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About OldManCorcoran

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  1. There has to be at least something comprehended or the drug trips wouldn't have any affect at all, right? How could you smoke a drug and conclude you are God/limitless if there wasn't something which you understood that led to that conclusion?
  2. Extreme PTSD-like flashbacks. I would be trying to go to sleep then be hit by a hardcore flashback, and come back to and look around my bed for the pipe and drugs etc convinced that I had just done drugs, when actually I was sober. Thoughts about existence and death and other weird topics are in my mind 100x more often than sex, it's almost like OCD intrusive thoughts.
  3. I am experiencing the same thing, but I am only on year 3 since last psychedelic use. I thought I was entering those states by thinking really hard or somehow altering my perspective, but I think now that I was simply being re-dosed with the psychedelic drug, and there is no way to experience it via thinking OR by not thinking or whatever else. For the first year I would randomly cry at things, like I would cry at commercials about broccoli, just nonsense. That stopped now. I think in time "reactivations" will also stop. They are already very spaced out and uncommon. My memory is destroyed too. I sound like an idiot when I talk because I can't get spoken words out as easily, and can barely verbalize simple concepts.
  4. Everything is "Brahman", everything else is just name and form. E.g. a bronze statue is Brahman taking the form of "bronze statue", and so on. This of course includes yourself, and whatever other thing that exists.
  5. He is and watch it happen right now, you're reading these words as a voice, yet there's nobody else in the room with you. So whose voice do you suspect it is? Isn't it your own? It sounded fairly accurate of a post to me anyway.
  6. Yes people are just pictures and their words are just your own thoughts in your own mind like the thoughts you have to yourself alone in a room.
  7. Nah you aren't their thoughts you are your own thoughts too, there isn't anyone else to have thoughts. All other people are just images in your mind, including your own human avatar. Someone above said about Leo talking on video, and I think it is a good example. The video of Leo was recorded before you watch it, Leo is probably in bed asleep while you watch him talk on video. The image of him is just that, it's only an image on your computer screen. The sound isn't coming from the character it just looks like it is. Human beings are just images like on a computer screen on YouTube. They aren't actually living beings they're just moving pictures in your mind. You are the only sentient thing there is. Your human body or some other human body, these things are just moving pictures, they aren't real and aren't the source of any thought or feeling or anything else. When you speak to other people you aren't even speaking to yourself which makes it sound like there's a you in them hearing your words. Actually you are simply talking at a picture. Like pulling up an image of Homer Simpson on Google and talking to it. Nobody is listening, it's just a picture. Speaking to a picture of Homer Simpson is the same as speaking to a person. The person is only a picture. The words if they speak back are just your own thoughts in your own head. They're just a picture.
  8. I don't make myself talk, the sense of control is fake. My own thoughts just appear like dream people's words.
  9. Yes I'm sure I don't mean that. I mean forget sense organs and nervous systems etc they're make-believe. None of it is real. Someone speaking to you and your own thoughts in your own mind are just the same thing. There's no difference between you dreaming and a dream character talking to you (the character's words are just your own thoughts, the character isn't real) and a real person talking to you in the waking world. It's just your own thoughts and the image of a person speaking.
  10. No I'm saying the spoken word coming from a human's mouth is just your own thoughts in your own mind, the same as when you sit alone in a room and talk to yourself in your head. The same exact thing is happening. Literally zero difference. The visual of a human face is a distraction, people think the words are sounds coming from the human face. But the human face isn't a sentient person it's just like a cartoon character on your TV. They aren't sentient beings it's just moving pictures. The "sounds" coming from their mouth is just you alone having thoughts in your own mind, and imagining the visual image of a person speaking them while you have these thoughts. The "sound" isn't in actuality connected to the images, there's no relation between them. You can imagine someone you know's voice coming from a brick wall if you wanted. Obviously the brick wall isn't speaking and you would know that the voice you're imagining is your own thoughts in your own head. When the actual person speaks to you for real it's just that. Their voice is still your own thoughts in your own mind and not coming from the person. The person is just a dead picture like the brick wall. Not using riddles or double meanings or being metaphorical or symbolic etc. I'm trying to speak totally plainly. If you're thinking like "oh by no difference it's because nothing has distinctions" etc then you're reading too deep. I mean it as plain as possible.
  11. I'm on the same side of the spectrum. I mean that the thoughts you have in your head in private to yourself, is the exact same identical thing happening when another human being speaks to you out loud. Literally identical, the exact same thing is happening. It's just your own thoughts in your own head.
  12. Would you still be assigning sentience to them though? The idea is, that there's not any words or sentience to the cutouts, just your own thoughts in your own head. People, aliens, whatever it is, it's like a character talking in your dreams, the character's spoken words are just your own thoughts inside your own head.
  13. What I mean is, nothing is ever in them. People are like drawings on a page or cartoon characters on TV. You're watching them and nothing is in them, they're not sentient, they're just moving images. People are as existent as Homer Simpson. Like dream characters also. The words of a dream character is just your own thoughts in your own head. The words aren't coming from the dream character, they are just a dead lifeless image.
  14. Whatever way you seem to be communicating with anyone else, is just your own thoughts in your own head and the "other person" is some sort of cardboard cutout mannequin, whatever way they are appearing to you (visual, audio, whatever). There's no sentient being in that perception. There's no living sentient being behind my eyes. My face and moving mouth is a dead lifeless perception with nothing in it, appearing in tandem with your own thoughts. Speaking to another person, it's just your own thoughts alone in your head, it just so happens to be accompanied by the sight of a face or whatever. The two aren't connected actually, there's nothing coming from the dead lifeless image, the communication is your own thoughts in your own head. And there isn't anyone else at all. All people are is an image with absolutely no sentience whatsoever. Their words are just your own thoughts happening in your own head. Same as if you were sat alone thinking to yourself, there isn't any difference compared to another person talking. You are just focusing on the dead lifeless image of a human being but there's no sentience inside it.