
Leo, wtf is Alien Love?

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@Leo Gura please help me understand if the following analogy somehow explain alien consciousness:

Let s say we have a vivid dream at night, and in that dream we are living in an imaginary town with people passing by and everything, like non player characters. 

That dream world is something we created in the astral realm and it s complete by any aspect a world can have, following the basic rules of our world. 

A character in that dream has his own consciousness and he may expand it with Psychedelics as we do. 

Is there a way for that dream character to awake so much that not only understands that he is in a dream but to connect to the consciousness of the person having the dream? And if yes, is this what alien consciousness is? 



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17 minutes ago, Loba said:

Maybe, possibly... but I've had similar experiences and they are also recorded in well-known spiritual books if you know where to look.  People have channeled this kind of stuff, generally probably much better than Leo can do.  The thing with Leo is that he has a malignant arrogance that can't seem to be weeded out, I don't know why...  We would have to know what Leo has to say on the matter over a set period of time.  "Show your homework" kind of a deal.  The thing with these experiences, is that they can be real, they can be delusion or they can be a mixture of the two.

A good rule of thumb for doing spiritual work is to go within as much as possible.  Literally carve out a path within your own psychology for what is yours to find.  There is so much out there, so many ways to wake up, so many other experiences people can have - some that no one has mapped, but most people have some clue into what they're finding.  Leo is going to do what Leo is going to do.  Rather than people get right on board with him when he is having these manic awakenings, have some common sense, give it a few months to a year to settle and see what he makes of it first.

Don't get so into someone else's process that you lose sight of your own.

If people knew to simply follow their own journey, and just add and take away what fits and works for them at the time, they would not get so hellbent on following teachers and taking everything they say as gospel.  The real teaching here isn't to give people all these unusual experiences, it is to simply redirect them back to looking within.  When you do this, your own destiny will unravel.  What is for you might very well be completely different than what is for Leo.  This is where he gets it wrong, is that Spirit has gifts for each person who makes the journey, you just have to carve them out of yourself.  Following what Leo has found doesn't do this.  Alien consciousness may not be what another person is supposed to find, or even needs.

They might be meant for an entirely different initiation.

Well said

One Love....

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   Okay, I'll take this into consideration.

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

@The Mystical Man

   Not directly at you, but to those that are also reading and are interested, Tulpa Mancy is, to me, where it's at for me. At the very least in my spiritual development, you are training in a more intense form, passively, a form that you interact on a daily basis. Engaging in that process produced hundreds of mini-insights and several large insights of reality and sentience that's a unique flavor of insights to me. My practice and learning of that theory is a bit watered down, yes, but it originated from Tibetan Buddhism and their esoteric branch, and the Kabbalah, an esoteric branch of Judaism and their magical rituals of making golems. Of course, most modern users online treat it like making those cartoon horses or whatever on average, but to some they took it with a bit more attention and effort and made much more than them.

   So, Metroid Prime trilogy, and Metroid Dread is where it's at for me, those are pretty good games to try out.


1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

Guys- no.   He became directly conscious of it while tripping.  He's not that crafty.  Now that being said, also keep this in mind - self deception wouldn't be self deception if you couldn't fool yourself.   Just sayin...:)  maybe it's Absolute Truth- for him.  But to assume that is the case for us assumes from his POV that our POVs are independent.   From my POV I have discovered that was is true for me is Absolute.  And that there are no other POV's.  I was actually the one that (or so it seems) implanted this in his head years ago.  A month later it "appeared" he was parroting what I said - or he had just coincidentally become conscious of the same facet - which was that from God Consciousness all other points of views are held within you.  



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30 minutes ago, Loba said:

If people knew to simply follow their own journey, and just add and take away what fits and works for them at the time, they would not get so hellbent on following teachers and taking everything they say as gospel.  The real teaching here isn't to give people all these unusual experiences, it is to simply redirect them back to looking within.  When you do this, your own destiny will unravel.  What is for you might very well be completely different than what is for Leo.  This is where he gets it wrong, is that Spirit has gifts for each person who makes the journey, you just have to carve them out of yourself.  Following what Leo has found doesn't do this.  Alien consciousness may not be what another person is supposed to find, or even needs.

Oh trust me, I haven't been "following" him for quite some time.  I am following my own path and my own heart.  

On another note, this whole "alien" descriptor is EXACTLY how McGilchrist describes the experience of schizophrenics.  That is one of the defining characteristics of it.

From the standpoint of nonduality, schizophrenia is actually quite interesting.  Much of it actually resembles enlightenment, but at the same time the subjects are terrified and anxious and ungrounded.  To me, it seems that the sense of self exists in both halves of the brain, with the left being more gross and conceptual and the right being much more subtle (time, space, context, etc.).  Schizophrenics essentially LOSE the subtle sense of self while retaining the gross sense (because it is a disorder of extreme left-brain dominance); this results in a half-enlightened terror state for most.  Leo isn't so terrified because of his experience with spirituality, but nonetheless he seems to be going deeper and deeper into this fantasy realm of pure abstract conceptualization, devoid of embodied presence and relationship, devoid of aliveness and inseperable connection to the source experiences which ground and inform abstraction to begin with... Alien.

Genuine enlightenment typically involves unraveling the gross sense of self first (via inquiry, vipassana, etc), and THEN as insight clarifies, concentration deepens, and equanimity is attained, gradually unraveling the extremely subtle sense of self (right hemisphere identity, essentially).  When both are complete, Reality simply shines as itself.  So, healthy progression arrives at Thusness in a way that is "big to small", grounded, and supportive of psychological health.

Edited by Flyboy

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On 11/4/2022 at 8:22 PM, Leo Gura said:

@vladorion I'm tired of listening to your nonsense. If you do not open your mind I am banning you.

You have zero idea what Consciousness is. Zero. Yet you keep acting like you do.

This goes not just for you, but for any others here who subcribe to Buddhism and nonduality. Your arrogance knows no limits and I will be banning all of you if you do not start to demonstrate openmindedness.

Consider this your last warning.

So if someone disagrees with you, or at the very least, will not entertain the possibility that you're right, you'll ban them? That doesn't seem right.

Seems like you're trying to force collective adoption of your teachings.

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There always seems to be a higher, more counterintuitive, more ineffable awakening to be had.  Nice if true,  but I've seen this movie before. I predict that higher awakenings will keep coming, testing the open-mindedness of even the most open-minded person. 

Edited by Dorje Chang

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Is there any relation between this concept of alien consciousness and what other people have historically referred to as aliens?

Specifically I'm thinking of people who've claimed to channel aliens like Seth, Bashar, Galactic Federation of Light, etc. I think there was some book Tom DeLonge recommended with techniques for making UFOs appear at will, etc.

Obviously one is a direct experience and one is indirect. It's like the difference between observing or communicating with a shark, and actually becoming a shark. But are we at least talking about the same animal?

If not, alien seems like a strange label for me too. More finite and restricted than God. I feel like God, or anything non-human has a sort of alien-ness to it by default. Alien gives the impression we're talking about something physical and material to most people, I'd imagine.


You really think people are gonna pay you for this shit?

I'll buy it lol. I agree it sounds almost like an April Fools joke but I'm open-minded enough to listen and try the exercises and see for myself.

I'm sure the first time you guys heard about enlightenment or that you are literally God you thought it was absolutely bananas too.

I'm open to the possibility that Leo is now not just hundreds of years ahead of his time, but thousands.

Or maybe this was the 10% bullshit he told us he'd be sprinkling into his lessons going forward xD. Only way to find it out is to become an alien or fail trying.

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1 hour ago, benny said:

So if someone disagrees with you, or at the very least, will not entertain the possibility that you're right, you'll ban them? That doesn't seem right.

Seems like you're trying to force collective adoption of your teachings.

This is a teaching environment. If you are not here to learn from Leo, why are you here?

You wouldn’t walk into a Calculus class, start talking about how Calculus couldn’t be true and how the teacher is making up narcissist fantasies and expect them not to eventually kick you out. It’s disruptive, annoying and a waste of time for everyone. That should not fly in even a university setting, let alone when trying to discuss some of the most advanced spiritual / metaphysical topics humans have ever pondered.

If don’t want to learn Calculus, don’t come to Calculus class. And if you are open to learning Calculus, then you do have to assume the teacher may know more than you most of the time. And if you do have a fundamental disagreement, you should seriously do your homework instead of just jumping to a conclusion. If you still disagree at that point, then you leave.

Of course there is no government approved accreditation Leo can provide for teaching this kind of work. That’s the reality of teaching spiritual work right now. It’s outside the mainstream. So you’ve basically just have to go on Leo’s track record and your own direct experience to judge whether he is a teacher worth learning from. He could be wrong, but I think he has earned some openmindedness.



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22 minutes ago, aurum said:

This is a teaching environment. If you are not here to learn from Leo, why are you here?

You wouldn’t walk into a Calculus class, start talking about how Calculus couldn’t be true and how the teacher is making up narcissist fantasies and expect them not to eventually kick you out. It’s disruptive, annoying and a waste of time for everyone. That should not fly in even a university setting, let alone when trying to discuss some of the most advanced spiritual / metaphysical topics humans have ever pondered.

If don’t want to learn Calculus, don’t come to Calculus class. And if you are open to learning Calculus, then you do have to assume the teacher may know more than you most of the time. And if you do have a fundamental disagreement, you should seriously do your homework instead of just jumping to a conclusion. If you still disagree at that point, then you leave.

Of course there is no government approved accreditation Leo can provide for teaching this kind of work. That’s the reality of teaching spiritual work right now. It’s outside the mainstream. So you’ve basically just have to go on Leo’s track record and your own direct experience to judge whether he is a teacher worth learning from. He could be wrong, but I think he has earned some openmindedness.

Alright, I stand corrected. Open-mindedness should be a pre-requisite. I do hold that people should be able to challenge him, though.

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@Leo Gura so if I pursued this Alien Consciousness would I have to reach your first idea of 'God realization', or is it not on the same path?

Are your prior videos still valuable for reaching this Alien consciousness? 

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2 hours ago, Flyboy said:

Oh trust me, I haven't been "following" him for quite some time.  I am following my own path and my own heart.  

On another note, this whole "alien" descriptor is EXACTLY how McGilchrist describes the experience of schizophrenics.  That is one of the defining characteristics of it.

From the standpoint of nonduality, schizophrenia is actually quite interesting.  Much of it actually resembles enlightenment, but at the same time the subjects are terrified and anxious and ungrounded.  To me, it seems that the sense of self exists in both halves of the brain, with the left being more gross and conceptual and the right being much more subtle (time, space, context, etc.).  Schizophrenics essentially LOSE the subtle sense of self while retaining the gross sense (because it is a disorder of extreme left-brain dominance); this results in a half-enlightened terror state for most.  Leo isn't so terrified because of his experience with spirituality, but nonetheless he seems to be going deeper and deeper into this fantasy realm of pure abstract conceptualization, devoid of embodied presence and relationship, devoid of aliveness and inseperable connection to the source experiences which ground and inform abstraction to begin with... Alien.

Genuine enlightenment typically involves unraveling the gross sense of self first (via inquiry, vipassana, etc), and THEN as insight clarifies, concentration deepens, and equanimity is attained, gradually unraveling the extremely subtle sense of self (right hemisphere identity, essentially).  When both are complete, Reality simply shines as itself.  So, healthy progression arrives at Thusness in a way that is "big to small", grounded, and supportive of psychological health.

I took a look and you're in Seattle, nice, I used to live there a year ago.  Hello fellow WA resident!  *wave*

I was writing this to you, but also for the rest of his audience as well - a reminder for them to stick to their own journey and don't let people coopt it to such a degree that what Leo does for himself even matters.  I say this because this will prevent this place from becoming a cult.  Cults can't form if people think for themselves and are reminded that this is the work.  Just go within.  :) 

It could be mental illness/schizophrenia.  I have bipolar 1 myself.  Many of the insights can be similar to awakening, but they often come with an almost occult-like flavour.  I think the schizophrenic often opens up not just enlightenment, but what goes on underneath the psyche and at times reality itself.  I've spoken to a few of them during hospital stays and their awakenings lend to an almost shamanic perspective that maybe modern society doesn't have the full scope to be able to help them integrate.  I have a good eye for what is spiritual and what is delusion, but there just isn't enough that Leo has given me to be able to make an educated guess with his work.

I totally understand what you're saying, though, I don't disagree, and these odd awakenings mixed with some of the Instagram posts, some strange posts here lead me to believe that he is going through something, perhaps a mixture of both.  It's hard to know.  I think someone like him, if he were sick, would try to save face - so we might not know until it hits the fan.  I try to keep both perspectives in mind - that something could be wrong and my gut leads me to believe that this could very well be true, and the other is that he is having awakenings leading towards something but that he has not integrated them yet.  The thing with Leo is that he does all of this publicly and people follow him, and so I agree and think he needs to take care and work on grounding himself first before sharing these things.

Me personally though, I am not interested in enlightenment and don't know much about it so I can't really comment on that.  If it happens to me as a side affect of my own work, great, but as far as I know it is one of those things that the moment you start seeking it, it eludes you - so it makes sense to me to keep it as a side-thing that could happen.  I tend to do more along the lines of shamanic/occult/magick/death energies for my practice.

I think Leo needs to start reading/watching books/material by other "alien/soul" channelers who have very clear descriptions on what he talks about to help guide him, some shamanic perspectives as once you get into these realms it's good to have something to fall back on so you know what to name your experiences, and to be a bit more humble about it.


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I am so super conscious that I have gone beyond "Alien Love" Consciousness, to  Zenoch Love Consciousness. :o

Oh,you haven't attained to Zenoch Love Consciousness?   ^_^


Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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@Leo Gura Sometimes it's really hard to believe that you are not just putting stuff on this forum with the thought "these granola idiots will believe anything". My mind is still open to the possibility though.

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@Leo GuraThis is the hardest I have seen this forum beat on Leo and Leo has still only begun to comment on this, You guys probably don't know where he's coming from even though you think you do, That's why your calling him insane, Give him a chance to breathe jeez Loise, it will probably take months for him to even lay down the foundations of teaching whatever things (God knows what) that Leo is becoming conscious of right now. See his video on how not everything can be explained simply and why valuable things require development over time, That's important to know before judging an entire paradigm on a whim from a couple quotes you have heard about it

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Psilocybin is also very alien, Salvia too, I mean there are plenty of alien directions to go you just got to try the tools, I'm pretty sure you will not find it is mundane or ordinary if you take a clear look, Everything is supernatural with no opposite except lower orders of radicalness and alienness, Like people who tune out the more radical aspects of reality like God Love and Infinite Consciousness, But if you really care about this you will take a clear look regardless of what the conclusion will be, Don't just play the detached skeptic actually learn certain things like astral projection and moving into infinite consciousness, You may see the alien you might not it depends on your state of consciousness, If your omniscient or extremely intuitive you will find out before your infinite eternitys up or not whether aliens have ever been here, We would totally know it if we died into infinite consciousness and interconnectedness, Everything is always mental so all you have to do is just imagine just like you imagine people right now in a subconscious way, Imagine something else if you can, Imagine one bit of human biology just slightly off, The problem is that humans are not intelligent to totally recreate biology into something new altogether, Unless they have always had control of how they have been imagining reality then they have always been creating themselves as god in their own universe

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7 hours ago, aurum said:

This is a teaching environment. If you are not here to learn from Leo, why are you here?

No, it is not a teaching environment. It's an online forum.

This is not a school. At least, that's not what it says on the sign up or anywhere in the description or the guidelines.

The main purpose of this forum is to share, exchange, and discuss ideas related to personal development freely even if you or someone else doesn't like them. What you're doing here is just a silencing gaslighting technique based on argument from authority.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The problem is you guys think I'm delusional. Well, consider seriously the possibly that I'm not.

Yes, I think you're delusional and I'm seriously considering the possibility that you're not. 

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11 hours ago, Flyboy said:

You know, if you carefully look at the way Leo talks, the way he lives almost exclusively within abstractions (even if they are ABOUT spirituality), his stubborn arrogance about "being right" with no ability to introspect, and the way he has descended into a kind of endlessly one-upping narcissism, it's really quite reminiscent of schizophrenia / left-brain hyperactivity.  

It's starting to get scary though, given how many people he influences.  I really worry about where this will go given this clear trend over the last couple years.  It's not even worth arguing with him anymore.  He needs an intervention.

I never imagined ide be on the same side as Vladorion.  This guy has lost it 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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