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About Yali

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  1. Question about Tripp from Leo's Interview
    Question about Tripp from Leo's Interview
    I started at 26-27 in that position. I had a lot to learn.
    Yes, at that age you want to get started right away. It will get harder and harder the older you get. 24-25 is the perfect age to get into pickup. Although Covid-19 obviously killed it for the next year.

  2. Question about Tripp from Leo's Interview
    Question about Tripp from Leo's Interview
    You can get very technical about game.
    But that's not good for newbies. When you're just starting out you want to focus on the bare basics like your dress, grooming, approaching consistently, building decent state, eye contact, smiling, body posture, physical escalation, never running out of things to say, and leading.
    The most important things are:
    Going out at least 2x-3x nights a week, consistently Approaching consistently Putting yourself into a good mood while you do so Smiling and laser eye contact Getting good at never running out of things to say. Becoming good at holding conversation Communicating with her man-to-woman, with clear sexual intent Immediate physical escalation Leading her That will get you 90% of your results. Getting decent at all the above will take you several years of full time work.

  3. Natural Vs Synthetic Psychadelics
    Natural Vs Synthetic Psychadelics
    This is a common trap that people fall into of: natural vs artificial. This is an illusory duality.
    Just because something is "natural" doesn't mean a damn thing. There are many natural mushroom species which will kill you.
    If you've wanna go "natural", you better start by getting rid of your house, your car, your smart phone, your cloths, your computer, your toilet paper, your toothpaste, your aspirin, your soda, your band-aids, your surgeries, your music, your A/C, etc.
    The science and clinical evidence is clearly showing that "synthetic" psychedelics are just as good, if not better than "natural" ones.
    There is nothing as magical in nature as 99.8% pure synthetic 5-MeO-DMT.
    Nature equipped humans with a brain so we could use it to invent better solutions than can be found in the forest.
    Many "natural" psychedelics actually contain unneeded toxins. Which is why people vomit on them. Vomiting is your body's natural reaction to toxic substances.
    I have yet to vomit on any substance I've taken, because I go out of my way to make sure they are pure.

  4. Natural Vs Synthetic Psychadelics
    Natural Vs Synthetic Psychadelics
    Mushrooms do have a very natural feel to them which feels Earthy and mushroom-like.

  5. some questions regarding 5-meo-dmt and RC
    some questions regarding 5-meo-dmt and RC
    @machii Synthetics blow natural psychedelics out of the water.
    They just gotta be sourced right and properly labeled.

  6. some questions regarding 5-meo-dmt and RC
    some questions regarding 5-meo-dmt and RC
    I know bufo has just a little amount of actual 5-meo-dmt. and they say the other alkaloids are like assisting spirits. Synthetic 5-meo-dmt does give me the scares, given the experience I had on Bufo alone. I wrote about my bufo experience :
    I emptied my lungs. The pipe moved to my lips. Saw the white smoke forming. Began to inhale. Slow and steady. I hadn't even fully inhaled yet. Maybe 75%. Darkness quickly surrounded me. In complete darkness I only saw the white smoke. As it filled me up. Suddenly I was screaming. A most terrifying scream. As I was catapulted with godspeed. My scream changed from fear to superhuman, godly even. I believed the whole world was hearing it. As it shook the whole planet. Briefly I felt the pain of the world. The damage we do to the planet, nature, eachother, ourselves. As my scream was to wake humanity up. How can this be? What am I? Suddenly I was shiva, the destroyer of worlds. I got really, really frightened. I can't control no shiva power, I might destroy everything. And that exactly happened, I screamed all of existence into oblivion, all of creation. All the physical realms, all the spiritual realms, and everything in between. It was gone. As if the big bang reversed. Unity. It was all me, everything. Everything was all me. I was everything. There really never has been an "other" The people I love, the ones I've hurt, and hurt me. It was all just only me. Instant forgiveness, completeness, immense love. Insanily love that just tears you apart and shatters every molecule/subparticle. Pureness, insane joy. Insane extacy. Complete and utter insanity. No words. Began earthing back. Confusion, such disbelief. I'm back here? It would've been perfectly fine, if I hadn't returned. Ego came in with the quickness. Slightly disappointed, tears. Crying out loud. Thoughts. Nobody heard my scream? It didn't woke and shook the planet? I'm no shiva? all the illusions, it didn't collapse? 

  7. Planning on taking 5 MEO DMT for the first time
    Planning on taking 5 MEO DMT for the first time
    I had 2 plugging events that didn't quite work so well. I was puzzled why. Decided to try an enema. And God damn that makes for an epic trip.

  8. Is Pick Up Worth It?
    Is Pick Up Worth It?
    "I just want money though, I really don't care about creating a network of contacts and starting a business, just so I can get money. To me that just seems like too much work for money. I don't know maybe I am just rationalizing not challenging my current identity, but I really would just like spending my time mediating and being a guy who doesn't have a job but can still have money when I want it."
    ^This is what I see when I read what you wrote.
    If you don't want sex, fine. Just admit you don't want it and you're not willing to do what it takes.
    But this idea that you shouldn't have to work, challenge your comfort zone or change yourself in order to get sex is ridiculous.
    And maybe you could argue that the raw pleasure you get from sex isn't worth all the struggle it would take to get there. But truthfully that's only a small benefit you can get from learning Game. 
    When done right, the real benefit is the growth you get as a person. The fact that you will have to confront deep rooted fears night after night makes Game a healing process for guys who are growing up with this pain point. And that's really just the start.
    Does that mean you have to learn Game? Of course not, there's many ways to do what I just said. But if you want sex AND you want personal transformation, Game can be a powerful way to grow.

  9. Online Dating
    Online Dating
    Not in practice.
    I've split tested it. Doesn't matter what you write as long as you got the right profile pics. And if you don't, no amount of writing will help you.
    Try it yourself. Create a profile using some random handsome white tall masculine dude's pictures. Write nothing at all. Just say "Hi". Girls will come a flocking. Then try that with your crappy selfies. Crickets...
    Some guys have it SO easy online. You just need that classic look. Or very low standards. Of course if you're willing to sleep with absolutely anyone, you can get lucky.

  10. Best personal finance / investment youtube channels
    Best personal finance / investment youtube channels
    Meet Kevin and Graham Stephan are quite good for real estate (6 unit landlord’s perspective)

  11. Shunyamurti and Bentinho Massaro - Cult leaders?
    Shunyamurti and Bentinho Massaro - Cult leaders?
    Infinite Will is very similiar to no will in that you don't have a choice about it, it's absolute.
    But still, to realize Infinite Will is a huge realization. I don't think he's realized it.
    Will is the mechanism by which God manifests material reality. Just don't fall into the silly idea that you are going to be manipulating that with your human will.

  12. How does Leo read all these books on the book list?
    How does Leo read all these books on the book list?
    I don't care about the reading rate. I care about understanding the material and enjoying the process.

  13. Why Am I Not Enlightened When Im Present?
    Why Am I Not Enlightened When Im Present?
    @Ilya The brain's Default Mode Network is constantly operating in the background, generating your current level of consciousness. Your current level of consciousness is the problem. It must be broken out of. Just being "present" with your Default Mode Network running, doesn't break you out of ego. You're just present as ego.

  14. First Vipassana Retreat Report
    First Vipassana Retreat Report
    Thanks everyone. Yeah this was one of the best experiences of my entire life.
    I have regressed from the discipline I had on the retreat. And i'm not planning on pursuing Vipassana, but I learned something called Sahaja Yoga from @Shambhu a while ago, and I feel like that will be my meditation path.
    This has made me realize how powerful sober practice can be, but it requires much more than I thought before. Morality, extended hours, etc are all essential. 
    I think i'm going need to spend more time on retreats in the near future, I really like being thrown into the fire and especially because I know I can do it now.
    There's a Christian hermitage an hour from my house and they let you book a cabin and you can do your own spiritual practice there. I think that's the next step for me. I find it really hard to keep up disciplined practice living at home.
    Overall I feel like I've evolved to another level since the retreat, but at the same time I feel like I have to keep the fire lit otherwise I'll regress more and more.
    I have so many other thoughts about meditation, but i'll go on for too long.
    I think people who dismiss the power of meditation are very deluded, but at the same time I feel like something was missing from the retreat. I have a strong intuition that Buddhism/Vipassana is not a complete path, but at the same time that retreat was a life changing experience for me and I am so happy that those places exist. I'm very conflicted about my path moving forward tbh, but still i'm very happy with how things are unfolding.

  15. My warning to anyone plugging (5meo) with Vinegar
    My warning to anyone plugging (5meo) with Vinegar
    Vinegar is highly acidic, it literally dissolves surfaces. It goes without saying that you should never use white/pure vinegar for plugging. Apple cider is a little better but still extremely acidic, it's not "green apple acidic" but on a whole different level.  

    If you want to dissolve your 5meo use 1 or 2 drops of apple cider and the rest water. That should do the job and even if the 5meo powder if it's not completely dissolved, the dose is just as potent. 

    I am saying this because I noticed that after trips I have a peculiar pain when pooping. I did some research on how vinegar can be damaging to the body and came to the conclusion that organ and body tissue has a hard time handling those levels of acidity. I think that it can get particularly dangerous when you plug regularly using nothing but vinegar.

  16. Nightgame is brutal. Guide me.
    Nightgame is brutal. Guide me.
    Get a wing and observe him approaching. Then imitate him.

  17. Can Men And Women Be "just Friends"?
    Can Men And Women Be "just Friends"?
    Yes, absolutely. Why would they not?
    I think it's quiet immature/low conciousness to think that people with differing genitals are unable to form friendships.
    Also there's is nothing "just" about a true friendship. A true friendship (ie not the crappy surface level friendships most people have) are very deep and intimate.

  18. How do I overcome feeling physically unattractive?
    How do I overcome feeling physically unattractive?
    Go talk to and date hot girls. Hot girl getting wet for you will reprogram your mind.

  19. Can Men And Women Be "just Friends"?
    Can Men And Women Be "just Friends"?
    I think that a lot of men and women are very immature and probably couldn't sustain a friendship with someone of the opposite gender... but this is a sign of repression and low consciousness. If you really look at people beyond your own ideas about gender, you will notice that there is a natural ebb and flow of masculine and feminine energy in every single person in varying degrees. So, we are all androgynous; some moreso than others. People with a resistance to friendship with or sexual obsession with a particular gender have a resistance to their own contrapositive energy. Men who have resistance to their feminine nature cannot sustain a friendship with women, so sexuality becomes the only means of connection. Women who have a resistance to their masculine nature cannot sustain a friendship with men, so sexuality becomes the only means of connection. So, sexuality becomes a deep thirst and crippling need for people in this state. A healthy, fully integrated person can have deep friendships with others because they have made friends with themselves. Sexuality can be enjoyed as a beautiful connection in a state of wholeness and not just a way to put a Band-Aid over the inner wounds caused by the splitting off of the contrapositive energy.

  20. Meditating 2 Hours Every Day - 1 Year Later (& Psychedelics vs. Meditation)
    Meditating 2 Hours Every Day - 1 Year Later (& Psychedelics vs. Meditation)
    The problem is deeper than that because the teacher or guru himself isn't fully God-realized.
    For example, I don't consider Shinzen Young God-realized yet he has done Vipassana for 40+ years. So obviously Vipassana is not enough. I interrogated Shinzen intensively and I was not satisfied with his answers.
    That is the trap I am most concerned about avoiding. I don't want people investing 40 years into a practice and still not understand what God/Reality is.

  21. Low dose DPT for newbies?
    Low dose DPT for newbies?
    Go for it. DPT is my absolute favourite after 5-MeO.
    If you're careful and start low, it shouldn't freak you out.
    Both are very similar in my experience. I get a pleasant elevation in consciousness and peaceful trips from both. They have a comparable body load with nausea and trembling, although with DPT it's stronger. DPT gives me sort of a "drunk" state, whereas 5-MeO is a clean blast to infinity. Longer DPT trips might get you more acclimated to the new elevated state of consciousness. Ultimately though, nothing will prepare you for a 5-MeO breakthrough.

  22. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    Because most people who make it do so impurely.
    Of course just  because a powder is white doesn't prove anything. It could be rat poison.
    High quality 5-MeO-DMT usually has a yellowish or greyish hue.

  23. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    @Aaron p
    1) Empty stomach != empty ass
    2) That microscoop needs to be calibrated to each substance. It can vary quite a bit. For some substances it will be 10mg and for others up to 20mg because density varies. You need a miligram scale to calibrate it.
    It's not unusual for some people to need 35mg+ when plugging.
    For me personally 15mg is an epic trip. But I'm Leo and you're not.
    You could always try snorting it. The dose for snorting vs plugging should be very similar. Just make sure it doesn't all drip down your throat. It must get absorbed in the nose. This requires a very gentle snort and flipping your head upside down for 10 mins so it doesn't drip out.
    Snorting is gross and will burn, but still worth it.
    Careful, snorting can be powerful.

  24. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    I've said it multiple times on this thread. I believe they call it "sandwiching"
    Here is what you will need :
    1- a simple glass pipe
    2- mullien leaves
    3- 5-MeO-DMT
    What I do first is pre-weight the MeO . 14mgs continuously gets me to breakthrough. Now, in the pipe you want to pack a little bit of mullien leaves and smoke it. Leaving you with a bed of ash, this ash will act as a screen. . Reason why you want mullien leaves is because it is "neutral" or non-psychoactive. Next, you will pack a small layer of mullien leaves on top of the ash, this will act as a "bed" for the MeO. Next, put your meo on top of that. Next, put another layer of mullien leaves on top of that. Just enough to conver the MeO completely, but not like your packing a whole bowl or anything.
    Then, on my bed I like to put a face towl coiled up next to me, so after I take my hit, I can put my pipe on it, without burning the house down.
    Nothing is left for you to take your hit.... You should be able to take the whole hit in one go, hold it in for as long as possible, put the pipe on the towl, then blow out. 
    At this point , you will literally be blasted off into infinity, and beyond.
    Best of luck to you mate. I've broken through 11 times using this method so I know it works.
    Do let us know your trip report here when finished

  25. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    @TrynaBeTurquoise Yes, theory is important because it helps ground you from spinning out of control into delusions and fear.
    But it's not the only factor. There are other aspects of development, like how much emotional baggage and trauma is stored in your body.