integration journey

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About integration journey

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  1. Mescaline is the same as peyote correct ?
  2. What the heck. I thought San Pedro was supposed to be the most mild psychedelic.
  3. Update us @Shodburrito
  4. This tune is stuck in my head
  5. Anything by Vernon Howard is considered gold for me
  6. Everything has got a problem with LSD it seems..
  7. That’s the winner question we should all contemplate.
  8. Nice rhymes
  9. So just stare into this thing for hours until something happens?
  10. This cat is a legend
  11. Best movie ever Emotional roller coster.
  12. Yes. Your awareness will never go away. It will just expand. just let go of any pre conceived ideas about what should happen and trust that god or the universe or higher consciousness will meet you once you let go. it can be difficult to the ego to let go but it’s worth it. Let your awareness be the anchor.
  13. Trust that you are awareness itself. just let go is the best advice I ever got.