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About josemar

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  1. It's the opposite, if you don't break through, it will be uncomfortable, if you do break through, the one being uncomfortable or fearful disappears.
  2. Needing anchors is an ego thing, it means the ego is still active. Best suggestion is to lie down in a symmetrical position (any attempt to break symmetry is the ego trying to regain control) and be ready to die.
  3. I posted this somewhere else, maybe some in here will find it helpful: Bitcoin trading - a start : You need to learn Technical Analysis (TA). This identifies price levels that might give a reaction and, based on that reaction and other indicators you may use, take a trade. TA will give you support and resistance levels, the ones I use include (you may use less or more): daily, weekly, monthly levels Points of Control (PoC) for day, week (rarely month) Volume profiles with Value Area High and Low Fibonacci levels Swing Failure Patterns (SFPs) indicators (RSI, Market cipher B [there are free versions available] Single Prints pitchforks, channels etc I don't really use Moving Averages For any of these concepts, you can google for an explanation. All of it is available for free. In the group that I'm a part of, there are 3 streams daily that moderators have, for London open (8am UTC), NY open(2.30pm UTC) and Asia open (1am UTC). All they do is TA that you can easily replicate once you learn the basics, and then each have their own style of trading. I'll link a stream from each down below so you get an idea (don't be put off by the thumbnails, the info is gold): London Open: NY Open: Asia Open: There is no "secret recipe", just TA Let me know of you have any more questions.
  4. Are you in this for the entertainment (visuals), or for actual work?
  5. Malt didn't really work for me, smoked felt almost nothing, snorted the whole world started moving backwords in time, with the effects before the causes... not many insights gathered from that :D. I would start with 10, then 20, then 30, 40 etc... with the expectation that 30+ might be a full release dose, and the 10 and 20 might be more difficult since the ego will still be present and fighting. I would set aside one full day to take all these doses (5meoDMT does not build up tolerance) and, as soon as the previous dose is out of your system (and you're not traumatized ), go with the next one. It's quite important to finish all 3 doses (or 4, depending on how it works for you), otherwise your ego will build up around your existing anxieties, with the danger of making you even more anxious/neurotic. But, if you get a full release dose, the ego will reassemble slightly weaker. I personally started with 5MeoDMT and now any other psychedelics have no visuals for me.. 5Meo DMT re-calibrated my nervous system and most others have a 5 MeoDMT flavor. To reiterate, imo for most people, any psychedelics except 5 MeoDMT will be used to re-arrange the strands of the ego - for some, with better feeling thoughts, for others, anxieties will increase and they will be put off psychedelics for life. Because in a very small percentage the ego will fully release on psychs other than 5 meo DMT, so the ego will be present to classify and categorise the so called experience. On a full release 5 Meo DMT, ego is gone, there is no experiencer anymore, there is just ... (the mystery, awareness etc, call it whatever you want, the word will not do it justice and is only a placeholder). Then, when the ego reassembles, it starts putting whatever it thinks it experienced into the proper context it is familiar with. But the flavor is still present, when the ego was gone, and in some it can create what is called "ego backlash", where for a few days the ego might seem stronger than before, trying to re-affirm and re-anchor itself in reality.
  6. Around the 3h14m mark "There is such a thing as putting on too much make up, makes you ugly" How dare you !!!?!?!?? Exactly!!! I could bold the whole text around this timestamp!!!
  7. If you have freebase and want to snort, you can cut it into a very fine powder (with a classic razor or the like) and snort through a straw. Alternatively, dissolve it in vinegar so it becomes a base (a few drops of vinegar, 0.1-0.2ml max per dose), then add coconut milk to cut down the acidity, and snort the liquid with a 1ml syringe. I personally prefer snorting the powder. LSD and mushrooms can more often then not, amplify your neuroses and anxieties. You can be one of the lucky 1% (number pulled out of my a$$) and have an ego dissolution on LSD, but chances are that you will not. No amount of other psychedelics will prepare you for 5Meo DMT. I would almost suggest it's better to not read up too much on it, so you don't form opinions before tripping... better to go in with close to zero prior knowledge. Ego dissolution is almost guaranteed, so your anxieties and neuroses (being all ego) will also dissolve. The more often you perform this ego dissolution and reassembly, you have a chance of starting to see the patterns forming up your ego, and might be able to decrease the anxieties. Good luck.
  8. Finally Leo shows an understanding of the right movement and grievances that got Trump reelected, more than "Trump bad, m'kay?". I was starting to lose hope 🥹
  9. Cmon, you know me too well to have to guess 🥹 May as well call us "member on the right side of history", to steal a title some leftists like to bestow upon themselves. And no, I won't reply to Buck Edwards' new alt account Candle 🤣
  10. I have 2. I'm curious if people with kids lean more right politically ( used to be centre) as opposed to people with no kids that have the luxury of leaning pro illegal immigration, pro gender fluidity ideology etc, as long as it's not directly affecting them or their family...
  11. I suppose the sound of a V10 BMW M5 is more pleasant than most music... What do you drive? 🌞
  12. Bitcoin is within 0.5% of its All Time High, yet, dump has begun? Not saying it's impossible, and if it happens from here, it'll be a lucky guess. At least short it and make some money ... oh no, it'll delay the spiritual work! Hope the silent majority reading this forum get some value out of the posts other than those of perma-crypto-skeptical dumdums