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About blankisomeone

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  1. I’m also tripping rnw, so… That could be that
  2. @CARDOZZO are you Brazilian?
  4. for me to eat meat I have to force myself to FORGET where they come from. If I contemplate further the amount of pain and suffering I wouldn't be able to put it in my mouth. I have to dumb myself down and forget in order to take a bite the physical world is god's worst creation
  5. that's ridiculous isn't it. Is there a deep, SATISFYING, metaphysical REASON for why it MUST be like this? Will I understand why it is so someday or is this just another truth to just swallow?
  6. but aren't animals in a lower state of consciousness from which a sense of morality can't be accessed? a very dense state? and humans are able to "construct" morality because morality is a feature of higher consciousness that humans can tap into and animals can't? thats kinda what religions have taught me
  7. I've heard some spiritual teachers like Teal Swan say that "God himself has a subconscious mind (things that it doesn't know that it doesn't know)" because since we are created in His image then that means He has a subconscious mind like me, that's why he created the physical world, to become conscious of what he is currently unconscious of. Is that a contradiction to omniscience? or is there a way to reconcile both? are they both "unrelated" facets of god?
  8. Yeah, that's possible. I can be sleeping in my bed having a horrible nightmare while from the outside the body can look like it's sleeping peacefully. The body is literally just a freaking shell. The REALNESS is all in first person perspective