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About Sempiternity

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  1. This is a lie. The word "Jesus" is documented fact in every piece of reporting on the subject, and "Jesus" can be heard clear as day.
  2. 'Rebuke' means to disagree. She commented on why the cops were backing up when she was picking up the pot of water. The cop said something about worrying she might throw hot water on them. She basically said that she disagrees with that point of view. She just said it in a weird way. The cop took that as a threat and pulled out his gun and shot her in the head.
  3. Well, it's not every day one gets to watch someone murder a little old lady making tea in her kitchen. That was wild. Hope he goes to prison for the rest of his life.
  4. I haven't seen Harris do a speech since she was primarying 4 years ago. I didn't like her back then. She seemed fake. And haven't had any interest in seeing her talk since. But, since she is running for president, I thought I'd listen to her speeches. And to my surprise...I really like her now. She seems genuine, joyous, loving, friendly, easy-going, community oriented. It doesn't seem like she is 'giving a speech', and more just being herself and talking to an audience. Color me completely on-board with her. I'm relieved and happy with the direction this is going.
  5. One thing that almost never gets brought up about Buttigieg (spell it right, Leo ) is that he is gay and married to a man. And that's awesome that it is not discussed, as it should be normal and not an issue. And someone's sexuality should not be even mentioned in politics. I only bring it up, because it'd be pretty awesome to have a gay person as vice president, and maybe one day even president. It's huge for the gay rights movement, and for representation. It's come a long way in a short amount of time, from black people and gay people being persecuted and killed regularly (of course they still are, but not like 40-50 years ago) in this country, to them being the potential president/vice president. That's some major progression of society. Just a thought that came up.
  6. I love Bernie, but the answer to everyone's concerns about Biden being too old, is not to pick someone even older.
  7. @Nevar People nowadays have extremely short attention spans. i think what matters to alot of voters is what is in front of them right before voting occurs. If there is a fresh new candidate with alot of buzz around them, then that could be what voters will flock to. Most Democrat voters don't want to vote for Biden, and only will because it's the only choice. If given a better option, I would think most all Democrats would happily vote for the new and better option.
  8. @Hardkill Thoughtful response. Who would you see being the best replacement then?
  9. Looks like a factor is when he drops out. If before the nomination, the delegates could pick another candidate. Otherwise, the Democratic congressional leaders recommend the replacement, and the Democratic National Committee votes on that replacement. It'd be good for their cuase to do it before the nomination.
  10. Glad you think so too. He's smart, articulate, knows his history, knows American government policies, he's an endless wealth of facts and information. Just watch him in this video. This is no script-written teleprompter speech. This is him just talking about what he's passionate about. He's just damned impressive imo.
  11. 1) My top choice would be Gavin Newsom. Second choice, Pete Buttigieg. 2) They'll give it to Kamala Harris. I think this is a bad choice. They'll go with it because it's safe, but she's unpopular and not very likable in general, so it's a mistake imo. 3) Hard to say. I think a new fresh candidate could blow up in the race, if done properly. It'd no longer be a race between a dementia patient with one foot in the grave, and a dictator that will destroy the country. With a good candidate, it could install some faith back in the process, some excitement back into the race, give some hope, and turn the tides.
  12. Adam Schiff, US House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries, US Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, even Obama, all asking him to step down, it's over. If he stays in, Trump wins. IMO, with some new blood, to invigorate people's excitement in the election, by maybe having a somewhat decent candidate to choose from, we have a chance. Question for those that closely follow this election: 1) Who do you think is a good candidate? 2) Who do you think will actually get the nomination? 3) What chances do you think we have in turning around an entire presidential campaign with a new candidate to be able to win in less than 4 months?
  13. They are already defending him and making excuses and saying they will not "turn their back on him". They will back him till the bitter end.
  14. Substance, truth and logic, is not what most Americans are looking at. They're looking at strength, and if the President is going to be fit for office. Biden proved he's weak and not fit for office. That will sway the razor thin margin of Independant voters. As the last person just posted. Trump won 67% to Biden 33%. That's enough to tip the scales and win the election.