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About Jowblob

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  • Birthday 04/01/1994

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  1. Stop fear mongering about trump in your blogs or posts, life is dream. You have a dement person as a U.S president, that says enough about people that are living in your country. It's either him or trump, deal with it. And as far trump, i can see that he is reasonably conscious/aware person.
  2. It is simple, the state he was in wasn't extraordinary and his purpose/will was to record himself watching his hands in non duality (if he was even in non duality ) so that's totally different then my purpose was. If he would be in a new reality like i was, where you don't see the difference between real/hallucination and new objects being stable just as in this reality he wouldn't be able to record. I think the reason for this like others have mentioned has to do with protecting his ego, or getting back to his normal reality with his ego just how it previously was. Having a picture from other reality might be dangerous/self harming
  3. @Carl-RichardPerhaps this picture can give you a better understanding, the only freewill we have is the freewill god is giving us or ascension to higher levels of mind. The ego is nothing more then a gods tool to experience life at certain understandings, the idea's that ego might produce is only used by god to create. Ego creates nothing. Just to give you an example, if i would describe myself i'm at stage 3E. I have life force/ecstasy running through my body at certain times, i can balance heal/chakra's. And i don't claim this as "mine" it is god doing it through me. I have these abillities right now, and when you have it and feel the life force/ecstasy running through your workday you will have more empathy for others, because you understand and they don't. It's all a blessing by god, don't think your ego or your ego mind is giving you all this.
  4. @Carl-Richard Be careful with your words. Don't try to ascribe your pathetic psychological views on consciousness. Ultimately it is all happening in your imagination. It is all consciousness manifesting itself as everything all at once. And everybody has their own story. Does it matter for your story? Maybe yes. We should just not be ignorant to the story of others. Because it‘s also true and part of your story
  5. @OBEler Yes try it, if you witness an material object having another form / the object is replaced by another form and is stable , indistinguishable from illussion/reality. Try to make a picture of it. For example: The chair in your room, suddenly has another stable form of an chair and it looks just as real as the chair from your present reality. Try to make a picture of it
  6. I could do the same when i was left brain dominant and could make them go both directions. But now it seems impossible for some reason @integral i know what you mean, it goes to right/left for a short time and all the time. Had this experience before. I think in non duality when your mind has more control it doesn't matter, because your mind will control how she moves.
  7. So i remember in the past before i even knew about spirituality/psychedelics/psychology/getting into godly states/non duality etc. , i was left brain dominant. I did these tests many times, and i was always left brain dominant. Now i did the same test again, because i saw it again on facebook and i was right brain dominant. Then i look the difference between being left and right brain dominant, left brain dominant= materialistic brain , right brain dominant = more consciousness/god based brain. Do these short tests for yourself and find out. 1# 2#
  8. @OBEler If you've done LSD or meditated for a long time, people will always describe this 1st level of reality change that appears wavy/dreamy/non dual state. The non dual state represents consciousness/God to some level, which means God is experiences/appearances/hallucinations itself. When i was in state of consciousness/mind that i could drink milk forever without the glass getting empty, do you think technical devices should also "work properly". Ofcourse not!! Because your mind starts recognizing itself as consciousness = "no stability" , so if you would look in the mirror and your face is changing that is just your current mind commanding for new apperances to happen in consciousness. Watch this short clip, the girl talking on the laptop. First you watch her as being in the "movie", but ones your mind loses "stability and becomes fluid" you will witness that you're the one creating the reality all around you and suddenly she/you speaks to yourself.
  9. @An young being Again a bunch of nonsense, do you realize your current reality is also a "delusion/hallucination"? Or are you denying that? I don't know what you consider the "hard" rules of reality, but there's a lot of things that you can change and experience yourself at a cost of not having "others". Let me tell you that the "ego" or "i" or the witness will mostly always be there, what will change is your understanding and the level of your mind , the "you" doesn't change. So don't be shook, ones you realize what you were doing to yourself and that you were always there.
  10. I know and i have experienced this, the memory is experience itself and is always there. The more you raise yourself, the more memory/intelligence/understanding unlocks. Usually in these states you can't really change anything, because you realize everything is already perfect. Dumb/smart/enlightened versions of yourself are being taken care of by yourself, meaning you can't really change much because it will affect all other future/past versions of yourself. So in a sense , reality is just "IS"
  11. You're not pointing me anywhere, because you don't know from which level of mind i'm speaking to you. Like i've said you're still thinking with your linear materialistic mind, and that is because you didn't have enough awakenings/realizations yet. You're one of the guys that thinks "the car just breaks" , that "god just breaks" . Let me tell ya, ones you becomes realized enough your car will never break.
  12. Yeah for sure, suddenly a software/hardware bug occured after years and exactly during my trip/in the trip. I think you should go trip more because you have no clue or idea what God is, and because of this i am in belief now that your trip "embodying christ consciousness" was a bunch of imaginary nonsense that you have written up, because it didn't help you in anyway to unlock or improve your mind.
  13. @shreeDid you even read what i've said, i have this phone for years and it never happend. Only during the trip/reality deconstruction!!! Your message is an indication how clueless you are about reality to be honest. You're still thinking with your linear materialistic mind. So your "embodying christ consciousness trip" was of no help to you i guess
  14. From my previous experience 11:11 usually means, you're on the right path/confirmation/change is coming