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  1. Lately i have been making changes in my life but it's incredibly difficult because i experience heavy and very scary ego backlashes.. Please give me some advice how to navigate all this stuff.. because there are moments where i am quite terrified by this whole process.. Thanks a lot.
  2. @James123 What were your symptoms? And what psychedelic specifically caused this?
  3. @OBEler I agree . I also believe that most psychedelics are pretty safe on the physical body. I don't see mushrooms or LSD at moderate doses causing any harm to the physical body.
  4. @Leo Gura Were your health issues caused by psychedelics? And if yes, which psychedelics strained your system the most? I remember you saying that you had taken to so much 5-meo-malt that it could kill a horse, implying that its pretty safe. I feel some psychedelics are safe on the physical body (not talking about psychological damage). Moderate amounts of magic mushrooms and LSD won't damage your physical body i feel.
  5. Do psychedelics put strain on the body if used appropriately?? I have been using psychedelics for the past 5-6 years with no issues thus far. Mainly mushroooms and now i finally got my hand on some pretty powerful LSD. The magic mushrooms are definietely very benign & well-tolerated and do not cause strain on my body i feel. I prefer to take magic mushrooms over alchohol every day of the week. I feel it's very easy on the body. With the LSD i have some mixed results and nothing conclusive so far. It's definitely very strong and can elevate your stress hormones too much if you are not careful. The man in the video below says that psychedelics open channels that should not be open all the time. Also he says that he took San Pedro and it strained his system, causing his to have worse eyesight.. I don't know what to make of all this. I just wanna keep exploring psychedelics because i am very passionate about accessing different states of Consciousness. But at the same time i am terrified of causing irreversible damage to my body. I'm asking Leo specifically because he has massive experience with very strong psychedelics. I would love anyone's feedback on this topic who has massive experience as well. Thank you for the time.
  6. Leo you've claimed that you've accessed Alien Superhuman levels of Intelligence.. If an alien were vastly smarter than humans, it would be because they have a much more advanced brain with lots more neurons and connections. So, intelligence is based on biology. This is also why God/Infinite Intelligence must be formless/non-physical because if it had a form it would need to be infinite in order to be Infinitely Intelligent. But how could a psychedelic drug make you that much smarter when it just changes your neurotransmitters? Since it doesn't affect the number of neurons in your limited physical brain.
  7. @DJ Comaschi Because God is essentially a Mind. A Mind has Intention and a Purpose. Dumb physical objects do not have intention or Purpose. Suffering is okay but it just becomes too much for my liking. If i was God i wouldn't allow for torture, beheadings and etc.
  8. @jimwell What about the millions of human beings who have lived a decent life full of Amazing Experiences for decades? Even if life is so sh*tty that many people end it, it's still not the majority of people who kill themselves. What about your heart, your kidneys, your eyes and everything that works so well? Isn't that evidence for a God who actually cares? Also why God wouldn't give a fk about his Creation? This doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If God didn't care, we wouldn't even have this conversation right now.
  9. @Ishanga When people create stuff, they care about their creations to a certain extent. Why an Infinite Intelligence who has created Everything with Incredible Detail just not give a fk about It's Creation?? What does it actually mean to say that God doesn't care? Also you haven't explained why God wouldn't care. Even if people kill themselves, they still may go live in another plane and ultimately all pain and suffering doesn't last forever. Life has its ups and downs. A God who cares doesn't mean that everything will go our way. But it means that in the Big Picture there is always hope and beauty to be found. A Random Universe would be totally indifferent. But God would not be totally indifferent.
  10. @Leo Gura I didn't realise that LSD was such a powerful stimulant. I won't trip more than once in a single day, otherwise the overall stress just becomes too much. Evening should be for your body to rest and come down of a drug, especially when dealing with stimulants. What's funny is that i have taken 2 tabs of acid once in the morning. And i didn't have any negative physical issues whatsoever besides becoming mildly psychotic. And when i took 2 tabs of acid, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, it was just too much. So it's not only the dosage that matters but also how you space it throughout in the day. Have you had any bad experiences when re-tripping (IF you have re-tripped) with LSD in the same day?
  11. @Grateful Dead Thank you for the positivity. I needed to read this. Sometimes Reality gets very very dark..
  12. @RendHeaven I think i was over stressed with high blood pressure because i tripped again in the afternoon. But nothing serious has come out of it. And only once i have felt this. Maybe it was also due to too much vasoconstriction.
  13. @Staples Nothing is really obvious. I have drank coffee multiples times a day and even sleep deprived with 0 issues. Same with magic mushrooms and many many other substances.
  14. @Thought Art Have you taken LSD in the context that i described? I have taken 1 tab of acid 3 separate times with 0 symptoms aswell.