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About Sugarcoat

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  1. I see what u saying n I say something else.. i never said I liked goggings he’s just an example because it relates to my problem
  2. She is lucky with that choice. Let her. I’m jealous . I think it should be more easily accessible considering how the world is today and how it can be , being human
  3. i guess we could say it would be the same to say “if it’s infinity, then the possibility of nothing existing must be” ”and the possibility of everthing existing” So if everything and nothing is the same then it’s “solved”. maybe
  4. It’s a paradox yea.. to answer that first part. I know just as little as u I’m no enlightened but it’s more intuitive hmm. I mean don’t some people say that the core of religions is non dual , I haven’t read the scriptures so I don’t know that. So maybe god isn’t how people think about it. and maybe the prophets on earth they are still human in a way so the message they spread about goodness will be humane and they stand by it but the ultimate god is maybe the non dual with no bias aka nothing at all. I don’t know just a bit of speculation now
  5. I don’t think one needs to be enlightened to answer this per se, it can kind of be intuitive . Anything but this explanation feels kinda human made to me, ofc all words are but still there is a difference. I’d say there is no reason for it, it’s just appearing and nothing can stop it from it. If there is a god that has a will and that can choose to not create pain, wouldn’t that god be limited? Because it’s a something with a will. So it’s not all of reality, reality outside of it could appear as pain and nothing can stop it. I don’t think there is any why. And I’m not someone who glamorizes this I wish shit was limited too and some things shouldn’t exist imo , it’s the only sane way of feeling .
  6. And I can tell people be glamorizing god as if they don’t deep down wish things were limited. You do wish it was limited. You love limitation . To limit things to the good stuff only.
  7. Do y’all write as if “god” has an intention with all of this to be poetic and it sounds good or do you mean it genuinely ? I’m not enlightened but to me it doesn’t make sense that it would be an intention behind all of this like “oh I’m god I’m bored let me create something limited”
  8. Might be true absolutely but as long as I feel real , words like that don’t manage to shake that sense unfortunately , despite being open to it
  9. I say it once and say it again the self is its own curse period
  10. I’m suffering yea, me as a sense of self. If awareness is nothing , then isn’t that the exact same as no self at all aka enlightenment ? So might as well just say “no self”
  11. Well I do agree with the way you word it here. The thing do is that some seem to speak of this awareness as being this perfectly unbothered true self so as if your no longer capable of suffering if you awaken to yourself as it which I don’t agree with from my experience don’t know if that is even possible. Maybe only with enlightenment aka no self at all it’s possible to be perfectly unbothered right? Like I can still suffer not mentally really as before but psychically
  12. I’ve never been without a sense of self except for maybe a brief moment one time I don’t remember the exactly tho but who is being that sense of self? You are. Isn’t it so. But you’re saying as if you are awareness (nothing) recognizing the self as if that self isn’t what you experience yourself as somehow, entangled with it “This is true. And yet every shape or density of ego is seen. The awareness itself is beyond all shapes and all qualities. ” I see this as detachment within the self, not awareness seeing the self. So the one who is aware of a dense ego is also the self it’s just a split within the self. The self can be attached to the mind in my experience, so you can observe and detach from this mind, but it’s still a self left that is doing that.