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About MsNobody

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  • Birthday 02/21/1990

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    Florida, USA
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  1. can we bring this back? Is anyone organizing the trip reports here on the forum, loved reading them a while back!
  2. @Leo Gura when is the course coming outttt
  3. @Leo Gura any updates on those videos?
  4. @How to be wise she has fillers in her lips, cheeks and chin, and also rhinoplasty, if you look at the first videos her face was more round/oval, there are old pics of her, she was never ugly, but still she is trying to get better. We women can notice easily, I've done it myself once so I know how to recognize, it doesnt mean she is bad, its just that she has reached a point of lots of money, her daily life is all about herself and self care, doing mascaras for her skin, laser procedures, buying expensive purses etc (she shows this on her channel and IG) and teaching people how to love themselves is kind of tricky in this position, she is a stage orange woman, so people think that to love themselves is to live in luxury, wrong motivation I guess. For each their own, I try to be away from women like her.
  5. I watched some of her videos, its good stuff. Then I started following her on IG and saw that she takes her cats out in a stroller. That is where I draw the line lol Also she posted a video once of her feeding street cats, little weird, juts feed the damn cats why would you post it? I mean its her thing, she loves herself a lot and also loves cats, cause its easier to love cats than it is to love humans. Another detail that makes me think: people who have a lot of procedures in their face talking about self help/ self esteem is kind of fishy.
  6. He also kept repeating "and all this can be proven by science" that says a lot about him and the public he is trying to target
  7. @Leo Gura the comment section is insane. Everyone treating Tom like he is a God, they swallowed his TOE like a vitamin pill lol
  8. @Dazgwny also didn’t get my attention, stopped at min 50, what happened?! lol I was so excited to watch it.
  9. Finally! Watching now niw we are waiting for leo there
  10. @BlackPhil to see the value of the Spiral Dynamics model you need to have some yellow in you, otherwise you will judge it as useless.
  11. Maybe if you have studied yourself thoroughly instead you would get to Truth So much evil in the world because people are lazy to think for themselves.
  12. Because porn stars are dissociated from their bodies, the more anchored you are in the body the more sensitive you are. They are so desensitized and numb that they need violence to feel something, both the people who create and the ones watching. Also some people watch so much porn that they get accustomed to normal porn, the dopamine system ir already burnt, they need way more to get horny and feel aroused, so violent sex, rape sex, sex with animals and children come in. They just want to feel something, like a drug addict that needs a bigger dose cause they built tolerance.
  13. I feel seen, thank you! Yes I do have codependent issues. I will definitely check them out, it’s gotten better throughout the years, I’ve read many books about it and even went to meetings at CoDa codependent anonymous, it’s generational trauma, I don’t watch many other channels besides Leo and Matt Kahn, if I look deeply Matt Kahn videos are doing more damage than helping, cause I become more compassionate which just deepens the codependent pattern. What I do like about her content is exactly how extreme it is, it becomes easier and more simple to find what the next steps are, for example the strict boundaries one, it doesn’t mean that I’ll exploit men, but it does help to understand better the motives behind why men behave the way they behave, while spiritual teachers go round and round and it’s not very practical. The codependent patterns in the women of my family are so deep that thinking now that I’m talking about it, I’ve been underestimating how difficult it is to break them in all my years of personal development, I was raised in Brazil in the countryside so very much stage blue, and like you said we are domesticated to be this way as women.
  14. Of course, learned with you
  15. @Ulax knowing how to talk to men, for example Im very emotional. Most men do not care about emotions, when you talk to them you need to be more rational and talk his language. Of course not all men, but it's basically marketing, when you talk to them you need to think about what they want (which is usually sex) not be lost in my feelings, crying etc. Another think is setting strict boundaries, if right in the beginning you let them do whatever they want, and not have to make it up for it, they will do it again and again, they become relaxed and treat you like shit. Men, dogs and kids are all the same, their natural instinct is to test your limits and boundaries, if you dont set strict boundaries you are fucked and they won't respect you, not only they wont respect you but they get angry unsconsciosly, the same way that a child who is sleepy and has no bedtime routine get cranky, they want easy (to be awake as much as possible) but what they really need is difficult (bedtime routine). They need to be trained from the beginning, but as women we are very compassionate and way too nice to be able to hold up on sex, not give them what they want, we easily let them do what they want instead of being more rational, we end up suffering, both lose in this case, the child needs sleep just like the men like the difficulty of conquering someone. Another thing is, the more we require from a men, the happier he will be to play the game and go beyond, if we don't require much the game is not fun enough for them, and they build resentment later on because things are too easy and he didn't have to work hard enough for it. There is a lot that happens unconsciously, but she does talk about that a lot. I dont agree with everything she says, she is a dominatrix, Im not into that stuff but she does make some really good points and understands the male mind deeply. Of course she manipulates a lot, but she is also enlightening women who are easy preys and who are being manipulated by men.