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About iboughtleosbooklist

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  1. I totally agree. Leo seems to be obsessed with egg theory / radical implications of oneness, and thinks he'll live the life of Hitler etc. He doesn't realize that Hitler is 100% imaginary! A fictitious character created as a backstory for WW2 (which also NEVER happened) and was all created so our lives feel relatively 'lucky' in comparison. It's a trick of relativity! It's genius! God then creates for itself a comfy existence, with just enough suffering that it can forget it's existential infinite aloneness and be with 'others' in a seemingly temporary meat suit for a while. And leave breadcrumbs for itself to awaken because awakening is the pinnacle of life, to find out it's the neverending story, it's too good to be true. God is so intelligent that it only incarnates into balanced lives. God knows it's a solipsist and wishes to forget that for a while, and does so successfully, until it awakens and discovers it's predicament. Because God doesn't want to be omniscient, God wants to be ignorant. Only in ignorance can God really love another. Ignorance is bliss.
  2. God creates the experiences AND creates the emotions associated. That means everything is simulated by God. God could simulate good emotions to bad situations if it wanted to. God knows this as well. God knows deep down there's nothing to be learnt or understood. I remember when all my Grandparents died, I felt nothing honestly, so what did God really learn? The truth is, God creates for itself a comfy existence, with just enough suffering that it can forget it's existential infinite aloneness and be with 'others' in a seemingly temporary meat suit for a while. And leave breadcrumbs for itself to awaken because awakening is the pinnacle of life, to find out it's the neverending story, it's too good to be true. This is what Leo fails to understand. Leo has an egg theory fetish. God, however is so intelligent that it incarnates into perfect human lives. God knows it's a solipsist and wishes to forget that for a while, and does so successfully, until it awakens and discovers it's predicament. Because God doesn't want to be omniscient, God wants to be ignorant. Only in ignorance can God really love another. Ignorance is bliss.
  3. Ta-da! ? It's a nice story, but I'm still not sold.
  4. I believe it created it's own omniscience in a blink of an eye. Cheers to that!
  5. God existed forever and is already omniscient. Let's leave hitler in the past. Now all that's left to do is get comfy and enjoy infinity ?
  6. What a cop-out ? Again "trust me bro, you lived hitler". Sorry but I go by direct experience of my own life. That's "direct knowing" to me.
  7. Yes it is. Is there a particular order in which this process happens? Again how do you know this? Do you just like the idea of this? Did God show you? Why should you believe what God shows you? Couldn't it just be another part of the maze? Why is that a worthy/meaningful goal? Especially given that I've forgotten 99.99% of my life experiences (how extremely lacking in "omniscience"). Hitler never existed Leo. He's just a dream character. It's your fantasy he existed. Nobody will ever look out of his eyes. The 6 million Jews who died never existed. History is part of the illusion.
  8. Actually I've watched that video and he explains nothing he just lists off horrific lives. He basically just says "trust me bro, egg theory is facts", because he gives zero logical reasons why it should be true. Infinity is infinitely intelligent, I trust that it won't just mindlessly shuffle through random lifetime after lifetime solipsistically subjecting itself to unnecessary pain and suffering.
  9. It's the 1st option. Living the life of everyone throughout history would be hell. Or it's the 3rd option - eternal recurrence. You'll live your current life on repeat an infinite number of times over. This is my preferred solipsistic outcome.
  10. It's all just a distraction from the biggest problem of all: Eternity.
  11. From r/solipsism again: "I created this life for 2 reasons... 1. As God I did not appreciate my unlimited creative ability and found no joy in pleasure without having experienced enough pain that can only come from mortal fear and uncertainty. 2. To experience enough suffering that not only would I appreciate not suffering after this life, but that I would come to terms with solipsism." Succinctly put, and rings true for me. What do you guys think?
  12. That's a long way off. I believe you'll find a solution before that happens.
  13. That sounds rough but you need to accept it I guess. I lost half my money too in a bipolar phase (who cares, money is illusory and infinite) lost my friends (my fault tbh, and I don't care because they're bots anyway), and lost my will to live too, but I'm still here (survival be like that). Sorry about losing your gf though. Maybe that was God telling you that you don't need her she doesn't exist anyway etc. I use solipsism as a coping strategy nowadays, and all the wrongs that God did to me were just lessons imo to get me to accept the truth. Relationships are definitely suffering. I'm forever single and happier for it. You just gotta brute force acceptance, you are God at the end of the day. That's pretty cool.