Merkabah Star

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About Merkabah Star

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  1. Your serious political views parrot the old ladies on the view and that crazy lady, Joy Reid on msnbc. You are trapped in hysteria politics. Thats your genre. Trump derangement syndrome on steroids. Trump is going to kill us all.. arhhhhhhhh.. he is the next hitler. Arhhhhh.. Trump will most likely win, thats the logical vote.
  2. Worst. Gaslighting. Ever.
  3. Now that i can believe. True wisdom. 😂
  4. You are making more sense than most people here. Leo on the main forum seems legit, even with his salty attitude and behaviour, it’s only in the politics sub forum that he totally comes undone.
  5. You are all over the place, man. 😀
  6. You aren’t missing much. Im all for kooky, drag performances, but make it cool if you are going to go there. It was a total embarrassment.
  7. Who is Russel Cohen? Sounds Jewish to me, I’ve known a few Cohens over the years and they are always Jewish, but alas he is a devout Christian.. 😀
  8. I just back spaced through my phone and i was RFK jr as top president pick, then Russel Cohen followed by Joe Exotic, then trump. Joe Exotic, wtf. Is this test for real? The first two are independents and i am an independent voter, i dont tie myself to left or right and trump would get my vote hands down. Images aren’t loading for me to post..
  9. My results. 66% veterans 61% republican 😁
  10. What happened to Canadas boat? They were just waving on a beach with surfboards? 😳 the French couldn’t organise a group of farts in a line.
  11. Blah blah blah, hommie.. If he is so innocent he wouldn’t be charged with first degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and official misconduct.
  12. I never watch it, only ever used to like the swimming.. when my city hosted it years ago, i went to Thailand for a holiday.
  13. Im watching a 30 minute video, of the main parts and boy it’s bad. Worst opening ceremony ever. It’s like a d grade art affair. Im all for alternative, artistic shit, but this was low end and cheap.. Candace Owen’s is going to be so triggered.. lol.
  14. I just realised Taylor Swift is a childless, cat lady. 😂