Grateful Dead

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About Grateful Dead

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  1. When used like other psychedelics, cannabis is a great tool for spiritual work. But it is very tricky because it can easily be abused and then used unconsciously. Once it becomes a habit, it blocks your spiritual growth, so you have to be very disciplined with it. That is my experience anyway...
  2. You are already insane brother, psychedelics just might make you go sane
  3. Love it. Do you know the artist?
  4. Dr. Raj, basically a legal drug dealer, gets almost the whole town addicted to opioids.
  5. I like Hawkins too. Maybe there is nothing novel about Ralston's work, but it was interesting for me to get a glimpse into his mind. As I said you can sense that he is a authentic freak. I've read the short version and worked on the practical part but then I got distracted by other books. Now I'll pick it up again, thanks!
  6. @bambi I have read 4 of Ralston's books. He gives you a complete system to have enlightenment experiences and transform yourself afterward. You will have lots of interesting topics to contemplate. I think the beauty of his work is firstly that he is a master communicator. I have learned a lot from the way he uses language. Secondly, his work is completely free of spiritual or religious frames, like it is very authentic and clean, I don't really know how to describe it. I have never really been into Zen but I think it is like Zen Buddhism without Buddhism. His books were some of the first I read on consciousness work and I would say it was a good introduction. If you are already advanced and have found a path that works for you then I would recommend to just read Zen Body-Being and The Genius of Being.
  7. In my opinion, the best thing to do would be to use any psychedelic tools you can get your hands on, as they all offer different approaches to healing. It's also good to look into IFS therapy a bit. You can combine the technique with psychedelics, it's very effective. And I've also found it helpful to use ketamine the day after a strong psychedelic experience to process everything more smoothly.
  8. I would recommend waiting a few more years before 5-meo and trying gentler psychedelics like mushrooms or LSD in the meantime.
  9. One of my favorite youtube channles. Check it out
  10. @James123 I am curious, how often did you take high doses? Like every week? more?
  11. When someone has experienced a lot of trauma, they often have developed many defense mechanisms against reality. For some people, it may take many trips and very high doses to break through these barriers. Stan Grof has researched this quite well and written some good books about it if you're interested.
  12. If you want to get your first breakthrough, then I would recommend a trip sitter. But if you've already had breakthroughs on other psychedelics, you'll usually be fine on your own.
  13. Bro I feel you hahaha. I loved going to clubs during my 20's but now I had to admit to myself that I don't enjoy it anymore. Where I live are many cool clubs and good dj's come there but I just don't feel the vibe anymore like I used too. I still like concerts, outdoor raves and festivals though
  14. Most profound movie I watched on psychedelics was Samsara. Many years ago and I still get flashbacks from some scenes. Mind blowing movie…
  15. @Jodistrict Sounds great! Definitely worth to learn from a pro how to use this plant. It’s not like LSD or mushrooms at all imo.