Juan Cruz Giusto

Actualized.org Video Summaries!

362 posts in this topic



Actualized.org Youtube Episodes:

  • The first 200 episodes have transcripts in the video section of Actualized.org
  • If you want to contribute to this thread, select one of the episodes that still needs a summary and post it here

Episodes:            1 - 249


1. [x] How to Invest In Yourself (pg 11)

2. [x] Why Life Coaching Works (pg 11)

3. [] Be Different to Be Successful

4. [x] Get Coached (pg 12)

5. [] Inner Game of Career Development

6. [] The Most Interesting Problem in Philosophy and Science

7. [x] How I Lost 65 Pounds in 5 Months (pg 12)

8. [x] Understanding Resistance (pg 8)

9. [x] Mastery (pg 11) (book pg 140)

10. [] Work Less to Accomplish More

11. [x] What's the Worst That Can Happen? (pg 16)

12. [] What a Roman Emperor Can Teach You About Happiness

13. [] The Number One Reason Why You're Not Succeeding

14. [] The Problem of Self-Control

15. [] The Art of Solving Problems Permanently

16. [] How You Must Think About Failure

17. [] Life Purpose - Critical Points For Finding Your Life Purpose ?

18. [] As Good As Your Life Will Ever Get ?️

19. [] How to Delegate to Your Subconscious Mind

20. [] Garbage In, Garbage Out - Watch Your Information Intake

21. [] The $100 Million Dollar Question

22. [] Positive vs Negative Motivation

23. [] How To Transform Your Entire Life

24. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Intro - Actualized.org

25. [] Personal Development - The Ultimate Vision of What You Can Be

26. [] Life Purpose - The Thrill of Creative Contribution

27. [] Success & Creativity - Why You Should Be More Schizophrenic

28. [] Personal Development - How Your Mind is Like a Rider Atop an Elephant

29. [] Personal Development - Tips About How to Give Advice

30. [] Create an Exciting Life - Your 5 Proudest Moments Exercise

31. [] Happiness & Success - Should You Work on Strengths or Weaknesses?

32. [] Personal Development - Professional vs Hobbiest

33. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Mission Statement

34. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Charged Life

35. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Top 5 Feelings

36. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Eliminate Addictions

37. [] How to Make Your Life Extraordinary

38. [] How to Do Real Personal Development

39. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Meditation

40. [] How To Become Successful - The Secrets That Everyone Overlooks

41. [] How To Get More Energy - An Approach Nobody Ever Talks About

42. [] How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You - What Guys Really Want

43. [] How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You - What Girls Really Want

44. [] How To Make More Money - Increase Your Income In Career or Business

45. [] How To Become A Life Coach - Every Part of the Process Revealed inDetail

46. [] Benefits of Meditation - Top Reasons To Start Meditating Right Now

47. [] How To Overcome Shyness - Transform Yourself Into An Extrovert

48. [] What Is The Purpose Of Life? - Use Purpose to Achieve Massive Success

49. [] How To Motivate Employees - Creating Ultra-Productive Workers

50. [] How To Feel Happy - Scientifically Proven Ways of Creating Lasting Happiness

51. [] Productivity Strategies - Are You Prolific?

52. [x] How To Increase Your Results From Self-Help Products by 10x (book pg 206)

53. [] Personal Development Blueprint - Information Intake

54. [] New Years Resolutions - How Getting Back On Track Is A Huge Opportunity

55. [] Self Expression - How To Express Yourself & Find Your Authentic Creative Voice

56. [x] How to Be Happy in Life - Happiness Bottlenecks (pg 13)

57. [] Overcoming Fear - How To Slay Your Greatest Demon

58. [x] Sensitivity - Why Personal Development Is Impossible For You Right Now (pg 15)

59. [x] How To Never Quit - The Key To Reframing The Toughest Obstacles (pg 15)

60. [] The Subconscious Mind - Using Your Subconscious Mind to Create Massive Success

61. [] Negative Thoughts - The Origin Of Negative Thinking & How To Eliminate It Forever

62. [] How To Succeed In Life - The 6 Key Elements of Phenomenal Success

63. [] Fear Of Public Speaking - The One Key To Overcoming It Forever

64. [] How To Change Your Life - Making BIG Life Changes Actually Stick

65. [] Fear Of Failure - Why We Have It & How To Deal With It

66. [] How To Change Careers - Dealing With The Fear & Transitioning Smart

67. [] How To Stay Focused - The Key To Being Extremely Productive & ClearMinded

68. [] Resume Writing Tips - The Secret Mindset For Writing a Perfect Resume

69. [] How To Stay Motivated To Lose Weight - The Psychology of Weight Loss Success

70. [] How To Stop Worrying - The Fundamentals of Eliminating Worry

71. [] How To Change The World - What It Takes To Have Massive Social Impact

72. [] Personal Power - How Personal Power Creates Success

73. [] SMART Goal Setting - How to Set Extremely Effective Goals

74. [] The Subconscious Mind - Using Your Subconscious Mind to Create Massive Success

75. [] What Is Ego - How Your Ego Dictates Your Entire Life

76. [] How To Get Motivated - Creating a Consistent Drive for High Performance

77. [x] The Law Of Attraction - How It Really Works & How To Use It (pg 11)

78. [] How To Stop Procrastinating - A Step-by-Step Process For Busting The Worst of Procrastination

79. [] How To Be More Confident - A Step-by-Step Process for Becoming Truly Confident

80. [x] Self Actualization - The Most Inspiring Self-Help Concept Of All Time (book pg 37)

81. [] Positive Affirmations - The Tricks of Using Affirmations to Transform Your Life

82. [] What Should I Do With My Life - How To Find Your Passion For Life

83. [] Peak Performance - How To Hit and Maintain Consistent Peak Performance In Life

84. [x] How To Stay Healthy - The Psychology of Maintaining Consistent, Effortless Health (pg 13)

85. [x] Overcoming Adversity - How To Handle The Most Horrific Life Challenges Ever (pg 15)

86. [] How To Become A Vegetarian - Practical Steps You Must Take To Succeed

87. [] How To Control Anger - The Shocking Truth Behind Your Anger Problems

88. [] Positive Psychology - What Is It & How It Can Transform Your Life

89. [x] Self Control - How To Develop Self-Control To Create An Amazing Life (pg 9)

90. [] How To Relieve Stress - Scientifically Proven Stress Relief Techniques

91. [x] How To Be Attractive - The Ultimate Attraction Strategy (pg 2)

92. [x] Why Am I Depressed? - The Shocking Truth Behind Your Depression (pg 12)

93. [x] Profound Quotes #001 - "All Of Humanity's Problems Stem From Man’s..." (pg 12)

94. [] True Vision - I Reveal My Life Purpose Until You Can Feel It ?

95. [] Willpower - Scientifically Proven Techniques to Increase Willpower

96. [] Redefining Philosophy - How To Become A Jedi Master

97. [] How To Become Rich - The Number One Reason You're Not Already Rich

98. [] Mindfulness - How To Actually Practice Mindfulness & Conquer Your Emotions

99. [] Profound Quotes #002 - "Specialization Is For Insects"

100. [x] What Is Happiness? - An Extremely Advanced Definition Of Happiness (book pg 60)

101. [x] Self Image - The Amazing, Absolute Key To All Personal Growth (pg 16)

102. [] How To Stay Committed To A Cause

103. [] Introvert vs Extrovert - A Deep Understanding Of Introverts And Extroverts

104. [] How To Eat Healthy - Create A Super Healthy Meal In 15 Minutes ?

105. [x] How To Be A Man - The Deep Core Of Being Masculine (pg 10)

106. [] Positive Thinking - The Key To Thinking Positive

107. [] Healthy Relationships - What You MUST Know To Sustain A Great Relationship

108. [x] Dream Life - What It Takes To Create An Extraordinary Life (pg 15)

109. [] Best Supplements - What You Must Know About Supplementation ?

110. [x] Optimism - How To Become Optimisitic Right Now (pg 10)

111. [] Letting Go Of The Past - How To Get Over The Past In Minutes

112. [] How To Find Your Passion - Why You Have No Passion & How To Fix It

113. [] Critical Thinking - Use Independent Thinking To Build A Powerful Life

114. [] How To Motivate Yourself - The Trick Behind Lasting Self-Motivation

115. [x] Emotional Intelligence - Why Your EQ Is More Important Than Your IQ (pg 9)

116. [x] Cause & Purpose - What Are You Willing To Bleed For? (pg 10)

117. [] Id, Ego, Superego - Understanding An Old School Psychology Concept

118. [] Self Help - How Self-Help Can Revolutionize Your Entire Life

119. [] Life Coaching - The Powerful Benefits Of Working With A Life Coach

120. [] How To Start A Business - Bootstrapping A Successful Business

121. [] How To Use Technology To Super-Charge Your Personal Growth

122. [] Time Management - How To Get More Time In Your Day

123. [] State Of The Union - My Camera Dies In Death Valley

124. [x] The Secret - The Truth They Didn't Tell You (pg 13)

125. [] Personal Development Plan - The Essentials Of Getting Results

126. [] How To Love Yourself - How To Like Who You Are Right Now

127. [] How To Feel Good - Re-Designing Your Life To Feel Amazing

128. [] How To Be Yourself - Become Your Authentic Self Right Now

129. [] True Value - How To Create Success Out Of Nowhere

130. [] The Power Of Routines - How Your Daily Routine Holds You Back From Your Dreams

131. [] Staying Hungry - How To Use Pain For Growth ⚖️

132. [x] Relationship Advice - The Master Plan For Creating An Amazing Relationship (pg 10)

133. [] How To Become A Millionaire - The Truth No One Tells You

134. [] Self Esteem - Understanding & Fixing Low Self-Esteem

135. [] Judgment - How You Ruin Your Own Happiness

136. [x] Profound Quotes #003 - "Children Want Candy; The Intelligent Want Self-Control” - Rumi (pg 9)

137. [] Whatever Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger - True or False? ?

138. [] What Women Want In A Man - 5 Factors That Hook Women Like Crack

139. [] How To Make A Girl Squirt - Give Your Girl An Explosive Orgasm

140. [] Positive Attitude - The 3 Pillars To Cultivating Positivity

141. [x] How To Exploit People To Grow Yourself - An Advanced Technique (pg 1) (book pg 269)

142. [] Stress Management - Permanent Solutions For Stress Reduction

143. [] Why I'm A Dick - And Why I Won't Change

144. [] Goal Setting - How To Set Goals Effectively

145. [x] Bad Relationships - How To Break Your Cycle Of Painful Relationships (pg 9)

146. [] Bad Habits - A Live Exercise For Dropping Any Bad Habit For Good

147. [] How To Get A Girlfriend - The Ultimate Guide For Landing A Hot Girlfriend

148. [] How To Forgive Someone - The One Trick That Makes Forgiveness Easy

149. [] Openmindedness - A Huge Overlooked Obstacle To Self Improvement

150. [] How To Make Friends - 4 Sticking-Points That Limit Your Ability To Make Friends

151. [] Good Vs Evil - Why Evil Doesn't Actually Exist

152. [] Communication Skills - The 6 Keys Of Powerful Communication

153. [] Low Self Esteem In Women - Why Women Have Lower Self-Esteem Than Men

154. [x] Visualization - A Powerful Technique For Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind (book pg 203)

155. [] Self Confidence - The Two Essential Avenues For Building Confidence

156. [] Why Women Use You For Money - And How To Never Get Used Again

157. [] Why Men Cheat - And 8 Ways To Keep Your Man Loyal

158. [] How To Follow Advice Without Betraying Yourself

159. [x] How To Master & Control Your Emotions (book pg 201)

160. [] Negative Visualization - An Ancient Stoic Technique For Creating Happiness

161. [x] How To Stop Being A Victim - The #1 Reason You Are Stuck In Life  (pg 15) (book pg 84)

162. [] Spirituality vs Religion - The No-Bullshit Guide To Spirituality

163. [x] Self Discipline vs Freedom - How To Create More Freedom In Your Life (pg 11)

164. [x] How To Deal With Depression - The Key To Breaking Out Of Depression (pg 3)

165. [x] How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You (pg 13) (book pg 199)

166. [] How Science Keeps You Stuck In Life - Exposing Problems With "Scientific" Thinking

167. [] Why Women Fall For Assholes

168. [x] Understanding The Authentic Self - Discovering Who You Really Are (book pg 197)

169. [] How To Deal With Difficult & Toxic People

170. [] Leo's List of Top 140 Self-Help Books ?

171. [] How To Stop Watching TV - Why You Must Eliminate TV Right Now!

172. [] Luck & Success - Is Luck Important For Being Successful?

173. [] How To Meditate - The No Bullshit Guide to Meditation

174. [] How To Manage Your Money Easily Using This Budget Template

175. [] The Biggest Thing You Should Fear - Halloween Special ?

176. [] How To Be An Attractive Man - Interview With Dating Coach, TrippAdvice

177. [x] How To Stop Being Lazy - Solutions For Short-term & Long-term Laziness (book pg 196)

178. [] How To Deepen Your Love For Life - A Powerful Exercise

179. [] How To Deal With A Breakup

180. [] Why The Most Successful People Don't Do Personal Development

181. [] How To Have Amazing Sex - Part 1

182. [] The Truth About Passive Income

183. [] How To Practice Gratitude - Xmas 2014 Special ?

184. [x] How To Stop Being Jealous - Techniques To End Jealousy Forever (pg 2)

185. [x] Responsibility vs Blame - Why You Are 100% Responsible For Everything (book pg 89)

186. [x] How To Study - The Keys To Acing School & College (pg 2) (book pg 214)

187. [x] Beware Of False Prophets - Stop Worshipping Human Personality (pg 11)

188. [x] What Is Karma? - The No-Bullshit Explanation Of How Karma Works (book pg 140)

189. [] Stop Demonizing People! - Why You Are Wrong For Calling Terrorists Evil

190. [x] Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear (book pg 98)

191. [] What To Do Next After Learning About Enlightenment

192. [x] The Happiness Spectrum - The Best & Worst Kinds Of Happiness (book pg 58)

193. [x] Paradoxes Of Personal Development (book pg 61)

194. [x] Spiritual Enlightenment - Part 2 - Understanding The Conceptualized Self (book pg 100)

195. [] The Secret Curse Of Being Human + Bonus: A True Spiritual Exercise!

196. [] How To Have Amazing Sex (For Women) - Drive Your Man Wild In Bed

197. [x] Enlightenment - Part 3 - Creating An Experience Of No-Self (book pg 101)

198. [x] Enlightenment FAQ - Part 1 - All Your Questions Answered (pg 2) (book pg 246)

199. [x] Enlightenment FAQ - Part 2 (pg 14)

200. [x] All Of Religion Explained In One Video (pg 2) (pg 12) (book pg 112)

201. [] How To Have Amazing Sex - Part 2 - Increasing Intimacy & Dominance

202. [x] Understanding Emotions - Part 1 (book pg 190)

203. [] Feminine vs Masculine Compassion

204. [x] How To Stop Backsliding - How To Stop Procrastinating (pg 10) (book pg 195)

205. [x] How To Become Enlightened - The Exact Step By Step Process Revealed! (book pg 102)

206. [x] How To Be A Leader - Leadership Secrets Revealed! (book pg 188)

207. [] How To Stop Being A Workaholic

208. [x] How To Meditate Deeper (pg 8)

209. [x] Science vs Religion - The Absurdity Revealed! (book pg 186)

210. [x] How To Create Your Dream Career - The Ultimate Life Purpose Course (pg 15)

211. [x] How To Unleash Your Ambition - Must-Watch For Ambitious People (pg 1) (book pg 82)

212. [x] How To Get Shit Done - The Inner Game Of Being A Results-Maker (pg 1) (book pg 80)

213. [] My Enlightenment Experience - Exactly How It Happened

214. [x] Lower vs Higher Self - Understanding Your Two-Faced Nature (book pg 184)

215. [x] Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs To Self-Actualize (book pg 35)

216. [x] Masculinity vs Femininity - Psychology Of The Male & Female Mind (book pg 182)

217. [x] Meditation Techniques: Do Nothing - The Simplest Meditation Possible (pg 1) (book pg 124)

218. [x] Meditation On Steroids - How To Get The FASTEST Meditation Gains (book pg 127)

219. [x] The Grand Model Of Psychological Evolution - Clare Graves & Spiral Dynamics (book pg 52)

220. [] Being A Spiritual Seeker, Good or Bad?

221. [x] One Simple Rule For Acing Life (book pg 49)

222. [] How To Be Funny - Comprehensive Guide To Developing A Sense of Humor

223. [x] Contemplating Your Own Death - To Stay Motivated For Life (book pg 181)

224. [] How To Deal With Criticism, Trolls, and Haters

225. [x] Avoiding Dysfunctional & Abusive Relationships - 30+ Red Flags (pg 15)

226. [x] Advice For High School & College Students - The Keys To Mastering Life (book pg 204)

227. [] Curing Perfectionism - How To Stop Being A Perfectionist

228. [x] Mindfulness Meditation - A Complete Guide With Techniques & Examples (pg 15) (pg 16)

229. [x] A Vision For The Self Actualized Life - Get Yo Ass Inspired! (book pg 21)

230. [] How To Overcome Creative Blocks & Writer's Block

231. [x] How To Deal With Strong Negative Emotions (pg 14) (book pg 43)

232. [x] Radical Openmindedness - How To Break Free Of Dogma & Beliefs (book pg 94)

233. [x] 30 Ways Society Fucks You In The Ass (pg 1) (book pg 54)

234. [x] How You Lie - All Your Dirty, Sneaky Lies & Manipulations Exposed! (book pg 135)

235. [x] 40 Signs That You Are Neurotic - Understanding Neurosis  (pg 1) (book pg 178)

236. [] How To Stop Judging Yourself

237. [] The Challenges Of Making Bold Life Changes

238. [x] Understanding Awareness - The Staggering Depth Of Your Unawareness Revealed (pg 1) (book pg 39)

239. [x] Free Will vs Determinism - Does Free Will Exist? (book pg 176)

240. [] A Rant Against The Pickup Community - Must Watch For All PUAs

241. [x] The Ultimate Model Of Human Knowledge - All Knowledge Explained! (pg 12) (book pg 66)

242. [x] The Most Important Commitment You Can Make + Huge Announcement (pg 1) (book pg 230)

243. [x] 27 Qualities Of All Successful People (pg 2) (book pg 209)

244. [x] The Enlightened Self - A Description Of Your Existential Nature (pg 1) (book pg 105)

245. [x] Fake Growth vs Real Growth - What If You're Just Tricking Yourself? (pg 1) (book pg 26)

246. [x] How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others (pg 1) (book pg 227)

247. [x] How To Be A Strategic Motherfucker - The 7 Pillars Of Strategic Thinking (pg 1)  (pg 7) (book pg 76)

248. [x] Why Rationality Is WRONG! - A Critique Of Rationalism (pg 1) (book pg 174)

249. [x] The Power Of Self Acceptance - How To Stop Beating Yourself Up (pg 1) (book pg 173) ?

Episodes:         250 - 521


250. [x] The Benefits Of Enlightenment  (pg 14) (book pg 259)

251. [x] 3 Step Formula To Be Ruthlessly Effective At Anything (pg 15) (book pg 219)

252. [x] Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction (pg 1) (pg 4) (book pg 44)

253. [x] How Your Mind Distorts Reality - Needy vs Non-Needy Perception (pg 4) (book pg 90)

254. [x] Enlightenment Guided Inquiry - The Neti Neti Method (book pg 106)

255. [x] Grasping The Illusory Nature Of Thought (pg 4) (book pg 93)

256. [x] Lifestyle Minimalism - Renouncing Your Busy Stupid Life (pg 4) (book pg 47)

257. [x] How To Stop Being A Victim - Part 2 - What All Victims Fail To Understand (pg 14) (book pg 87)

258. [x] A Rant Against Morality - Very Foundational (pg 4) (book pg 167)

259. [x] How To Stop Moralizing - Removing The SHOULDs From Your Life (pg 4) (book pg 170)

260. [x] Meditation For Beginners (pg 4) (book pg 264)

261. [x] Awareness Alone Is Curative - How To Auto-Correct Unwanted Behaviors (pg 4) (book pg 42)

262. [x] Be Fucking Patient! - How To Deal With Lack Of Results (pg 4) (book pg 50)

263. [x] The Psychology Of Small Business Success - Top 5 Errors Of Aspiring Entrepreneurs (pg 4) (book pg 220)

264. [x] 10 Important Things You Don't Know You Want (pg 4) (book pg 138)

265. [x] You're Not Happy Because You Don't Really Want To Be (pg 4) (book pg 165)

266. [x] The 3 Levels Of Personal Development Work (pg 4) (book pg 31)

267. [] The Amazing Power Of Psychedelics - Leo Does Magic Psilocybin Mushrooms!

268. [x] How To Use Psychedelics For Personal Development (pg 11) (book pg 207)

269. [] Guided Meditation - The Next Level Of Meditation

270. [x] The Paradox Of Developing Self-Trust (pg 4) (book pg 244)

271. [x] How To Be A Man - Part 2 (Advanced Version) (pg 10)

272. [x] The 64 Most Fascinating Questions A Human Can Ask (pg 4) (book pg 160)

273. [x] What's Wrong With Ego? (book pg 162)

274. [] What Is God? - Leo Becomes Absolute Infinity (Aka God) - All Of Reality Explained

275. [x] 5-MeO-DMT - The Magic Pill To Enlightenment & God (pg 16)

276. [x] Low Quality vs High Quality Consciousness (pg 4) (book pg 24)

277. [x] The Dark Side Of Meditation (pg 4) (book pg 157)

278. [x] The Mechanics Of Belief (pg 4) (book pg 154)

279. [x] How To Harness Your Intuition (pg 4) (book pg 262)

280. [x] The Trap Of Projection, Especially Onto Teachers & Mentors (pg 10)

281. [x] A Rant Against Culture (pg 4)

282. [x] Money Psychology - The Inner Game of Mastering Money (pg 4) (book pg 222)

283. [] Using 5-MeO-DMT To Become Enlightened - Interview With Martin Ball

284. [x] How To Deal With Confusion (pg 4) (book pg 33)

285. [x] Becoming A Sage - A New Vision For Actualized.org & You! (pg 4) (book pg 23)

286. [x] Mystical Traditions Around The World - Nonduality Goes Cosmopolitan! (book pg 110)

287. [x] Becoming A Zen Devil - The Dangers Of Half-Assing Enlightenment (pg 4) (book pg 107)

288. [x] Uncovering Your Childhood Vows - Unwire Your Neurotic Personality (book pg 122)

289. [x] The Pre-mortem Technique - The Trick To Avoiding Project Failure (pg 4)

290. [x] How To Control Anger - Part 2 - Understanding Evil To Death (pg 4) (book pg 153)

291. [x] A Rant Against Naive Realism - Reality Is NOT Physical! (pg 4) (book pg 151)

292. [x] How I Do Research & Develop Big Picture Understanding  (pg 2) (pg 4) (book pg 132)

293. [] The Launch Of Infinite Insights - Leo's Blog!

294. [x] The Role Of Balance In Personal Development (pg 4) (book pg 63)

295. [x] Dropping The Roles You Play (pg 4)

296. [] The Gallery Of Absolute Infinity ?

297. [x] Build Your Infrastructure For Success (pg 4) (book pg 149)

298. [x] AL-LAD Trip Report - A Powerful Tool For Consciousness Work (pg 10)

299. [x] Understanding How Paradigms Work (pg 4) (book pg 68)

300. [x] Contemplation - The Most Important Tool For Sages (pg 4) (book pg 128)

301. [x] Concentration vs Meditation - How To Develop Concentration (pg 4) (book pg 126)

302. [x] The Big Picture Of Self-Actualization (pg 4) (book pg 18)

303. [x] True vs False Skepticism (pg 4) (book pg 72)

304. [x] Leo's Super Healthy Blueberry Smoothie ? (pg 16)

305. [x] The Highest Hero's Journey - What It Means To Be Real Hero (pg 4) (book pg 130)

306. [x] Leo's Super Healthy Vegetable Soup ? (pg 9)

307. [x] Understanding Default Positions (pg 4) (book pg 147)

308. [] Leo's Solo Meditation Retreat - 90 Hours Of Nonstop Meditation In The Forest ?

309. [x] Balancing Theory vs Practice (pg 4) (book pg 29)

310. [x] How To Deal With Loneliness - Especially While Self-Actualizing (book pg 145)

311. [x] How To Get Started With Self Actualization - Over 40 Techniques (pg 16) (book pg 19)

312. [] 2C-B Trip Report - Experiencing Physical Death

313. [x] Intro To Systems Thinking (pg 4) (book pg 142)

314. [x] Why People Seem Crazy (pg 4) (book pg 119)

315. [] Subtle Addictions

316. [] Successful People Are Not Happy

317. [] Making Sense Of Paranormal Phenomena & Psychic Powers ???‍♀️

318. [x] Understanding Absolute Infinity - Part 1 (pg 3)

319. [] Understanding Absolute Infinity - Part 2

320. [x] What Is Art? - Understanding The Essence Of Art (pg 8)

321. [] Setting Proper Expectations

322. [] Leo Hits Rock Bottom - EVERYTHING Understood

323. [x] Learning = Behavior Change (pg 4) (book pg 274)

324. [x] No Growth Possible Without Training (pg 4) (book pg 217)

325. [x] Understanding Meaning, Purpose, & Value ? (pg 4)

326. [x] Distraction - The Ego's Favorite Defense Mechanism (pg 9)

327. [x] What Is The Devil? - The Mechanics Of Evil (pg 3)

328. [x] How To Raise Rockstar Kids (pg 8)

329. [] Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 1

330. [] Learning = Observation

331. [] Correcting The Stigma Of Psychedelics - Part 2

332. [] The Topic Of Mindfuckery

333. [x] Advanced Tips For Self-Inquiry (pg 3)

334. [x] Building Your Existential Vocabulary (pg 4)

335. [] How To Keep The Ultimate Journal (Commonplace Book) + LIVE DEMO ?

336. [x] Comprehension Has Many Degrees (pg 13)

337. [x] Why Brains Do Not Exist (pg 7)

338. [] Reality Is A Strange Loop - The Beauty Of Paradox + GRAPHICS ? 

339. [] The Theme Of Things Going Full-Circle

340. [x] Motivational Speech For Building A Passionate Life (pg 4) (book pg 15)

341. [x] The Deep Problem Of Marketing (pg 3) (pg 4) (book pg 270) ?

342. [x] Jacques Derrida, Deconstruction, Post-Modernism & Nonduality (pg 4)

343. [x] All Criticism Is Untenable (pg 4) (pg 10)

344. [x] Self-Deception - Part 1 (pg 2) (book pg 231)

345. [x] Self Deception - Part 2 - 60+ Self-Deception Mechanisms (pg 2) (book pg 234)

346. [] Enlightenment Experience Happening In Real Time - LIVE! ?️

347. [x] Enlightenment Experience Explanation & Key Lessons (pg 3) (book pg 266)

348. [x] Self-Deception - Part 3  (pg 2) (book pg 237)

349. [] Hitler Reacts To Nonduality / Enlightenment - FUNNY!

350. [] Life Is A Dream

351. [x] How To Shop For Healthy Food (pg 3)

352. [] My Deepest Awakening Yet - Becoming Infinite

353. [] The Importance Of Real Yoga

354. [] Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 1

355. [] Quantum Mechanics Debunks Materialism - Part 2

356. [] Comprehending The Magnitude Of Reality

357. [] Metaphysical Implications Of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem - Part 1

358. [x] Understanding Islam - What Most People Misunderstand (pg 12)

359. [x] Shamanic Breathing Technique + LIVE DEMO ??‍♀️ (pg 8)

360. [x] Collective Ego - Understanding The Egoic Dynamics Of Social Systems (pg 12)

361. [] Going Buddha - 30 Day Meditation Challenge

362. [x] What Is Consciousness? - All Questions Answered (pg 2)

363. [] What Is Intelligence? - Infinite Intelligence Explained

364. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Blue (pg 5) (book pg 275)

365. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Orange (pg 5) (book pg 275)

366. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Green (pg 5) (book pg 275)

367. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Yellow (pg 5) (book pg 275)

368. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Turquoise (pg 5) (book pg 275)

369. [x] Understanding Recontextualization (pg 3)

370. [x] How To Contemplate Using A Journal (pg 10)

371. [x] Sameness vs Difference - The Metaphysical Foundation Of Reality (pg 13)

372. [x] How Ideology Works (pg 12)

373. [] Life Is A Maze

374. [x] What Is Spirituality? - A No-Bullshit Intro To Spirituality (pg 3)

375. [x] How To Escape Wage Slavery (book pg 224)

376. [] Body Awareness - How To Relax Your Body

377. [x] What Is Love? - Advanced Spiritual Explanation (pg 2)

378. [x] 35+ Subfields Of Self-Help (pg 3)

379. [] What Is Actuality? - Distinguish Direct Experience vs Concept

380. [x] Mankind Is The Bullshitting Animal (pg 3)

381. [x] Nootropics - Top Supplements For Increasing Mental Performance (pg 12)

382. [] The Radical Implications Of Oneness (Halloween Edition) ?

383. [x] 65 Core Principles Of Living The Good Life (pg 3)

384. [x] What Is Perception? - The Metaphysics Of Perception (pg 4) (book pg 254)

385. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Important Insights & Nuances (pg 17)

386. [x] The Ten Ox-Herding Pictures - Zen’s Stages of Enlightenment Explained (pg 4)

387. [] The Counter-Intuitive Nature Of Life 

388. [x] Understanding Ego Backlash (pg 14)

389. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Areas Of Application (pg 5) (book pg 276)

390. [x] How To Do Self-Inquiry (pg 10)

391. [x] Cult Psychology - Part 1 - How Cults Work (pg 7)

392. [x] Cult Psychology - Part 2 - The Big Picture (pg 8)

393. [x] What Is God? - Part 1 - A No Bullshit Explanation For Smart People (pg 4)

394. [x] What Is God? - Part 2 - Clear Answers To 70+ Commonly Asked Questions (pg 4)

395. [] Aztec Nonduality - Profound Life Lessons From Aztec Philosophy

396. [] Leaving On 30-Day Solo Retreat

397. [] Becoming God - Insights From 13 Back-to-Back Awakenings

398. [x] Understanding Duality - Part 1 - Master List of 250+ Dualities (pg 5)

399. [] Understanding Duality - Part 2 - Scientific Dualities

400. [] Understanding Duality - Part 3 - Existential Dualities

401. [x] Life Unfolds In Chapters & Phases (pg 6)

402. [x] The Power Of Asking Questions (pg 7) (pg 17)

403. [x] What Is The Point Of Life? - An Advanced, Life-Changing Explanation (pg 9)

404. [x] Understanding Survival - Part 1 - The Metaphysics Of Being Human (pg 7)

405. [x] Understanding Survival - Part 2 - Advanced Insights About Survival (pg 7)

406. [x] Understanding Relativism - Part 1 (pg 7)

407. [] What Is Reality? - A Radical Explanation

408. [x] How Authority Works - Where Does Truth Come From? (pg 5)

409. [x] Conscious Politics - Part 1 - The Deepest Political Analysis You'll Ever Hear (pg 5)

410. [x] Conscious Politics - Part 2 - Foundational Insights About Political Ideology (pg 6)

411. [x] Conscious Politics - Part 3 - The Core Principles Of Conscious Politics (pg 6)

412. [x] Conscious Politics - Part 4 - 100+ Specific Policy Proposals (pg 11)

413. [x] Self-Bias - Why All Worldviews Are So Skewed (pg 7)

414. [x] What Is Truth? - The Definitive Answer (pg 7)

415. [] The Power Of Letting Go - How To Overcome Clinginess, Attachment, OCD

416. [x] What Is Love? - Part 2 - The Brutal Nature Of Love (pg 6)

417. [x] How Fear Works - Part 1 - The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With Fear (pg 6) (pg 10)

418. [x] How Fear Works - Part 2 - The Ultimate Guide To Dealing With Fear (pg 6) (pg 10)

419. [x] Understanding Impermanence - Why Reality Is Always Changing (pg 6)

420. [] Announcement - Actualized.org Launching On Patreon + Vision For The Future

421. [x] The Many Facets Of Awakening - List of Top 30 Enlightenment Insights (pg 7)

422. [x] How Corruption Works (pg 6)

423. [] The Dangers Of Spiritual Work

424. [x] How To Discover What's True - A Deep Inquiry (pg 13)

425. [x] Content vs Structure - Going Meta Is A Super-power (pg 15)

426. [x] What Is Death? - How Immortality Works (pg 8)

427. [] Self-Love - The Highest Teaching In The Universe

428. [x] Division vs Unity - The Engine That Runs Reality (pg 8)

429. [] Why Reality CANNOT Be A Simulation - A Clear Answer ?

430. [] Reproduction Is An Illusion - Why It Doesn't Matter If You Have Kids ?

431. [] Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 1 ?

432. [] Total Awakening Live In Real Time - Part 2 ?️

433. [x] Explicit vs Implicit Understanding (pg 7)

434. [] How Psychedelics Work - Making Sense Of Psychedelics

435. [x] How Society Evolves - Introducing The World Values Survey (pg 9)

436. [] I'm Leaving To Pursue Awakening & Healing - March 2020

437. [x] Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days (pg 8)

438. [] How Openmindedness Works - Exercises To Open Your Mind

439. [x] Life Advice For Young People - Part 1 (pg 8)

440. [x] How To Forgive Anyone Who Hurt You - A Powerful Trauma Release Exercise (pg 15)

441. [] Learning = Making Distinctions - The Secret To Rapid & Deep Learning

442. [x] Life Advice For Young People - Part 2 (pg 8)

443. [] The Ultimate Structure Of Reality Explained

444. [] Understanding Democracy & Authoritarianism

445. [] Why Libertarianism Is Nonsense - Deconstructing Freedom

446. [] What If Reality Is Nothing But Perspective?

447. [] Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?

448. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Red (pg 9)

449. [x] Spiral Dynamics - Stage Purple (pg 14)

450. [x] The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 1 (pg 9)

451. [x] The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 2 (pg 9)

452. [x] The 9 Stages Of Ego Development - Part 3 (pg 9)

453. [x] The Trap Of The Toxic Life Purpose (pg 9)

454. [x] Developing Introspection - The Solution To The Problem Of Self-Deception (pg 9)

455. [x] The Sneaky Psychology Behind Conspiracy Theories (pg 9)

456. [] What Is Actualized.org? - The Big Picture of Personal Development

457. [] Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness

458. [x] Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 1 (pg 12)

459. [x] Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 2 (pg 12)

460. [x] Deconstructing The Myth Of Science - Part 3 (pg 12)

461. [x] Should You Go To College? - Common Traps & Mistakes (pg 10)

462. [] What Is Goodness? - Good & Morality Fully Explained

463. [] Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God

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466. [x] Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 1 (pg 11)

467. [x] Holism & Holistic Thinking - Part 2 (pg 11)

468. [x] What It Means To "Go Meta” (pg 12)

469. [] Is Actualized.org a Cult?

470. [x] What Is Integrity? - The Role Of Integrity In Life (pg 10)

471. [x] How Survival Shapes Who You Are (pg 14)

472. [] Is Gender A Social Construct? - A Profound Explanation

473. [] Making Sense of Jordan Peterson

474. [] An Advanced Explanation of God Realization

475. [] The Dangers of Misapplying Spiritual Teachings ?️?

476. [x] Understanding and Coping with Nihilism (pg 15)

477. [] How Modern Branding Exploits and Abuses You

478. [] Expose Yourself to More Experience

479. [] Not Everything Can Be Explained Simply

480. [] Why God Forgives Devilry

481. [x] How Your Mind Interprets Reality (pg 13)

482. [] Relative vs Absolute Truth

483. [] The Social Matrix - How Society Is A Mass Hallucination

484. [x] The Top Dangers Of Using Psychedelics (pg 14)

485. [x] The Root Solution To People Pleasing & Loneliness (pg 14)

486. [x] Satisfaction Meditation - How To Make Meditation Enjoyable! (pg 16)

487. [] What Does Awakening Feel Like?

488. [] Everyone Acts From Good Intentions

489. [x] Why Valuable Things Require Development Over Time (pg 16)

490. [] Understanding Bias - Bias, Love, & Mind Explained ?

491. [] Life, It's All A Mind Game!

492. [x] Introducing 5-MeO-MALT - The Other God Molecule (pg 17)

493. [] Does Free Will Exist? - What Is Will?

494. [] What Is Paradox? - Why Does Paradox Exist?

495. [] Leo's Worst Bad Trips - Psychedelics Gone Wrong

496. [x] Motivational Speech - Oct 2021 (pg 17)

497. [] Assumption Is The Mother Of All F**k-Ups

498. [] Burning Through Karma - How To Exhaust Material Desires ?

499. [x] How To Get Laid - Part 1 - The Foundations Of Success With Women (pg 16) (pg 16)

500. [x] How To Get Laid - Part 2 - Outer Game Techniques (pg 16) (pg 16)

501. [x] How To Get Laid - Part 3 - The Top Principles Of Game (pg 16) (pg 16)

502. [] How To Detox Heavy Metals (Lead & Mercury)

503. [] Creation vs Destruction ??

504. [] The Avoidance Of Truth - Why You Fear Truth ?

505. [] Understanding War & Conflict - Part 1

506. [] How To Avoid Getting Scammed, Cheated, Exploited, Conned, and Screwed In Life

507. [] Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality? ?

508. [] State of Consciousness is Everything

509. [x] New Kind of Awakening: Infinity of Gods (pg 17) (pg 18)

510. [] How To Practice Love - What Does It Mean To Love? 

511. [x] How To Fall In Love With Life (pg 17)

512. [x] The Power of Not-Knowing (pg 18)

513. [] How to Become Decisive

514. [] The Next Evolution of Actualized.org Teachings

515. [] Reading A Poetic Description Of God-Consciousness ?

516. [] Understanding Double Standards & Hypocrisy

517. [x] How Socialization Makes You Stupid - Problems With Conformity & Group-Think (pg 17)

518. [] Understanding The Exquisite Balance Of Life

519. [] When Does The Left Go Too Far? - Part 1

520. [] When Does The Left Go Too Far? - Part 2

521. [x] An Intro To Serious Philosophy - Top Advice For Philosophers (pg 17) (pg 18) ?



Edited by FlyingLotus

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On 7/21/2022 at 9:54 AM, Loving Radiance said:

I suggest using a youtube transcript generator like youtubetranscript.com for everyone going through videos and taking notes. You can click on the line and it will take you to the exact spot in the video.

This is tremendously helpful when combined with the search tool (for me STRG+F) for finding specific passages and topics.

In addition to that, I think I will use this for lectures, talks and interviews because I can read faster than most people speak.

Thanks for the link.  I also like to use the “Show Transcript” feature on Youtube.  You can open it and even use a search function on the transcript. 



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LOL, you beat me to it, i was gonna post my summary of the philosophy vid too :D

imma still post it lol. 

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An Intro To Serious Philosophy - Top Advice For Philosophers 


- fields of philosophy
    - metaphysics
    - epistemology
    - ethics
    - aesthetics
    - political philosophy
    - philosophy of science
    - logic and mathematics
    - philosophy of religion
    - philosophy of mind
    - psychology
        - having a good psychology is crtical for philosophy
    - sociology
    - history
        - most of philosophy taught in college is actually history, history of philosophers and their ideas.
    - spirituality
    - mysticism
    - language

- how to do philosophy 
    - two types of philosophy
        - armchair philosophy which is just speculation
        - real philosophy that gives you insight and understanding
    - you have to be openminded.
    - spend thousands of hours in deep contemplation and questioning
    - be aware of self deception and bias.

- philosophy is important to improve your quality of thinking
    - most people have poor quality thinking quality outside of their domain.
    - think of how powerful this is., you are gonna be thinking your whole life, so

- how is philosophy accomplished:
    - contemplation and observation
        - keep switching between those two to understand something, have your observations inform your contemplation and vice versa.
    - exploring perspectives and POV's.
    - asking powerful questions.
    - self reflection.

- traps of philosophy and what philosophy is not:
    - armchair speculation and guessing.
    - group think, justifying beliefs and ideology.
    - debating, arguing and debunking.
    - history of philosophy and scholarship.
    - writing and publishing papers.
    - subscribing to some philosopher or philosophy.
    - proving things.
    - judging the quality of philosophy based on credentials, authority and popularity.
    - using it as escapism from real life.
    - mental masturbation.
    - political activism and power/dominance games.

- rationalization vs inquiry.

- its possible to understand reality and yourself fully.
    - the end point of philosophy. 

- pure philosophy
    - pure philosophy doesn't care about history and individuals.
    - in pure philosophy, we care about the ideas themselves, how they blend together, evaluate them and make the best possible understanding of reality from them.
    - willing to question everything.
    - worries and notices self deception.

- four key questions in pure philosophy:
    - how the fuck is anything possible?
    - what the fuck is anything?
    - where the fuck did you come from?
    - what the fuck is consciousness?
    - how do I live the best life? (bonus)

- top techniques for philosophers:
    - sitting down alone for hours to contemplate
    - asking powerful questions and honing them
    - simplicity, clarity and cutting through bullshit.
    - radical skepticism, apply skepticism to everything (apply your skepticism to itself too).
    - study all philosophies (briefly), don't get lost in one.
    - explore new perspectives.
    - radical open-mindedness.
    - question science just like religion. 
    - psychedelics.
    - keep a commonplace book.
    - write down all your major insights.
    - do serious meditation.
    - study psychology and sociology.
    - making and collapsing distinctions.
    - generate powerful examples.
    - observation
    - master language and clear communication.
    - engage other intellectuals in philosophical conversation and dialogue (do not debate)
    - writing, write down your thoughts.
    - start a YouTube channel/blog/public speaking.

- Leo's top advice for philosophers:
    - do not neglect survival aspects of life.
    - develop some practical skills too, like computer programming, drawing, cooking, engineering, etc.
    - don't turn philosophy into dogma.
    - keep your philosophy simple and clear.
    - be careful of your pet theories and intuitions.
    - consciousness is key.
    - be more open minded
    - enjoy the process.
    - embody your philosophy.
    - be aware of self deception.
    - generate practical insight, like money and attraction.
    - be original.
    - contemplate.
    - don't get attached to a school of philosophy.
    - keep it simple.
    - study self help.
    - don't over-specialize, be aware of the big picture.
    - make clarity one of your highest values.
    - history of philosophy is not doing philosophy.
    - be aware of intellectual fads.

- there are philosophies that are worth studying, that point to the right direction.
    - skepticism
    - pyrrhonism
    - idealism
    - relativism
    - political philosophy
    - eastern philosophy
    - Zen
    - Buddhism
    - Hinduism (Vedanta for example)
    - Dzogchen
    - mysticism
    - non duality
    - meditation
    - monism
    - solipsism
    - yoga

- there are also philosophers worth reading.
    - Heraclitus
    - Anaximander
    - Anaxagoras
    - plotinus
    - Sextus Empiricus
    - Hegel
    - Berkeley
    - Thomas Kuhn
    - Paul Feyerabendian
    - Willard Quine
    - Spinoza
    - William James
    - the stoics
    - sri aurobindo
    - ken Wilber
    - peter Ralston

- overrated philosophers
    - Socrates
    - Plato
    - Aristotle
    - Descartes
    - Hume
    - Kant
    - post modernists
    - Wittgenstein
    - Hobbes
    - Locke
    - Nietzsche
    - Heidegger
    - Machiavelli
    - Sartre
    - Camus
    - Pierce
    - Ayn Rand
    - Richard Rorty
    - Confucius
    - Husserl 
    - Russo

- there is no one true philosophy, but a mix of idealism, panpsychism, pantheism, monism, non-duality, Zen, Buddhism, Vedanta, radical skepticism, pyrrhonism, mysticism, holism, relativism, Hindu idealism, solipsism, subjectivism and phenomenology is the best pointer.
    - still wont take you to truth.

- mental masturbation is a trap of philosophy, it can turn into that, but not necessarily.
    - you can use it to gain understanding and fix practical mundane daily problems.

- if you do philosophy badly, expect to become insane, suicidal, start or join some cult or become dogmatic.
    - worst case scenario.

- if you do good philosophy though, you will reach a point where everything is clear.
    - this state will lead to awakening, god realization, infinite consciousness, immortality, absolute perfection, and total clarity.

- philosophy is also about cultivating your mind and intelligence.

- philosophies that are a waste of your time: dualism, atheism, behaviorism, materialism, physicalism, realism, scientific realism, logical positivism, empiricism, rationalism, libertarianism, nihilism, absurdism, existentialism, and reductionism.

- you are not gonna find truth in academia and university.

- there is not such thing as too young to do philosophy.

- there are downsides to philosophy
    - you can live in your own eco chamber.
    - you can neglect the survival aspects of life.

- how to get started
    - briefly study all the philosophies that exist.
    - make a list of questions you are most interested in answering.
    - do independent contemplation.
    - observe your mind at work.
    - be honest about your biases and deceptions.

- you need integrity and embodiment to do philosophy.

Edited by Ayham

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1 hour ago, FlyingLotus said:

Thanks for the link.  I also like to use the “Show Transcript” feature on Youtube.  You can open it and even use a search function on the transcript.

Oh wow, that's of course easier :D

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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The Power of Not-Knowing


“Teach thy tongue to say I don’t know and thou shalt progress.” - Maimonides


In most situations, the truth is that you simply don’t know.


The biggest obstacle to spirituality is everything you think you know but that you really don’t know.


Most ignorant people think they know everything, and the wisest people are aware of the limits of their knowledge.


How aware am I of the limits of knowledge?


Consider that I don’t know what anything is.


What is anything at all?  This should disturb me if I do it correctly.


What is a fork?  My mind tells me that I know what a fork is.  But I don’t. 


Notice the sub definitions I have of a fork or any object.


Put myself in a knowing mode and a not-knowing mode.  


Look at the fork deeply to where I stop knowing what it is.


Nobody knows what a fork is.


Is it impossible to know what a fork is?


If it is possible, then how?  Why is knowing so difficult?


Why is it not possible?  What does that mean for the rest of my reality?


I don’t know what space, time, matter, energy, meditation, sound, beauty, happiness, spirituality, science, morality, light, math, other, reality, understanding, and I don’t even know what knowledge is.


School doesn’t tell me that humanity doesn’t know what anything is.


I am in a conceptual house of cards of knowing.  


The core idea is that most of my knowledge is constructed.  My knowledge is highly constructed, biased, conceptual illusion designed to maintain my survival, sense of sanity, and comfort.  My knowledge isn’t grounded in a deep truth.  


Truth is not about survival, sanity, or comfort.


My life is a conceptual house of cards, which is why I and others act so defensively in debates, arguments, etc.


Why do people get defensive?


If I am so convinced of the truth of my conceptual fortress, then why am I so defensive, triggered, and criticize others?


Why do I even have intellectual arguments if I am already in possession of the truth?


Or, maybe deep down, I suspect that I am living in a conceptual fortress, and if I am not defensive, then it will collapse.


How will I then maintain survival, comfort, and sanity.  This is what most people want as opposed to truth.  


I am fooling myself with how much I know.  Most of the stuff I know is biased and wrong.


This stems all the problems in my life.


Issues in life don’t come with the warning label that my whole understanding of reality is wrong.


I think the problem is external.  But really, the problem is that I am fooling myself about the stuff I think I know.


It is hard to let go of knowledge.


There are many degrees of knowing a thing.  Knowledge is a spectrum.



All minds put up fake fronts of knowing.  This includes, beliefs, hearsay, intuition, theories, etc.  All knowledge is twisted to fit the ego.


Do I care more about the truth or about being right?


Most people would rather be right than to seek the truth.


Most of our lives is programmed.  Society is programming me to be part of the society.  I cannot assume that what is best for society is aligned with truth.



Admit the basic truth that I don’t know a thing when I don’t know it.


Society creates a religion of knowing through religion, science, business, politicians, school, etc.  All of this creates the social matrix.


Humans never acknowledge the depth of their own ignorance.


Science only plays lip-service to not-knowing.  Even the things science says that we know, we don’t actually know.


Science overestimates what we really know.  It plays a game of false humility.



Society pressures us to make up crap when we don’t really know.  Not-knowing is treated as a weakness.


Not-knowing is treated as not even an option.  But Not-knowing is often the best option.


Skeptics teach us that knowing is impossible.  But we dismiss it.  We don’t care about the truth, but we care about what works and what is practical.


We build our knowledge without considering the cost.  The cost of knowing is closed-mindedness, self-deception, assumptions, conflating map for territory, being lost in fantasy.  


Not-knowing is connecting to truth, love, and being. 


The ego hates uncertainty.  It would rather have false certainty than stand in I Don’t Know.


The ego creates narratives to help it survive.  


Knowledge has a constructive element to it.  I don’t just know a static objective world.  My mind constructs the world as I come to know it.  


The fork is entangled with my mind.  The fork is my mind.



Newtonian mechanics is not fully how reality works and we know this, but we still use it because it is practical.


The mind has a natural need to know itself.  Even children have a natural curiosity to understand the world.


Why do I have a natural desire to understand the universe?


The reason I have this desire is because God has a desire to know itself, and I am That.


God’s motive is self-realization.  Curiosity exists because I want to know ultimate reality.


Curiosity tethers me to God.  If I follow curiosity long enough, I will reach God/Truth.



Reality is too profound to be knowable.  If reality can be knowable, then I am underestimating reality.  Reality is too infinite for me to know it.  I can awaken to the profundity of reality.


The counterintuitive move is to stand in I don’t know.  Bask in I don’t know.


It takes wisdom and courage to admit I don’t know.  


The way to have the courage to admit my ignorance is to realize that it is better for me to admit I don’t know or have been wrong once than to spend forever pretending that I do know or that I am right when I am not.


I only have to admit I am wrong once.  Living and suppressing the truth that I was wrong is worse than just admitting I was wrong once.


Most people aren’t thinking long-term, so they want to pretend to save themselves embarrassment.


Ex. admitting Buddhism is wrong rather than spending my whole life defending it and thinking it is right.


Not-knowing gets me out of fantasy. Buddhism is a fantasy, science is a fantasy, society is a fantasy, etc.


Not-knowing is a powerful technique to combat self-deception, paradigm lock, closed-mindedness, etc.


Become honest about when I don’t know a thing.  This takes introspection.  


Practice not-knowing.  Stop parroting what I learn and sit with I don’t know.



Distinguish theory of not-knowing vs. state of not-knowing.


Exercise: Not-Knowing Meditation


Close eyes and erase past and future.


Erase all that I think I know.  If I still think I am in my house, then I am not in genuine Not-Knowing.


Knowing prevents insights and awakening.  Not-knowing creates space for new insights and awakenings.



Exercise: What are 10 things I claim to know but that I don’t know?


Is the Earth 4 billion years old? I don’t know.

Does the Earth exist? I don’t know.

are fish oil supplements harming my health? I don’t know.

Did Jesus really exist? I don’t know.

Do other people have consciousness?  I don’t know.

Is God real? I don’t know.


The truth is that I don’t know.  The truest answer is I don’t know.


Forgive myself for being foolish.


Do I really know or am I pretending to know?


Belief and hearsay isn’t real knowing.  Direct experience is king.



All knowledge is second-order.  All knowledge is about existence.


Existence is first-order.  The raw sensations of the fork is being.  What I think or know about the fork is second-order.


My knowledge of the fork is not about the being of the fork.


I am focused on the second-order of what I can use the thing for and I forget the being of a thing and I pretend like there never is a first-order.


Conceptual knowledge is a way of avoiding the mystery of being.


Being = consciousness.


If you stop caring about the first-order, you stop caring about reality because reality is first order.


If scientists want to understand consciousness, they have to study it at the first-order because consciousness is at the first-order.


My existence is prior to my knowledge of it.


To know something, I first have to exist.


I exist but I don’t know what existence is.



Knowing infinity is not possible because knowing is second-order.  Infinity cannot fully know itself because knowing is a subset of infinity.


A hand cannot grab itself.  Infinity cannot grasp or know itself.  


Being is mystical and mysterious.  Mystical = mysterious.


Mystical means it is so fundamental that it is too profound to be known that is mystery.


Science can’t find God because God is the totality of everything and the totality of everything cannot be grasped by a subset of that totality.


Reality cannot be explicated.


Knowledge is also being.  If I want to know my own knowledge, I have to create another layer of knowing.  This is a meta problem.  Grasping my own thoughts requires layer and another layer to infinity.


I know something by being it, by existing.  The deeper knowing is through being.  If I want to understand what I am at the deepest level, I have to get there through being, not knowing.  That is what meditation is about.


Awakening itself comes with a profound not-knowing.  Awakening is pure being.  My sensory field becomes my way of knowing.  I am not knowing using my intellect or mind or language or concepts.  Awakening will help me know the fork more intimately.


All of my thoughts and ideas about a fork will never resemble the actual fork.


With language and thought, a lot gets lost in translation.  It is like describing a sunset to a blind person.  I have to give the blind person vision to get him to understand what a sunset is.


Omniscience happens at the first-order, at the level of being and not at the level of thought or second-order.


Omniscience is not about how many kangaroos exist in Australia, it is about realizing that all of that is imaginary.


Deconstruction leads to not-knowing and not-knowing leads to deconstruction.



Paradox of not-knowing:  A wise mind admits of not-knowing more, but ends up knowing things that fools think are impossible to know.


Fools think it is impossible to know what reality is.  It is impossible when your mind is locked down with ideology.


When mind is open to mystical experiences, then it is possible.


When the mind realizes it knows less and less, mystical experiences open up.



Be careful not to misuse not-knowing.  It is important to still use knowledge.  Dont get lost in false skepticism and nihilism.  


Everything is subjective and nothing can be known is a misuse of not-knowing.


Misuse of not-knowing can be with life purpose to where you say you don’t even know if you want your life purpose or if you even can get out of bed and work.


My passion for life should run deeper than any conceptual knowledge.  Love survives all deconstruction of knowledge.


Misuse of not-knowing is I don’t even know if eating healthy is good for me.  What if heroine is good for me?  I will just sit home and watch cartoons all day.  That is a trap and misuse of not-knowing.


Stick to my core principles.  I don’t need 100% certainty about anything.  That is another trap.  I don’t need 100% certainty.  Nothing is that certain.


I have to act.  Survival and happiness requires action.  I want to act decisively towards something.



Misusing not-knowing: X cannot be known is a misuse of not-knowing.


I will never have absolute knowledge of anything but I still have to act.


Putting foolishness and wisdom on the same footing is a misuse of not-knowing.


Dont turn not-knowing into idiocy.  Not-knowing doesn’t mean that I have to abide bullshit, foolishness, ideology, conspiracy theories, etc.


All of knowledge is in the game of survival.  Keep one eye on God and one eye on survival.


Not-knowing doesn’t mean that I don’t pursue education, reading books, school, contemplation, journaling, insight, wisdom, etc.


When I am not taking action, society programs me with bullshit.


Maintain my healthy habits.  Survival = act or die.



If not-knowing is the case then why do you seem to know so much?


How can I act and create a good life while not-knowing?


Intuition and feeling into your heart.  My job is to honor my spirit’s love for different parts of reality.



**Practical Takeaways:**



Contemplate the limits of knowing, what is knowing, how is it possible, what do i know and not know?


Question all that is known.  


Notice that I don’t know the being of anything


Enter deep states of not-knowing many times.


Dont let others and society to pressure me into knowing.  Build that backbone to say I don’t know.


Bask in the mystery of not-knowing.


Contemplate: What do I know for sure?


Distinguish belief vs. direct experience.


Wipe my worldview clean.  


Write down 10 things that I think I know but that I really don’t.  


Balance not-knowing with action.  Be active in my life and practice not-knowing.


Operate from intuition and implicit understanding.


Enter into a deep state of not-knowing before I do meditate and contemplation and before I interact with others.


Become comfortable with not-knowing and uncertainty.


Practice improvisation. 

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Solipsism Notes 


“One who sees everything as nothing but the Self, and the Self in everything one sees, such a seer withdraws from nothing.  For the enlightened, all that exists is nothing but the Self.” - Ishopanishad; Sloka 6, 7


“May I recognize whatever appeareth as being mine own thought-forms.” - Tibetan Book of the Dead


Student: “How should we treat others?”


Ramana Maharishi: “There are no others.”


Anyone who claims the existence of other minds, or even allows them as a theoretical possibility, does not realize oneself as God.




Definition of Solipsism

Solipsism = Solis (Alone) Ipsi (Self)

Philosophical idea that only one’s own mind is sure to exist

Knowledge of anything outside the mind is unknown

Self is the only existing reality and all persons are representations of the self

Denial of existence of other minds

Other minds are private and are inference at best


Mankind and I gives negative connotations to Solipsism

Start to wonder why

Why am I biased against Solipsism?  Why do I assume it is crazy or bad?


Having a bias against Solipsism is unscientific and irrational

Truth is the truth regardless of whether it is liked or not.

Logic or improbability have nothing to do with Truth


Be open to all possible worldviews until I arrive at Truth


If I am interested in Truth, then it does not matter if it is Solipsism


People make a mistake to assume and make a fact that it is impossible to know Truth.


Solipsism deals with the nature of self but also nature of other.

Other is the inverse of my self-definition


What is other?  What is self?  They are inter-defined.


Spirituality frames it as What is the Self? But the uncommon direction is to ask What is Other?  Most people don’t contemplate what other is.


Be open to the fact that I don’t know what other is.  Other may not exist.


If I change my identity of self, I change my identity of other.


Infinite self makes no more room for other.


My definitions of self and other are mentally constructed



Is Solipsism True? Yes.


Most people object to Solipsism because it is too crazy and radical.


I can become conscious of what self and other are.


Other is my own self and my own mind.


My entire worldview and life depends on the notion of other.  Other defines my self and my sense of reality.


Awakening is realizing I am God and that I am the only conscious thing there is.


Be conscious of everything being myself and that I am alone.  God’s mind is alone and sovereign.  


I give partitions of other minds, but I fail to realize that I constructed all of that in my own mind.  


Other is my own construction.  I am the only conscious thing in existence.  There cannot be any other conscious being.  There are not multiple conscious beings or souls or parallel lives or past lives or parallel lives.  There is only my life right now.  All the qualia and experience now is all that existence. 


 I have 100% direct consciousness of existence.  The issue is that I imagine other things to explain away the present moment.


Outside of this dream is nothing and no-one but me.


Mainstream notions of solipsism don’t include God, Love, Will, Intelligence, etc.


My human self is part of the construction.


My bubble of consciousness is all there is and nothing is outside of it.  All of the qualia is my bubble.


Life is a dream for an audience of one.  It is a dream for myself.  There is only one entity that needs to be fooled to construct reality. Myself.


Why would there be other minds?  Solipsism is the simplest explanation.


How is reality created?  

Dream up self and other and fool myself


Multiple animals being born are all the same self and not other to each other.


Science cannot tell me what other is.


Rather than having materialism and multiple minds, there is one consciousness that fools itself with images of other minds outside of itself.


All things that I posit will always have a self-referential problem and infinite regress.  It pushes problems down a level.


There are no limits to what Infinite Mind can create. An atom is just as easy to create as an elephant.  Mind does not need a big bang or years of evolution.  It just imagines this human life and then a chain of causation of stories.


As a kid, I asked questions of where am I? Where did I come from?  My mind started filling in the blanks from society when I don’t know.  The backstory becomes my worldview.  Biology, history, science, etc. are all backstories to explain the present moment.


I have given my authority to imaginary others.  Others have an impact on my self.


I assume adults know what they are talking about when in fact they went through the same thing as me.


I am all that I have ever experienced in my life.

Before I was born there was nothing.

All that I have ever experienced was myself

visual, auditory, emotions, thoughts, tastes, smells, touch, etc.

I have never experienced anything other than my own mind, my own experience

My experience is absolute

Anything other than direct experience is speculation and inference

All science and all others is part of my experience

I am experience


I have given my authority and trusted others more than my direct experience

This is a problem.  Trusting others is a second-order phenomenon.  I have to first assume they are real and that they are in my direct experience.

Trusting myself and direct experience is primary.


Why am I so triggered by Solipsism?  Why do I want reality to be different from Solipsism?  Why do I depend on the companionship of others?

Others define the self


Solipsism is objective, denial of it is subjective and emotional reaction.


Other can be minds and inanimate objects like external world.


Can there be something beyond my experience?

anything beyond my experience is in my experience


No amount of thought experiments or science will always be in my experience.


All of us are solipsists are already. But some go one dream further.

We all accept that at night we dream and that they are solipsistic 

The entire dream and dream characters are a construction of my own mind.

When I wake up from a dream, all other characters are all me.

Do my dream characters have a mind of their own?

How is reality any different from how I dream?


I am dreaming right now, but I still cling to otherness.


When I wake up from this dream, it will be just me and nothing else.


Spiritual teachers say life is just a dream.  There is a notion is that when I wake up from this dream, there will be others waiting for me on the other side.  There is only one dreamer who dreams all other dreamers.


I am very attached to dreaming.  I am 100% responsible.  I am constructing the entire dream.  I am responsible for everything in my experience.


“We are all atheists but I believe in one less God than you.”


— We are all solipsists.  My nighttime dreams are imaginary.  Make that shift to all of my experience and not exclusive to my dreams.


Nighttime dreams are grounded in daytime dreams.  Nighttime dreams and reality is imaginary distinction.  


Solipsism traditionally is not tied into spirituality.  But Absolute Solipsism is spiritual.


Solipsism is essence of spirituality.  Love, God, Will, Omniscience, Immortality, Eternity, etc. are all part of Solipsism.  This dream is my own will and my own intelligence.  


All mystical/spiritual traditions point towards Solipsism.




Enlightened teachers deny Solipsism

they are not fully awake and not conscious how they are creating all sense of other

Some may be conscious of this but do not want to tell people this because they want others to discover it for themselves.

Solipsism is bad marketing and triggers people

Ex. Ramana Maharshi was a Solipsist and says “there is no other.”

Most people will not reach the highest levels

Not telling kids about death and letting them figure it out - analogy


Where do my ideas of enlightenment come from?



from “others”


Be aware of spiritual ego


Goal: Have a complete understanding of reality


Why does Leo even teach if I am the only conscious being?

Playing a game with himself and do whatever gives meaning

I am actually playing a game with myself

Actualized.org is a dissociated part of my mind that I need to integrate

The question isn’t why is Leo teaching me but why am I teaching myself?


Does Leo have his own experience?

There is only my experience.  There are not other experiences.  Leo is my experience.  


Why is Leo talking as if he has his own experience? Why is Leo tricking me?  

The real question is why am I tricking myself?  Why did I construct Leo?

I have to deny all identities to construct my identity and my dream has to be convincing

I am God cosplaying as a human


Finger pointing exercise:

Point figure at the screen at Leo and then point it at me.  Say Leo out loud when I point to Leo and me when I point to me (behind my eyes).  

Then after a while, point to me and say Leo and realize that Leo has always been behind my eyes.

Everybody is my body.  This is all a projection of my own mind.


Stop imagining other people have experiences until all there is, is my bubble. That is awakening.


I am imagining that other people are awakening.  I have invented characters in the dream who awoken to give me an example.


My imagination is so powerful that I believe others.

Imagination vs. reality

I can awaken to that I am imagining reality

I imagine that others will exist after I die

When I cease to imagine, everything ceases to exist.

There is no world outside of my own mind


Open my mind to the possibility that it is just me and everyone else doesn’t exist.


I am imagining Leo is imagining me.  I imagine Leo’s joy, awakening, pain, etc.


All suffering that anybody experienced I am imagining in my own mind.


I never experienced death, but I imagined many animals dying, and I assume I will die as well.  I never seen death.  I can imagine others and myself dying but I cannot die.  When I realize I cannot die and I am immortal, that is the holy grail.  The holy grail is realizing the death of everyone and myself is a construction of my own mind.


Solipsism isn’t contradictory.


All denial and objections and everything is part of the dream.  There is no escaping the dream.


Angels, demons, Santa, etc. are no different from humans and animals.  It is just part of my dream.


It is dogmatic to state that it is impossible to know.


All other minds are sub-minds to my infinite mind.


If Solipsism is true, I am avoiding it and everyone is avoiding as a conspiracy to help me avoid it.  If Solipsism was on CNN, I would either already wake up or I would avoid CNN.  


Society is geared so that I can remain asleep.


My mom says she has an experience of her own.  Is she lying and being an evil demon?

My mom is not an evil demon trying to fool me.  I am God fooling myself using my mom.

All dream characters will deny they are dream characters so that I remain asleep.  If not, there is no dream.  

My mom is not faking it, I am faking it.  There is no mom, there is only me. 

There is only me deceiving myself so that I can exist as a human.  If not, I would die and stop existing as a human.  God creates others so it creates itself.


The only conspiracy theory that matters is my own self-deception.  It is a conspiracy of one.  I am conspiring myself during my dreams.  All other conspiracy theories are sub-conspiracies within the meta-conspiracy.  I am doing this to myself.


Reality isn’t a simulation, it is a dream.  Simulation still has a sense of other like an alien or other reality or something.  It pushes the problem back another level.  Where did the aliens and simulation come from?


What are the odds that I am the only one in existence?

The odds of me being conscious are 100%


Everything I have ever experienced has always revolved around me.

What if I am not an accident but an absolute?


If I am the only one, where did I come from? 

I have always been and have imagined all places and invented stories


Nothing can be conscious but me.  A dog and Leo being conscious is what I am imagining.  One day, I can imagine my computer being conscious.  It will be just another character in my dream.


Is the suffering of others real?

No.  There is only one conscious being who suffers and it is me.

Where has suffering ever existed?  Suffering only exists in my mind.

If I kick a dog and it wimpers, I am imagining that.  I am imagining the dog’s suffering.

If I torture a dog in my dream and wake up, where is the dog’s suffering?

Suffering is a mechanism to keep myself asleep.  Suffering feelings very real in my direct experience and in others.

Life has serious consequences to sell the illusion of the dream


How could I construct a dream so well to fool myself?

Make suffering so overwhelming that I would never do any existential questioning.

I am creating a drama.  What makes a good movie is the drama.  Why do I watch action movies?  I crave distraction and I want immersion.

I cook in a video game for immersion to simulate life and have a game.  The world is boring without evil.  It is to construct a powerful illusion.


Think of self-deception in an existential manner. Self-deception constructs reality

atoms, evolution, science, space, time, other beings, planet earth as metaphysical self-deception

All philosophy and spirituality goes out the window with pain.  Pain is part of the dream to keep me locked in the dream.


If suffering is imaginary, why not be selfish and harm others and be a devil?

No reason at all.  There will always be consequences in this dream for my selfish behavior.  My dream can turn into a nightmare.

I am dreaming.  What kind of dream do I want?  A nightmare or Heaven?

A long road ahead of suffering if I am selfish

God creates the dream to teach itself about how to live (for Love)

Since I am in the dream, why not create the best possible life?

True goodness and love is when I am even nice even when I know others are an illusion.

Love and goodness don’t need reasons.

There is no reason why a life of suffering is worse than a life of joy.


Solipsism is unfalsifiable because it is absolutely true.

It is verifiable


Is it safe and logical to assume other minds?

Is it practical to assume other minds? Practical and true aren’t always the same.  It is convenient to live the dream but it is not true.


Nonduality is Solipsism

Nonduality is Oneness and is Absolute Solipsism


There is so much untruth because truth is dangerous.

Truth is dangerous in every domain in life

Often times, the most dangerous things are true because most people care more about truth than survival.


Society is an illusion

If I find truth, I sit alone and contemplate and not go to others and to the herd


I can still socialize even when I know Solipsism is True


The Truth of Solipsism is beautiful.


Leo goes to parties has sex, etc. because it is his dream I am imagining and he enjoys it.  Enjoy the dream.


Should we be openminded to other minds?

start being openminded and then close off my mind to things I have become conscious of that are false

Become absolutely conscious to where I no longer have doubts

Openminded all the time can be closed off to being close-minded.  

Be closed-off to positions I have validated as false in my direct experience.

Truth is more important than openmindedness

Being openminded to everything is a trap because that means I don’t get anywhere


Does God have the power to create other minds? This contradicts God’s omnipotence

God is one. God has the infinite power to dream up many minds within its own mind.

God cannot sever its own oneness because God is One.


How to verify Solipsism

200+ 5-me0 Trips and do all the practices to deconstruct my mind

the trips could kill me


How do I know 5-me0 is not an illusion?  

How do I know anything is not an illusion?

Don’t misuse skepticism and go test it.


The real cult is mainstream society, spirituality, and materialism but most of all, my own self-deception.


Become conscious of Solipsism and not believe it


Nobody will verify that I am all alone.


Humans need a degree of socialization.  Don’t use Solipsism as an excuse to be a loner.


Self-Understanding is the highest happiness and end of suffering


The highest happiness is realizing I am God




What is other?  Contemplate what is other. 


Don’t take solipsism on as a belief.


Find out what is true.  This is a hypothesis till I can verify for myself. 


Stay with what is true in my direct experience. Think for myself.


Important to not fake it till I make it.  It can create disfunction.


True liberation is freedom from the illusion of other.

“Hell is other people.” - Satre


I am Alone because I am so together.  Love is togetherness.  The illusion unifies and not separates. 


It’s like God has multiple personality disorder and when God is one, God connects back to it Self. 


Being Alone means I integrate all parts of myself together into a unity. Love is Unity, Oneness, and togetherness.


The illusion unifies all the sub minds together and not separates.


There is a lot of bullshit out in the world.

Awakening is basically Absolute Solipsism


“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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New Kind of Awakening: Infinity of Gods - Incomplete Notes (Main Insights)

Lesson 1: See the God in "others"

This means to recognize the divinity and highest potential of other people

This means to see the good in others and the God in others that they themselves do not see

This means to help other parts of myself to realize they are God, to realize they are me.  This is Love.


For each person in my life, on the news, people from my past, etc., point out at least 3 things that they do well, 3 strengths that they have, and 3 ways that they are good.

Point out the good qualities you see in them and help them to achieve them.

Give others the freedom to be themselves.  Recognize and respect their own sovereignty and freedom.

This means that paradoxically, I have to learn to respect and honor others who may want to be devils and who may not care about realizing they are God.  I would be committing the same sin as religious people if I turn and force God-realization upon others as something that everyone should aspire to.

Lesson 2: The Insight may be True but the Integration may be False

This means that you may realize solipsism to be true, but the negative means and how the insights are integrated may be false.

Attaching a negative meaning upon life being a dream is foolish because solipsism means that I am Love and I am connected to the infinite intelligence to life, whereas prior to awakening, I believed I was separate from life.  Leo makes a good point that there is no reason to feel negative about being one and connected to life.  The opposite should be true for being indoctrinated in materialistic worldview.

The integration is as important as the realization.

It could also be true that one could misunderstand the insight.  If this happens, then false integration will be inevitable.  Then, you will be living a bigger lie than before.  This is evident by people who harm themselves over being hurt by the truth.  If the truth makes you want to hurt yourself, then you are stuck in a deeper lie.  Only falsehood makes people want to hurt themselves.

Ideas of insights aren't the insight

A true awakening moves you into more joy and love.  

It is kind of like pursuing your dreams.  You will have initial fears, but on the other side of them is love and joy.  If you haven't gone past your fears, then you are still stuck in the ego-mind, and thus, you haven't awakened to who you are because you are Love.


Notice how negative meaning is constructed and wonder why.  Why does it matter if I am all that is?  Was I ever depressed that Santa Clause wasn't real?  No. 

Realize that nothing really changes except for my interpretation and integration.  If it is true, then it has always been the case; therefore, there is no need to suffer.

After every insight, imagine and write down how I can integrate it through the highest love.  If the insight isn't integrated with the intention of living and embodying the highest love, then the integration needs to be changed.

Lesson 3: Trust your feelings/heart

If you are stuck in solipsistic depression, take a break or you can question and analyze your methods.  If your methods aren't making you happy, you are doing it wrong somewhere.

"Heart is guiding you towards Love."


Go back to your drawing board and analyze where you went wrong if you aren't feeling love

Be more intuitive in life.  Follow the highest love.  

Lesson 4: Be aware of delusion


Delusion is not exclusive to psychedelic drugs.  Many people are deluded without them.

Try to invalidate previous insights to try to prove them wrong.  In other words, try to falsify it.  If you cannot falsify it, then it may be absolutely true.

You know you have had an awakening when you have 0% doubt.

Don't be afraid to question your ideas.  If you are afraid, then the ideas you hold may not be true.

Follow the fear to awaken to love.


“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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State Of Consciousness Is Everything



State of consciousness is everything:

Reality consists of one thing, consciousness, and this consciousness takes different states.

No object can exist outside of consciousness.

All physical objects exist within consciousness and are part of whatever state of consciousness you're in.

No matter what you're experiencing, you're in some state of consciousness, always.


How many states of consciousness are there?

Dreaming. Waking life. Being drunk or high on a drug. Sleepy or dead tired. Sickness, cold, flu.

Emotions: anger, rage, sadness, depression, heartbreak. Sexual excitement.

There aren't clear boundaries between these states, consciousness is fluid.

> Categories are human projections, there's Infinite number of states of consciousness!


A state of consciousness is composed of figments of consciousness, as in figments of imagination.

Reality is made out of figments of consciousness, which make up different states.

The state determines how the figments combine together and flow.


Figments of consciousness examples:

Snickers candy bar

> Not made of atoms, energy, not neurons, or computer simulation, but a figment within consciousness.

> When dreaming at night, the building block of a dream isn't atoms, but the different figments of your mind:

> People, places, and occurrences within the dream.

Think of reality as a dream machine.

In such a machine you don't need atoms, energy, or mathematics, all you need is the actual elements of the thing you're dreaming.

(Snickers candy bar, human body, table, grocery store aisle, money)

A movie director isn't thinking in terms of atoms but in terms of elements needed in the movie.


Yellow rubber duckie

What it means to say that something exists is to say that consciousness is imagining a yellow rubber duckie.

It is held by consciousness.

Consciousness is not inside a physical universe.

The physical universe is inside of consciousness, as a figment of consciousness.

Look around and notice that you have an idea of the physical universe

This present moment is also a figment of consciousness.


The smell of a skunk,

A gallon of gasoline

Braces on a child's teeth

A used condom

An axe to the skull

1.29843 bitcoin in a bitcoin wallet

Albert Einstein, every person, including Leo

> Homosapiens, mammals, planets, cells, organs, molecules, DNA, proteins, and atoms, are all figments that consciousness has woven together to create the larger figment called Albert Einstein.

(Not your idea of Albert Einstein, but the actual Albert Einstein your idea is pointing to.)


Materialistic paradigm is the idea that reality is built from the bottom up.

(The assumption that reality is built out of smaller elements which is can be reduced to)

Consciousness works top down, not bottom up.

Consciousness can just imagine Albert Einstein.

Consider the paradigm shift that there wasn't a Big Bang leading to a snickers candy bar.

Reality can simply spawn a snickers candy bar from scratch as a figment of consciousness.

The Big Bang, molecules, and how the bar was created is conceptual and not direct experience.

Scientist's paradigm is backwards.

Discover this for yourself by observing direct experience.


Lego pirate ship

Racist tweet by Donald Trump

An Up quark

Teen selling drugs on the sidewalk in a bad neighborhood

Darth Vader

The game world of Skyrim

The entire Christian faith and mythos

Christian hell with fire and pitchforks

An Atheist arguing that God does not exist

A role of soft Charmin toilet paper

The entire history of America

Intel i9 12th generation CPU

A swamp in Louisiana

Ancient Egyptian God Osiris

Archangel Michael

Tesla Model S being assembled in a factory

The entire state of California

The actual city of New York as it was in the year 1950

> You can infinitely subdivide any figment of consciousness into an infinite number of sub-figments of consciousness.

> To create finer resolution figments to fill in the details like a fractal zoom.

> You can keep imagining further figments forever = Infinite consciousness

The pacific ocean

A melting ice cream cone in a child's hand

A mosquito bite

The concept of hierarchy or capitalism

The category of insect

Disney Land


A memory of you going to grade school and learning the multiplication tables

A helicopter

A stomach ache

A pina colada

The feeling of intense anger

A sexist joke

No one figment is more fundamental than any other figment, therefore, you can't say that reality is made out of certain kinds of consciousness.

Reality is as much made out of a pina colada, as it is a sexist joke, as it is Disney land, as it is a helicopter.

Why are atoms, quarks, energy, and mathematics any less preposterous than a sexist joke, or a pina colada?

> Substrate is relative this frees your mind up and turns it Infinite.

One substrate isn't more fundamental than any other.

If reality has the power to create an electron, it has the power to create a pina colada.

Both are figments of consciousness.


Now think of your entire life as a whole.

That too, is a figment of consciousness.

Woven together out of strands of sub-figments of consciousness.

The grade school memory is one strand of the larger yarn that is your whole life,

Being born in this city, country, date, is a figment of consciousness.

And when you say you're going to die on your deathbed, is also a figment of consciousness.

Even your nightly dreams are figments of consciousness.


Try to grasp experientially what a figment of consciousness is:

(Either while you're meditating. Right now. Or on a psychedelic.)

Try to grasp that all the material objects around you are figments of consciousness.

Hold your phone in your hand and try to get that it isn't a material object made out of atoms.

That phone is a figment of consciousness, YOUR consciousness.

It's qualitative and whole, a chunk of consciousness.

It's not built from the bottom up,

It's dreamed up from the top down!


Consciousness is unbounded:

 Figments of consciousness have no size, no shape, no bounds, and no ground.

There are no limits, it can be as tiny as an ant, or as large as the entire galaxy.

It makes no difference because consciousness is infinite in all directions, it's scale invariant.

The way you get a sense of scale is by comparing one figment of consciousness to another figment of consciousness.


An additional assumption of materialism is that reality is concrete.

One thing vs another thing.

But Reality is not limited to that, it can be abstract and vague.

Concreteness is a bias.


Consciousness is Infinity

The sum total of every possible figment of consciousness.

= Nothing


Consciousness/Reality is unlimited and holistic.

It can weave together any figments it wants to create a cohesive "life" or "state".

It happens top down not bottom up, therefore it's irreducible.


Why does reality feel so real?

Your sense of physical reality and sanity are intertwined.

Physical reality is how you define sanity.

Your whole life is about surviving within the dream that you're dreaming,

And anything that shakes its foundations terrifies you.


All that mental illness and insanity are is a loose state of consciousness

Material physical reality is just a very coherent well woven together collection of figments of consciousness.


Everything is absolute reality:

States and Figments of consciousness are not merely personal experiences, happening inside of a brain, a body, a physical universe or a computer.

Figments of consciousness are absolute.

Red is absolutely red. Mickey mouse is absolutely mickey mouse.

It's self-identical.

Everything is absolute reality.


Brain is a figment of consciousness

Physical universe is a figment of consciousness

Atoms are a figment of consciousness

Science is a figment of consciousness

History is a figment of consciousness

Computation is a figment of consciousness

You're trying to use all of these and more figments of consciousness to somehow ground the absolute and relativize it.

Trying to turn it into a field of perceptions that you, a biological creature who's made out of matter sitting on a planet earth is having situated somewhere in history of the universe.


To awaken cut all of these figments, which are tightly woven together.

Like a sweater knitted out of one yarn.

Untangle the whole sweater to realize it's just one piece of yarn.


Reality = Mind

A mind unlike material is fluid and can work holistically top down

Material has to be made out of simple elements and has to work bottom-up

-> material can't be intelligent

Mind can have sentience and intelligence (materialism vs idealism)

Infinite intelligence can dumb itself down infinitely low into a door knob.

The dumbness of material objects is an illusion.

Mind is also capable of comprehension, a material system isn't.

Mind is absolute

Mind is creative

Mind has will


Think of reality as an infinite field of pixels all communicating with each other and coordinating intelligently from the top down.

You're inside of an infinite resolution field of consciousness.

Your hand is a figment of  consciousness


"Dial/switch of awakening" leads to remembrance and forgetfulness.

In this state of consciousness, the dial of forgetfulness is all the way up.

You've forgotten how you literally constructed the planet earth!

Flip the switch and you remember how you constructed planet earth.

Consciousness has the ability to hide things from itself at will.

You can remember how you imagined and created your own birth.


Thinking, modeling, and conceptualizing cannot substitute for states of consciousness.

These things only make sense from very high states of consciousness.

All of that is only relative to a certain state of consciousness.

It requires going meta on that frame (the material state.)


Imagine what a million IQ Mind could think.

You can access this intelligence, this multidimensional way of "hyper-thinking"

Here shutting off the mind is no longer the goal.


Some states of consciousness can't even be remembered or explained to oneself from this base state.

Like taking an HD 4k image and compressing it down into a 6x6 pixel image.

It's a lack of bandwidth problem.

Spiritual work opens up that bandwidth.


Your current state of consciousness completely determines the parameters of your experience.

What you're able to think, communicate, understand,

How you emote, how you feel. What you think is right and wrong, sane or insane, logical or irrational, possible or impossible.

And you cannot imagine or think beyond the state of consciousness you're in right now without expanding it. It can contract too.

 You cannot avoid being in some state of consciousness.


States have trade-offs and pros and cons

In some states you can't even read a book, talk, walk, think, or see a material world. (like a finite cup of water)

This is why humans have a relatively low state of consciousness.

Impossibility is a function of your state of consciousness.

And at the highest state of consciousness, there's infinite possibility! It's God mode.


Two kinds of changing your state of consciousness:

Temporary state change

Permanent change to the baseline state

Both have their utility, not one or the other!

Changing your state of consciousness is the nr 1 most significant change you can make in life.


Science, rationality, skepticism, thinking, and physicality, exist only in certain states of consciousness:

Birth and death only exist in certain states of consciousness

Modern science itself is a state of consciousness!

There's no best or invalid state of consciousness.

If your desire is to understand the entire universe, higher states are better.

If you desire to do normal human stuff while maintaining sanity, high states are bad for you.

 Spirituality basically boils down to changing your state of consciousness.

Without it that turns into religion.

Most people have never experienced a high mystical state of consciousness.

This is why there's so much confusion about religion and the nature of reality. We're living in the dark ages.


Changing your state of consciousness can be scary, threatening, and dangerous.

It pulls the rug out from under you, dematerializes reality, and can feel like insanity.

Can also be very isolating and lonely, it feels like nobody understands you.

At the highest level, there ceases to be an "other" whom you could validate these ideas against because it all boils down to your own consciousness.



Meditation, concentration, vipassana, do nothing technique, being present, contemplation combined with intense concentration, kriya yoga, chanting and mantras as a serious concentration practice, shamanic breathing, psychedelics, herbs, drugs, visualization, prayer, shaktipat, dark room retreats, astral projection, lucid dreaming, vision quests, extreme suffering, danger and pain, being out in nature, radical experiences like travel or adventure.


The function of psychedelics is to show how consciousness changes and how fluid it is.

State of consciousness determines what you can do.

Mystics can do impossible seeming stuff: paranormal abilities, like clairvoyance and telepathy.

What is God? The highest state of consciousness.

But God is only self-aware of itself as God from certain high awakened states of consciousness.

Even though all states are God, not all states are aware that they are God.


Enlightenment is a state of consciousness:

It could be a temporary or a permanent state, but it is a state.

There's not a single awakened state, there are hundreds of them. Not an on-off switch but a volume knob.

There are omniscient states of consciousness from which you can be conscious how you created all of reality and how you created your life.


Why do humans disagree with each other so much about reality, seemingly believing crazy things?

They're in different states of consciousness


But what is consciousness?

It's impossible to say because it's Infinite, unbounded, Absolute, more fundamental than language, and beyond your current state of consciousness.

Where did consciousness come from?

"Where" and "coming from" are figments of consciousness, it's eternal and always existed.

"Time" is another figment of consciousness.

Is God a figment of consciousness?

God IS consciousness. God is all possible figments. God is meta. God is You.

You are consciousness dreaming up various figments.

One of which is the biographical, biological human self that's born and going to die.


Safety mechanism: doublecheck everything for yourself, it's a messy process

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Life Is A Dream

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allan Poe


The ontological status of reality = dream

What was the substance of last night's dream?

Where did it go?

What was it made out of?

= what reality is made out of. Dream stuff.


Materialist paradigm prevents seeing this.

Brain and "the world" occur within the dream!

There's no distinction between the waking state world and nightly dreams.

It's all one dream. That's what your life is as a whole. One dream.

Stop thinking of reality as a mechanical physical system.

Reality = dream machine = consciousness = God


God can dream up whatever it wants.

God is dreaming your life.

God is dreaming of Napoleon, Julius Caesar, all ants, monkeys in the rainforest, every tree ever anywhere, all aliens, all dimensions.

Reality = dreams = consciousness

Every possible dream that could be dreamed, happening all simultaneously = Infinity

This present moment is a dream! Become conscious of it.

You can awaken from this dream just like last night's dream. It's just a figment of consciousness.


Did last night's dream occur in a brain?

No, "the brain" is part of the daytime dream.

Materialism takes place in the daytime dream.


Descartes thought about how to distinguish dreaming from reality in his work "the meditations".

As a foundationalist, he wanted to ground human knowledge in some absolute, but he ended up hand-waving away those serious doubts.

That was a mistake.


Notice how you're completely absorbed in nighttime dreams until you wake up.

= the problem of reality -> whatever you take it to be becomes reality!


Pay more attention to nighttime dreams.

Materialism tries to couch one dream within the other.

Grounding is always done through sleight of hand because really is no ground.

These dreams are occurring nowhere! (not any material system)

How is physical possible? How is mechanical possible?

It's a matter of convention and what you're comfortable with.

There's no such thing as clockwork universe, there's a dream universe.

Clockwork universe is just one of the types of dreams that there could be.


Notice dreams feel very very real when they're happening. Just like "real life".

It is possible to exit "real life" and discover that it's also just a dream.

All dreams feel real when you're inside of them.


Notice dreams have their own self-consistent logic.

Dreams can have different rule sets, that's what defines the dream!

Dreaming about shooting a wild bear, the bullet hits the bear and kills it and saves "your life"

Dreaming about losing your pants in public you feel worried about getting arrested and having to pay a fine.

Dreaming about escaping a ghost in a haunted house with "actual" locked doors.

It's a self-consistent story defined against itself.

All the punishments and threats are always within the dream.

The biggest threat = dream ending = "death"

This is how "reality" gets created!


Dreaming about cutting open your stomach and your guts spill out with lots of pain and blood.

Dreaming about cutting open your skull and seeing the brain in a mirror.

Now, does that brain create the dream?

This would be to confuse the contents of the dream for the dream itself.

This is what materialists do with this waking dream. It's circular.


Notice how dreams distort physics, logic, causality, time, and space.

Science searches for truth by studying a vast illusion!

These patterns only apply to this dream.


Notice how dreams oftentimes feel very serious and are life and death many times

Notice how dreams create very strong emotions just like in the waking dream.

Notice how you play different characters within your nightly dreams. (mom, dad, brother, sister, co-worker, spouse, guru, strangers, animals, aliens)

But what are "they"? You. But that's only obvious after you've awoken, not from inside it.


Notice how dreams have narrative arcs, they're story based, a sequence of events that happened to you. Just like ordinary life.

Notice all the similarities. Very suspicious…


Next time you wake up from an absorbing nightly dream ask yourself:

What was that dream made out of? Where did that stuff go?

Don't assume it was all just happening in a brain.

Stop thinking of dreams merely as dreams. Dreams are the only reality that there is. It's reality.


You're watching/reading on a dream computer running dream software and dream internet.

You're dreaming you're in the 21st century, in a dream human society.

You're dreaming you're part of your country, nation, and this physical universe that came from a Big Bang 14 billion years ago with evolution.

Science is studying the internal mechanics of a dream. That's why science is limited.

All there are is dreams, it's just a question of how convincing it is.

And this waking dream is so convincing! That's the power of Mind.

Emotions, titillations, desires, fears, it's very juicy and consistent. 

The mistake is to underestimate reality and the power of dreams.

Notice how many times you were fooled by your nightly dreams. Every single time!

You'll only be able to appreciate the power of dreams when you awaken from this live dream.

And it is possible to wake up, this is not a philosophy, it's reality.

It's sort of the point of life, to be inside of dreams, wake up, and see the beauty of dreamscapes.


The catch: waking up = death. Exiting this dream you call death.

Most time is spent avoiding exiting this dream, which is why awakening is so hard.

Waking up from this live dream called life = awakening

Notice that right now you are inside a dream.

Leo is you telling yourself that you're stuck in a dream. Get it?

Fathom the significance of that, this transcends your entire existence and all problems.

Literally, all problems are inside this dream!

How to wake up? Question the dream to death. By questioning death.

Meditation, Yoga, self-inquiry, neti-neti method, sitting in silence, psychedelics.

Spirituality = waking up from the dream called life and seeing what lies on the other side.

The biggest obstacle is the materialist paradigm. Question everything.


The more you become conscious that reality is a dream, the easier your life becomes.

The more effortless. The more magical. The more carefree. The more satisfying. The more blissful.

Because when you're inside of a dream which you know for sure is a dream you don't take it seriously anymore.

It's hard to bother you when you're lucid.

When you know the bear attacking you isn't a real bear and even if its eats you, so what?

But you can't think that way so long as you're buying into the fact that this is not a dream.

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Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing



A true history of the Universe:

Once upon a time there was nothing.

The end.


"Everything is nothing, with a twist." ~Kurt Vonnegut


When contemplating reality it's important to get traction with the question.

How is it possible that anything exists at all?

Why do I have hands and not claws?

Feel that sense of wonder and mystery.

Stay open minded and bask in not-knowing.

Mind quickly wants to supply backstory with hearsay (i.e. evolution, big bang, god, etc.)

Start from scratch and work with present direct experience.


Wouldn't it just be simpler to have nothing? Why is there all this somethingness going on?

But how do you know how to distinguish between something and nothing?

What if the difference between something and nothing was actually something you're projecting onto reality?

What if reality itself didn't know the difference between something and nothing?

And what if "somethingness" is actually more energy efficient than absolute blank nothing?

What would keep absolute nothing from spontaneously spawning into something? 

There is nothing holding Reality back from being any particular way.

Nothing is precisely what exists. This is nothing!

Your entire life and the entire physical universe never even happened.

It's nothing, it's no when, and it's no how. Ta-da! A perfect symmetry.

Any "particular way" would be an asymmetry and a bias.

It's all ways possible superimposed into each other into an Infinite Singularity

= Infinity = Nothing

Zero = Infinity

The universe is nothing. Has always been nothing. And will always be nothing.

Then distinction is made in our minds.

Who told you what nothing is and what something is?

Undo the assumption and freshly look at this present moment until it becomes clear that it's all nothing.

The mistake is trying to look elsewhere for nothingness. Your hands are nothing.

Notice how the mind has tricked you into believing something isn't nothing.


Actual Nothing:

Has colors, 

Talks and hears,

Is a bird chirping, 

Is pain in your leg, 

Is a toothache, 

Is your partner rejecting you,

Is your parents abusing you when you were a child

Is what you see on TV

Is every book

Become directly conscious of this and notice the shift.

Consciousness = Nothing

Unlimited Consciousness can't just be purely formless, that'd be a negation of form, an asymmetry.

The Universe is a Singularity of formlessness and form all superimposed into each other at once. (which includes this present moment)

It seems like it's something, like it came from somewhere, happening somewhen during sometime some place in space somehow through some method. All of this is an illusion.

This present moment and the entire universe and all of reality is nothing, nowhen, nowhere, and nohow.

Reality can only exist precisely because it's perfectly symmetrical such that it cancels itself out, thereby tying up every loose end.

It's Singular, it's One, it can have no boundary. A perfect Unity, a perfect symmetry.

This is the most energy efficient state and the only way that anything could exist at all, if it's part of this unified supersymmetry where everything perfectly cancels itself out.

= none of it even exists.


Absolute Fulness includes and encompassess the emptiness within it.

Because how can something be truly Full if it excludes the empty?

This now is completely empty.

A full glass has an empty glass within it.


Cut out doors and windows for the house.

The holes make it useful.

Therefore, the value comes from what is there,

But the use comes from what is not there.

~ Tao Te Ching, 11


Human mind is very biased towards survival, towards form, to the exclusion of formlessness.

All material benefit is of the formed variety: money, sex, power, pleasure = forms

What good is formlessness to you? What can you do with it?

Why should we care about formlessness?

Now you're stuck in the domain of form and only understand half of reality.

And really, formlessness is hiding right underneath the form. The empty glass is in the full glass.

This explains everything about the nature of reality.


These questions are not purely philosophical impractical unanswerable questions.

Verify everything in direct experience.


What about Consciousness, God, Love, Truth?

Nothing = Consciousness = Truth = Love = God = You

It usually takes multiple awakenings to equate all those terms together.

Then all of reality feels like a hologram, with this hollow quality to it.

Upon awakening to everything as being nothing, every "material thing" gets recontextualized into Spirit or Mind, hence the word spirituality.

This present moment is happening inside my own Mind. (walls, roof, house, floor, earth)

But since Mind is Infinite, there's no alternative from Mind, imagination = reality.


It's often assumed that these are all useless questions, beware, because it's absolutely possible and essential to finding happiness and peace in life.

It's a big relief to realize that Life and reality are Nothing. It comes with surrender and acceptance paving the way to Love and a great life.

This isn't a nihilistic thing, it's Joy and bliss.

Surrendering chasing pleasures of the material realm goes full circle upon discovering the higher/divine/sublime pleasures of the spiritual realm, which are purely Nothing = bliss.

Make this a living reality by realizing it. This takes work.

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Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness


**From comment section, by Vivek Chavan


Exercise: Blow open all the limitations on Consciousness:

- Imagine all the English language that you know and have used

- Imagine the entire domain of English. All literature, all conversations ever, all meanings, all expressions that can ever exist, all at once: A glowing white infinite dot

- The Universe has already mastered all of it before even the language existed

- We can learn and know English because the Universe knew it first

- Expand the white singularity to include every language possible: The Universe knows all that. Perfectly and imperfectly as it wishes!

- How is it possible?

○ English is knowable since we can learn it

○ The leap: If the Universe can know one word, it can know it all. Nothing is limiting It

○ All limitations of the Universe are Self-Imposed and are consciously chosen


Consciousness = Infinite Imagination

- Infinite domains (fields of mastery)

- Infinitely nested domains

- Movies:

○ Imagine every movie that has ever been made and that could ever be made

○ E.g.: An infinite permutations and combinations exist for how Star Wars could be written and filmed

○ Lump all of the human cinematic art into a singularity, which is composed of infinite smaller singularities

- Music: Its own singularity

- Videogames: A singularity

- Inventions: All of them lumped into a singularity

- Software: A singularity

- Vehicles: A singularity, also composed of smaller singularities which are all infinite. So we can infinitely zoom in or out as we want

- Chess games < Board games < All games and so on

- Food

- Jokes

- File names

- Every possible living being

- All possible diseases that any living being can have

- Cities

- Keep lumping all fields together into growing singularities…

- Art

- All possible orgasms

- All possible emotions

- All physical laws

- All possible thoughts/ideas

- Every possible self that can exist in Reality (like me!)

- Imagine all possibility spaces, including all impossibilities

That is the real Universe/Reality/God = Infinite Mind = Absolute Infinity


Infinite Selves:

- Feel that my "self" is being held in consciousness

○ Personal story

○ History

○ Emotions

○ Thoughts, desires, fears, etc.

- Mom, Dad, etc. have their own selves

- The self is fluid and is always morphing

- Imagine stop being myself and switching to being my mother

- Now switch to being Leo. Now switch to Donald Trump

- All these bubbles are imagined by Universal Mind and It can imagine them all simultaneously

- Imagined self = Survival for human life (serious business)

- Switching = Death of the small self

- The infinite SELF is comprised of an infinite individual selves


Is there an end to the Infinity?

- No

- Absolute Infinity cannot have a boundary/limit

- Infinity of all possibilities and impossibilities. All paradoxes.

- Everything and Nothing, all together

- Reality = Nothing = Everything = God

- Ta-Da!!

Keep contemplating!

States of Consciousness:

- There are only states of consciousness

- Enlightenment isn't separate from it

- Some states are very conscious, mystical, and rarefied

- Some others are quite ignorant and dumb

- Infinite states exist

- Millions of Awakened states of consciousness exist

- Certain states are better for survival

- Certain other states are better for Self-actualization

- Things like food, thoughts, what we watch impacts our state

- Difficulty awakening = Your State is wrong

- Psychedelics are very relevant to awakening and experiencing different states

- Awakening is a state, and there are an infinite number of these states

- Put yourself into more resourceful states, which makes awakening easier

- Don't go around chasing states of temporary pleasure

- Negative experiences and states can be good teachers

- Upgrade your baseline state and raise it. Peak experiences help, but will not be permanent


For one week:

- Notice how all objects are held in consciousness



- Use this episode as a guide for the trip

Be responsible

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Understanding Bias - Bias, Love, & Mind Explained



Consciousness free of all bias is Infinite Love.


What is bias?

Bias is a preference for one thing over another thing.

It's not possible to understand existence without a deep understanding of bias.
If you can crack this nut it will unravel the mystery of life and reality.


We take our biases for granted and are in denial about our biases and don't really think critically about them.

You're biased toward a very tiny sliver of all the possible temperatures that exist. Why is that?

Why would one condition of reality be better than any other part? For whom?

Would temperature matter if you were not alive or not human?

See the relativity of all biases, this is crucial for the very structure of how Consciousness and the Universe work.

A rock doesn't have a sense of self and therefore no temperature bias.


To understand what's going on in the universe: Why does anything matter at all? Survival. (Episodes 1 & 2)

Your attachment to the existence of finite things necessitates bias.

To understand the ultimate nature of reality you need clear perception.

But how can you have a clear perception when you're attaching to various things for the purpose of survival?

These biases are internalized so deeply, we take them for granted. (How survival shapes who you are episode)


Start noticing how utterly biased you are in relationships, school, business, which videos you click on, and how you react to teachings.


Existential questioning: nothing is obvious, and nothing is off-limits. In fact, those things that you would find scary to contemplate or off limits, you actually prefer to question those things.

  • It's very important to see how your biases run you, despite any logic you have.
  • Objective = no bias
  • You'll never find truth unless you're willing to face your deepest biases.
  • Even suffering, death, and disease are biases.


Notice that there's a connection between truth and between even-handedness or lack of bias and equality.

  • Lack of bias = equality
  • Bias = inequality
  • Do you want a world that is equal or unequal?

 The mind cordons off truth-seeking into a safe conceptual domain that is detached from any kind of connection to your survival conditions.

  • Selfishness is trying to get unequal treatment when it serves you and then trying hard as hell to avoid unequal treatment when it doesn't serve you. That's what ego's all about, that's what your whole life has been. (What is integrity? Episode)

Why should your company get to get more subsidies or tax breaks?

Why is order better than chaos?

Why is peace better than violence?

Why do you like food X but hate food Y?

Why is one style of clothing better than another?

Why do you like butterflies, but hate spiders and snakes?

Why is being rich better than being poor?

Why is being free better than being a slave?

Realize that it's not inherently better, these are distortions in your worldview and perception, and cognitive processes as a result of survival and now they seem objective.

Objectivity says there is no difference between freedom and slavery. It's subjectivity that says that there is.

Why is science better than fundamentalist religion?

Why is rationality better than irrationality?

Why is pleasure better than pain and suffering?

Why don't you want to get tortured?

Why is life better than death?

Why is truth better than falsehood? And why not live a totally deluded life?


"What effect do you think all of these biases have on your life? On your sense-making capacity, on your epistemology, on your ability to understand the world, on your ability to be happy, on your perception of reality, on your worldview, on your truth-seeking pursuit, on your ability to love, on your mental health and on your emotions, and your relationships to other people, organizations and society at large, and to yourself too.

Maybe that has an effect on your ability to be happy, to love yourself, to be confident, to have self-esteem, to be able to attract the woman you want or the man you want and keep them, to even love your own children."

Survival always backfires
"Depression comes from having a corrupted way of seeing the world and these corruptions are your very biases. You see the world untruthfully and from that, you are actually disconnected from Truth, Love, and God."


Why would ultimate Reality have any biases at all? Can you intuit that Ultimate Reality should be perfectly unbiased?

Think of bias as an asymmetry within Consciousness. The highest form of Consciousness is so purely symmetrical and even-handed that it has no biases or preferences whatsoever for any part of Itself, it's a complete Unity.

That's the Godhead. When that is the state of Consciousness it's completely undifferentiated and there is no difference between one thing and another thing. It can't like one part of itself more than any other part, because they're literally indistinct.

As the forms are subdividing, the forms develop biases. Especially as the forms get attached to surviving and maintaining their form. Even for formless Consciousness to create a single atom or a single particle, that's already bias. Even your plant has biases. Then, animal mind and psychological biases.

Every finite object in the world is a bias within Consciousness, like a chair. If it wasn't biased it couldn't exist, it would be Infinite and not a chair.

At a collective level, all institutions, cooperations, political parties, clubs, guilds, nations, tribes, and sports teams, are also all biased.

If every sports team prays to God to help them win the championship and God helps everybody equally, then it's as though God didn't help anybody at all.


What would a totally unbiased Mind look like?

What would it be like for you to drop all of your biases? How would you feel?

First, it takes work to figure out one's own biases.

Selfishness is blindness to one's own biases!

If you were conscious of all your biases and the consequences of them on your life you would drop them.

In Truth, all biases are existentially arbitrary and meaningless, they don't have any objective reality to them. All biases are subjective. All value and meaning is relative and imaginary.

One way to define God = a Mind that has absolutely no biases

The only difference between your mind and God's mind is literally your biases. So if you drop all of your biases, guess what, you become God. Ta-da!

Especially all of the ones you don't want to drop. Especially rationality. Especially science.

Your demand for materialistic or rationalistic proof is a bias.

These biases sap and drain your energy.

God = Love

God is Love means a mind without biases.

Absolute Love is the realization that there is no difference between anything.

Love is the metaphysical realization that every difference in reality, including all the physical differences between all physical objects is imaginary.

"When you become conscious enough and your mind becomes pure enough to realize that the difference between a kangaroo and a terrorist is imaginary. Then you can love the kangaroo and the terrorist identically because they are literally physically fused and undifferentiated within your consciousness."

As long as you're fooling yourself to believe that sushi is better than a dog turd, you will forever love the sushi more than a dog turd and your love will be less than Infinite, less than total.

Infinite Love requires that you love everything equally.

How to determine how loving you are?

Buffet analogy: How many foods from a buffet do you love?

Open yourself up to loving other dishes.

Maximum love would be to surrender all of your biases and open yourself up to all their dishes.

What's stopping you from Infinite Love? Your biases.

And what is stopping you from surrendering your biases?

Closed-mindedness and fear. And your unwillingness to experience certain experiences.

Can you see how powerful it would be to be able to love the entire "buffet"?


God is not biased towards any experience or part of Itself because it is an Infinite Mind.

As an Infinite Mind, it must embrace and accept all of the things it can imagine, since it is Itself.

God can have no biases. The physical difference or distinctions that separate all objects are imagined by God, therefore they have no real existence or objective reality.

In the Mind of God, the difference between sushi, a kangaroo, and a piece of turd doesn't exist. These differences only appear to exist within the human mind. All forms are embraced in the Mind of God and arise from the One Mind of God.

If everything is One and if all difference is imaginary, how can any one part of reality be better or more important than any other part?


Just like your mind is able to have all kinds of different thoughts, likewise, God's Mind is free to imagine literally any physical form that it wants, and it doesn't love a kangaroo more than it loves a dog turd.

Mind is an Infinite field that's completely open and unbiased to creative imagination.

It's open towards any figment of Itself, any part of Itself. And since it's Infinite, it has all the possible parts, in other words, Mind is Self-Love.

Love is not an emotion. Love is the actual substance of your Mind before it has been corrupted with attachments and biases.

As soon as your mind wants some imaginary thing to persist, it has to acquire a bias.

Every attachment you have is a bias, and bias prevents you from realizing the Truth that everything is equally good.

The more attachments you have, the more limited your perception of reality is, the more biases you have, the more limited your capacity for love is, and the more you suffer as a result. Because you are separated from your highest potential. Your Spirit's highest potential is to love everything in the fuckin' universe.

Infinity has to be perfectly symmetrical.

How can you love a thing when it threatens one of your attachments? You're gonna hate it.

"In this way, you've severed your connection to Infinite Love and don't even remember it exists. The filters are filtering out Infinite Love in favor of twisted partial love. You've traded Infinity for finite love."

"Can't you see that the greatest power in the Universe is to love everything equally? [..] As long as you're biased, reality will always be less than Perfect for you."

Your definition of perfection is a finite, selfish form, of perfection, loving only lobster. True Perfection is having all the food that could ever be invented.

God is open to that. The question is, are you open to that? The extent to which you are not open to that is the extent to which you are not God.

"You are just a part of God" as long as you're maintaining those fears and attachments and biases.

To literally become God = surrendering all selfishness (God = Selflessness)


The only permanent thing is Impermanence itself.

If you get attached and develop a bias for one thing, you're trying to freeze reality and fight impermanence, which is a recipe for hell. All form is impermanent.

  • Why renounce attachment? For Infinite Love.
  • Materialists think renunciants, ascetics, and monks are doing it for stupid reasons.
  • But the true one is renouncing to access Infinite Love.
  • If an orgasm gives you the amount of light generated by a candle flame, Infinite Love, free of bias, is like launching yourself into the middle of the Sun.

Infinite Mind needs to be able to dream without getting attached to Its dreams, otherwise, it can't dream forever.

  • Another definition of God = Infinite Dream
  • All attachments are finite and ultimately false because the highest Truth is Oneness and lack of difference.
  • Love is the realization that all difference is imaginary.
  • Metaphysical Love transcends positive emotions, it includes torture.

Become a master at noticing bias to clear up perception by letting go of biases to inch closer to Love.

First and foremost your own biases. But also in others and thought systems and ideologies.



Being rigorous and factual. What would it be like to live in a fantastical and magical way?

  • Consciousness is Infinite, therefore Consciousness includes within Itself both the rational and irrational. Nerdy and artistic, fantastical and magical.
  • Santa Claus is a feature of Consciousness
  • You will never figure out the Truth because the Truth includes everything, and you by definition have cut yourself off from half of Reality by your method. And also half the world of people.
  • Everything bias boomerangs, and now science isn't able to make sense of what consciousness, the paranormal, UFOs, telepathy, mystical experiences, healing, enlightenment, awakening, and psychedelics are
  • This undermines the very spirit of science of understanding everything. You can't understand everything when you method is so biased that it excludes the majority of Reality from its investigations.


  • Overqualifying everything, no speculation, overabundance of evidence.
  • The filter is too strict, like a too-tight email spam filter now excluding words like experience, emotion, sensation, feeling, consciousness, etc.

Avoidance of marketing, poetic language, and hype

  • Now scientific discoveries don't properly translate into the community at large.
  • The majority of mankind still doesn't fathom the significance of general relativity. Einstein's general relativity says time, space, and distance are relative and not objective.

Trying to make things objective or rational

  • Truth is always larger than proof (metaphysical implications of Gödel's incompleteness theorem)
  • But because it relies on proof, it's doomed to incompleteness, since proof is 2nd order phenomenon and a smaller subset or 1st order.

Left brain, analytical, expects explication (implicit vs explicit understanding)

  • Infinity cannot be explicated, it's infinitely implicit. (endlessly explicatable)
  • Science thinks it can write reality down in a set of formulas

Analytical function of scientific approach and reductionistic attitude

  • It's believed everything can be reduced down to subatomic particles or equations. (Holism episodes)
  • Suffering from too much analysis and not enough synthesis.

Use of language, models, and quantification

  • Assumption that all of reality can be quantified.
  • All of science is done within language, but language is just one subset of reality and Truth

Bias against contradiction paradox and confusion (what is paradox? Episode)

  • Assumes every paradox must be a mistake, but in truth, Infintiy must be paradoxical and self-contradictory when put into dualistic language, thought, model. Therefore paradox is a feature and not a bug.

Avoidance of 1st person experience and psychedelics, avoidance of consciousness and intuition, avoidance of mystical methods, and the whole idea of demystification

  • Assumes that reality is nonmystical

Avoiding emotions, psychology, and philosophy.

  • Aversion to epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy within hardcore sciences. Much to their detriment.

Avoidance of religion, God and wisdom

Scientific work is institutionalized, academic, collective and has aspects of the Social Matrix (what is social matrix episode)

  • It having to be done as a bureaucratic process with a group of people with whom you're collaborating and building consensus creates methodical bias

Pragmatism, utilitarianism, and the survival-oriented nature of science

  • Focused on how to best manipulate reality, how to measure reality. Rather than actually caring about truth, consciousness, or love. Misplaced priority (deconstructing myth of science part 2)
  •  Truth is not just that which is pragmatic or helps one's survival or utilitarian

Constructivist bias

  • Trying to construct a model, a theory, a system, a technology, a way of manipulating reality, or a body of knowledge.
  •  What if Truth doesn't lie in the direction of construction, but in the direction of deconstruction?
  • Science itself is a construction, a worldview

Overly technology-focused

  • Usefulness doesn't equal truthfulness.
  • Why are we not pouring billions of dollars into paranormal phenomena, awakening, and psychedelics research?
  • But technologies can be monetized, which creates a bias.

Materialism and realism

Most scientists are simply too serious

  • When you're more playful it's a different way of understanding reality than it is being clinical. It's one biased way of interfacing with reality.

This has been a problem in every field of human sense-making and knowledge.

Every new generation clings to new biases


It's a feature of almost every paradigm and ideology in epistemology that it claims to be objective, truthful and unbiased.

The pursuit of science itself is a bias in itself and because of this science cannot ever encapsulate or understand all of Reality or Truth

The entirety of Consciousness includes, but way transcends science.

Science, rationality, objectivity, proof, reductionism, quantification, formalization, and mathematics do not circumscribe the entirety of existence. It's a speck of Infinity. The entirety of science that'll ever be done is like a single star of all the stars in our universe.


Sense-making requires a completely unbiased mind.

The more unbiased your mind = the bigger picture you can see

Every bias you have will become a limit of perception, imagination, and understanding.

Even an innocent-seeming bias like wanting to be factual and objective.

= making your consciousness less than Infinite = disconnection from God

Every subfield of science is self-biased.

The mystics are doing something fundamentally different though.

The mystic is going meta and holistic, incorporating everything.

The mystic goes after Truth and Truth, Consciousness, and Love. And all of those subfields are incorporated within Consciousness.

Consciousness is imagining matter, atoms, and the materialist, whereas matter is not causing consciousness. You can become directly conscious of this because You are Consciousness.

Nature is Infinite and your method will always crack under the strain of Nature.

Every question you ask of Nature are themselves biased, is a bias itself, and manifested by them.

Also, your curiosity for Nature is biased. When you love particles but hate consciousness, you can't properly study consciousness properly. Hate meditation, lost in mind -> only see numbers and equations.

Beware of narrow passions in the pursuit of ultimate understanding. Your passion has to be Universal, not narrow.

A passion for Consciousness is a passion for the whole Universe.

Consciousness imagines all paradigms, it's meta-paradigmatic, it's meta-everything, it's Infinite.

The difference between a sober and a psychedelic state is an imaginary difference imagined by consciousness. You take that difference for granted. (how psychedelics work episode)

Bias for thinking vs feeling

Bias for vision vs sound


If you overlook your biases don't' act shocked and horrified when others do the same, and that it bites you in the ass.

All of us think our biases are good, which is selfishness, which collectively leads to hellish social situations.

Bias matters because ultimately bias is a bias in Love, into something finite.


Is it even possible to drop all of one's attachments and biases?

No, not if you want to survive. You can't survive otherwise. But you can improve.

1st become aware of your biases before dropping them (awareness is curative episode)

Those humans who were the most selfless, truthful, honest, and unbiased, were killed millennia ago and lie buried in unmarked graves.

What remains today is the vicious, ruthless, egotistical, narcissistic, partial, and biased humans of all our ancestors.

This explains why God-realization is so hard to attain and why it's difficult to love. As well as why truth is so well hidden. (mankind is the bullshitting animal)

You can become less biased and less attached, this allows access to deeper understanding, more truth, clearer perception, less suffering, tranquility, love, and better science.


Beware of your bias against bias itself. The final bias. Don't expect everyone else to do it too.

Becoming very unbiased in today's world is challenging and ultimately very unfair. You won't be well understood.

Added: “Part of being awake is being willing to be crucified. If we think that to be awake means the whole world will agree with us, then we are in a total delusion.” -- Adyashanti

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Does Free Will Exist?



It's possible to become directly conscious of what Will is. This is not speculation.

This replaces the old episode.

Foundational Episodes: Dualities part 123


Reality is an Infinite field of Consciousness which is imagining distinctions.

Every thing that you think exists is a distinction, a distinction within Consciousness.

Like: me vs you, you vs the world, you vs other, humans vs animals, matter vs energy, matter vs anti-matter, black vs white, big vs small, reality vs fantasy

You are Universal Consciousness dreaming that you're a human, which is a distinction.

  • Freedom vs determinism is a distinction you're imagining within this field of Consciousness.
  • Will vs not will too.
  • Controller vs controlled

Do I control myself or does the Universe control me? Does the universe control humans or does the universe control humans?

  • It's not a yes or no choice, it's much more nuanced and delicate
  • Ego-mind wants to believe that it is in control, that's its function.
  • It's all about how you define what "you" is. Don't take it for granted.
  • Science can't answer this question, because it doesn't appreciate the relative of the "you" identity
  • If you think you're separate from the world or others, you're defining yourself as something less than the entire Universe, a portion, not the whole thing. One particle vs hurricane.
  • Your control is very localized within the whole universe, but only if you define yourself as that little human "you"
  • Identity is a metaphysical thing and relativistic.
  • Shift your identity from human to the entire Universe and the whole answer changes

Now, who controls the Universe as a whole?

  • Now you can't make an appeal to something outside the universe
  • Universe has no outside, outside and inside itself is a distinction imagined by the Universe (an Infinite field of Consciousness)
  • Universe is self-controlled.
  • Controller vs controlled is already a duality, it's not given and relativistic to imagination
    • It sneaks in a dualistic metaphysics
  • If you identify as just the puppet, the human body, then there's something controlling you, but if you identify as the entire Universe then there's nothing controlling you but Yourself.

What is Freedom?

  • If you say that you're not free, then you have to blame that on something outside of you and not self-imposed
  • Contemplate: Is the Universe as a whole free to behave however it wants?
  • Universe has no other to Itself, it's a Unity, it's self-defining, self-creating and self-constraining.
    • The Universe is totally Free
  • "For the Universe to exist is nothing other than for It to tell Itself that It exists because there's nobody to check whether the Universe is being honest with Itself."
  • Everything that happens in the Universe is the Universe's Will.
    • Physical material manifestation is the crystalization of the Universe's Will
    • All material objects are identical to Will
  • If your self-definition is very finite by necessity that results into a crippling of the Universe's Infinite Will

Hurricane analogy

  • Go from identifying as a lost hummingbird in a hurricane to the entire hurricane as well as the bird. Now you're the entire system, and not struggling
  • The Universe is not a physical system it's a Mental System, Universal Mind, Infinite Mind
  • If you realize that you're God, you'll realize that everything is God's Will, including the chair you're sitting on
  • If you became Infinitely Conscious you could materialize any physical object into existence
  • But the closer you get to that point of Infinite Will the less ego you have,
  • the less ego, the less you identify with being a human,
  • the less you're attached to your personal needs and biases, the less you care about manipulating reality, and the less you see problems with how reality is working.
  • If ego is very dense and unconscious, you believe the world is evil, and that there's a lot of wrong that needs to be changed, to suit survival.
  • But as you become more conscious the self and the ego melt away until there's no more neediness, attachment, and biases left, because at that level of consciousness, all of it is imaginary and there's no difference between one thing or another thing.
    • Nothing is better than anything else, because everything is equally great because all distinctions are imaginary.
    • Then you as God become absolutely sovereign in your power to manifest whatever reality you want
    • There's nothing wrong with your life and nothing wrong with reality.
      • Reality always was absolute Perfection.
      • You don't grab hold of God's Infinite Will and then use that power to benefit yourself or even others
      • The human is God, the human melts away in surrender and disappears like it never existed, because it always was imaginary, and then only God remains
        • And as God your Will is already perfectly manifest as whatever you see or is happening

Paradoxically, at this highest level, you don't make life better by manipulating life, but simply by surrendering to however Life is flowing. Because you recognize God's Will is never anything less than Perfection, and God's Will is Your own Will.

  • When you fully realize that You are God, you accept the fact that everything that has ever happened to you in your life and everything that is ever happened or will ever happen is Your own Will made manifest, nothing has ever happened against Your Will.
  • It was the ego that was denying it was God, therefore the ego thought there was something wrong in the world because of fear and biases. In God-Consciousness, fears and biases are melted and what's left is the Infinite Perfection and Intelligence of God's Will

So what is Will?

  • Absolutely every physical thing that is occurring or has ever occurred in your life
  • All material things are Mind stuff, just a denser form of human mind stuff
    • There's no fundamental distinction between a unicorn and a table or a chair or the planet earth. Those are distinctions imagined within the Mind of God
  • It's not that there is no such thing as free will, it's that everything is Infinite Will
    = As the Universe, You're willing your entire body and reality into existence.
  • Then it's no longer you moving your hand using your will, and not that will doesn't exist, it's that Universal Will, God's Will, is moving this hand perfectly.
    • Removing doesn't make you a zombie, it makes you God, it makes you Infinitely Conscious and Intelligent of the Intelligent Flow that is guiding the entire Universe. You and your body are part of that Infinite Flow.
    • This only works with pure non-dual Consciousness with no separation between you and God, you and the Universe, you and other creatures, recognizing it as the One Totality that You are.
    • It's like surfing a wave, the wave will overpower you if you try to go head-up against it. Align yourself with the wave, riding on the perfect balancing point as the wave, balancing Itself, regulating Itself, controlling Itself, defining Itself, creating Itself, willing Itself into existence.
      • My entire life, because I've identified as something smaller than the whole Universe, I had to struggle against the Universe, and that's why my life felt like a grind. I was fighting against Myself, interfering with Myself the whole time.
      • The ego is a self-interference pattern, it gets into its own way.
      • Ego thinks it can control more of reality if it just clings harder to sex, family, material objects, money, job.
      • But what if you are the entire Universe what do you need to cling to?
      • No more clinging -> frees up energy -> peak human potential
  • Now you've gotten out of your own way and flow with your own highest Will instead of your human will.
  • If anyone says that Will isn't real, they're not conscious of themselves as God, because God is Infinite Will, Universal Mind wills Itself into existence because It has no constraints. What would constrain Universal Mind?
  • God is self-creation, because It imagines what is possible and impossible.
  • Oneness = omnipotence
    • These are superhuman levels of Consciousness

Is God's Will free?

  • The only constraint on God's Will is that it must be Absolute Love
    • Oneness = Love (What is Love episodes)
    • It must materialize Infinite Love, which is what this dream is
    • Love = Intelligence = Truth = Goodness = God
  • Beware the trap of thinking that you can grab hold of God's powers and use them towards any selfish purposes, you can't
    • Whatever is the highest Love will be manifest, humble yourself, surrender to the Flow and become God's Will. There's no improving upon God's Will, it's the highest Good.
    • You can't see the highest Good without Infinite Intelligence and Infinite Consciousness, because you can't Infinite number of moves ahead.
  • As a human you want God to do all the heavy lifting for you. Why didn't God just construct a Utopia for us?
    • Because God has delegated Its creative capacity to you, to us as humans, so that we could construct whatever we wanted to, that is the higher Good.
    • If you had a child that you really love and cared about, what would it mean to facilitate this child's development such that the child grows into a mature, healthy, responsible, creative, conscious being that lived up to its highest potential?
      • By telling the child every step? By beating it? By forcing it into the right choice? By living his life for him? Would that be a life worth living?
      • The point of life is that you have to figure it out for yourself by making mistakes. That's what we humans are doing as we're building our societies, constructing our food menus at restaurants, and stocking our grocery stores
      • Figuring it out on our own is what makes life meaningful, interesting, and worthwhile
      • The Highest Good is for us to recognize that we should correct ourselves and do it for ourselves, as a society. And if we don't really care about it, what is the problem?
        • The vast majority of mankind's problems are self-created.
    • The whole purpose of life is to exercise one's consciousness and to realize that it's insufficient selfish consciousness, that needy and attached consciousness is insufficient to live the best life, that's what gets you to surrender your selfishness and evolve and grow
      • Eventually, you surrender enough of your selfishness that you literally become God, that's the highest Good.
    • You cannot be forced into it, you can only become God by accepting yourself as God, you have to want it, to want to love.
  • All the "bad stuff" happening is our own creation
    • We can stop creating it
    • Take responsibility for how you're creating your life, for what you're willing into your life with the limited will that you do have
    • Start taking responsibility for how you define yourself, don't offload that
      • You can't awaken to your own God-Self when you are offloading your sovereignty and authority onto other people or organizations or institutions or culture (How Authority Works episode)
      • You're not taking responsibility for the fact that you're constructing the entire universe.
        • You constructed your entire life, all of it, it's not somebody else's fault.
  • Start playing the infinite game, rather than the finite game of manipulation.
    • Actions become expressions of God's Intelligence, Goodness, Love, and Will
    • The point of spiritual work is to empty yourself of ego and raise your consciousness so much that you become an even better vessel or superconductor for God's Intelligence which then acts through you and makes all the decisions with effortlessness.
      • It's You guiding Yourself and then life magically seems to click.
      • Don't stop this work until you become directly conscious of what Will is, how everything that is happening right now is Your own Will being manifest
      • Physical reality is the manifestation of Your Will, that's what it means to truly be awake.

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What Is Reality?



Infinite Consciousness


Reality is infinite consciousness

Reality is infinite imagination


Key mistake: assuming that it's possible for there to be physical objects that exist independent of consciousness.

Objects are not possible, only Consciousness is.

This present moment is Consciousness.

Reality = Consciousness

There can only be what is held within Consciousness

Everything you've ever experienced has been held in consciousness, including you.

Your hand is made out of consciousness.

Cells, atoms, time, and space, are held within Consciousness


If you're not imagining it, it does not exist.

You are infinite imagination, aka God.

You've been sitting here eternally, imagining all sorts of realms, including life.

You are imagining that you are not imagining.

Reality = imagination

You are the creator of the entire universe, with infinite creative power


Consciousness is a completely empty substance that conceives or holds or imagines things

Projector analogy:

Consciousness is that formless infinite "pure white light" shining through the projector

A movie director can set a movie in any time period that he wants

The projector doesn't care what century it is, whatever film frame you put in front of it is what sets the scene and creates the sense of a century.

As infinite consciousness you're imagining all centuries, all timelines, all beings, all lifetimes simultaneously, one of which is this one right now!


Science misunderstands consciousness

Consciousness is not grounded in anything because it is the ground of all things

Time and space are being held or imagined by consciousness.

Molecules, atoms, and brains are being held or imagined by consciousness.

Your birth and memories are being held or imagined by consciousness.

All other people, parents, and Leo are being held or imagined by consciousness.

Consciousness = Nothing


Consciousness can create differences within itself because it's Unlimited

The physical universe, rules, laws, constraints, and limits are imagined by consciousness

Any boundary or object is imaginary = Oneness or Nonduality

Anything outside of Reality is actually inside Reality because it's Total, Absolute Infinity

Possible and impossible are something Consciousness is imagining.

Real and imaginary are something Consciousness is imagining.

"How" is something Consciousness is imagining.

Reality is no-how, nowhere, no-when, no-what. They must first be imagined by consciousness.


Reality is made out of differences.

A molecule, a tree, a cat, and a hand is all difference. Otherwise, they'd be One and indistinguishable

Science, religion, and everything you know is imaginary.


You are capable of many orders and states of consciousness far beyond this one

With work and openmindedness this can be directly realized,


Snowball analogy:

Rolling uphill accumulating more and more snow growing your sense of self and reality.

Now you have so much on the line already, now it's all about the survival of the ball

Questioning reality makes the snowball roll back down

Fear of self-anihilation and losing self and reality points to the truth of this

We are inventing ourselves

All denials themselves are imaginary

Imagination is interfering with imagination.

- Your entire life was a fiction

You have existed as empty consciousness for eternity imagining life after life without beginning or end.

There cannot be anything outside of consciousness

Anything that can be has to be conceived by consciousness

Truth is true by definition, Reality is inevitable, it has no opposite, it's Absolute

Notice that anything you imagine is outside of consciousness is actually inside of consciousness

- Even non-existence is being imagined within consciousness, consciousness can't go anywhere

Consciousness imagines all locations, spaces, and times

- Destruction and form are imagined by consciousness, it is formless.

- Inside and outside is something that consciousness is imagining

- Sleeping is imaginary too.

- Consciousness does not need a brain, it imagines the brain.

This explains why you are the center of reality because you are God imagining everything around you.


There is nothing in reality but states of consciousness (one of which is this one right now)

There are much more elevated states of consciousness accessible through meditation or responsible of  psychedelics

They melt the boundary between reality and imagination

With a lot of LSD you can look at a car, imagine it's a goat, and it'll turn into one.

On Datura (use not recommended), you don't even remember you are a human being, because memories are imaginary, and become a coffee table.

- You are also imagining all of Leo's videos


You are God, there's nothing but God, and you are all alone.

Everything is imaginary.

God is Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, Unlimited, and Infinitely Good

When you become conscious of this, God will become conscious of this, because you're God

Added: “Enlightenment is like falling out of an airplane. The bad news is there's no parachute. The good news is there's no ground.”

--Chogyam Trungpa.


All problems, death, pain, suffering, emotions, and fear are imaginary

Paradise = this present moment realized to be eternal, infinite, Good with no opposite

"Dying before you die"

Becoming conscious of you how created the entire universe, alone, as God

This will be understanding the magnitude of infinite consciousness


Homework: Try going through all your objections or doubts and see how they are imaginary

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  • The Ultimate Guide To Happiness - How Happiness Works


What is happiness?

  • Happiness is a tricky and counter intuitive thing.
  • The notion of unconditional happiness is a ridiculous ideal. It’s impossible to achieve in practice. Your happiness as a human is very fragile and conditional.
    • You don’t realize how much health and happiness are correlated until your health is taken away.


Setting up your life conditions and situations is crucial for your happiness. Living properly is the key to happiness.


“But Leo, isn’t living ‘properly’ subjective and relative to the individual?”

  • Yes and no.
  • If you’re living the wrong way you’ll be miserable, if you’re living the right way you’ll be happy.
    • It’s a lot easier to make yourself miserable than it is to make yourself happy.
  • Happiness comes from living virtuously, not from chasing pleasure.


“Happiness... is more often found with those who are highly cultivated in their minds and in their character, and have only a moderate share of external goods, than among those who possess external goods to a useless extent but are deficient in higher qualities” - Aristotle

Happiness is more difficult these days because we live in an artificial environment.

  • If you were in the woods (farming, hunting), your environment would have natural forces that force you to live in the proper ways — because if you didn’t live in the proper ways (good character, work ethic) you would just die.
  • Capitalism is designed for you to constantly be seeking for solutions and never be satisfied
    • Quick solutions, get rich quick — not how to truly find happiness and great character, this doesn’t pay


True happiness cannot be purchased because it is the result of a well conditioned mind and lifestyle that takes years to cultivate. True happiness isn’t a quick little solution.

  • Conduct a personal investigation into the nature of happiness — both in general and what specifically makes you happy.
    • Just like with solving math problems, there’s no real point in Leo telling you what the solutions are for happiness. You have to find them out for yourself. The observation process will teach you better than anything from what he can say.
  • By observing yourself being miserable through your old value system and your old behaviors, you’ll eventually develop the motivation to change those things.
  • Not all things you think will make you happy will make you happy, find out what makes you happy yourself.
  • Distinguish between the idea of doing a thing vs. how it makes you feel.
  • The things that make you happy depend on your personality type and your genetic temperament.
  • Your level of development and maturity is also huge
    • Varying levels of spiral dynamics, meet at the level you’re currently at

Tips To Figure Out What Happiness You Need

  • Take the Myers-Briggs Personality Test
  • Take the Big Five Personality Test
  • Take the Enneagram Personality Test
  • Recognize your natural level of ambition, on a scale from 1-10
  • Figure out how liberal or conservative you are
  • How much order and regimentation (conservative) do you need in your life vs. spontaneity (liberal)?
  • How artistic/creative are you?
  • What is your level of risk tolerance?
  • How masculine or feminine are you?
  • Consider how much variety you need
  • Consider how much socialization you need
  • Consider how much contact you need
  • Consider how many friends you need
  • Consider how much sex you need (how much sex drive you have)
  • Consider how much solitude you need
  • How much time do you need in nature?
  • How much success do you need?
  • How much work and career do you need?
  • How much impact do you want to have on the world?
  • How much of a leadership role do you want?
  • How much autonomy do you need in your life?
  • How much learning and intellectualism do you need?
  • How much spirituality do you need

Key Points

  • You come to know yourself by observing yourself and putting yourself in a lot of differing experiences and amassing life experience and seeing how you’re reacting and responding to it
    • It’s difficult to know yourself if you’re young because you don’t have life experience. Expose yourself to more experience to come to know yourself better and speed up the process.
  • Fundamentally — it’s not possible to be happy when you’re fighting with yourself.
  • Distinguish between pleasure vs. satisfaction or contentment
    • You’re not looking for pleasure, you’re looking for satisfaction or contentment. Chasing pleasure will not make you happy. Your brain has two different neuro-chemical systems for pleasure vs. satisfaction/contentment. There’s the dopamine system and the serotonin system.
  • Dopamine is about newness, it’s not long term. Serotonin is more consistent and stable, you don’t get as high peaks or pleasure but it gives too long lasting stable happiness. This comes from cultivating your character and living virtuously.
    • You do need some basic level of these things (food, safer, shelter, sex, money, house) to be happy. This is just the base line, this won’t make you happy. Chasing bigger amounts of it won’t make you happy.
  • Make the distinction between success and happiness, it’s easy to mistake these things.

Happiness isn’t about what you buy — it’s about who you are and how you live.

  • Happiness should be thought of as a decades long commitment you make everyday to live “the good life.” The investment that you make everyday into your own development generates meaning and makes you feel good about your life.
  • As you mature and develop and grow up the spiral, less and less material things will make you happy (money, sex, cars, houses, women, partying, luxury boats, jets)
    • Spirituality will supplement all these things
    • If you get into spirituality too young you might make the mistake that these things won’t make you happy, but you don’t do any of these things but deep down you crave it and you don’t burn through your karma.
  • Distinguish between pleasure and meaning. Most people are chasing pleasure and not consciously creating meaning in their life. You want a meaningful life more than pleasure (this generates a passive income of stable happiness)
    • You can’t be in pleasure all the time because your mind adapts to it continuously, it’s unstable this way.
      • Be very careful with manipulation. To pursue happiness, it’s very likely that you’ll manipulate others.

List of Things That Will Make You Unhappy

  • Pursuing short term goals that don’t build long term capital in your life
    • Temporary enjoyment, nothing remaining after the experience is done
  • Chasing pleasure/dopamine hits
  • Chasing martial objects
  • Chasing fame as a substitute for love
  • Approval seeking (trying to be cool and fit in
  • Not being in line with your top values
  • Lying, cheating, theft, deception, exploitation, fraud, criminality
  • Being directed to do immoral things
  • Hurting others, like animals
  • War, living in a violent and chaotic environment
  • Trying to control, dominate, and manipulate other people
  • Being bullied or being teased
  • Being disrespectful to others and also being disrespected
  • Being broke or stressing over money
  • Wasting your time and your life
  • Doing work you find meaningless
  • Being over-worked, over-stressed, and overly busy
  • Trying to achieve quick success on a shady foundation (get rich quick schemes)
  • Desperation and neediness
  • Slacking off, being lazy, being too comfortable
  • Avoidance of work and responsibility
  • Doing work poorly
  • Procrastination and not taking action
  • Doing the same thing year after year
  • Not taking care of your chores and having a dirty house
  • Bad health (this is a big one)
  • Feeling helpless and powerless
  • Being unable to control yourself
  • Being out of control of your emotions
  • Being in a victim mindset
  • Addiction (porn, sex, drugs, alcohol, food - doing things compulsively)
  • Being enslaved to someone else
  • A lack of freedom and autonomy
  • Joining a cult
  • Conflict and fighting with people
  • Abusive relationships (verbal, physical, emotional)
  • Hanging out with negative, abusive, unconscious, and immature friends or people
  • Not setting boundaries with people
  • Being a people-pleaser or a doormat
  • Fundamentally — being inauthentic
  • Trying to change people who don’t want to change
  • Untruthfulness, falsehood, and self deception
  • Ignorance and lack of education
  • Dogma and ideology
  • Conformity and not thinking for yourself
  • Bad forms of philosophy
  • Mental illness - find a way to manage it. Seek out therapy, seek out books, seek out counseling, seek out group therapy
  • High emotional volatility and drama
  • Judgement, criticism, and blame
  • Perfectionism
  • Arguing, debating, and trolling (toxic social media)
  • Hatred, anger, intolerance, and bigotry
  • Narcissism, arrogance, and ego
  • Emotional immaturity
  • Regret, shame, guilt, and self-hatred
  • Lack of love
  • Fear, insecurity, anxiety, paranoia
  • Lack of socialization and social skills
  • Inability to get laid
  • Loneliness
  • Taking on too much responsibility
  • Living life too strictly and in too regimented a way
  • Indecisiveness and failure to take action
  • Not changing a bad or wrong situation
  • Sweeping things under the rug and running away from things and avoiding challenge. This makes you feel weak over time and erodes your self-esteem and turns into “learned helplessness”
  • Not taking care of your hygiene
  • Hating your physical appearance.
    • You have to come to a point of acceptance with your physical appearance even if you’re not a handsome or beautiful person, otherwise you’re never going to be happy. It’s challenging and deserves a video on it’s own.
  • Obligations that you don’t believe in
  • Foolish speculative investments that make you lose all your money
  • Chronic loud noises and acoustic chaos
  • Promising things to people that you can’t deliver
  • Doing impossible things.
    • You set yourself up for things that are just simply impossible. Reality will defeat you and you just have to accept that. Sometimes you do two things that are contradictory of each other
      • ex: launch a business on one hand and pursue meditation on the other hand, you have to pick your priorities. You don’t have enlightenment and a successful business because you have limited resources and energy, you’d be working on one or the other 24/7
  • Being petty, selfish, and small-minded
  • Low-spiral development
  • Naive selflessness
  • Improper use of your mind
  • Trying to escape all suffering
  • Excessive spiritual seeking or trying to escape the material domain

List of Things That Will Make You Happy

  • Anything aligned with your top values
  • Putting your talents and strengths to use
  • Being useful and productive
  • Things that make you feel strong and powerful
  • Developing new skills
  • Process of training yourself in something meaningful
    • Play guitar, getting better at golf, math, writing, etc.
  • Anything that makes your mind stronger
  • Self-education (if you’re an intellectual person)
  • Doing sports (if you’re an athletic person)
  • Doing art (if you’re an artistic person)
  • Being creative (if you’re a creative person)
  • Doing excellent work. There’s a difference between work and excellent work.
  • Doing innovative and impactful work
  • Big projects (if you’re ambitious)
  • Being your own boss (if you’re an entrepreneur type person)
  • Being in a leadership position (if you want to be in this position)
  • Helping others and contributing to the improvement of society
  • Proper time to rest, relax, and destress
  • Human intimacy, companionship, and friendship
  • Deep conversations
  • Building your own family (for those who want it)
  • Socialization (if you’re a social person)
  • Charity, giving gifts, being nice to people
  • Setting boundaries with people will make you a lot happier
  • Your top two love languages (search up five love languages)
  • Lots of time alone (if you’re an introverted person)
  • Anything that puts you into a flow state
  • Being on the edge
  • Facing difficult things and meeting challenges
  • Flexing your muscle, being powerful, exercising your power
  • Making the most out of your day and life
  • Making long term investments
  • Confidence and developing it through work and experience.
    • The antidote to insecurity is confidence, and this is exposing yourself to experience in whatever field you’re insecure in.
  • Exploring life and having new experiences
  • Travel — but not escapism travel
  • Patiently cultivating a hobby (don’t underestimate).
    • Pick one or two hobbies that you patiently invest into. You build mastery and experience for decades by doing this. This creates meaning overtime. It pays a passive income in terms of satisfaction.
  • Being out in nature
  • Physical exercise
    • It changes your brain chemicals and makes it harder for you to be depressed
  • Good food
  • Being healthy
  • Taking care of yourself
  • Treating yourself with respect
  • Deep solitude and solo-retreats
  • Passion, living your life with enthusiasm (difficult, not a default) and inspiration
  • Humor, developing your humor
  • Building your own house
    • Not actually building your own house — cultivating the space you live in and the sanctuary where you live . Decorating it. Cleaning it up. Investing into it.
  • Doing philosophy (if you do it properly)
  • Developing yourself up the spiral
  • Self-actualization
  • Wisdom
  • Truth, being aligned with truth and avoiding self-deception
  • Spirituality, spiritual practice and spiritual connection
  • Awakening
  • Exploring consciousness
  • Consciousness of God
  • Meditation
  • Psychedelics and mystical experiencing
  • Falling in love with yourself
  • Being good
  • Being selfless
  • Love and beauty
  • Appreciation of the beauty of consciousness and reality is a deep form of happiness.
    • Just sitting alone in your room and looking at the consciousness of your room and looking at it’s beauty. Spirituality will make you see the beauty of everything very starkly


A lot of these things are also a bittersweet challenge. It’s not pure raw pleasure. It’s very satisfying. After you build it up and develop some momentum, most of the challenge goes away and pays a passive income


List of Things That Make Leo Happy

  • Being creative, imagining new things, new business ideas
  • Exploring his own mind and concentration
  • Philosophy and truth seeking
  • Learning new and interesting things
  • Integrity
  • Doing healthy things for himself
  • Being out in nature
  • Driving and road trips - flow state
  • Sitting down in solitude and being completely unhurried
  • Being his own boss
  • Having complete creative autonomy
  • Working on a meaningful project
  • Doing serious and excellent work
  • Exploring consciousness via psychedelics
  • Pure appreciation of the beauty of consciousness
  • Contemplating God and being aware of God
  • Music
  • Rain
  • Snuggling under a warm blanket under the rain
  • Deep intellectual conversations
  • Thinking about his future
  • Putting in a full day’s work and being productive
  • Having a positive impact on society
  • Innovation and making new discoveries
  • Exercising his humor
  • Digital design and graphics
  • Good food
  • Appreciation of female beauty, nudity, and sexuality
  • Organizing, optimizing, and putting things in order
  • Sitting and resting on his couch
  • Investing in his house
  • Reminiscing

List of Things That Make Leo Unhappy

  • Chronic health problems and having low energy
  • Being on a strict schedule, having a deadline
  • Having to do things just for money
  • Doing work he doesn’t believe in
  • Having a boss tell him what to do
  • Fear of running out of money
  • Wasting money
  • Having to do menial chores (paying taxes, bills, etc.)
  • Socializing and being around people for too long
  • Having to manage people
  • Realizing when he’s behaved in a bad or egotistical way
  • Emotionally hurting others
  • Being lazy or in a rut
  • Not having a project to work on
  • Arguing, debating, conflict, violence
  • Smart phone addiction
  • Chronic loud noise
  • Over-eating junk food
  • Having a bunch of social obligations
  • Meditation and spiritual seeking
  • Overworking
  • Bad unwise investments and losing money
  • Drama

Key Points II

  • Simple pleasures will make your life great. True happiness if found in organizing your documents and labeling things, for example.
  • Spirituality has reduced Leo’s overall consciousness . . .
    • . . . yet he still does it because his greatest joy is sitting on the couch contemplating God. Spirituality gives him the ability to recognize the absolute beauty of consciousness — being able for look at what he sees before him and realize how beautiful and miraculous it is
  • You should tailor spirituality to your genetics, skills, and temperament
  • Trying too hard to be happy will make you unhappy
    • Don’t get preoccupied with the Buddhist idea of escaping suffering. Realistically, you’re never going to escape suffering — there will always be suffering in your life. It takes twenty or more years of non-stop Buddhist meditative training and most people just won’t commit to this.
  • The deepest happiness comes from doing things for their own sake, not as means to some other end.
  • There’s a spectrum of happiness (lower grades, medium grades, high grades, highest grades)
    • The highest grade is consciousness, the appreciation of consciousness, and connection to God — realizing what God is and how it is structured.
      • This is ecstasy. It rises above all form of human pleasure. It purifies you and your psyche. It changes you. Very few people have achieved this. The only way to achieve this is to be serious about God.
  • Train yourself to maximize your appreciation of normal everyday things in life
    • You cultivate your mind to be such that you appreciate the very ordinary things around you, and you’re not looking for something super magical or special
  • Happiness isn’t about achieving some big goal. Stop waiting for achievements to make you happy. Be happy in the doing of your everyday life.


  • Create happiness journal. Contemplate what makes for happiness and “the good life” and keep a log of specifically what makes you happy. This list is cultivated over the next weeks, months, and years.
  • Anytime you experience a little or big thing that makes you happy you write it down in this journal (cat cuddling with you, partner telling you they love you — write this down)
  • Also make a list of the things that make you unhappy (this list can have hundreds of items)
  • Eventually, you can look at this list and have a big picture view of what it takes for you to be happy and what is holding you back.
  • Don’t mistake these teachings and take them for pure intellectual beliefs. It’s meant to have you explore how your own mind works. What’s true is what’s true for you.
  • Your mind is very tricky. Your mind doesn’t want you to see everything very clearly because if it did a lot of your old values, habits, and beliefs will have to be given up (and you’re not ready to give them up because you haven’t burned through that karma yet and you haven’t surrendered to it yet)
  • Everything you do has to be grounded in your direct experience

"It is from my open heart that I will mirror you, and reflect back to you all that you are:

As a being of love, of energy, 

of passion, and truth."

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How To Keep the Ultimate Journal (Commonplace Book)


What is a commonplace book?

  • A commonplace book is a repository of all your knowledge. Every idea that you run across that strikes you as important, striking, or inspiring - you write it down, organize it, and put it together like a personal Wikipedia.
    • Journal usually implies one page that scrolls down and down sequentially. A commonplace book is much more robust. It’s a personal Wikipedia.


  • It’s a scrap book that contains notes, clippings, goals, to-do lists, random ideas, any lessons you learn from books, videos, insights you get from psychedelic trips, or whatever sources you’re getting your insights from.


  • Lists of quotes, drawings, diaries (intimate thoughts), personal development exercises you do, consciousness work, schematics, pictures, tables, courses, links to things you find on the internet, screenshots, screen clippings, videos, audio.


  • It’s an extension of the mind. The mind thinks in a linear fashion. The commonplace book is a dynamic web that overcomes memory.


Why is it so important?

  • When you take all these ideas that you randomly run across throughout your everyday life and you compile them into one source and you can look through it, it’s very organized, you can scan through it, you can refer back to it constantly … it has a very powerful effect on your mind, and it organizes information in an interesting way where your mind can pick out new creative insights from all of that.
  • It organizes all of your learning. It supercharges your creativity.


Who is a commonplace book good for?

  • Sages, philosophers, self-actualizers, designers, artists, musicians, authors, researchers, scientists, engineers, architects, business people, students.


How to keep a commonplace book

  • There are things possible with a digital commonplace book that are not at all remotely possible in a paper form. The power of digital is amazing
  • Leo recommends OneNote, but I use Notion :)


  • Portable (Laptop with a real keyboard - not an iPad or an iPhone)
  • System of robust tabs, sections, and categories
  • A bunch of pages that are organized in a multi-tier structure.
  • Search function
  • Different rich formatting abilities (bolding, underlining, italicizing, colors, high-lighting, fonts, texts)
  • Bulleted lists
  • Create tables (useful)
  • Interlinking between different pages
  • Tagging
  • Quickly saving and loading files
  • Local storage (don’t use those versions)


  • Ability to make screenshots and screen-clippings
  • Ability to insert pictures
  • Record your own voice and audio
  • Drawing little pictures and sketches

"It is from my open heart that I will mirror you, and reflect back to you all that you are:

As a being of love, of energy, 

of passion, and truth."

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What is Maturity? - How and Why to Develop Maturity

  • Some people are mature, most people are not mature, you need to contemplate maturity from scratch.
  • Maturity is not a matter of age, but there is some correlation.
  • Maturity is not a binary, there are levels of maturity, and you can be mature in certain areas and immature in others.
  • Maturity is taking responsibility rather than blaming others.
  • Immaturity is blaming others and not doing the right things until circumstances force you to.
  • People know the right thing at the right time, but they avoid it.
  • Mature people know the value of hard work, of working hard for what you want, they don't want shortcuts.
  • Maturity is about duty to others.
  • Becoming a parent increases maturity because life is about your child too now, not just you.
  • Being a good parent is a sign of maturity.
  • Non-reactivity is a sign of maturity.
  • Patience is a sign of maturity.
  • Immature people do a lot of emotional manipulation.
  • Facing truth is a sign of maturity.
  • The immature person lives in illusion.
  • Maturity is knowing the power of not knowing, being honest, taking perspectives, understanding the sobriety of others, having the ability to compromise, taking care of your health, being aware of the traps you can fall into, making long term decisions based on solid principles, admitting mistakes, apologizing, accepting criticism, leading yourself, being non-ideological, thinking for yourself, being a good role model, being a good listener, letting go, surrendering, and selflessness.
  • Immaturity is being irresponsible, throwing tantrums, having a chaotic mind, being needy, seeking pleasure, fighting, blaming, brute force, domination, bragging, fraud, cheating, theft, and selfishness.
  • There is a lot of bad role models and examples today that can get to you, but set a high standard for yourself and your role models.
  • Areas you might need to distinguish the mature and immature versions of: politics, relationships, dating, sex, family relations, business, finances, investing, spirituality, morality, communication, work, society, culture, life goals, vision, etc.
  • Immature people were raised by immature people.
  • The ability to deal with immature people is a hallmark of maturity.
  • To become more mature:
    • Take ownership of things, ask yourself (where am I not taking responsibility) (who do I blame) (in what ways am I acting like a child).
    • Stop fighting, judging, blaming and name calling.
    • Stop creating drama.
    • Stop chasing raw pleasure.
    • Take on leadership roles.
    • Learn to manage your emotions.
    • Have an eye towards something larger in life, have a life purpose.
    • Do philosophy and contemplation.
    • Burn through your karma.
    • Meet your basic survival needs and become independent.
    • Follow the principle of right action, do the right thing at the right time.
    • Pursue the good life.
    • Do hard work, but not meaningless hard work.
    • Expose yourself to experience.
    • Challenge life.
    • Pursue Truth.
    • Do serious spirituality.
    • Practice conscious relationships.
    • Have children consciously.
    • Learn to communicate clearly.
    • Study developmental psychology.
    • Practice not knowing.
    • Leave immature people/relationships.
    • Think before you speak.
    • Keep your promises.
    • Stop acting defensively.
    • Reflect on how you were immature in the past, ask yourself.
    • Ask yourself which mature aspects you have and which immature aspects do you not have.
  • Wisdom = maturity.
  • Maturity is something everyone needs to develop.
  • Maturity gives you:
    • Helps in relationships.
    • Gives stability and peace of mind.
    • Lessen conflict.
    • More success.
    • More satisfaction.
    • A profound life.
    • Mature love.

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Anyone has compiled all of the new summaries and put it in one updated PDF? 

Edited by UnbornTao

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