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  1. Yeah I think it's a latin American cultural thing, they're generally just more emotional, touchy feely and family orientated. Of course much more in touch with their sexuality, in Europe its a lot more colder and behind the scenes or joked about, but south America is matter of fact about it.
  2. This was really powerful Trump gas reacted to it and he wasn't a fan
  3. I mean it's not just attempted murder, it's industrial level drug trafficking as well as facilitating countless crimes. The issue is more of setting up a detterent for others to setup a similar business, 10 years would probably be worth it for a lot of people if you're gonna make millions. Keep in mind there are lots of people doing time for much less severe crimes, there are many that are even legitimately innocent, but because of bureaucracy they're still in jail. I don't really get tje defence of this particular guy who knowingly committed these crimes and was found guilty. The only reason people are defending him now is because Trump pardoned him, can you imagine the uproar if Boden pardoned him?
  4. There's loads of evidence on this, the judge said it was a factor in his sentencing. From Wikipedia- "Federal prosecutors alleged that Ulbricht had paid $730,000 in murder-for-hire deals targeting at least five people, because they purportedly threatened to reveal the Silk Road enterprise. Prosecutors believe no contracted killing actually occurred. Ulbricht was not charged in his trial in New York federal court with murder for hire, but evidence was introduced at trial supporting the allegations. The district court found by a preponderance of the evidence that Ulbricht probably commissioned the murders. The possibility that Ulbricht had commissioned murders was considered by the judge in sentencing Ulbricht to life and was a factor in the Second Circuit's decision to uphold the sentence. Ulbricht was separately indicted in federal court in Maryland on a single murder-for-hire charge, alleging that he contracted to kill one of his employees (a former Silk Road moderator). Prosecutors moved to drop this indictment after his New York conviction and sentence became final." The story is actually really wild.
  5. @trenton Hey man I really want to commend you really looking internally at the reasons why you might align with these types of videos, this puts you ahead of so many in that you're not just falling down rabbit holes and youre actually trying to look at the whole picture, so good work on that. I'll give an overall summary of this issue, in general we know that people often take the easy route, in this context meaning that if there is an issue such as not having a good dating life, the easy option is to blame the women you want to date or blame modern culture etc. Essentially rather than looking at what you can control, you can focus on the what you can't which then absolves you of any responsibility and agency in your own circumstances. the easy route keeps you in the same position but allows you to feel better about being in that position. This isnt limited to men with issues around dating, this could be overweight people who buy into body positivity or women that say there are not enough good men, or poor people who say they system is the reason theyre poor. This isnt to say that they may not have good arguments btw, but when you do anything there are challenges and situations would have been different in past societies but those successful people rose to those challenges. Now the hard way and the way that leads to growth is take on responsibility for your situation. So in the dating context, if you're not getting good reactions from women, what can you do to change that? in your case @trenton you are doing well in terms of inner work. But that would be the answer in general, work on your inner trauma, your issues with your mum, your social skills etc. All this shit is hard and requires facing parts of yourself that you might not like. Its not fun and its not gonna make you feel good, hence why people are not attracted to it. Now youtubers like the video you posted, i havent even watched it but i get it from what you wrote, know from algorithms and trial and error, that if they post up videos that hit your pain points and absolve you from any responsibility for your situation by blaming other groups of people, they will get more view and subs. We all have these pain points, even though im personally aware of what im saying here, i can come across a video like that, listen to it and relate, if im feeling in a low mood and having issues with women it may even grab me more, but what ive done is fully recognise what theyre trying to do and of course do the internal work and so these videos do not get my attention. You have to understand most of these people do not believe in what they say, if the algorithm boosted up content that forces you to work on yourself and adress your own issues, they would not be making these videos, it is a complete manipulation tactic, they may not even be aware of it themselves. But Leo is right its best to see them for what they are and not even click on the videos, even at best theyre just a distraction preventing you from growth, they only in which the creators and of course youtube.
  6. Whoever you choose theres always gonna be someone 'better', and better could just be because they're new and they dont have baggage that your current partner has or it could be that they are genuinely a better fit. But the point is if you want to be in a long term committed relationship that is the sacrifice you have to make. If you get with this new girl there maybe another one that comes along thats even 'better'. So the question is, is the person youre with someone you're willing to make that sacrifice for and that you love despite all other potential partners? It could also it probably is more likely that youre not ready for a committed relationship at this time so in that case its up to you if you want to be authentic and just tell potential partners what you actually want at the moment.
  7. Thank you and thanks for your question. I think the greatest lesson, this will probably change depending on when I'm asked, but what comes to mind is the importance of loving yourself. Probably sounds cliche but it's so true, I think there's so many wrong turns you can make if you don't love yourself because everything you do is to compensate for that lack. So it's incredibly important to come to terms with your trauma and really face yourself and love yourself otherwise you'll really just keep spinning your wheels. Thank you, I really need to start uploading again but just getting these life experiences atm Ayy mi amiga de Barcelona ❤️ I will definitely accept your compliment and hope you had a great Xmas and new year as well x Thank you for the welcome bro and happy 40th as well @Yimpa @Ulax thank you bros 🙏🏽
  8. Thank you bro 🙏🏽 look forward to reading your story 🙌🏽 That's a good way to say, yeah it definitely does feel like I've lived multiple lives in a way. Like the 20 something year old me is almost unrecognisable as me but at the same time he's still within me and I love him and respect what he went through. But yeah there's been a lot of evolution so different periods feel like different people. @LoneWonderer @integration journey Thanks guys 🙏🏽
  9. Yes it finally happened, I remember thinking about being 40 when I was a kid and I came to the conclusion that its so old that I might just kill myself if I get there. I think what my young mind was struggling with was being an imaginably different person to the one I was at the time, my mum wasnt even 40, so the idea of me being that age was inconceivable. So not that im here what I my insights? It's interesting how the world sees you, mostly what I've heard i people can't believe that I'm 40 and I do probably look younger than my years but it's said as a compliment and I take as such, however I've noticed that in western culture age isn't really prized. People say things like you look good for your age but I feel that a lot of the wisdom and knowledge of self and understanding of life that can only be gained through living and experiencing is disregarded. Thats not to say everyone whos old is by default, wise, but its generally not even considered. Shifting to my own experience, I'm probably as content as I've ever been, in the past I've had more money, more attention and relationships with women, less pain in my body. But now and for the last couple of years I've felt, not good necessarily, but it feels as though the barriers that were once on me have been lifted. I went through years of OCD, anxiety, general fear of life, where I felt as though I had very little value to add and that no one really likes me. Yesterday I received several messages from friends and family (im tearing up as i write this), telling me things like - "Big love for being you and a real one. You are the most authentic person I know and were put on this earth to help others - especially me and I proper appreciate you. " (it might look like I made that up but its copy and pasted from a text ) calls, voice notes, texts from friends and family. From not wanting to come out my room for days on end and being afraid to truly be myself for years, I am so incredibly grateful that the shackles have been taken off and I am able to just live freely and be who I am as fully as possible. Its not always easy btw but its more the default for me now. It has taken a shitload of work though, so much pain being trudged up, I think thats the biggest thing. I got involved with non-duality and this forum ws part of the journey, I think now I just come back on it every now and then because of habit, there are some interesting topics and debates but i think my reason for being here, however sparsely has changed as well. What I was looking for was a way out of the pain, to summarise it quickly the pain was my dad leaving at an early age, my mum not really being able to form a connection with me after having a traumatic childhood herself, basically the adults in my life not being able to care for me properly, which led me to develop coping mechanisms such OCD to deal with extreme anxiety. So I was looking for anyway out and the idea of enlightenment seemed to offer so much, there was a state i believed I could achieve where all this rubbish will no longer be relevant. I got glimpses of this, I'd have periods where I could just let all thoughts pass me by and feel happy, traits would come out where I'd be really light and funny, normally only people who I felt 100% comfortable with would see that, which was basically just my sister and girlfriend at the time. But it would always come crashing down, when a thought would trigger me or I'd be pushed out my comfort zone and resort to old habits. At some point I realised that spirituality is an amazing thing to look into but until you sort your own pain and trauma out its really only a plaster. So I looked at more practical things I could do to sort myself out, therapy, but also lifestyle, I made a promise that I'm going to live the life I want to live regardless of how I feel at the time, Im going to throw myself into the deep end of things. This meant if its something I wanted to do but fear was holding me back i was gonna force myself to do it. This was a game changer because my brain just got used to doing shit, in fact Ive relaxed on this a little recently so its a good reminder. But in that time I sang in front of an audience (im not an amazing singer), I talked in front of a crowd at a conference, I became captain of my local football team, I started a 6 a side football team, I travelled around colombia with my girlfriend at the time, so many amazing things. I didnt feel great everytime I did it but what was amazing is that I did them and these are things that i wouldve had night sweats about before. So I am incredibly grateful but also im aware of what i put in to this, I cant describe to you how hard it has been and I know its relative and people 100% have it harder but I think changing what you thought was you to something else for the better is just so hard across the board. Now Ive got a job at an OCD charity which allows me to help people going through what I have gone through, theyve even used an interview with me as their social media advert, so that is honestly amazing. As well I have better genuine friendships with more people now, which is something I didnt think would happen. Not everythings perfect, although I'm content not being in a relationship I do have fears that I may not be able to attract someone I really like and that works for both of us, this is a lot to do with having to be fiercely independent growing up so this created an avoidant attachment style, which I have worked on but I am finding it tough to get to secure. Also dont know if a part of me just wants to be single. Relationships have always been hard because its almost hardwired in me not to really trust someone in that situation because i could never trust my mum. She has actually apologised (unprovoked) about how she was in my childhood, I had already forgiven her but I guess its nice to hear. So to rely on someone is difficult for me and i noticed i always do that in relationships where i will help them but not let them help me or avoid letting them help me and Id also have this narrative of theyre not really interested in what i have to say and they dont actually understand me. These are things im aware of and i guess will continue to work on, one thing ive realised is that everything comes in its own time and you really cant rush, all you can do is the right things at the time. When we're young we want everything worked out now, which i think is the allure of enlightenment, but life doesnt work like that, not for 99% of people and would you even want to fast forward these parts? Its all experience and its all worthwhile, it is what it is. Anyway that more than enough rambling I have stuff to be getting on with. I wish you all the best on your individual journeys, dont be scared of life, push yourself out there, places like this forum for all their value can sometimes make you feel like youre doing something when youre not really doing anything. I feel love for all of you and I'm grateful that i stumbled upon this random community of people and am able to share and learn from others experiences, to the next 40 years
  10. Highest rating ive had is 1750 but I only do 3 min games really. Never tried the fischer random but let me know when youre ready @Leo Gura Id be up for a couple games
  11. Yeah i kinda feel the same, as in what couldve been if i had the focus and felt more comfortable with myself when i was younger, but then i guess its just part of the journey, some are lucky enough to get there sooner. I agree as well the internal state has a massive bearing in the external, for example if your self-esteem is low, you may not even believe youre deserving of a fit, healthy body. Ah I see, yeah that is such a big factor when your internal is aligned its like everythings working together rather than against itself, so things just flow. I probably experienced it around 34 or something like that at least where i could maintain it. But i think youth really is just the potential to hit your peak, its not a peak by default. Most people dont even come close to their peak, maybe only professional athletes. But as I said if you do what most people dont even if youre a bit older youd still be better off than most young people
  12. Yeah similar to @Emerald it's pretty just you get a certain vibe. What i found difficult earlier in life is trusting my instinct, because usually this person would be overly nice to me, people might like them, but I would have a feeling where I just didn't trust them. 9 times out of 10 I would be proven right as well when they're true colours came out. So now anyone like that I just create space from them and I'm very conscious of what I tell them or show them. Being able to read people is such an important skill but it can only come from experience. On the other side it's also important to know yourself and bias, if you always have a bad feeling about black people that's more a you problem lol. In terms of your magic example, I wouldn't really trust someone doing that stuff generally but even more so if she was avoiding questions.
  13. I agree my point was more that they have to find him attractive to them, which is why i wasnt saying specifics. I'm also trying to put it in terms that a guy will understand, im aware women may not be thinking rationally like this, but from personal experience they do have a criteria even if they havent consciously thought of it, thats also not to say that criteria cant be subverted by someone.