Leo Palhano

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About Leo Palhano

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  • Birthday 07/23/1990

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  1. How? Do you recommend any practices or books? I always get a super strong urge to cum after a while having sex, especially if the girl cums while I'm inside. Somehow I feel "dirty" about giving in to the ejaculation
  2. Great idea. If you feel it is for you, go for it. A harsher experience than mushrooms for sure, but the cleansing and insights you get are totally worth it. Just go and intend to surrender completely. Let it guide you without resistance and enjoy!
  3. I love weed, even though I rarely smoke it. Two puffs and my meditation ability goes through the roof. It's only dangerous if you're not responsible or have some health condition that can be triggered by it.
  4. I love this idea. We have to organize ourselves and somehow try to have a bigger impact in our society. We desperately need more tier 2 leaders to save our country from total disaster considering the far-right congress that was elected 02/10/2022. this.
  5. I love Terrence. Somehow I feel closer to him than most of the people I've actually met. Thanks for this thread and resources
  6. I'm with you, or should I say, am you (; Yeah, I can also imagine that once shit hits the fan, stage red mercs could just use their raw strength and weapon expertise to become "king of the bunker", the life of billionaire's families be damned
  7. I understand this is a biased view, based upon overindulgence and trust in brazilian journalism which, again, is controlled by five bourgeoisie families. He isn't perfect, as no one is, but he definitely has his heart in the right place, unlike all other candidates with the exception of Sofia Manzano and Leonardo Péricles. It is undeniable that he was the most successful brazilian leader in history for 99% of the population, even though some might not acknowledge it because of the reactionary propaganda machine which distorts history, data and facts in order to brainwash. Since the ascension of lawfare (lava jato), this has been institutionalized. This is yet another result of 2016's coup d'etat. We had better jobs all around, but our 1% was not enjoying the rise of 40 million brazilians, hence the need to "bomb" the country back to the stone age by passing reactionary legislation since the Temer era, especially through the labor and pension reforms, which enabled Uber, Ifood etc to basically enslave our poor and other companies to hire specialized professionals through labor outsourcing, circumventing our basic labor laws (CLT), effectively eliminating basic labor rights and the guarantee of retirement. Not Lula's or PT's fault, but our bourgeoisie, military and USA's. Again, no President, including Ciro if he ever was, has the power to go against our status quo. And the status quo wants Brazil as a big, colonial farm which poses no threat, technologically and industrially, to the global north. The status quo wants a passive middle and lower class so that they can keep secretly ruling and indulging their stolen riches through generations in the second most unequal country of the world. Lula tried to do the best he could within the limits of 1988's Constitution and how our politics really work. This will never truly happen until we emancipate ourselves from those who control the country (bourgeousie and military) and US' influence. It doesn't really matter which president gets elected in this regard. Look, I get why you are voting in Ciro. I understand where you're at. But right now, considering the numbers of voters' intentions and the complexity of the current elections because of Bolsonaro's fascism and power over the institutions, if you're not voting for Lula in the first round, you're effectively helping Bolsonaro to have a chance in the second round. The so called "third way" (not Bolsonaro, not Lula) is only helping Bolsonaro to get a chance to bribe his way, with the power of the institutions he already control, to victory in a second round - even though I still think it is unlikely he will be successful. Notice how Ciro's campaign focuses more on attacking Lula instead of Bolsonaro, including by shamelessly utilizing lies and media sensationalism already overcome and denied after the annulment of the legal processes against Lula arising from Lava Jato and other lawfare mechanisms. Ciro, Simone Tebet etc are effectively enabling Bolsonaro's second wind by not removing their candidacies at this point, which is understandable by Tebet's standard (she was behind 85% of Bolsonaro's proposals in the Senate and is one of the major political representatives of the agribusiness) but not by Ciro's. That is why he is being seen as a huge disappointment by all progressive forces in Brazil right now and being called a traitor, Bolsonaro's lapdog etc.
  8. How to deal with them in order to create a fairer society and stop them from destroying our world? https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/sep/04/super-rich-prepper-bunkers-apocalypse-survival-richest-rushkoff?CMP=share_btn_tw
  9. @axiom were you on psychedelics or did it just hit you randomly? I'd be cautious of "the final layer" too, but as @Carl-Richard wisely pointed out, awakening is a very individual process.
  10. @VeganAwake hahahahahaha she is a sweet & beautiful version of us though, love her videos (:
  11. Loved this! It relates nicely with Sarah Elkhaldy's video about the superconscious mind and the "three minds" (a.k.a. holy trinity)
  12. @RMQualtrough because it is this, right here, right now. everything and, at the same time, nothing! and this doesn't mean anything!
  13. Nah, it's because Truth is literally impossible to be spoken, written or communicated through limited human languages. One can only point at it, and most are stuck focusing on the finger that's pointing, not at what's being pointed at. The bottom line is: you've got to find the answers for yourself. True spiritual masters are notoriously vague. Buddha's Flower Sermon is a good example of the transmission of higher concepts and knowledge through vague action - and even that isn't Truth, it is only a pointer.
  14. @Lews Therin thanks for your post. please, forgive me if this answer is too extensive. This is just preposterous. Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) was a neoliberal president aligned with the bourgeoisie who became famous because he managed to control the horrible economy that we've inherited from 35 years of military dictatorship through the plano real, bringing basic economic stability to the country in the early 90's but that's about it. Lula, who governed 2003-2011, while definitely guilty of not radicalizing enough through the social movements to bring longer lasting structural change to a neocolonial country mercilessly exploited by the global north, managed to radically improve the social standards of the middle and lower classes while avoiding conflict with our fascist agrobusiness, corrupt military (submissive to the USA) and brazilian bourgeoisie that's notoriously nostalgic for slavery or similar conditions. I agree, with the exception of "butchered our industry". The industry thrived until 2015's economic crisis and plummeted since 2016's coup d'état. Regarding the rest, what choice did he really have at that time? In order to govern a country as corrupt as Brazil, he had to make concessions to aforementioned groups who control the country through this facade democracy. He only managed to uplift our poor because of said concessions and his achievements in education, health, water supply, sanitation etc were unheard of until he came about. Consider our country's continental proportions and its conditions before 2003. Let's talk numbers, but first a small introduction. The first term of Lula's government was marked by a continuity of the macroeconomic policy established by FHC. The field was initially conducted based on a tripod, which considered the fiscal goal imposed by our bourgeoisie, with the Fiscal Responsibility Law guiding states, municipalities and the Union to generate a primary surplus, prohibiting said entities from spending more than what is collected in the Budget. In addition to the fiscal target, targets were set for inflation and floating exchange rates. From the election of Dilma to her second term (2011-2016), there is a political turmoil that completely altered and contaminated all economic indicators and, to a large extent, reflected the political rift that was created in her second term by reactionary forces (military, bourgeoisie and USA). This directly influenced all indexes, because there was basically a suspension of her powers to manage the economy (e.g. she was forced to pick right-wing economists for the economy ministry) and expectations were contaminated. Throughout the time PT has governed Brazil, the party introduced a new form of government in the country, called “social developmentalism”, a counterpoint to the neoliberal policy adopted by Fernando Henrique Cardoso in previous years. Within this social development, the basic proposal was to develop the country and improve people's lives while strengthening the presence of the State to make it happen. The state was not only concerned with a economic developmental presence, but with inclusion. A more inclusive society than it was for all of the country's economic history. In this sense, the main point of this social developmentalism was the improvement of income distribution and that is why PT became such a huge target for our local reactionaries and foreign groups. The unquestionable greatest legacy of the PT administration was the rise of classes promoted by these policies of the governments. Brazil is one of the champions of inequality in the world and in this period there was an improvement, as shown by the Gini index. As there was economic growth, even if moderate, it cannot be said that anyone lost out. There was a reduction and near elimination of poverty, which is now rampant since the COVID-19 pandemic and Paulo Guedes' economic policies (Bolsonaro's Minister for the Economy). From an economic point of view, there was an emergence of classes, higher incomes and better lives with unprecedented access to consumer goods. The policy of valuing the minimum wage, with a real increase, that is, above inflation, ensured the growth of workers' income. The appreciation of the minimum wage ensured the growth of the income of the people at the base of the pyramid and raised the salary of this class, which received up to three minimum wages. There was a huge appreciation of the income level of these people and this was expanded upon with the formalization of work relations through the Constitution of Labor Laws (CLT), a formality that the majority of workers did not have until then. Now they have lost it again, thanks to 2016's coup, Michel Temer and Jair Bolsonaro. 40 million Brazilians rose in class and this is the single most important aspect of PT's management. It broke the cycle of reproduction of misery that existed since colonial Brazil. In the 13-year period of PT management, the minimum wage increased from R$240, registered in 2003, to R$888 in 2016. International reserves are yet another strong point of PT's management, which assumes the country with a cash position of US$38 billion. Reserves are a kind of savings that protect the economy by guaranteeing that the country will honor its commitments to national and foreign creditors, even in crisis situations. In this way, the resource is an instrument that can prevent risks of public debt going up. The Lula government ends its first term with a balance of US$ 85.8 billion. Reserves by 2016 were valued at US$363.4 billion. It was not by chance that we were high in the international investment grade, that is, a country that honors its commitments. Then again, with the coup, Michel Temer and Bolsonaro, we've lost that and the media doesn't even talk about it. The brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at the beginning of PT's mandate, in 2003, was 2.7%. The index gained strength in Lula's two terms, but it regressed under Dilma's administration because of the pressure of reactionary forces, and despite the peak of 7.6% in 2010, it returned to lower rates during the course of her government. At the end of the term, the lowest value for the period is recorded, a negative percentage of -3.8%. In the first two years of Lula's second term, Brazil was at its best regarding GDP. We even became the world's sixth largest economy. In 2009 there is another international financial crisis, we have a drop in GDP and Brazil has its first negative rate since PT came to power. There is a free fall of GDP. We fell, just like the whole world fell. But our fall was not as desperate as in other countries. At that moment, Brazil was protected with US$ 206 billion in international reserves and that is why Lula said that the crisis was only a "small wave" (marolinha). Since 2016's coup, our economy never properly grew again as it is now completely dependent on commodities and burning our ecosystems as most are well aware. The economic stability of the PT administration was maintained until 2010, when the incentive to credit facilitated access to money, with more availability of loan resources and, thus, there was a spike in inflation. To hold back inflation, the Central Bank raised interest rates and the government held back administered prices, such as electricity and fuel. When Dilma starts lowering interest rates, this was received by the market as a signal that the government would not pay much attention to inflation. Fiscal policy and monetary policy were expansionary, with credit in abundance, our internal market thrived and the government spending increased. Then she lowered interest rates and inflation started to rise. When inflation started to rise, Dilma was forced to do the infamous fuel price control, urban tariffs, and energy readjustments. The government started to fight inflation by freezing prices and problems started arising into service companies and public utility goods. We had a number of changes in the ministry of economy, and finally it was once again controlled by neoliberals (Joaquim Levy and Nelson Barbosa), also Lava Jato began to do its thing. In Dilma's first term, the growth rate drops to 2.7%. Inflation took a “life of its own” and continued to rise until the coup. Social programs were created and gained strength over the 13 years of PT's government in order to eliminate misery, increase social inclusion and reduce inequality - the mains goals of the party. Education gained prominence with programs such as Student Financing (Fies), University for All Program (ProUni), Brasil Carinhoso, National Pact for Literacy in the Right Age (Pnaic), in addition to political action in the approval of important laws for the sector, such as the Teachers' Salary Floor and the National Education Plan. The total public investment in education in relation to the GDP grew during the PT administration and was boosted by the law of the National Fund for Basic Education (Fundeb), approved in 2007. The value increased from 4.6% in 2003, to 6.2% in 2014. Investment per student in the period went from a level of R$2,213.07 in 2003 to R$6,203 in 2014. The approval of the Fundeb law was the first step towards increasing resources in education and towards a change in the trajectory, which was bad in the first term of Lula's government since he inherited a country in the obscurity of the middle ages regarding education, and, proportionally, practically repeated or was slightly below the investment made by FHC's government. There were massive enrollments to universalize primary education. This is about non-white children, living on the outskirts of large cities, quilombolas, indigenous people or poor children with disabilities that needed special care. In other words, primary education had never been universalized before because Brazil was not able to advance to the point of universalizing the enrollment of this major segment of the population that lived in a situation of greater socioeconomic vulnerability considering how the country is structured regarding income concentration. PT's educational policy in higher education was marked by the internalization of universities, which were no longer exclusive to capitals and large urban centers. In 13 years, the government, especially with Fernando Haddad as education minister, created 20 more federal public universities. From 2003 to 2016, the number of PhD professors in the federal universities increased by 189%. In 2003, 20,711 permanent professors in the higher teaching career had a doctorate. In 2016, that number stood at 59,658 until the coup. During this period, the number of masters and doctors trained in the country also increased beyond anything we had ever seen. All that being said, it is important to stress that Lula's approval rating as of 2011 was of an astounding 83%. His approval record has never been broken. Basically his story, the way he treats people, the way he has always managed to do what seems impossible considering the insurmountable odds when trying to do good in a country like Brazil. Lula has many flaws like all of us, but you have to consider he was a poor uneducated metalworker who made it through sheer will. But most of all, what makes me say that is the way he exudes Love. In my point of view, Lula was already working towards green since his first term. After his term, the coup, his unjust sentencing etc, I've noticed how he has successfully integrated a lot of yellow values. Notice how he engages with people, whoever they are, from a tier 2 perspective. He has studied a lot since his term ended, especially during his 580 days of unjust imprisonment. He has married again with the very smart and energetic Janja. You have to admit the man doesn't judge and talks to everyone who is willing, with the exception of pure fascists like Bolsonaro. I don't think so. Thankfully Bolsonaro has more than 54% rejection rate, an all-time record. If Lula does not win during the first round of elections, he will most likely do so at the second. All in all, Brazil does need deep, structural change and maybe Lula isn't the one who will do it. But then again, I don't think anyone can do it within the paradigm of what the brazilian "Democratic" State of Law is and how it works as a facade system for the control of the bourgeoisie, agribusiness and the military. Lula is definitely our current best hope (with chances of actually winning the elections, unlike Ciro) for pacifying the country, stop starvation and eliminate fascism within our institutions.