Leo Gura

Important! - Nobody On This Forum Is AWAKE

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21 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Words again, but direct realization is beyond understanding. Your mind is incapable of making any sense of it.

4 hours ago, Moksha said:


Not agree, my mind is the god mind, it's just hampered by this interesting and rather complex construction that we call human life. my mind is infinite, and has the ability to understand everything. my mind, in fact, is the only thing that exists. The more I understand, the more that light shines in everything, since the lack of understanding is the prison that make me be in the dark.

An example, 2 days ago, at 4 at night, I did 5meo. It is a perfect moment when you wake up in the middle of the night, as your human mind is starting up. the disintegration is total, nothing human remains, only a bottomless well, the total, absolute infinity. you embrace it and you recognize yourself, without form. then you understand what the form is, what human life is, its breadth, its perfection, it is, as it were, the infinite dancing with itself, making love, and you understand how you are doing it. everything is absolutely clear, and it is not conceptual, you cannot translate it into words. you understand what the words are, the concepts. they are a creation of now, completely limited. you can feel each strand of energy forming your existence, your past and your future in this instant, because everything is now. you are layers upon layers of intricate energetic tapestry, a work of art. you can understand everything, in an instant


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Awakening is only one phenomenon, it is being aware of something that previously was unaware of. There are an infinite amount of things one can become awakened to but awakening is still the same simple process of being aware of something that previously one was not aware of.

Eventually, one can become awakened to the infinite number of consciousnesses that comprise the one ultimate, for a lack of a better word, consciousness. This is how the solipsistic perception of 'I am god' is transcended and the notion of alone evaporates so awaken to all one.

It's literally awakening to the multitude of being that is 'god consciousness' but often people have to awaken through the solitude of solipsism 'god consciousness' initially. Not everyone will go that way but if you listen to other people tell you that's what it is then you have been conceptually primed to experience it that way and it is difficult to not perceive it as such.

It is apparent by how someone describes their perception they tell is what their experience of it is, which sounds pretty obvious. So if they are saying 'I am the only one' they are still perceiving the solitude perception and not the multitude perception of god consciousness. There is no right and wrong, or true and false about it, it's simply the perception that one is aware of.

In the multitude perception of god consciousness, one is aware of all in it, like Jesus, Buddha, every guru and teacher, every student and seeker but also including everyone who is completely asleep so isn't aware they are connected as the all one god consciousness.

So if someone tells me they can't see me from what they are aware of in god consciousness, it doesn't mean I can't see them from what I am aware of in god consciousness. Yet, ultimately we are together, actually coexisting and occupying the one together as one in the ultimate god consciousness. Whether one is aware of it or not.

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1 hour ago, Ramu said:

@Breakingthewall so what IS his point?

55 minutes ago, Moksha said:


5 hours ago, Moksha said:


I'd say his point is to understand the reality understanding the constructions of the god mind. realizing infinity is one thing, but understanding reality is quite another. what is god? what is reality? what are we? It is not enough to realize that there is no limit and that everything is love flowing from the bottom of absolute emptiness. why exactly this way? why the limitation? what is its scope? although maybe I'm wrong

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Bans coming for those spreading BS.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Ramu said:

So you're saying we're not really awake and we haven't made any progress and we're no further along than we were at the beginning.

I never said you didn't make progress. You had some degree of awakening, but there is much higher.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura okay great, thank you.  But you had already mentioned earlier in several episodes that there's WAY more to go.  I already understand that....so you're basically reiterating your previously made point.

I also completely understand your dislike for spiritual bs, as I am completely on board with that.

I'm ready for the next evolution of this work.

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1 hour ago, Squeekytoy said:

or end up like Flyboy.

As long as you're not incessantly calling Leo a cult leader, you're good.

Describe a thought.

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

I'd say his point is to understand the reality understanding the constructions of the god mind. realizing infinity is one thing, but understanding reality is quite another. what is god? what is reality? what are we? It is not enough to realize that there is no limit and that everything is love flowing from the bottom of absolute emptiness. why exactly this way? why the limitation? what is its scope? although maybe I'm wrong

Why personally do you care about this at all? When you have the most phenomenal interesting jaw dropping thing possible, who cares about the rest of it? Can you really still care about whether aliens are puppeteering us or whether elves are dancing round in realms made of endless corridors?

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Defining Enlightenment/Consciousness is really difficult.

Imagine defining what is "Alien Consciousness".

It's like trying to explain what is a computer to a bird.

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Not agree, my mind is the god mind, it's just hampered by this interesting and rather complex construction that we call human life. my mind is infinite, and has the ability to understand everything. my mind, in fact, is the only thing that exists. The more I understand, the more that light shines in everything, since the lack of understanding is the prison that make me be in the dark.

I was referring to the inability of the human mind to comprehend absolute reality. Einstein could only see the tail of the lion, but still he understood that life is less about defragging reality than about directly realizing the light that you are and living lucidly. 

The years of anxious searching in the dark, with their intense longing, their alternations of confidence and exhaustion, and final emergence into light—only those who have experienced it can understand that. Let us not forget that human knowledge and skills alone cannot lead humanity to a happy and dignified life.

Live sober without suffering for a day, and see yourself and the cosmos with new eyes. Everything is seamlessly brilliant, blindingly so to the mind, when you are lucid.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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2 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

@SOUL Whatever awareness can be aware of is illusion, there is nothing else to be aware of. You don't wake up to it, you wake up from it.

Oh really?

Apparently, you aren't even aware that you are speaking about the very same thing. Awakening is simultaneously from and to, it's not one or the other, it includes all. The way it seems you are describing it as is dualistic, as if it's one or the other when it is all of it, any duality is a perception that does not have to be perceived as such.

The wrong or right, the true or false, even higher or lower, it's merely a perception of the appearance in awareness that defines what the awakening is.

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On 3/24/2023 at 1:16 AM, Gesundheit2 said:

Noted and certified. I am not awake, nor have I seen anyone awake on the forum. At least, not as awake as Leo.

You will not see them. 

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5 hours ago, Ramu said:

But you had already mentioned earlier in several episodes that there's WAY more to go.  I already understand that....so you're basically reiterating your previously made point.

Yes. I'm not saying anything super complicated. Just telling you to question deeper and don't settle for easy answers provided by nondualists and Buddhists. Basically, 99% of spirituality is dogma. Even all the stuff based in meditative experience and self-inquiry. It's still all infested with dogma, assumptions, biases, and paradigms. Having some "enlightenment" DOES NOT break you free of your paradigms, it locks you deeper into them until you start to believe you're not even inside a paradigm. But I am telling you that you're still inside a paradigm, and that paradigms keeps you from realizing GOD.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes. I'm not saying anything super complicated. Just telling you to question deeper and don't settle for easy answers provided by nondualists and Buddhists. Basically, 99% of spirituality is dogma.

That 1% though is the anadrome of dogma.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

That 1% though is the anadrome of dogma.

Ok that is clever


Describe a thought.

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Any position you cling to is dogma.

The dogma of actualized.org are positions like "I am God", "Consciousness is the ultimate reality", "Understanding is the most important thing", "You can understand ultimate reality", "Without psychedelics you can't attain deep realizations", "I (Leo) am the most awake person on the planet" etc. It's full of dogma.

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8 hours ago, Moksha said:

was referring to the inability of the human mind to comprehend absolute reality.

Anything you think with your logical mind is dogma. the articulate mind must be silent, but more than silent, free.  reality is realized beyond the conceptual mind, with the unlimited mind. the unlimited mind is parceled out by the logical mind, they really are the same since there is only one mind. conceptual activity constricts the mind. when you say that it cannot be understood with the human mind, you mean the castrated mind. your mind can understand everything, because it is the only mind. the work is to free this mind from human chains

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Personally I don’t think this alien consciousness is going to be a big deal because if I’m wrong it will be an earth shaking revelation on planet earth. Imagine humans being 100x smarter at the price of a pop that Leo will charge for his seminar?

Personally I had access to states where I was 10x smarter so I know that it exist but if Leo can access Alien Consciousness he would already be the new Einstein or Elon Musk creating shit instead of typing messages with fellow monkeys on a forum.

Also I watched Leo’s last two videos. And although they are top shelf they aren’t cutting edge and I don’t see this 100x alien intelligence back in his speech and his output. In fact I see Leo just being human as the rest of us. 

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@axiom Banned

@spiritual memes Banned

@vladorion Banned

I repeat. Nobody here is AWAKE or understands what GOD is.

I will ban anyone who is arrogant and not here to learn. Do not preach your Buddhist/nondual shit to me.

I will not only ban you from this forum, I will ban you from ever accessing any of my courses or work.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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