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About Yali

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  1. I decided to quit school.
    I decided to quit school.
    Best of luck. Keep in mind that outside of giving you knowledge on a subject, college degrees are mainly useful for securing a guaranteed or high paying job. If you want to be a businessman, artist, entrepreneur, etc. it's far more important to develop your drive, vision and grit/work ethic from this point forward. And if you change your mind, you can always go back, but if you're serious, you should give this a real shot for a year or two and see what you can accomplish.

  2. Stuck in relativism, help me get out (please)
    Stuck in relativism, help me get out (please)
    That's good. At least you are thinking. It's a good place to start.
    You won't ever grasp the complexity of every thing, however you can grasp the big picture, the ultimate nature of reality.
    "Tiny monkey brain" is a construction. You are neither a monkey nor a brain nor tiny. Those are assumptions and illusions which you can break through.
    Lots of assumptions here.
    You assume bats and others exist.
    You assume you are a human.
    You assume that bias cannot be overcome.
    Imagine an even higher level of transcendence beyond human experience and perception.
    I did it for you in the video.
    Relativity is a deep aspect of reality, so you don't need to deconstruct it, you just need to contemplate and properly understand it, rather than abusing it.
    All the finite things have one singular source. By becoming conscious of that source you will understand the essence of all finite things.
    You can understand what a cat is without needing to see every cat in the world. Studying a handful of cats is sufficient to understand catness. So it's not as hard as you make it seem.
    Just realize that reality has some ultimate over-arching structure which is not relative, even though within that structure you can have endless points of view.
    Reality is a dream imagined by an infinite mind. This is not relative. But the content inside those dreams is relative. Don't get stuck in the content within the dream. You are missing consciousness of that ultimate structure which is not dream-specific.

  3. How do you compare taking LSD to Mushrooms?
    How do you compare taking LSD to Mushrooms?
    Hehe.... That's always how that works
    It's hard to dial in that DMT dose. It's usually too low or too high.
    Yeah, I've had a tough DMT trip once. DMT is no joke. It can terrify you for life. I never wanna overdo DMT again.

  4. Why do billionaires keep on going about survival?
    Why do billionaires keep on going about survival?
    It's not about money. It's about the ego feeling important and significant. Because these people are spiritually bankrupt all they have to live for is the feeling of self-importance they get from achieving ever more. If they stopped they would feel empty and miserable. They would have to do spiritual work from scratch and feel ordinary and lost.

  5. Do I have ADHD? I am not sure. Help me.
    Do I have ADHD? I am not sure. Help me.
    There is above all an epidemic of laziness and brainroting by youtube, tiktok...

  6. Leo's teachings might be sabotaging people
    Leo's teachings might be sabotaging people
    It is important not to create a shadow out of selfishness.
    Selfishness absolutely needs to exist, which is why it exists. Without selfishness you could not be alive.
    Yes, turning selfishness into a "bad" is a trap.
    Again, the point of awakening is to realize that nothing bad has ever existed, including of course selfishness, which is just what is meant by evil.
    If you think selfishness is bad then that's equlivalent to saying that evil exists. Which of course is wrong.
    But also notice the trick here: when someone behaves very selfishly towards you, you will not be able to stop yourself from calling it bad. So not demonizing selfishness is very, very advanced stuff. Most humans are nowhere close to that. Even spiritual humans will fail at it.
    A better way to put it is that excessive selfishness is problematic and self-defeating while a healthy level of selfishness is appropriate and even necessary.

  7. 3.5g APE Shrooms Trip Report - Insanity and Love
    3.5g APE Shrooms Trip Report - Insanity and Love
    That's a good trip, with many important lessons to contemplate.
    Your dose was a bit high. You will have a much better time with 1.5-2 grams. Try that next time.
    Don't worry, trips are not all the same. You will have much better trips in the future if you dose properly and as you get more comfortable with how trips work.
    Evil lasers? Sure, you could dream up such a backdrop to reality. The key is to notice that you're dreaming these things. And in some sense you have control over what you dream on psychedelics. You could dream evil stuff or you could dream angels and positive stuff. Notice that it's your mind that's taking you to that evil space. You gotta get better at managing your mind and letting go of evil images.
    Don't consume psychedelics with food. Take them on an empty stomach. They work better that way.
    Next time, I suggest that rather than thinking about evil lasers and such, you focus your intention of self-inquiry. What am I? What is consciousness? What is love? What is truth? What is God? These are the serious questions. Focus your attention on that. You can also focus your attention on the beauty of consciousness. Practice visualizing these positive things before you trip. Set a positive intention and drill it into your mind. What is it you want from a trip? Clarify this for yourself before you trip. Do you want to be healed from your depression? Then make that your intention.
    Don't give up after one bad trip. Just learn the lessons it showed you. One of the biggest lessons is to lower your dose and respect the power of CONSCIOUSNESS! Consciousness is no joke. It can skullfuck you real bad if you go overboard. So be humble. What bad trips do is they teach you the lesson of humility by beating you over the head. This is a very positive thing even though it doesn't feel good in the moment.

  8. Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    This makes so sense. The ego is constantly judging everything as bad.
    You judged 10 things as bad today. And you have done so every day of your life. And you will do it again tomorrow. Just observe yourself.
    Ego IS a matrix of goods and bads.

  9. Peter Ralston interview by Leo Gura.
    Peter Ralston interview by Leo Gura.
    Not really. It's too common. Serious intelligence goes way beyond anything a human can cultivate through any amount of practice or work.
    Intelligence is fundamentally genetic.
    I told you guys that I could blackpill you.

  10. Peter Ralston interview by Leo Gura.
    Peter Ralston interview by Leo Gura.
    Ralston does not have a cult around him.
    Ralston is one of the most genius humans on this planet. It takes insane intelligence to appreciate everything he offers.
    Most people will never understand what Ralston has achieved. He's NOT just another enlightened nondualist. He has achieved a level of understanding of reality which hardly any human on this planet has achieved.

  11. Leo's Hot Take on Socializing: Missing the Point Entirely
    Leo's Hot Take on Socializing: Missing the Point Entirely
    Introversion is the avoidance of socialization because it is found vapid and unsatisfying relative to the effort and hassle required.
    Women find humans beings more interesting than men do, because their survival requires that. Men are not so interested in humans but more interested in things. So that is also an overlooked factor.

  12. Leo, what does your “mundane world” look like?
    Leo, what does your “mundane world” look like?
    Yes, I have worldly obligations. Mostly with my biz (Actualized.org) and you guys. Also a bit of family obligations, but not much.
    I am not a social person because I find it too shallow and I like my freedom.
    I don't need to talk much about these topics with people/family because I get it out via my videos. The videos are my outlet.
    To me social balance looks like living in a cabin in the woods with maybe a girlfriend. And interacting with students via teachings or writing. I don't care for having a social life in the conventional sense.
    Don't try to emulate this unless it feels natural to you. People have different social preferences. Mystics tend to have an abnormally high tolerance for solitude.
    Figure out what you want. What I want is irrelevant to you.

  13. Leo, can you share your daily routine with us?
    Leo, can you share your daily routine with us?
    You have no idea what a person needs.
    Do give people such advice or you will harm them.
    All these diets are fantasy. It is self-deception. Be careful what you are doing.

  14. Do you pay for the first date?
    Do you pay for the first date?
    The key is to handle the situation so it doesn't feel awkward. That can be done various ways and depends on context.
    If you set up cheap dates like coffee or ice cream then it's easy to pay. Do not set up fancy expensive 3 course dinner dates.

  15. Post Modernism Pt 2
    Post Modernism Pt 2
    I teach very advanced things. Isn't that obvious? That's because I have an advanced mind and if you want simple teaching those are a dime a dozen. Bookstores are filled with basic self-help advice. My mind is not needed for that. My focus is to teach things no one else will teach you.
    It's like I teach graduate school, not high school. Most people never get to grad school. 
    But also, I try to make things very accessible because this doesn't require some crazy IQ to understand and normal people can learn it.

  16. How do you compare taking LSD to Mushrooms?
    How do you compare taking LSD to Mushrooms?
    I have become conscious of LOVE to such as high degree that it was more terrifying that any horror movie that you have ever seen.
    That's LOVE. No human comprehends what LOVE is. If you fully saw it you'd be so traumatized you would get mental breakdown.
    This ain't some hippie Buddhist love bullshit. This is actual LOVE.

  17. How do you compare taking LSD to Mushrooms?
    How do you compare taking LSD to Mushrooms?
    My experience with organics is limited. Mushrooms definitely feel more "alive", more multi-dimensional than just a single chemical. Mushrooms have a certain lively, creature-like quality to them which I do not get so much on other chems. I actually miss it. 5-MeO is amazing but it doesn't have that trickster, creature quality.

  18. How would you convience a psychopath to be moral for the sake of morality?
    How would you convience a psychopath to be moral for the sake of morality?
    Psychopathy is a physical brain disorder. They are literally missing the part of the brain necessary to feel empathy.
    Logic will not fix that.
    You could perhaps convince them, however, to act nice for their own benefit, to stay out of prison. 1/3rd of prison inmates are clinical psychopaths.

  19. The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    The 5-MeO-DMT Mega-Thread
    DMT is much, much more visual.
    5-MEO barely alters your sense of vision. It's visually mild while DMT is visual crack.
    5-MEO is more ego-dissolving.
    5-MEO has high load-body. Can be quite uncomfortable at first.

  20. Dr K on how Trump won the election
    Dr K on how Trump won the election
    Hitler didn't invent that. He himself was radicalized with anti-Jew propaganda while living homeless on the streets in his youth. He was a megaphone for the scapegoaty ideology of his era. He was like a teen who hangs out on 4chan all day, then gets elected to office.

  21. Gabor Maté on J. Peterson
    Gabor Maté on J. Peterson
    The ultimate truth is that all judgment and criticism is pure delusion and ignorance.
    Criticizing anything in reality is idiotic because reality is Absolute Love. It cannot be anything better nor can it be different.
    The only reason anyone criticizes anything is because their perceptive is too small.

  22. How can I actually pick 1?
    How can I actually pick 1?
    One option is to have phases in your life where you sleep around, and phases where you are in serious relationships. This seems more realistic for many people.

  23. Can I reach high levels of pickup success through daygame?
    Can I reach high levels of pickup success through daygame?
    It depends on how good your day game locations are.
    It's all about location, location, location.
    Good day game locations are pretty rare. But in some cities they are amazing.

  24. Should i pursue a philosophy doctorate ?
    Should i pursue a philosophy doctorate ?
    When I was young and considering whether I should get a philosophy PhD, I read this book and it helped me understand whether it was right or not for me:
    You can find more such books which explain the PhD graduate school life/process to you. These books are essential to read before taking the leap.
    When I read that book I realized that I would never find truth in graduate school. So I dropped it.
    Remember, for pretty much any path you want to pursue in life, someone else has already pursued it and written a book about it. So do your research before you make such a big decision.

  25. Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    25+ rounds.
    Have not tried DMPS yet.