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About Sugarcoat

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  • Birthday 07/04/2003

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  1. Some even go as far as say there’s no reality and nothing happening since there is no separation so there isn’t “something “
  2. Good post . Where you got this from ?
  3. I see I can understand a little
  4. True that Interesting good night
  5. Damn he rapped for that long
  6. That’s the best source 😉 I too have my own models what you mean by energetic tho? Explains your insomnia
  7. That’s a good description I think I understand and can draw parallels to my own models of people. Where did you get this from?
  8. What is a spiritual awakening to you?
  9. @Schizophonia it seems it would be the opposite what does low sense of self even mean
  10. The prior. Meaning all possibilities exist. Which also means maybe there is some world in which what you’re saying is true . But not in this world I’d say
  11. Everyone isn’t even sexual