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  1. Keep in mind the goal is not to force transcendence of Orange. If Orange is where you are at, that’s where you are at. That’s what is realistic for many people. We want to take what is best from Orange and leave the rest if possible. We are building on top of each stage. For instance, you should be able to set an ambitious long-term goal and diligently work towards it everyday. This will also require healthy Blue discipline. If you cannot do this, what chance do you have of achieving loftier social justice goals like at Green and above? You cannot even run the basics of your own life, let alone solve the collective problems of society.
  2. Cool. Most people on this forum are not directly involved in the world of politics. So it’ll be interesting to hear from someone actually going through it. Looking forward to hearing what you discover.
  3. Then I’d keep looking to see if you can find someone. All sorts of weird things are possible with both spirituality and health.
  4. The idea is that they wouldn’t be related. Obviously I don’t really know. I’m not a medical expert.
  5. No amount of spiritual work has changed my depth perception. If you’re honestly noticing a change in your vision, that could be a medical condition.
  6. Maybe the Dark Polarity will save us from these types of new agers. Dark Polarity 2024.
  7. That was actually mature and well-handled by everyone involved. I'm impressed.
  8. Thank you but "Conspirituality" is not my term. It's a well-known thing.
  9. @strika This has nothing to do with conscious politics. This is new age conspirituality. If you keep posting things like this, you will likely be banned from the whole forum.
  10. I could see that happening. Especially since he will likely view said backlash as the woke mob coming for him. Maybe he complies publicly, but privately would be a different question.
  11. Can't read the full article without subscribing to Fortune. The little blurb I can read says something about still supporting a Super Pac. Hopefully he did decide to call off the 45 million, but who knows. In his own words, he has vowed to destroy the "woke mind-virus". That is problematic.
  12. This is an egregious misattribution of correlation / causation. That Putin did not launch his full invasion under Trump is more timing than anything else. There was still plenty of conflict that was happening. It could have happened under any administration. No wars at all? The world just became a peaceful place because everyone was just so in awe and afraid of Trump? Lol. This is a narcissistic fantasy. There are wars and conflicts happening all the time, including under the Trump admin. Trump can do nothing to stop them.
  13. The best defense against Putin is competent leadership that knows how to run an effective administration. Which is what Kamala represents.