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Found 109 results

  1. It is never easy to understand why someone attempts suicide, and the reasons are varied and complex. Often suicide involves emotional or physical pain that someone finds to be unbearable and leaves them feeling as if there is no escape. Hopelessness. People sometimes reach a point where they feel there is no hope and no way to change that feeling. When they are hopeless, they may realize the good things in their life, making suicide a viable option to escape. Traumatic Stress. Traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, assault, or war trauma can put someone at greater risk for suicide, even a great time after the event takes place. What do you think of suicide? Do you think it's a sin ? Is it really the only way out after one has become fed up with existence? Where do you think the person who killed himself go? What awaits him on the other side ?
  2. I cant understand how to see Love in these things. Why would our higher Self create a human world full of tragedies and still call this love? I bet every spiritual guru wouldnt call these things loveable if they really would experience torture, war, genocide or suicide. Some Gurus might have trained to control Pain and their Emotions but these guys are just a minor exception. God just has to be a masochist and doesnt give a fuck what each human or being feels or experiences.
  3. Wow so I was curious about the link between creativity and suicide. "A logistic regression analysis of data from 21 states finds that artists have 270% higher risk of suicide than nonartists. However, after controlling for gender and sociodemographic variables, this risk level is reduced to 125%." "In the case of unipolar or major depression, the population rate is about 5% but the rate among artists and writers in the various studies between 15% and 50%. Both these conditions are strongly associated with suicide and, most disturbingly, artists are 18 times more likely to suicide than the general population." the case of unipolar,suicide than the general population. It makes sense when you think about how most jobs require the person to be somewhat stable, not get bored too easily of doing the same thing over and over all day everyday, sometimes requires people interactions, following codes/methods that are already sent in stone, etc. Jobs are linked to survival. Creative jobs either pay low, are super competitive, and/or super risky. Creatives look at "regular" jobs at don't think there is any way they can last. But they look at their creative work and don't think they can make a living off of it. We kinda need more funding for creatives instead of where there seems to be a monopoly on creative work where a few make millions and most are barely scraping by. I guess they/(we) may end up having to medicate themselves a lot of the time if they are not able to be creative in the way their brain wants them to - either legally or illegally. I think pursuing spirituality may be a temporary helpful outlet for a creative person until it starts to feel futile and then they may feel insane/crazy again. Same goes with studying politics/current events/religion. It is okay to subdue the creative's craziness with exploring ideas but when the futility of truth/understanding/verification hits in, the craziness comes back and the "medication" of the exploration wears off and doesn't work anymore and they need a new medication.
  5. I lately wrote the topic " I woke to the GOD. Death is the only whey to forget?' (sorry for my English, i'm not a native speaker) Thank you so much for all your help there, and also i want to send all the love to : @Kksd74628 @Godishere @Tim R They helped me on priv, so much!! i don't know what would i do, without them. Background: i've had spiritual experience for over 2-3 years, 16-17 trips, (lsd,shrooms,dmt). I mediate every day, lately for 2h a day. Also, I've had some retreats, on which it was 7-8h meditation daily. Almost every tip, till last, was pretty easy, some were challenging, but overall it was rather calm. I've experienced pure nothingness, no-dual states, i've seen my reflection in face on my girlfriend, i had God experience on DMT, when everything and everyone dispreaded, there was no time, only infinity etc. It was all ok. Dosage: 3 days ago, i took 250 uq LSD. I had one trip on 400uq, and it was nothing like that. Trip: After 1h i went to the God state. To the point, I exactly saw God everywhere. The floor was made of God, air was pure God, walls were God, which obviously is all me. I knew that, there was no going back, cause even if i go to the hospital, i can't meet anyone other than God, which is me. If I take some pills, it's going to be only self-deception to forget. I was deceiving my-self all the time, that i'm not God, it was obvious to me. it was all fine, i knew it was the case. But then i went to the bedroom, to talk with my girlfriend, she took LSD too. She was in GOD-state as well. She told me, that "I'm God" i don't why, but i felt like God, which is me, perfectly designed every aspect of my life, from birth, to this moment, and now, it's speaking to me, by the mouth of my girlfriend. I sat down on the bed, to look outside the window.... and all the people in the next building were gone. All the lights in their flats went down. I said "what? Am i really GOD?" there's no-one else? , she said, "yes". Then all the buildings collapsed into me. Weather started to change pretty rapid. Time stopped. Out of my pure imagination. I was 100% sure, that my-small-self died, and i'm out of the dream and i can't go back. There was only face of my girlfriend left. So i said, " really? i was God all my life? i'm dead now?" And then something happened, which shocked me to the core. That was the moment i felt like i want to go back, and forget. That was the moment i regret that i was even alive. The horror: i looked at my girlfriend eyes. It was all sparky with life as always, but suddenly it was gone. I was looking to the dead eyes, completely without a life. The woman i love, was not only dead, but she was empty and shallow. Dark. Void. She was like a withered flower. Like empty costume. It was the most horrifying things i saw in all my life. I was all alone, staring into the empty void of my girlfriend's eyes. Every fucking horror is a joke compare to that. With tears i asked " are you there?" and then i saw like life is going back to her. Her eyes went sparky again. But at that point, all the solipsism horror was unbearable. I wanted to kill myself. I wanted only cease to exist. I don't want to live with knowledge like that. I don't want to be alive with costume-people. It was pure-fuckig-madness-hell. My post on forum: At this moment I tried to write a post here, on the forum. But i knew, i couldn't get any advice from no one, because even and Leo Gura is pure fucking imagination, only to cheat me into thinking, that there are others. I'm here, alone, trapped in this empty-shallow-world, to the infinity. It's Only me. I can't die, i can't escape. I wrote every music there is, i wrote every book, it was always only me!! fuck! i wanted to know infinity, and it turned out to be fucking back-mirror-hell. I wrote this post anyway, but i knew, i was talking only to my-self, and my infinite imagination. After the trip: Next 48h i couldn't sleep. I was crying, and shacking on the floor. I couldn't eat. I wanted only to die, and forget. Right now: People on this forum helped me with going through this. Today, after 6-7h of sleep, i'm back to the "old-self" and i don't see imagination and God everywhere. Thank God! Any idea what went wrong, and how do i integrate this? You guys said God-realization it's all about love, and i got fucking horror X1000 to the infinity. Thank you, for all your support. Personally, i think my "ego" still corrupts this forum solipsism, and i feel it through an illusion of separated self. But i don't know.
  6. Sadghuru and some other astral projection youtuber (Ryan cooper) say that suicide will simply trap you in the astral realm for a very long time, where you will work trough your karma by reliving your nightmares constantly OR upon death you will become disembodied and basically the first thought/tendency that pops up will be projected and magnified infinitely. So being fearful will get you to unimaginable paranoia and suffering. This game is rigged and not even death promises relief from the loneliness and sheer insanity of it all
  7. What do u guys think of this machine and what do you think of the guy's statement: '"It's not just some privilege for the very sick. It's a fundamental human right. If you've got the precious gift of life, you should be able to give that gift away at the time of your choosing."
  8. Will God Punish you if you end up killing yourself? By 'Punish' I mean maybe you'll just be reborn into similar shi**y situations just so you will overcome em in this reincarnation. It seems to me that this life will affect the quality of my next life..
  9. If we are all going to god ,why the suffering then why should i bear the shit of other people. Why work hard Why socialize , why do anything
  10. If god had the desire to, could he somehow stop existing? I've always found the idea of death comforting because an endless life has always seemed tragic to me, and I think if I found out I was god and that I can't die I would find that deeply horrifying.
  11. I really really want a very very strong argument on why suicide is not a solution to the problem of life. I have been looking for a good counter argument myself but so far I am not convinced by anyone. So let's see who can provide a genius perspective on this and convince me.
  12. I came here to write about my suicidal thoughts, but I decided to have a look at this forum, and I noticed many people are thinking about the same issue. Here are my tips to deal with suicidal thoughts: - Whenever you think suicidal, run for 10 minutes, and notice how your day gets brighter for the next two days. - Whenever you feel the world is against you, remember it is most likely a "know-how" issue, and take pledge to learn about reality a bit more. - Read books about influence, and seduction, in this way, you will learn how to influence the world and people around you in a way that makes your life better. Here are four books: "48 laws of power", and "The Art of seduction", by Robert Grene. Also "Influence" and "Pre-Suasion" by Robert Chaldini" -Watch videos 3 times a week. - and finally, be patient, this ignorance that you enjoy isn't only yours, it is in fact accumulated from several hundred of generation throughout the history of mankind, so be proud that you will be a part of the solution.
  13. In this clip Leo talks about suicide and the challenges around it. He says in the absolute sense, suicide is not morally wrong. I somewhat agree. Then Leo proceeds to say - death is infinite love, this is where I suffer a temporary moment of mindfuck. How is death supposed to mean infinite love? Then he says the absolute purpose of this work is to recontextualize everything around you in the here and now and be able to see the beauty in the present moment. But my question is that if this present moment represents all the beauty and infinite love, then why can't death also represent same? How does death become any lower in value than the experience of the present moment and why should death not be on the same plane as living in the present moment? Is it not possible to love this challenge that entails loving the present moment and love death at the same time? Also as Leo says to make a commitment to suffer it out no matter what, I guess it's easier said than done. Would this imply that suicide is un-spiritual?
  14. I committed suicide before and I know I'm past that shit now but there is a deep fear in me that I'm capable of doing it again despite the fact that I know I wouldn't do that and I don't have any reason to do that but I'm afraid specially when I take psychedelics that if I get stuck in negative thought patterns I would kill myself it's a twisted shit and I haven't discovered how to deal with it yet I know it's stupid intellectually because I don't wanna do that but then again I'm afraid of doing it I would appreciate other perspectives on this situation
  15. Firstly, this going to get a lot of stick & some guys might call me pathetic especially anyone shorter & I'm sorry, I am just being honest about how I personally feel. This isn't intended to whine or be all woes me, I just have such a strong ambition to be a ladies man & I am about 5 foot 8 - 5 foot 9, (somewhere between 173 - 175 CM) & I refuse to measure myself because I'm scared it's even 172-173. I am from European countries where young people are very tall, I'd say male average is normally about 5 foot 11, but I continuously see men 6 foot plus & see plenty women my height I spent most of my life thinking I was average height, but now I realize I am short & I am too short for women's standards. I'm not here to moan or hate women but I will admit that I want to date & have casual sex // relationships too with women I find attractive. But I just don't measure up & my chances in pick up are extremely slim. I've been ripped in perfect shape & I still can't compete with skinny or fat guys if they are 5 foot 11 plus, they are tall enough I am not end of story. I didn't care about height but that didn't change the fact that women really do. I don't mind if a girl is 5 foot tall or 5 foot 9. Now I come to the dark truth of how challow & specific society is. Society loves their specific preferences & measurements ... It's ashame beacause I'm not that picky, girl doesn't have to have a huge ass or tits, or be a certain height, as long as I feel attractive then thats enough for me, but the girls always so picky I can get the number sometimes but they always end up ignoring me. I have all the other qualities apart from height, don't say "it's your attitude" because I have litterally been extremely confident before,acted happy, funny in the moment, ripped physique & social and still couldn't get the girls. I have lost all motivation to live & I am considering suicide. I really value relationships & for years & years I have wanted at least 1 decent looking women (with good personality), but who actually wants me & find me attractive & wouldnt cheat or look down on me for being short I feel insecure walking on the street & in my city there are tons of beautiful women, always walking around with tall handsome men. No I don't want to move to indonesia or somewhere & that isn't practical for me right now. I can't focus on my work & business goals right now and all my thoughts get constantly devoted to this I get obssessed with it & have obsessive mind I go to clubs but it's hard to hide my insecurity, even when i'm feeling confident I can't stand out at clubs because height is everything & the only obvious thing I am going to drink alcohol becasue I can't take the pain & probably commit suicide. I don't want sympathy or your polite bullshit or white lies or "go see a psychologist", they won't make me taller & give me a big dick. So no. Why am I posting this? Because I might as well post this first before I give in in defeat, but I don't think anything will change. Realizing that society is so chimp like is depressing. If only I could get girls with my charm & my skills or my sense of style or my phsyique, all things I have & develop but they just want the bigger chimp with the bigger cock.
  16. I learned a lot from watching this video. First, I felt empathy for this guy. Some people have a genetic polymorphism that makes the methylation process of the body harder. Thus, it makes it harder for these individuals with this polymorphism to detox heavy metals as the body's detoxification process depends upon methylation. What is Methylation and Why Should You Care About it
  17. I can't do it anymore, I just can't fucking do it anymore. It's exhausting, it's nauseating, it doesn't make any sense, and I am too conscious of its limits to continue. A life serving the self and the mind is an arduous, empty, infuriating, unfulfilling endeavor where the only certainty is suffering. My failures are catastrophic and my victories are hollow, bringing only a few minutes of satisfaction before I feel inadequate again. I no longer posses the energy to judge others or my self anymore, I'm tired of hating, complaining, and suffering. My limited conditions for happiness are never met and are guaranteed to fail in a universe where the destiny of all forms is annihilation. My mind has driven me to the brink of suicide and back over and over and over and over and over and over- Enough!!! I don't care anymore!!! I'm done... I'm done... my only desire right now is to empty myself of myself until only God remains. I just want to rest in peace. I've wandered off of this path dozens of times, wandered unconsciously back into hell, I can't do it anymore. It's just too painful. Absolutely nothing brings happiness except spirituality, everything else hypnotizes you back into hell.
  18. Death is no more valuable than life, so why do whe try so hard just to "survive"? is the point of nihilism, to observ the absurdm of life itself each year millions of people die, one more ore less makes no real difference.
  19. I made this a year or two ago. It still holds up pretty well. This is just another angle to view suicide from which might be helpful. Suicide- Should We Do It? (Explaining the Existential Danger of Suicide to Society)
  20. After i've heard about the recent suicide incident from a member of this forum i wonder isn't Mahasamdhi a form of suicide? Leo in your Outrageous Experiment video you've talked about how tempting it was to accept the call for leaving your body. Isn't that a form of suicide like jumping off a bridge?
  21. If there is no longer a preference, why not? If the time is right. Sadhguru's wife left behind a child. Why is one form of mahasamadhi more valid than another?
  22. Today I made the realization that murder and suicide could be regarded as the same thing as they are both the killing of an avatar by an avatar within the universal consciousness with the delusion-based intention of one avatar's ego to reduce or take away the avatar's cause suffering. However in both cases there is survival of this consciousness. In both cases the killer commits a crime against oneself. This led me to think that as in many stage orange centered countries, people who attempted suicide often receive (often obligatory) mental health help. I think the same should be done for people who have committed murder. I think people rarely commit murder because they are truly happy, often “criminals” suffer from a methylation disorder, which can often be fixed with nutrition. I think it would be valuable to put them in Norwegian style ”prisons”, not with the intent to punish (one can only punish themselves after all), but with a very high focus on mental health care and individualized testing, supplementation, diet, meditation, exercise and addiction recovery (including smoking, gaming, etc.). Also perhaps a focus on developing a musical, or artistic skill, at least for me this is very helpful for my mental health. I'm interested to see different points of view.
  23. When I was 18 I had already dropped out of school and planned to live alone in nature for for the rest of my life. I had friends and family members I discontinued talking to abruptly and left to Australia, half a world away. Everyone said either they were jelous or that I needed help but I didn't have any room to consider any other option or feeling. I was going to die in nature one way or another, I had many girlfriends by then and I had been high from everything a teenager could have wanted, I was the king before I lost my mind researching all things mysticism and supernatural enlightenment. One day out of the blue I was chosen to live a great life full of wisdom. I denounced everything I ever experienced and began my life as a safe at age 17. It killed me to live in some small town where everything was the same for everyone. Nobody was on my level. I became vegan and flew off to the jungle without notifying anyone. Fuck my parents and fuck everyone, you are all pieces of shit and guilty for the grunt survival of millions, I was going to learn how to become God himself and show everyone what nature in the mind can really achieve. I would have astral projections, I began seeing demons and angels, In my mind I have killed both and became incredibly sensitive to compassion and what freedom entails. As of right now I have lived alone for 8 years wandering the globe exposed to the suffering of the homeless as well as the severe elements so I am strong physically and mentally. I have drank from a finest cup and smoked the best narcotics at this point. I am detached from any notion of place or time. Once I gave all of my thoughts to a lady and she believed were were eternally inseperable. 5 years of denial. I now have SSI from suicidal hospitalizations where I absolutely played the system. The only thing I do now besides meditate is listen to mystical melodic instrumentals and create rock paintings, where I can talk to my higher self in terms of gratitude for the smallest incling of non dual experience. Due to drugs I my dopeamine levels are nearly non existent. I don't need food anymore, I survive on connection to the world. I am. I may die but it is not by my allowance and that's okay. I am content being a homeless non contributing piece of shit. And I may learn how to thank myself through you one day. That's all.
  24. Taking another perspective on suicide. On a second note, he kinda looks like Leo