher. I had my own reasons for re-incarnation before I looked deeper into it such as those who are deluded and God-realization should not take a single lifetime with the problem of faith whether Christian or non-Christian can lead to delusion otherwise it wouldn't be faith. I also saw the nature of God as the reason for karma and that people's roles in God's plan for Christianity would not make sense to me because of God who makes things work with whatever ways he chooses for people who also chooses people to make them suitable and is thus completely groundless. I saw love as the reason why everything is here when it comes to the Universe wanting to know itself by being itself and that Consciousness is the only sentient thing that exists so I saw the soul as relying on the dream to exist which is one with the Dreamer (the soul as the dream-self). After leaving Christianity, I contemplated this especially when I noticed subconscious fear of certain questions. If you can tell me the things that don't make sense in Christianity, I can focus on that because of how much stuff that doesn't make sense. Since everything is Consciousness and that God has no bias against it, it seems to be the reason why karma exists. This is why I think that only God-realization can make me feel complete and that a new heaven and a new earth would not satisfy me nor did it make sense for Satan to ever compete with an omnipotent God, in which it was uneccesary for Satan to be casted out of heaven, and for Satan to now be doomed to hell because of a stupid decision. I only see fear and/or subconscious avoidance when I ask something like this in question form. I also wanted to know how my mind was interpreting reality to not filter what the Holy Spirit was saying since there is a cycle of prayer being necessary to understand the Bible and the Bible being necessary for discernment of prayer but reflecting on how my mind interprets reality is the only ground I can rely on in direct experience. I later also saw the 3 Gunas as untapped potential in my new journey when I first learned about it through Dr. Kanoja (HealthyGamerGG) and then found deeper meaning behind it.
  3. @Leo GuraWhat did you have in mind about ideology when you created that blog post? Did you just expect no response that you haven't already addressed?
  4. Is there a limit as to how long I can procrastinate before people stop responding to me on a topic I started? What if I come up with an idea somewhat much later than the time people responded? What if I take a break on the forum and work on using the videos? Will people still lose interest in the topic I started after I come back?
  5. @Leo GuraSorry on I'm my phone and can't get rid of your name and can't seem to get rid of your name.
  6. @Leo GuraSo it means that you no longer repeat the mistakes I mentioned when talking about the specifics of Christianity because it fuels it since it's either beyond your direct experience and/or beyond common sense. Did you also stop getting to the weeds of Christianity because of how self-deception works? Is perception so infinite that there is religious evidence in general of miraculous things that supports one's religion?
  7. @Aaron p @Leo GuraWhy do you think you/Leo changed his position now saying all of the Bible being written by the devil? Was he just being hypothetical for epistemic reasons? What about 1 Corinthians 13:1 which suggests that truth is identical to love because of God being Abolute Truth because God is eternal that is love in 1 John 4:16? What about 1 Corinthians 13:1 combined with 1 John 4:18 which would suggest that fear is falsehood and that the way to overcome fear is through love?
  8. @Leo Gura But I would not have listened to you otherwise if I wasn't looking into what I used to believe about Christianity. I don't remember what exactly it started with or at least how to explain it, but I eventually threw it all away by not relying on any sources for Truth. I may have went meta on that at the time and used to just trust that the Holy Spirit would allow me to understand just enough based on seeking and I shall find (Matthew 7:7-8) to prevent delusion about Jesus that I thought would lead to hell but my detachment to my identity is why I eventually left Christianity (there are several verses why I think 1 John 2:19 is literal but it's all wrong because I'm no longer a Christian. Since you responded on an meta epistemic level, what about the questions I asked on that level? In what way could religious evidence be metaphysical and existential if self-deception is metaphysical and existential?
  9. @Leo GuraThis is serious, you make mistakes about Christianity that only feeds into Christian ideology. I honestly don't know why you fall short in this but these mistakes are problematic. In one of your videos, you make a mistake about Jesus which shows that you don't understand the trinity. The "Son of God" is referring to the Son in the trinity and the trinity is supposed to represent God in the same person. If you wanted to do research to develop big-picture understanding, I would like to know how you missed that even though you're a solipsist. The trinity is not solipsistic and doesn't support what I'm about to say but works the same way in which I am you and you are me because of God as our true nature and that we play different roles. In the video, "What Awakening Feels like", you ignore the 10 Commandments and treat Jesus like an idol. You also leave out Protestetarianism by generalizing Christians as praying to Mary which feeds into the Christian ideology that you are not God's child shown not knowing him (1 John 3:1). And do you really think that Christians will ever question if the devil wrote the Bible with confirmation bias? In James 4:4, it says that the world is an enemy of God so why are you feeding into the us vs them mentality without addressing what the Bible says directly? Furthermore, you didn't explain why you were targeting the Bible which only feeds into the confirmation bias of the world being against God. If you call things "technical minusha", why comment on things and beliefs with confidence if your lack of focus on that causes to get things wrong? Surely Christians have thought about the common objection that Jesus isn't both God and the Son of God, so why didn't you into that and find the belief in Yahweh in 3 persons? I have a long document about the Bible that I haven't finished yet and don't know if I should share it yet, but can you please take what I say into consideration? Here is the article I was talking about: In my own mind, I mispeak what I want to say which makes me feel bad that this prevents me from having ideologues feel challenged even if they are a lost cause since that feeling should be karma, that karma exists because of indescriminate love, and that truth is identical to love and that ideology is the opposite of love because it is the opposite of truth and Consciousness. You say that I wouldn't be arguing if I have the truth but it seems like you have the truth yet you argue about it by giving some pointer in the article. What about the Bible verses that you use yourself at the beginning of some of your videos? How do you explain that even with what you said about the Bible? What about looking for the good in perspectives like God is love for instance (1 John 4:16)? Please explain.
  10. I would say that you should apply the same context to the tree itself. For example, you assume that the tree can fall or exist if no one is around to see it but the tree exists precisely because things take on form held within consciousness which would imply that there was something that always existed to generate that idea in the first place so yes and no perhaps? From how I see this, signs point to yes. You can also be sure of this because of what you know to be true in the statement after the fact.
  11. @Leo GuraTo summarize, I asked for permission and the mistake can make it look like I didn't due to the story and technical details. I apoligize if my long post makes it sound like I make excuses from this simple solution but of course it seems legitimate to me.
  12. @enchantedHave you been keeping track of this? Can you please give some examples of my posts listing too many problems for people to deal with?
  13. @WillCameron This only seems to beg the question why other topic starters can have a conversation last longer but not me. Is it because I haven't participated in other conversations enough? I haven't been keeping track of it if I find something to say in other conversations I will. Although I've gained spiritual insights, have they already been said on the forum. I have some really deep questions I came up with the life purpose course if you're interested but I didn't finish answering all 100 of them yet. Basically the goal of these kinds of posts is to see what people find valueable here and go with that instead of the goal being questionable with this post ironically. By the way, since I'm talking about my posts in general, what do you think about this following scenario and would this post help me avoid the feeling of resentment or only draw me towards it? My Dad was okay with me making purchases so it wasn't the mistake. I guess my posts can either be high quality or pointless but maybe I'm just self-contious because of past experiences.
  14. @enchanted I meant the language of where I live. Thank you for your support, but I still feel the need to edit my response because I think that I would be complete as of now even it makes me seem crazy. I should be closer to completing the life purpose course by now even the day I made my response and I guess I'm starting to feel better. I guess poor mental health can make things more addicting if I lack direction but maybe the life purpose course can fix that (what I will edit is what I want to emphasize why this activity is addicting which will be easier to do then making a seperate response but everything else seems to fit with that I guess). Also, I don't remember my posts listing way too many problems for people to deal with. I don't want to forget about this "stupid forum" because it's worth sharing while I took a break from it that I further see the everything to be nothing that I would like to share on this forum. I basically think that this is the absence of the absence itself and that all duality are absences of each other manifested as the absence and presence of absence which is how everything includes nothingness. Also, I now know to look forward to the new course about reprogramming the subconscious mind that Leo promised to implement his videos that he said was sitting half completed for a long time that I either didn't know or forgot about so I guess further using the forum was worth it.