Leo Gura

Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE

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5 hours ago, Ramu said:

But you had already mentioned earlier in several episodes that there's WAY more to go.  I already understand that....so you're basically reiterating your previously made point.

Yes. I'm not saying anything super complicated. Just telling you to question deeper and don't settle for easy answers provided by nondualists and Buddhists. Basically, 99% of spirituality is dogma. Even all the stuff based in meditative experience and self-inquiry. It's still all infested with dogma, assumptions, biases, and paradigms. Having some "enlightenment" DOES NOT break you free of your paradigms, it locks you deeper into them until you start to believe you're not even inside a paradigm. But I am telling you that you're still inside a paradigm, and that paradigms keeps you from realizing GOD.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes. I'm not saying anything super complicated. Just telling you to question deeper and don't settle for easy answers provided by nondualists and Buddhists. Basically, 99% of spirituality is dogma.

That 1% though is the anadrome of dogma.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

That 1% though is the anadrome of dogma.

Ok that is clever


Describe a thought.

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Any position you cling to is dogma.

The dogma of actualized.org are positions like "I am God", "Consciousness is the ultimate reality", "Understanding is the most important thing", "You can understand ultimate reality", "Without psychedelics you can't attain deep realizations", "I (Leo) am the most awake person on the planet" etc. It's full of dogma.

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8 hours ago, Moksha said:

was referring to the inability of the human mind to comprehend absolute reality.

Anything you think with your logical mind is dogma. the articulate mind must be silent, but more than silent, free.  reality is realized beyond the conceptual mind, with the unlimited mind. the unlimited mind is parceled out by the logical mind, they really are the same since there is only one mind. conceptual activity constricts the mind. when you say that it cannot be understood with the human mind, you mean the castrated mind. your mind can understand everything, because it is the only mind. the work is to free this mind from human chains

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Personally I don’t think this alien consciousness is going to be a big deal because if I’m wrong it will be an earth shaking revelation on planet earth. Imagine humans being 100x smarter at the price of a pop that Leo will charge for his seminar?

Personally I had access to states where I was 10x smarter so I know that it exist but if Leo can access Alien Consciousness he would already be the new Einstein or Elon Musk creating shit instead of typing messages with fellow monkeys on a forum.

Also I watched Leo’s last two videos. And although they are top shelf they aren’t cutting edge and I don’t see this 100x alien intelligence back in his speech and his output. In fact I see Leo just being human as the rest of us. 

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@axiom Banned

@spiritual memes Banned

@vladorion Banned

I repeat. Nobody here is AWAKE or understands what GOD is.

I will ban anyone who is arrogant and not here to learn. Do not preach your Buddhist/nondual shit to me.

I will not only ban you from this forum, I will ban you from ever accessing any of my courses or work.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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“Oh God will I look at you now

oh you lost it but you don’t know how 

In the light of a golden calf

oh God I had to laugh!

Take the poison of your age 

Don’t lick your fingers when turn the page 

It was wrong but you said it was right

in the future I will read at night”


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Leo Gura  have you ever experienced or felt an energy lock above your head after ego death for example? I remember something like a field above my head, and it felt like it was locking my consciousness to lower levels/stable reality. It felt unpleasant because i had this lock, also the first time i felt it a thought instantly appeared saying it was my lock


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4 hours ago, vladorion said:

Any position you cling to is dogma.

The dogma of actualized.org are positions like "I am God", "Consciousness is the ultimate reality", "Understanding is the most important thing", "You can understand ultimate reality", "Without psychedelics you can't attain deep realizations", "I (Leo) am the most awake person on the planet" etc. It's full of dogma.

Damn looks like you left the room not me.   You are too close minded for this forum. Thinking for yourself is good- but when you say that Consciousness is not reality or thar you aren't God, or that Understanding isn't paramount...Well, in your own words, you're just plain wrong.  Don't let the door hit you on your way out 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

Damn looks like you left the room not me.   You are too close minded for this forum. Thinking for yourself is good- but when you say that Consciousness is not reality or thar you aren't God, or that Understanding isn't paramount...Well, in your own words, you're just plain wrong.  Don't let the door hit you on your way out 

He's not completely wrong though. The problem is that he's stuck at the construct-aware stage. He makes a valid point, but only from that stage's point of view. But Leo is way past that. Leo understands what he's saying, but he's not limited to it.

You, on the other hand, are not construct-aware at all. So, while on the surface, it might seem like you and Leo share the same overall perspective, Leo has a lot more nuance. His perspective includes and transcends your perspective, literally, and so to speak. If you want to improve in this area, you should study relativity and improve your understanding of how language works. Basically, you need to become familiar with post-modernism.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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15 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

@SOULYou don't wake up to it, you wake up from it.

There are things that you can wake up from (wrong information), and things that you can wake up to (correct information).

And there's a shuffle that happens with time, such that you'll wake up from things you woke up to earlier (transcendence), and wake up to things you woke up from earlier (nuance).

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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26 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

He's not completely wrong though. The problem is that he's stuck at the construct-aware stage. He makes a valid point, but only from that stage's point of view. But Leo is way past that. Leo understands what he's saying, but he's not limited to it.

You, on the other hand, are not construct-aware at all. So, while on the surface, it might seem like you and Leo share the same overall perspective, Leo has a lot more nuance. His perspective includes and transcends your perspective, literally, and so to speak. If you want to improve in this area, you should study relativity and improve your understanding of how language works. Basically, you need to become familiar with post-modernism.

It is true that the mentally handicapped and the ascended master may be of the same belief. Because in many ways things end up going full circle.

Materialism is so backwards, that the truth is the absolute total opposite. Totally inverted. And when you invert something completely upside down, nothing actually changes about the shape of the thing. It's just seen from a different angle.

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I watched two videos from Leo yesterday. One was based on the framework for knowledge and the other one was the reasoning behind the deletion of the solipsism video. I had an insight that synthesized a few points from both of them, that to know what spirituality and god are, you have to deeply inquire about your own beliefs and perspectives. To do so effectively is useful to listen to Actualized.org, read philosophy, or study spirituality, but as soon as you got those resources together, you have to shed the bool sheet from them and directly know god and reality through your own experiences. That's why he keeps saying no one is awakened. We are stuck in plenty of cultural, intellectual, logical, and linguistic concepts of awakening and spirituality, name-calling god instead of experiencing it. 

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7 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

The countless things to wake up to and the countless degrees to wake up to them, have no existence outside of the dream, they exist wholly within it. 

Like you woke up to it, that it is a dream, is something that you can wake up from, if you wish.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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5 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Anything you think with your logical mind is dogma. the articulate mind must be silent, but more than silent, free.  reality is realized beyond the conceptual mind, with the unlimited mind. the unlimited mind is parceled out by the logical mind, they really are the same since there is only one mind. conceptual activity constricts the mind. when you say that it cannot be understood with the human mind, you mean the castrated mind. your mind can understand everything, because it is the only mind. the work is to free this mind from human chains

I entirely agree. Whatever breaks the chains of your conditioned mind will set you free. I don't care if it's 5-Me0, meditation, or suffering. Choose whatever boat is most reliable in crossing the river to the other shore, which is direct realization of the absolute within.

If you find yourself constantly rowing on the surface of imagination without reprieve, try another boat. Once you are across, release the boat back into the river, and thrive in the lucidity of being.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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I think a warning would have sufficed.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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21 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

I think a warning would have sufficed.

Leo has given plenty of warnings.

I can understand why people will argue, though. They clearly haven’t had any deep awakenings, so they can only communicate from an ignorant place. 

A deep mystical experience will humble you, if you choose to embrace it. That’ll suffice to begin to take this work seriously. 

The shock thickens 

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I respect Leo's work. Claiming to be the most awake person on the planet however is something i have heard Bentinho say too. Somehow the older guys like Adyashanti or Sadguru never made these claims. Something to ponder.

Edited by Wilhelm44

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