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About Husseinisdoingfine

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  • Birthday 05/14/2002

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    Catonsville, Maryland
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  1. BTW. To anyone reading this who is not registered with a party, but switches during election season to vote in primaries, please specify.
  2. @Emerald I suppose purely practically speaking, you have to look at the facts on the ground and given the American system, third parties are not viable anywhere. I guess joining a party for practical reasons, even if you don’t entirely agree with it, isn't too unusual. My grandparents joined the Community Party in the Soviet Union because that allowed them to get ahead in society. But it's so frustrating as a leftist... why? Why are Americans like this? I keep thinking back to Leo's "Why Bernie Lost" blog video, where he explains how Americans vote. Do Americans only have two parties because they're extremely low information voters, and having only two options makes it easier for people who don't know anything about policy or the substance of government to vote? Third party people tend to be massive policy wonks. There's just something about being an American that makes someone uniquely retarded about politics. I get that we have a first-past-the-post system, but so do other countries and yet they have more than two options. Canada has a left party, the NDP, and they also have a first past the post electoral system. They also have more than two options in their parliament. But no, we don't get a left anything in America. Why are Americans like this? Is it because to consider a third party requires the ability of independent thinking and caring about the substance of Government, something which Americans are incapable of? The Democrats are only good for weird performative acts and virtue signaling. They wave the LGBT flag, kneel for BLM, and do stupid performative acts, like Al Green heckling the President when he's giving a speech. But in terms of actual governing substance? Nothing.
  3. I'm wondering what's the best strategy moving forward for progressives and democratic socialists. On one hand, registering as a Democrat allows for you to vote for progressives and DSA members in the primaries. There recently was an ad asking people to change their party registration by valentines day to be able to vote for a DSA candidate for the mayor New York. But on the other hand, I don't want to register as a Democrat because I despise the party, and the old decrepit people that make up its leadership. When I think about people like Chuck Schumer, or Nancy Pelosi and the amount of money she earns through stock trading, I want to vomit. Very recently, the newly elected DNC chair said that 'there are good billionaires, and we will accept their money'. Translation, billionaires are only good if they bribe us. In Germany being aged 60+ is considered a senior politician. Meanwhile in America, the Democrats don't give people a seat in the insiders table until after their 80th birthday. There's also the issue of ideology. AOC pointed out, brilliantly, that the Democrats are not a left party. By European Standards, the Democrats would be considered center or center-right. Instead of registering with this center-right group, why not register with a [third/minor] party, which may not have the numbers (as in members) as the Democrats do, but actually reflect my views. I'm just wondering, as someone on the left, what to do in this situation. One advantage with being registered as a Democrat is that you get to vote in the primaries. But I don't want to share a party with these corruptionaires and cretins, for whom I'm not aligned with on the left-right spectrum. According to Noam Chomsky, America is in practice a one-party state, similar to China. We have the business party, and this business party has two factions, Republicans and Democrats. In the past, what were considered, ‘moderate Republicans’ are today’s Democrats. And the current Republicans went so far right, they flew off the spectrum. Those of us who share the views of the DSA, who want to abolish the capitalist system, how are we supposed to make our ideas viable and achieve our ultimate aims and goals of socializing the means of production, given the American two neoliberal party system?
  4. I searched up 'what is DEI' into Google, and this was the AI generated response. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a set of values and practices that promote the participation of people from all backgrounds. DEI aims to create environments where people feel welcome, valued, and supported. Diversity Acknowledging and embracing people's differences, including their backgrounds, beliefs, and identities Including people who have been traditionally underrepresented Equity Ensuring equal access to opportunities and Treating people fairly and impartially. Inclusion Creating environments where people feel a sense of belonging, Welcoming and supporting people's differences, Eliminating barriers to participation, and Valuing and respecting all people. DEI can be applied in many contexts, including the workplace, schools, and communities. Benefits of DEI Research shows that diverse teams make better decisions McKinsey found that companies with racial and ethnic diversity have better financial returns DEI in organizations Organizations can promote DEI by: Changing policies and procedures, Creating family-friendly policies, Providing accommodations for employees with disabilities, and Supporting employees in performing their jobs. Sincere question, why is this so demonized? And is there concrete evidence that its harmful?
  5. More of Osho’s book From Unconsciousness to Consciousness: The Koran, the Mohammedan's holy book, is so childish, so primitive -- because Mohammed was illiterate. He could not write himself. He must have spoken, and somebody else must have written it. He himself was shocked when he heard a voice. He was in the mountains taking care of his sheep and goats. He heard, "Write!" He looked all around, there was nobody. Again he heard, "Write!" He said, "I am uneducated, I cannot write. And who are you?" There was nobody around. He must have been very much shaken, must have become afraid. And this is just a symptom of an unbalanced mind, who mistakes his unconscious voices for voices coming from outside. It is his own unconscious. But to the conscious, the unconscious is far away. It is inside. But if the mind is unbalanced... and there is ample proof that Mohammed's mind was unbalanced, because his whole life was the life of a fanatic -- killing people, and by killing, converting them: "Either you become a follower or be ready to die." Mohammedanism has converted one third of the world, not by argument but by the sword. He was not able to argue; he had no capacity to read or write, or to think. So when he heard this unconscious, he rushed home shivering, feverish, really afraid. He went to bed and told his wife, "I cannot say to anybody else that God has spoken to me. I don't believe it! I must have gone mad -- perhaps too much heat in the desert, the mountains, and continuously moving in that heat has driven me crazy or something. I have heard... and I would like to tell you so that I am unburdened." That woman convinced him. That's what I say to you again and again, that leaders need followers for them to be convinced that they are leaders. That woman convinced him that it was really God: "You are not mad, God has spoken to you." The woman must have loved Mohammed, because she was forty years of age and he was only twenty-six. And he was poor, uncultured, uneducated, yet that very rich woman had married him: she must have been in love with the man. So she convinced him: "Don't you be worried. More voices will be coming. This must be the beginning, that's why God said, 'Write!' If you cannot write, don't worry. You just say what is told to you, we will write it." This is how the Koran was written. And it was not written in one day or one month or one year, because Mohammed was not so articulate a man. It took his whole life. Once in a while something would come out and he would say, "Write it." The Koran was written over many years, and what has come out is almost worthless. It cannot come even from an intelligent human being, what to say about God -- if there is any God. And if these books are the proof of that God, then that God is really unintelligent. Now, the Koran says strange things which Mohammedans go on following -- because it is holy. Mohammed himself married nine wives. He was poor. He could not afford even a single wife. But because the rich woman fell in love with him, and she was forty years old and he was only twenty-six, soon she died and he had all the money. So he started marrying any kind of beautiful women he could find. And he states in the Koran that every Mohammedan is entitled to have four wives -- that is a special favor for Mohammedans from God. No other religion allows four wives. Now, where are you going to get four wives? By nature, man and woman are always almost in an equal proportion, so one man, one wife, seems to be a very natural order of things because the proportion is the same. But if a man has to marry four wives, he is taking three other men's wives. Now those three other men, what are they going to do? It became a good strategy for Mohammedanism. These three other Mohammedans have to grab the wives of others -- not of Mohammedans, non-Mohammedans -- and convert them to Mohammedanism. In fact, the moment a woman gets married to a Mohammedan she is a Mohammedan; no special conversion is needed. And particularly from India they caught thousands of women. The Hindu society was in difficulty because Hindus don't believe in conversion, just like Jews. These are the two oldest religions, which don't believe in conversion. A Jew is a Jew by birth, a Hindu is a Hindu by birth. And once a Hindu woman has become Mohammedan she has fallen. She has become untouchable, she cannot be taken back. So they went on finding women from every place and that helped tremendously to increase their population. Do you see the point? One man can create many children if many women are available, but one woman can give birth to only one child once a year. She will take one year at least to give birth to one child. Mohammedans increased immediately because each Mohammedan is entitled to have four wives. And through the sword... and it is very surprising that people believe it. The Koran says, "If you cannot convert somebody to a Mohammedan, it is better to kill him, because at least you will relieve him of a wrong life that he was going to live." Just for his sake, relieve him! They have relieved millions of people, and they go on relieving them. Either way they relieve you. If you become Mohammedan you are also relieved, because God is compassionate. To be a Mohammedan is just to believe in three things: one God, one prophet Mohammed, one holy book, the Koran. That's all -- these three beliefs and you are saved. If you are not willing to be saved by these three beliefs, then the sword is going to save you immediately. But they won't allow you to live a wrong life. They know what a right life is; and other than their life, all lives are wrong. These are the holy books. All these holy books are a heavy burden on the human soul. So first I want to say, there are no holy books -- including mine. All books are human. Yes, there are well written books and there are not-so-well written books, but there are no categories of holy and unholy. You ask me, "Why did all the holy books have to create the concept of the devil?" The arithmetic is very simple. The arithmetic is that you cannot create God without creating the devil. It is absolutely necessary for God's existence, because where are you going to dump everything that is wrong in the world? If only God is there then he is responsible for everything -- for Buchenwald, or any other concentration camp of Adolf Hitler, where millions of Jews are just gassed; within seconds they evaporate.
  6. Mohammed was an absolutely illiterate man, and the Koran, in which his sayings are collected, is ninety-nine percent rubbish. You can just open the book anywhere and read it, and you will be convinced of what I am saying. I am not saying on a certain page — anywhere. You just open the book accidentally, read the page and you will be convinced of what I am saying. Whatsoever one percent truth there is here and there in the Koran is not Mohammed's. It is just ordinary, ancient wisdom that uneducated people collect easily — more easily than the educated people, because educated people have far better sources of information — books, libraries, universities, scholars. The uneducated, simply by hearing the old people, collect a few words of wisdom here and there. And those words are significant, because for thousands of years they have been tested and found somehow true. So it is the wisdom of the ages that is scattered here and there; otherwise, it is the most ordinary book possible in the world. Muslims have been asking me, "Why don't you speak on the Koran? You have spoken on The Bible, on the Gita, this and that." I could not say to them that it is all rubbish; I simply went on postponing. Even just before I went into silence, a Muslim scholar sent the latest English version of the Koran, praying me to speak on it. But now I have to say that it is all rubbish, that is why I have not spoken on it — because why unnecessarily waste time?
  7. Am I autistic or do I have alexithymia? Because I did not pick up any disrespect coming from Zelensky.
  8. The front line is too fortified with mines, trenches, dragons teeth, pillboxes, etc... And it doesn't look like Ukraine is going to be given the heavy weapons by America anymore to puncture this infrastructure.
  9. Ukraine is never getting its annexed land back.