Princess Arabia

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About Princess Arabia

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  1. I see the underlying message in this statement. A lot has been revealed here without actually saying it. Yes, and it's the main reason for the hatred. No responsibility taken on the men's part. Lets blame the women for exploiting our weaknesses and addictions. Enough said.
  2. There are exploitative natures in just about every business. Well advanced businesses, businesses where there are people with masters and bachelor degrees, businesses where the church is involved, businesses where kids are involved, businesses where ethics and morals are a big issue. Look at what we're discussing here, a sex business, and you think it's a big deal. It should be expected. The only answer is to avoid it because THEY ARE EASILY AVOIDABLE. The others aren't because they are a part of everyday life.
  3. Coming from a man who says he uses women for sex by paying for their meal until he gets into their pants, then have them pay their own. OF girls don't exploit men. There may be some workers that do on a personal level, but how is it exploitative when the men are aware it's a business. Beats me.
  4. Ok, that's here and there and stretches along the borderline of just about every business. Crooked lawyers, politicians, evangelists, doctors I mean everywhere. An example of doctor, is prescribing unnecessary prescriptions, hospitals keeping patients longer to get more money from insurance, businesses upsell all the time and rip people off all the time. OF is no exception. What you're describing is everywhere so it's up to the consumers to be vigilant. OF girls can't be expected to be fair in an unfair world and be singled out.
  5. Yes, I believe this is the case also and that's why sometimes I get so upset. They're not seeing how they are showing and revealing how they feel personally and not so much about what's exactly the case. It's like me hating on all lawyers because I had one lawyer that did me wrong. They have problems and issues in the dating world and see these businesses and the females that do it in the same light. Like you said, it's part of the job description. You don't expect for me to love you like that, but only when you're paying for it you do. The women aren't advertising true love, they're fulfilling fantasies and a part of that is to act. Why hate on them for that. Just don't go there. Funny how most guys knows about these services and have so much opinions about them. These services don't advertise on tv, or have billboards. Just like health food stores don't need to advertise, porn doesn't need to either, patrons seek them out and they have lots to say and knows a lot about these businesses. I wonder why. Must be a demand. So, the stats speak for themselves.
  6. I see your point here and am with you 100% here. That's disgusting and shouldn't be allowed. If this is the issue that most men are referring to with the scamming and manipulating I can see how they'd be upset, but if it's just because of the job itself and how they're making their money, and calling it a scam and manipulative, then that's where I have an issue. But what you've said, I totally agree, that shouldn't be the case.
  7. I'm on my phone so I can't quote but I'm responding to your first sentence. It's funny you say that because I used to (awhile back, not now) feel a bit jealous and envious of men. They got to choose their women, get to do the approaching, get to propose, get to cum pretty much at all times while women struggle in this arena, get to do, say and act however they wanted while we had to be lady-like and were judged by how we showed up. How men could cheat was ok while women were blacklisted for it. I mean the list goes on. I was in my 20's then but the pressure of being female weighed very strongly on me. I felt I had to be a certain way while men could just be whatever. As far as having sexual abundance, that never entered my mind because I never felt like just having sex, it was always with whom and the abundance wasn't there because the "with whom" I wanted to have it with, wasn't abundant. This is the biggest mistake men make with this rhetoric, women don't see sexual abundance, we see a lack of sexual choices. A lack of men we truly want to and would enjoy sex with. We're not physical like men are, so we're not drooling over our options we're seeing a lack of being sexually excited. So to say, men are jealous over women's sexual abundance is just utter ignorance on men's part because of how they see women but are not realizing how women see sex on a whole.
  8. Lol. Best comment in this whole thread. Exactly, we all see the world through our own lens. No one's right, no one's wrong, just different perspectives. Would you like butter with that.
  9. This is where claustrophobia comes from. One feels trapped in closed spaces. Real life mimicks Infinity. Claustrophobia also feels scary. I'm somewhat claustrophobic. Not as much as I used to be, but it's still there. Reading your post reminded me of how claustrophobia feels. It used to attack in airplanes. Once they close the doors and you realize there's no escape. You're stuck on the plane till it stops and the doors open. I used to have to prepare myself, like not drinking coffee before a flight or bringing g something to read to distract. The feeling of being trapped is definitely terrifying. One can definitely feel trapped in infinity. It's the worst because there's nothing to escape to or from. This is exactly how the mind feels, that's why it carries on with its shenanigans.
  10. Yes, well said. Just so you know, this is exactly how I felt for 2 to 3 yrs on this forum when pretty much most of the males here and what they've spoken about when it comes to women is all about getting laid. Pretty much nothing else except for a few failed relationships here and there. A three part series was done about it, just about every cold approach advice leans towards getting laid and just about every advice given is about how to get laid. Nothing about caring for the female, nothing about her personality and what they're looking for in a good woman. Nothing about loving women, admiring feminine beauty, nothing about how attracted they are to a compassionate, loving, well-mannered, nurturing kind, respectful female but mostly about body counts, what number on a scale of 1-10 she is and if she's hot or not. Someone even had to make a thread about how not to objectify women. So,.your comment here doesn't have to go as far as the streets or OF but can stop right here on this forum, in this section to see how men objectify women all the time. It's not noticeable because it's so normal, and is an acceptable norm. All one has to do is go through the threads and.comments, so I don't need to prove what I'm saying here. One was just recent saying how he sees women as objects. The comments weren't chastising or demeaning only trying to coach him how not to do that. No one cursed at him,.only tried to not make him feel bad about it. Àll one has to do is go through the dating section of the forum to see the constant objectification of women. No need to reference OF or porn to see this. This is not a complaint, btw, just trying to point out how men objectify women all.the time and as soon as a female speaks about it, she gets ostracized and told to be quiet..
  11. This is where I'm clueless. Why are they looking for relationships with these women on one hand and bashing them with the other. You've made some strong points and it utterly shocks me as to why do we expect these women to personally care about the men they're entertaining beyond what's humanely expected. This is where i have a sticky issue. The rest of the world and it's businesses are pretty much cut throat and competing for consumers but in this field they are expected to care and not do it because grown men are being hurt and taken advantage of. Men who are well aware that it's a business. How? They're spending money to engage. That's how. The arguments against this business just doesn't add up and seems to be coming from a place of personal biases and disdain for these women based on the sole fact they do this for a living and no other reason.
  12. Ok. I'll check it out. It's not that Spirituality is bullshit. It's that everything is bullshit in the sense that we're making it up as we go. It only makes sense as much as the sense we make of it. That's the beauty of life, so no one can tell you anything because it's all made up bullshit. What appears isn't made up; the stories and ideas about what appears are.
  13. You're right, what's the point. Thanks for the reminder to keep it unbothered and stop reacting.
  14. Who said you were. Why put words in my mouth. No one's speaking of enemies here, stick to the issue. This isn't personal.