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About josemar

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  1. Oh? What country is less developed? And all people are involved in corruption? You're clueless.
  2. Yes, because Ukraine wanting to get closer to NATO wasn't why Putin started the war 🙄. Do you really want a direct war between Russia and the US? That sounds like a very healthy globalism /s
  3. The other way around, no? "How do you become a millionaire? Be a billionaire and buy an (insert loss making business here e g. ) airline"
  4. To explain a bit more, there were some people that couldn't/wouldn't go through the motions, and they were locked up as political prisoners. I'm not saying life was all too great for them. For the rest of us that didn't feel the need to stand up against almost impossible odds (until the country did it, as a majority), life was alright. It could have been better, it could have been much worse.
  5. ??? Are you coming out of the closet? It is "terror" if you fear for your life. Otherwise, it's just the day to day life, and you didn't know otherwise. In the morning we were mumbling the praise the leader songs, making the gestures etc, then in the evening still had barbeque in our gardens with the neighbors, watching "illegal" western propaganda on VHS tapes and listening to the illegal tadio station "Free Europe", in the hope/ knowledge "this, too, shall pass". When you have little, you appreciate more.
  6. I have. Scary? Please, get the sand out of your vagina. At least they didn't impose their made up pronouns and sexual orientation on you. Yes it was corrupt, but the rules were known by everyone, so in that sense for the ordinary person it was a level playing field. You still had to work hard to make dreams come true, same as most other places. And if you had some money after working hard, you could pay the doctors that operate your dad's cancer, or have someone pit a good word to get your son employed... Was it the ideal system? Of course not, it was a stage we had to go through to fully appreciate a non corrupt democracy. But scary? That fear is made up by your self referencing thoughts. "Fear is the mind killer"
  7. You finally lost it, outing yourself as @Preety_India or @reena on the other forum. A fee months ago I said I had a high degree of confidence these are the same accounts, based in the writing style. Maybe you're not banned anymore? @Leo Gura
  8. In fairness, he didn't have to do much to stick his head out over the DEI mandated shortarses. I wish you are so brave 3 seconds after an attempted assassination so that you won't "milk the moment".... Jesus wept
  9. "They"???? So you have kids together??? Makes all the difference