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About MsNobody

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  • Birthday 02/21/1990

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  1. @Cubbage Ohh I love ketamine! But need to be careful, recently some people died in Brazil, it was a cult and this women injected her daughter and son with ketamine, she would record them in k holes and make fun of them. There were also more people in the cult being injected. They live in Amazon the state, they had like a farm with snakes and some other weird stuff, super creepy.
  2. @Water by the River I actually bought the Inner Path to Outer Visions when I was at the psychedelic conference but havent read yet, this topic is a rabbit hole for me, need to be careful cause it might not be very useful for where Im at now in life. Eventually I will dive deeper, thank you for the recommendations.
  3. @Leo Gura I'm so intrigued that you've never tried ayahuasca, I know you dont want to puke or purge but from all psychedelics I've studied so far, ayahuasca is the best one for healing because it heals on the DNA level. Im sure you have done your research but worth trying. Im sorry to hear that, health problems are the worst, can't believe how you create all this content dealing with pain.
  4. @What Am I No, its called União do Vegetal, Santo Daime is more relaxed with their rules, they also add other plants to the brew besides mariri and chacrona, they smoke weed and do rapé after sessions. I have been once but the place was very sketchy, because UDV has more rules they are also more organized. It's so silly, like yeah we drink the most powerful psychedelic in the world even tho christ never spoke about it, like ayahuasca doesn't fit anywhere in christianity, and they go on condemning the use of any other psychedelics, it's a cult, and it's very patriarchal, the people leading the sessions are called mestre (like master) and the women cannot drink the tea alone or have only women ceremonies, only men lead sessions, they are against homosexuals, women cannot prepare the brew when they are menstruating cause they are dirty. I would take it and go within, trashing what didnt serve me. I got into so many heated discussions there lol we used to do sessions inside a community church and on the walls were paintings of women's body, not sexual, one of them was a black women pregnant and her belly was planet earth. They would cover all the walls, and they would let people ask questions in the sessions, whenever someone brought up sex, the covered images, or anything related to women they would just say "we dont talk about that" and meanwhile 50% of visions were naked women or sexual stuff (probably repressed stuff from my subconscious), I used to judge myself a lot, now I think it's beautiful, getting out of the church allowed me to remove the remaining beliefs from stage blue and start seeing my body as sacred. Spirituality nowadays became the new religion, it's funny how the roots of christianity are still ingrained in all of our minds. I do have a lot of visions, I never broke through with 5meo dmt, but I've tried it many times, apparently I had a high tolerance and was afraid to pump up the dose, I even went to a Martin Ball lecture to ask him, he told me to try salvia that would help break my mind open, then I stopped trying, the experiences I had before were too intense and reality shattering. After doing 5meo whenever I smoked weed, it would bring me back to the experience, like people are just figurative and didnt really exist and my vision would distort, I would look around my room and it was like a perspective drawing, I could see the nothingness behind everything, and I felt like reality was made of plastic lol like a scenario where they record a show or movie, I was getting Truman Showd lol then I went through a depressive phase of solipsism, nowadays I see how much that helped me with being more authentic. So funny you talked about bird, it reminded me of one of the times I did 5meo, I snorted and laid down, it was like the electrical current of the substance was more than my body could handle, I basically stopped breathing, but at the time I didn't have the knowledge that breathing is a construction of the mind, I got up desperate and went outside for air, when I went outside I started hearing this really loud noise inside my head, then I looked up and a bird was flying really really high, but at the same time the sounds of its wings flapping were inside my head, my mind was creating the bird and the noise, and not only I could hear him but I could understand the mechanism of the wings, it was like the bird was there just for me, to witness. A couple weeks after that I was putting gas in my car and it hit me really hard, that when I left my apartment the apartment cease to exist, unless I was there to witness, my mind was creating the apartment, the apartment was in my mind. I'm still integrating all of that, it was 5 years ago and it has never left me, I stopped thinking about what people think about me, because there is only me, I call it sacred fuck it. I wonder hjow it would be if I broke through.
  5. @Jannes yeah currently recovering from my spiritual ego bubble of 8 years being burst lol I wouldn’t say this path has brought me happiness, my first Vipassana was a major awakening and I got out of there totally insane. Since then I’m becoming more and more insane, the spiritual path also brought me peace and acceptance of this insanity. So I guess self acceptance does bring some happiness. Would I do it again? Fuck yes
  6. @What Am I yes, they call it hoasca. Only the vine and the leaf. Mariri and Chacrona. I used to be part of this ayahuasca church but was removed cause I have a channel talking about psychedelics and I also take other psychedelics, they don’t allow it. Also they are based in Christianity so the people at the top didn’t really like my controversial way of being. I’ve had many experiences with entities, I call them aliens but not sure what it is. I also had an experience with 5meo where those beings were ruminating my body to find how conscious I was. I try not to get too attached to the visions, wish there was more research and more people talking about so we could make sense of it. I do have this feeling that they feel bad for us being on earth and try to help. There was this one time the spaceship took me to this planet and I remember walking out of the ship and everything was so clean that I felt bad and dirty putting my feet in such a clean place. It was all metallic like high level tech and also some fluorescent colors, very futuristic. Mechanic but in a junglish way, it’s funny cause looking back now those experiences feel more real than any mundane day I’ve had in the past.
  7. @Rafael Thundercat lololol so true!! We've been waiting for this course for a decade now
  8. Lol there it goes your desire for Truth.
  9. @Leo Gura can you please elaborate on that, almost doing crazy amounts of DMT to reach those levels. Every time I do ayahuasca the aliens take my body to I don't know where to do I don't know what and my mind is always fighting saying it's just a vision. Last one I was on a spaceship and they were rummaging my body, like an operation of some sort inside an MRI like machine. Something that I've noticed is that they receive/heal me like I'm coming from war, there is a sense of urgency, is planet earth war? So many questions.
  10. @bambi I've had the party and still deal with the sex one, cocaine also got me very sick at some point, sugar and my phone are other ones but more socially acceptable. Oh wait, are we competing who is more addicted I just love the desperate, neurotic and addicts, whenever I coach people who have all the labels from society like depression, addiction, anxiety, TDAH, OCD etc, the way I see is that they are feeling all of that because they are alive, they are ready and ripe for change. While the calm people just seat there in front of me like a sheep waiting for me to take lead on their lives and tell them what to do, they are calm cause they are asleep, the body is moving but there is no one there. Some people die before they die, those are the calm ones, the anxious people are ready to go and make the moves, to change the world. The body is so wise, all that we feel, darkness, anxiety, addiction or whatever is basically our body communicating with us, if we know how to channel the energy and do the alchemy, this very darkness will be the raw material of our future life, we call it materia prima in portuguese, that is how we create, without friction there would be nothingness. I consider the weirdos more normal than the conformists sheep that are all calm, like wtf look at the world burning, how can you be so calm and collected? The anxious ones are the ones that are most aware, they are anxious because they care.
  11. @Rafael Thundercat it’s either alien consciousness or pick up lines 🤣🤣 he doesn’t care about any other subjects, oh the contrasts of reality
  12. @Rafael Thundercat Leonarda 🤣 i can’t wait to hear about alien consciousness, he keeps talking about it but doesn’t spill the beans.
  13. @QVx I think the intention of the thread is exactly that, seeing his blind spots so we don’t put him on a pedestal. Instead of doing the same you came here to defend him, should I assume you have a Saint Leo in your altar?
  14. @bambi yes I have a very addictive personality, if I don't go to the gym the doors of hell are wide open lol or if I don't have the focus on my purpose. But also everyone is an addict nowadays, nicotine, caffeine, psychedelics, sex.. call it whatever. Our addictions is what keep us alive and help us cope with reality, not to blame society or play the victim but we live in a very toxic world. I see addictions as a pacifier to a child, notice that most of them are taking in through the mouth, or are related to the body. So I don't call them addictions or obsessions anymore, I call it passions pick your poison, working out is a great one, diving into your craft your purpose is another one.