
Leo saying sadhguru is not awake

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@Raptorsin7 Most people in the NA. Just work,  watch tv and play video games. Seems like a zombie like state 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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   Before awakening, type box, make videos. After awakening, type box, make videos.

   Also, the void written isn't the void.

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2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Before awakening, type box, make videos. After awakening, type box, make videos.

   Also, the void written isn't the void.

Correct...but everything is THIS....

So also the void being written is also it. ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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On 25/03/2020 at 9:41 PM, PlayTheGame said:

How can you even say whos awake and who isn’t. Like you can peek into someone’s mind. 

We dont even know if Leo’s awake. I mean it feels like Leo went from radical openmindedness and true skepticism to denying others being awake. If you are so openminded how can you be so close minded to say that other people are not awake? And call yourself the most awake? 

i know I shouldn’t be so concerned with Leo’s opinions but I can’t be the only one who sees this change from skepticism to authoritarian speak. Look at the tone he uses, he doesn’t say, “I don’t think X is awake” but he says “X is not awake”. That doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of this forum.

in another thread where someone criticized Leo for Leo thinking hes the sole authority on consciousness, Leo just responded with that he thinks “Leo is everyone & everyone is perfect” which is just diverting the criticism and not an answering at all to the criticism.

But hey, maybe i’m wrong. Maybe Leo truly is the most enlightened wizardlord ever lol. But if then I still dont understand why you would speak in this way? I thought the last ox picture was just a guy enjoying his and everyones time. 

Here's what Leo said about Sadghuru when a poster starting asking sensible questions about said Indian Guru:

"He is hardcore as fuck. He is what I imagine Jesus must have been like."

"It's gonna take you several lifetimes of practice before you get to a point where you can fully understand Sadhguru.

He is talking about super advanced things which 99.99999% of people will never be able to comprehend. It's totally outside anything you imagine possible.

The appropriate response is to know your ignorance and be humble. It's all too easy to start judging and namecalling things you have zero experience of.

You may as well consider Sadhguru a creature from another planet. Because that's about far apart your two consciousnesses are.

The trouble with advanced teachers is that they appear much more humble and simple than they really are. Which makes it easy for a fool to take the teacher for a fool."

So when someone disagrees with Sadghuru he/she is not awake but when Sadghuru disagrees with something Leo said then Sadghuru is not awake. 






''I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get'' (NapoleonBonaparte).

"We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is inside the skull. You will learn by degrees, Winston. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation—anything. I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to. I do not wish to, because the Party does not wish it. You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of Nature. We make the laws of Nature." (1984)

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@mp22 We must now remember, Leo is the most awake human ever, and nobody else is close. 

have you not got the memo recently? 

on a serious note, as much as Leo May think nobody else is awake, I’m yet to find a teacher or really anyone in the community who doesn’t think this is just Leo experiencing Inflation, Grandeur and potentially even Narcissism. 

So, it’s either Leo is the grand master of awakening and 5MEO is the holy grail, and over the millennia, all awakenings are void. 

Or, maybe, a lot of people’s suspicions regarding Leo and his “awakening” could also be true. 

Who knows! 

Maybe, Leo has had deep insights and awakenings on these drugs, but maybe isn’t truly awakened as he claims he is and that’s why he keeps going back for more? 

I will not say either. Who really knows? 

Although, I will say, I think recent behaviour has left a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths. 

But, then again who are we to judge someone’s else’s awakenings? 

Maybe, in 100 years they will look back on Leo’s life as a great advancement in awakening and the proof of the psychedelic path. 

or they will look back on the first online psychedelic cult of its kind, that lead to lots and lots of issues.

Or maybe somewhere in between. 

who knows? 

Focus on yourself, do the work and be your own guru, teachers are there to help you, not to idiolizse :) 

Personally I haven’t resonated with Leo for a long time, and am finding it very interesting what he is writing recently. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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22 minutes ago, mp22 said:

Here's what Leo said about Sadghuru when a poster starting asking sensible questions about said Indian Guru:

"He is hardcore as fuck. He is what I imagine Jesus must have been like."

"It's gonna take you several lifetimes of practice before you get to a point where you can fully understand Sadhguru.

He is talking about super advanced things which 99.99999% of people will never be able to comprehend. It's totally outside anything you imagine possible.

The appropriate response is to know your ignorance and be humble. It's all too easy to start judging and namecalling things you have zero experience of.

You may as well consider Sadhguru a creature from another planet. Because that's about far apart your two consciousnesses are.

The trouble with advanced teachers is that they appear much more humble and simple than they really are. Which makes it easy for a fool to take the teacher for a fool."

So when someone disagrees with Sadghuru he/she is not awake but when Sadghuru disagrees with something Leo said then Sadghuru is not awake. 






   You've raised a good point. I didn't noticed that before...

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I’m having the same thoughts and feelings as @LfcCharlie4. I feel like I’m watching a great experiment what with Leo piling more DMT up his ass and the hardcore followers on this form be like “Oh yeah didn’t you know Jesus Christ himself isn’t as advanced as Leo?”.

I’m not saying it should stop, I’m just saying it’s VERY interesting watching all this develop.

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Imagine what videos/this business/forum/community are gonna be like 2-3 years from now. Try that thought experiment.

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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Sadhguru is Woke AF,no doubt.

Now,the dime-a-dozen "satsang non-duality teachers" randomly popping up every other day are highly questionable. One very deficient aspect they are lacking is wisdom. There's a gaining of wisdom knowledge that comes with awakening (sort of like a cosmic download),that one did not have prior to the awakening,that some of these "satsang neo advaita/non-dual teachers" are seriously missing. It seems they may, at best, have had a brief no-self experience,and now claim to be "enlightened". But they are far from "enlightened".

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Psychedelics are too good to be true honestly. I'd avoid commenting on them until one tries them multiple times. Are they the fastest way to real "enlightenment" or liberation, no probably not any faster than the standard way. But can they make you have the grandest realizations of reality and existence that took the most advanced yogis and gurus of all time 50 years to achieve? Yes! absolutely. 

I believe if one does both, It will boost your growth and you'll save yourselves multiple years of nonsense seeking in the process. 

Either way, you can make it by picking one path over the other, or you can just supercharge your way to that motherfucking infinity and pick both. ^_^

Edited by fridjonk

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On 3/25/2020 at 8:21 PM, PlayTheGame said:

@The Lucid Dreamer

But the tone he uses scares me off/even angers me a bit, and gives me intrusive thoughts & anxiety,

This seems like a great opportunity for you. Use it as an opportunity for growth. 

Ask yourself why this tone of authority gives you such negative feelings. I'll bet (I could be wrong) there's something deeper there that cpuld be worked on. I consider myself new in this field also so don't think I'm trying to shine and tell you what needs done.  Your post just reminded me of something similar I went through a few months ago, and looking deeper into why I didn't like certain things brought me much growth. Good luck in your journey!

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On 3/28/2020 at 1:21 AM, Shadowraix said:

So where does transcending suffering fit into the picture? If you can't handle any amount of pain thrown at you, doesn't this mean we are still being restricted by egoic mechanisms? We are still resisting what is? 

The only way to reach the kind of thing you say, "Where any amount of pain can be thrown at you" is reach Infinite Consciousness and do a mahasamadhi. If you do this, the entire Universe will disappear, along with your body, into Infinite Love.

No one alive has done this. But it is possible to do. This is more radical than shooting your children in the head. And no one here has the balls or understanding to do it.

But if you managed to pull it off, you'd be Infinite Love forever.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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35 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

Lmao. I love it.

What would happen to the body then? How would it affect the human organism? And where would you place someone like Ramana in this spectrum?

You would realize there never was a body, human, or organism.

Everything would collapse into a Conscious Singularity. Like getting sucked into a white hole.

Infinite Consciousness. The end.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only way to reach the kind of thing you say, "Where any amount of pain can be thrown at you" is reach Infinite Consciousness and do a mahasamadhi. If you do this, the entire Universe will disappear, along with your body, into Infinite Love.

No one alive has done this. But it is possible to do. This is more radical than shooting your children in the head. And no one here has the balls or understanding to do it.

But if you managed to pull it off, you'd be Infinite Love forever.

@Leo Gura I just read about that in an online document. It says that the mahasamadhi is not the liberation in life (Moshka) but rather the unlimited liberation, for ever. 

Does you research confirm this too?

Seems too crazy. Samadhi it supposed to show there's no duality. When you "come back" you are just imagining yourself  again to be a human.

But this mahasamadhi seems to say you can end the imagination for ever. Wtf?

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only way to reach the kind of thing you say, "Where any amount of pain can be thrown at you" is reach Infinite Consciousness and do a mahasamadhi.


5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

No one alive has done this.

or just cessation of perception and feeling

Edited by Enlightenment

"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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4 hours ago, Meta-Man said:

What would it look like for outside spectators? 

That's the mindfuck. There is no outsiders perspective. You are imagining it.

Once you realize this. All others disappear as if they never existed -- because they never did!

You are Absolute. That means it's just you and your imagination imagining shit.


How would that be different to the events that happened to Ramana, Eckhart, Sean Webb, Francis Lucille etc?  

Take this excerpt from Francis Lucille for example:

I was sitting in silence, meditating in my living room with two friends. It was too early to fix dinner, our next activity. Having nothing to do, expecting nothing, I was available. My mind was free of dynamism, my body relaxed and sensitive, although I could feel some discomfort in my back and in my neck.

After some time, one of my friends unexpectedly began to chant a traditional incantation in Sanskrit, the Gayatri Mantra. The sacred syllables entered mysteriously in resonance with my silent presence which seemed to become intensely alive. I felt a deep longing in me, but at the same time a resistance was preventing me from living the current situation to the fullest, from responding with all my being to this invitation from the now, and from merging with it. As the attraction toward the beauty heralded by the chant increased, so did the resistance, revealing itself as a growing fear that transformed into an intense terror.

At this point, I felt that my death was imminent, and that this horrendous event would surely be triggered by any further letting go on my behalf, by any further welcoming of that beauty. I had reached a crucial point in my life. As a result of my spiritual search, the world and its objects had lost their attraction. I didn’t really expect anything substantial from them. I was exclusively in love with the Absolute, and this love gave me the boldness to jump into the great void of death, to die for the sake of that beauty, now so close, that beauty which was calling me beyond the Sanskrit words.

As a result of this abandon, the intense terror which had been holding me instantaneously released its grip and changed into a flow of bodily sensations and thoughts which rapidly converged toward a single thought, the I-thought, just as the roots and the branches of a tree converge toward its single trunk. In an almost simultaneous apperception, the personal entity with which I was identifying revealed itself in its totality. I saw its superstructure, the thoughts originating from the I-concept and its infrastructure, the traces of my fears and desires at the physical level. Now the entire tree was contemplated by an impersonal eye, and both the superstructure of thoughts and the infrastructure of bodily sensations rapidly vanished, leaving the I-thought alone in the field of consciousness. For a few moments, the pure I-thought seemed to vacillate, just as the flame of an oil lamp running out of fuel, then vanished.

At that precise moment, the immortal background of Presence revealed itself in all its splendor.


So according to you this kind of ‘final’ awakening is just a joke, am I right? Sorry for hacking away at you with this but I have to in order to clarify things for myself.

It's not a joke. That's pretty good. Sounds like Nirvakalpa samadhi.

To me though, that's still not God-realization and not Love-realization, so not the highest level.

But find out for yourself. I'm just putting questions in your mind.

3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Leo Gura I just read about that in an online document. It says that the mahasamadhi is not the liberation in life (Moshka) but rather the unlimited liberation, for ever. 

Does you research confirm this too?

Seems too crazy. Samadhi it supposed to show there's no duality. When you "come back" you are just imagining yourself  again to be a human.

But this mahasamadhi seems to say you can end the imagination for ever. Wtf?

That's right.

Life and reality both are imaginary. To become fully conscious is to exit the game of life entirely into eternal Love. Not for the faint of heart.

1 hour ago, Enlightenment said:


or just cessation of perception and feeling

I don't consider Ken Wilber Awake. Hard to explain why I know that.

If you read Ken's memoirs, seems like he still suffers and deals with a lot of human BS.

Part of the trick is how you define "suffering". People like to use different definitions.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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53 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


I don't consider Ken Wilber Awake. Hard to explain why I know that.

If you read Ken's memoirs, seems like he still suffers and deals with a lot of human BS.

Part of the trick is how you define "suffering". People like to use different definitions.

Of course the highest realization is that you are imagining Ken Wilbur.   He is part of your dream so he is a projection of your mind.  It takes a shift in consciousness to first buy into the illusion and then as part of the illusion imagine that he is not awake.  Which of course is all imaginary ;)

That is why they say waking up is losing your mind as you knew it.





Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, Meta-Man said:

Yeah I get that (actually maybe I don’t, as this might go so far beyond comprehension that nothing compares, I go on and ask my silly question anyway), but what would a being with that realization look like?

Hehe... it would look like you!

There are no beings but you.

There is only one being who can ever awaken, and that is you. Forget about The Buddha. The Buddha cannot ever awaken because he's an idea in your mind. Only you can Awaken.


Francis talks about Love and God, and especially about not being a human body. Francis’ level of awakening has been my goal all along, but if you’re saying there’s more, that’s nuts. How is that even possible? What would change? What would Francis have to do (inb4 5-meo.and even then it wouldn’t last?) to reach even further? From all accounts he’s dead inside. How is that not total?! «The goal of the game is to realize you are not in the game» - Francis

I haven't studied him, so I cannot say what his level is.

Just to be on the safe side I would assume higher levels are possible. It's not that his teachings are bad or wrong. We don't really disagree. Just a question of degree and various facets.


edit: and the past few days I’ve been really making an effort to get 5m now fyi. I aint slackin’

edit2: ok, so now im starting to suspect that I am god imagining.. everything.. all of this. Like it’s all just my fantasy world.. Im the sole creator of this.. ? Like wtf. Kind of solipsistic, only infinitely more vast..? you dont exist. Im not talking to you, Im talking to me. ?allright goodnight. more tomorrow..


The fundamental ruling principle is ONENESS. Infinity must be ONE! Self must equal other.

You have to appreciate how brutually radical ONENESS is.

One day you will realize, "OMFG! I literally am Leo! Leo you fucker! You've been looking through my eyes since I was born??! Fuck you Leo! OMFG! I created just to wake myself up??? NO! NO! NO! I can't believe it. It can't be true! It's genius! It's pure fucking genius! OH MY GOD! NO! NO! NO! OH MY GOD! It can't be true!"

I am not merely a part of you. I am literally you! Right now!!!! I have lived your entire life, AS YOU! When you jerk off, Leo is watching ;) And not just watching, I am jerking your dick using your hand. Your dick is my dick, and vice versa.

Yeah, that's a mindfuck unlike any other. Check if it is true.

20 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

edit3: cant sleep, mind is churning.. was laying here thinking about limited/unlimited, and it hits me that is just another distinction. same with predestination/free-will - all that shit flys out the window because you’re fawkin GAWD

You are def unlimited.

Even limited stuff is unlimited. Lol

A roll of toilet paper is unlimited. Nevermind the Universe as a whole.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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