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Found 109 results

  1. Been meditating quite often now for a few months and the desire to off myself just keeps getting stronger and stronger. You could argue that I should take a break, but I cant even enjoy anything anymore. You could say im going through the dark night of the soul. All I do is distract myself from not killing myself, like browsing the internet all day. After I have meditated for like an hour the motivation to do it is even stronger. I know that this is the process of the whole spiritual work, but I dont even see a point for existence. Whenever I was happy, that didnt matter. It was actually a satisfying point of view. It was freedom. But now I almost need a reason for living or I dont see the purpose anymore. You guys are probably gonna reply with something that im already aware of, but usually when its get reminded im more motivated to get my shit togehter. Problem is though whenever I do try to get my shit together, I just crawl back like a fucking moron. Done this for years.
  2. Taking another perspective on suicide. On a second note, he kinda looks like Leo
  3. Iraq has a massive land area, and it is just normal take in other factors that it will he a hot bed for terrorist activities and organizations. After the double suicide attack few days ago, this is what how Iraqi government is responding: These people who are going to be executed belong to different tribes, and those tribes will develop anger towards what the consider an "alien, western supported political process". This will accelerate forming of new terrorist organizations and reviving ISIS, and in no time, Iraq will see rebellion in large areas of land, which means it will go out of control of government, and this in turn will lead to a new international intervention at best case, which will cause a new war-like situation.
  4. Source: This happened at the first full day of Biden's Administration. My comment: Situation in Iraq is still very fragile, no, This is not still a result of Americans "messing and destabilizing Iraq". The reality is that Iraq's land area is so big, and according to , "Present-day Iraq, comprising an area of 437,072 sq km (168,754 sq mi), Comparatively, the area occupied by Iraq is slightly more than twice the size of the state of Idaho" The truth is that it is hard to control this land with Iraqis still focusing solely on increasing numbers of security forces, recruiting over one million security personnel. Today's Iraq is a safe haven for terrorist organizations, and I can even argue that the latter are manufactured in Iraq. Honestly the lack of opportunities here, and the "Anti-Stage-Orange" mentality leads people to think to become criminals as a means of survival. I am doing my best to sponsor FB articles to teach people at least the importance of respecting the international laws, and any laws for that matter, in order to teach people how to respect a law or a convention or a constitution, all of are alien ideas to stage-red, and purple societies here. I believe this is the way to go, and to teach them the consequences of not respecting laws. I welcome any help in this regard, financial or intellectual.
  5. What could be the answer according to philosophy , spirituality or just personal opinion? I don't mean if its bad or good to do it!
  6. Smh ... when I was a kid I was very depressed. For the past 5 years I have been living in bliss of creation . However my mom still worried that I might be depressed cause Some person she knows killed themself. I can’t explain to her that I can’t die and how I know that and also I can’t just be like yooooo bruh loooook at this looook how amazing I made this this this is heaven why would I wanna leave? I would just sound crazy. I’m so in love with my creation. It’s magnificent
  7. Trumps campaign manager just tried to kill himself. Are things unraveling for Trump? Two major hits on the same day.
  8. Healthygamer has been one of the few blessings of 2020. They have helped so many Twitch-streamers with their mental health. Teaching meditation, yogic and pyschological theory, and overal helping raise people's consciousness. This stream after recent events has brought me to tears many times. Byron 'Reckful' Bernstein was one of the people that helped me a lot in getting through dark times in my teens. The guy was so kind and open. It's so sad to see him be consumed by his darkness and on July 2nd end up taking his life. I hope this can help some people
  9. I’d like to see what you guys think about this. I hope it doesn’t get taken down, but wouldn’t that be the most total and quick way to transcend the ego and in turn everything that limits you? Other than the time and effort required, how is this different from mahāsamādhi?
  10. I'm looking at these stats and getting around a 3.3% death rate from reported suicides. I assume these numbers can be way off in either direction because of inaccurate attempts and inaccurate deaths by suicide. I might be wrong but I would guess my own success rate would be carefully planned and 100%, but who knows. I'm honestly wondering though if the thought of pain is the main reason people are unsuccessful? I often wished of a state of Nirvana/nothingness, but do not want to experience the thought of physical pain, the pain of others because of my action, etc.
  11. So i hear alot of things said regarding suicide there’s usually two sides some people say that it wont solve anything because you’ll carry your negative energy with you and you’ll still be miserable.others say pulling the plug would be the best thing that would ever happen to you and you would connect back with the nature of reality so which is it ?
  12. Is committing suicide something that is fundamentally driven by ego or by something else? This question comes to mind when you think about the core purpose of the ego which is thought to be self preservation or the arousal of a sense of self for the sake of self preservation. Either way, if that's the case then how or what drives people to commit suicide considering the nature of the ego. Is it ego? Or is it something that's trying to escape the reality of the ego? Can someone clear this up for me? I've been pondering on this for quite some time now.
  13. I don't know where to start. I've been watching Leo's video for 4-5 years now and as you all know during the past 2 years or so he went deeper and deeper into the "truth". During the last two weeks, I've been living a nightmare. I went to the emergency 3x because I had thoughts of "I'm going to die".. as if the personality was going to die. I'm shaking in fear, I can't eat, I can't sleep. I've been meditating for 2 years now, but it seems I've watched too many videos where people saying "it's an illusion, nothing is real, you are god, death is an illusion, etc". I'm pretty sure my mind is now creating a fake enlightenment. I feel like nothing is real, I'm not real, why not dying now. Even though, I'm still afraid of many things, I still have desires. I never wanted to know the truth, I just wanted to be happy. I tried contacting a Buddhist school close to where I am, but they told me to see a psychiatrist. But what am I going to say to the guy.. "hey by the way you are not real". I'm slowly running out of options I feel. Anyone could help me?
  14. We talk alot about how free will does not exist, and cannot grasp it remaining in the ape/monkey mind. But over time we have glimpses of god and realize that its all god and we dont exist and that ll our suffering was also due to the will of god. But how extreme is suicide? What does it imply in terms of gods will? Is it god wanting to experience such an extreme state of darkness and desperation that he ultimately kill himself? So why do all religions judge suicide then? It seems paradox under these premises, what could suicide significantly show in terms of gods will, in terms of human free will (where ultimately the human doesnt exist and god does) ?
  15. I've been thinking about this question for some time, since I have been intrigued by the warrior persona, which I simplistically explain as someone, who is willing to give up everything (die in battle) in order to save his village. I remember Leo mentioning, that martyrs are coming from a place of ego, but don't all warriors do that? They are willing to die (act of selfnessness) for what they believe/think/feel is a good cause (ego)... is this a paradox? One example of would be a student in Czechoslovakia, who burnt himself to death in public as a protest against the Soviet regime with the intention of showing his fellow citizens, that they should not give in to the invaders and should rise against them to take back the country. more details: It does look quite noble to me and the czech culture does honor his act up until this day, but didn't he die for the sake of his ideology or belief? PS: I'm not going to kill myself, nor would I like you to do it... I'm genuinely curious about this matter.
  16. Hello, I really need to get some answers to this question, because I contemplate a lot and still not sure what the answer is. Question: If as we see the earth is a giant multiplayer-open-world-game, there WILL be people who would be dealt with bad cards in life and live in total misery. My question is if there is no death why cant these people who are trapped in very-hellish/painful lives, why can't they just commit suicide and be reborn as someone else? What does a person who`s life is total misery have to lose? Why not just start-over? I know suicide is a "taboo" topic, but I can see that this question is relevant for a good amount of people on earth. So please dont take this question as some sort of "trolling", I'm genuinely interested in an answer as to why this cannot be used as a "respawn" as we see in video-games?
  17. I would like to read your thoughts on this issue guys.
  18. I really am not planing for making suicide but I just dont understand this, if enlightenment is equal to death or ego death, why just dont make suicide?
  19. How does one overcome, understand and face one's suicidal thoughts and tendencies in relation: 1. to regressing heavily in personal development 2. not being fully socially adapt and contributing in some ways daily to the rest of your society and 3. not holding to one's own set values dialy that correspond with personal life goal and purpose in relation to self and others Is suicide always unconscious or possibly justified at higher stages of development at a particular context? Is there a time period of going through a form of hell for the ego mind/body that commits an unconscious form of suicide that settles one's energies in order for them to be able give birth to another form of existence? If so how long does it approximately last according to human time understanding? Is there a hierarchical principle of stages of life achievements and personal development at which one dies or commits suicide that determine what will one reincarnate as in samsara after some time? For example if I kill myself now at 22 having not worked a day in my life and not contributing almost nothing to society and still having pretty bad habits of being lazy will I reincarnate for example as a simpler form of life a worm or some plant and how in that context does one through the process of samsara earn to become human again? Does one have the one of the set goals as a newborn human being to overcome one's one inherited family problems (for example such as suicide or tendency of feud and betrayal in the family? and there is also passage in the Old testament of inherited sin, from the book of Numbers 14:18) (I am not in a suicidal mood or rut now I just had theses questions when I was but I haven't overcome the aforementioned problems in the long term yet)
  20. What's there to live for when someone is fully detatched? If I detatched from everything, i wouldn't mind if my family gets raped and butchered and I wouldn't care if I lived in a small box and I had to shit there and eat there at the same time. Or i wouldn't care if someone puts a knife on my throat and cuts it open. It just seems too much for me. It's either impossible to become totally detatched or it makes you a suicidal person who doesn't give a shit. And small degrees of "overcomming fear" won't fucking matter because fear of death or losing loved ones will always be there.
  21. I wonder why in Spirituality there is a (justified) habit of keeping open-minded to nearly everything, except...suicide. I remember Leo said in one blog post that suicide was Ego selfish act, I would want to know why. I can´t see why suicide is a ego selfish act and improving your life using other´s resources (for example) isn´t. Please don´t understand this as an encouragement for suicide! It´s not. I´m just trying to have a interesting (i hope) discussion that in other online sites i surely couldn´t because it probably would be censored/banned.