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  1. "I need your protection." Yeah, that is exactly why I want to live in Western Europe. I need protection. I'm scared of dying yet suicidal at the same time. It's strange. Suicide is a way to get to safety. There are worse things in life than dying in an instant. But I'm incapable of spilling my own blood. I also abhor the thought of ever doing harm to others. Even out of mercy. But to protect the common good and myself, I think that if I had sufficient enough reason to believe that there are sadistic monsters in power abusing it, that I'd act against them. I surely hope I never lose my mind, for I heard criminals get created in bad social environments and upbringing has an impact on a person as well. Maybe this is true, maybe not. I believe it is true.
  2. Israel has tried this many many times during 90's and 00's and the palestinians ALWAYS said NO and sent even more suicide bombers.
  3. (Answer the question at the bottom for anyone not willing to read the whole thing) @universe I will read the thread, don’t worry. I can sense that this thread is soon to be locked, but before that happens please hear me out. I’m sure to you more spiritually and socially advanced folks I seem to be doing a lot of projecting and reacting egotistically, and to some extent I probably am. Try to see things from the perspective of those of us affected by these issues. For example, (and I have numerous examples) just yesterday I was at a town gathering where I saw two girls that were perfect for cold approaching. They escaped me because I waited too long trying to psyche myself up to do the approach. See, the anxiety itself is not the problem, it’s the fact the anxiety cripples your cognitive functions to the point where it becomes impossible to convey your thoughts clearly or even speak normally, and that’s even after doing warmup approaches. The source of that anxiety is not fear of rejection. Who cares if she says no. It’s the imminent danger of being secretly filmed and defamed all over social media causing tons of other girls to hate me as well (there’s a huge trend where girls are doing this to guys at the gym for simply glancing in their direction) that’s not projecting or fear mongering, that’s objectively what is happening. If the girls decide they dislike you or feel uncomfortable with something you said or even just your “vibe” they can point you out to the cops claiming harassment and suddenly you’re in cuffs possibly being filmed and laughed at during the arrest. Ending up like that for simply trying to get a girlfriend would rocket propel almost anyone into levels of sheer psychological torment far exceeding what the human mind is built to withstand. This very well can and does happen and they don’t even need proof of you doing something genuinely wrong. Then you’ve got risks such as being maced, threatened or worse by her bf or random white knight(s), being bullied by her and friends, getting banned from whatever venue for reasons basically amounting to lacking social skills... anything can happen. These issues are further reinforced by all the other areas in life I’ve mentioned in which women are more advantaged than us, and by the fact that the male suicide rate is significantly higher. I realize this is a place of self improvement and I know it sounds like all I’m doing is complaining. Part of what I’m doing is venting, which the forum guidelines lists as acceptable. Though I’m also seriously trying to get this galaxy sized obstacle overcome. It has caused me deeper despair and hopelessness than I ever thought possible. I’m 100% certain the feeling is somewhere close to a mother who recently lost her children. The ONLY thing I want anymore I can’t have no matter how much effort I put in. I’ve reached the beginning stages of completely and absolutely losing my fucking mind. There’s no point in being alive anymore. All over being denied the ecstasy of having a decent partner to cuddle up on the couch and watch retarded Netflix shows with like other people have. Before this gets too much longer I’ll close on one final question I want answered if nothing else. How come when men bring up societal misandry it’s somehow considered projecting or egotism and we’re told to man up and get better or the thread just gets locked but when women talk about misogyny it’s taken a lot more seriously than that? Are men’s issues (which are literally driving people to suicide) not valid enough to be seriously discussed in depth? That in itself is a sort of meta sexism ironically enough.
  4. It is described in islam that God would compensate the shahid for sacrificing his life or his land. If you become a martyr, God will give you 70 virgins, 70 wives and everlasting happiness. Why is that ? Promises pussy in the hearafter seems twisted and uncomfortable for me . Since September 11, news stories have repeated the story of suicide bombers and their heavenly rewards, and equally Muslim scholars and Western apologists of Islam have repeated that suicide is forbidden in Islam. Suicide (qatlu nafsi-hi) is not referred to in the Koran but is indeed forbidden in the Traditions (Hadith in Arabic), which are the collected sayings and doings attributed to the Prophet and traced back to him through a series of putatively trustworthy witnesses. They include what was done in his presence that he did not forbid, and even the authoritative sayings and doings of his companions. Can someone explain to me the true version of islam ? @itachi uchiha Tagging you here since you have a good Islamic background.
  5. ? Israel is isolating and villianizing itself on the world stage all by itself. Suicide by arrogant stupidity.
  6. That's true and unfortunate for all the innocent kids there and airbombing should be done as surgically as possible... But at the moment there are not many other solutions available for Israel The thing is that sending soldiers there is militarly too risky: getting into Gaza without having weakened Hamas through the bombs can be suicidal for soldiers. I used to be very empathetic with the Palestinians and harsh on Israel colonialism, but they have been receiving money for decades from NGOs and other organizations and they don't do anything for the people themselves, but they just used them to feed terrorism against Israel (every week they try to attack Israel with missiles and Israel keeps standing just for their sheer technological power to intercept them) and they have always violated every agreement, Egypt on the border doesn't even want the Palestinians anymore because they don't want Hamas. Gaza had the change in 2005 to vote for people who actually cared for them, but they wanted Hamas in power and has done nothing other the supporting Hamas ever since, basically committing suicide as a nation. What can Israel do against an organization that states since the beginning that peace is not possibile without the annihilation of Israel?
  7. Israel may be concerned about 'nothing to lose' escalations, cornered | desperate measures, suicide bombers, drone swarms, etc, typical in conflicts of power-imbalance. Hamas is probably aware they don't militarily stand a chance, however targeted attacks can be deeply stunning and disorienting. Both non-militarized Israelis and Palestinians deserve to be safe. Sparse informations from skewed news network may fail to convey the big picture. There is also a moral | reputational front. Hamas and their supporters will strive for image of self-righteousness with respect to broader Islamic and anti-zionism contexts, whereas Israel will reinforce its own cultural intertwinement. Both will inevitably end up exaggerating their viewpoints, deprived from the freedom of conscientious concession.
  8. Palestinians do you agree with suicide bombings?
  9. Yeah, look at this TV-show for children in Palestine. Its all about how to attack and kill Jews: People dont seem to understand that this goes way deeper than just some fight about land... The "axis powers" of Russia, Iran, Turkey etc. are all involved with this and its all a preparation for some kind of global war against Zionism (and the West). Radicalised, indoctrinated Islamists are being used as some kind of attack dogs/suicide troops.
  10. In some Northern Canadian communities, the First Nation people/children commit suicide at a rather alarming rate, not to go off-topic. Pain is their lot too. My point is I know why, how to fix it is problematic. Same book, different chapter.
  11. It's the most stupid attitude ever seen in history. They are completely crazy. Or they want to commit collective suicide and go with the virgins All the other wars was for an objective. Arabs fight just for hate and insanity
  12. It’s truly amazing how the deeper you get into this work, the more frequent you’ll experience awakenings. Even the very subtle awakenings are becoming a beauty to bask in. As I’m typing this comment, I’m experiencing increased awareness and connection to others (who are me, of course). This experience, just half a year ago, would have made me call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. And I’ve only begun to scratch the surface! Life is beautiful.
  13. @Leo Gura They are really not rational in their minds. All they care about is killing and slaughtering Israelis, even by means of suicide, collective suicides, hurting their own people. It's like this is their moral.
  14. even if our belief is false; we must believe, if not, we will collapse existentially We gave them something to hope for. - That's not hope! This prophecy is how they enslave us! - It's not a prophecy. It's a story. stilgar (fremen's leader) - I don't care what you believe! I believe paul atreides sees the future that he can not change, he sees future for sure, still, he is trapped in the fate of universe and collective ego that wishes and desires to make war, he even sees the future he commits suicide, but then people use his skull and worship it, and use it for galactic jihad"
  15. I cant understand how to see Love in these things. Why would our higher Self create a human world full of tragedies and still call this love? I bet every spiritual guru wouldnt call these things loveable if they really would experience torture, war, genocide or suicide. Some Gurus might have trained to control Pain and their Emotions but these guys are just a minor exception. God just has to be a masochist and doesnt give a fuck what each human or being feels or experiences.
  16. There is a thing called moderation, right? It is not about no policy at all versus going full Stalinism. I care about them too. But virus outbreaks will happen more often from now on. We can’t afford going in full lock downs to save couple of old people. A lot of people will die from suicide, poverty or some other causes if we keep locking shit down. Sometimes difficult decisions are not easy to take.
  17. Wow so I was curious about the link between creativity and suicide. "A logistic regression analysis of data from 21 states finds that artists have 270% higher risk of suicide than nonartists. However, after controlling for gender and sociodemographic variables, this risk level is reduced to 125%." "In the case of unipolar or major depression, the population rate is about 5% but the rate among artists and writers in the various studies between 15% and 50%. Both these conditions are strongly associated with suicide and, most disturbingly, artists are 18 times more likely to suicide than the general population." the case of unipolar,suicide than the general population. It makes sense when you think about how most jobs require the person to be somewhat stable, not get bored too easily of doing the same thing over and over all day everyday, sometimes requires people interactions, following codes/methods that are already sent in stone, etc. Jobs are linked to survival. Creative jobs either pay low, are super competitive, and/or super risky. Creatives look at "regular" jobs at don't think there is any way they can last. But they look at their creative work and don't think they can make a living off of it. We kinda need more funding for creatives instead of where there seems to be a monopoly on creative work where a few make millions and most are barely scraping by. I guess they/(we) may end up having to medicate themselves a lot of the time if they are not able to be creative in the way their brain wants them to - either legally or illegally. I think pursuing spirituality may be a temporary helpful outlet for a creative person until it starts to feel futile and then they may feel insane/crazy again. Same goes with studying politics/current events/religion. It is okay to subdue the creative's craziness with exploring ideas but when the futility of truth/understanding/verification hits in, the craziness comes back and the "medication" of the exploration wears off and doesn't work anymore and they need a new medication.
  19. Because people are trying to discredit me and show the biggest liar who has hurt me physically in life and helped them destroy me to show him as noble and good and benevolent and loving towards me, whike poisoning me and trying to bring me into a state from which I'll attack someone for a good reason but without proof so that they can cut me dry, as though they already haven't. They want to make me commit suicide, but not to die. They want me to hurt myself hard, to be hurt and in pain. It's hard. My life.
  20. In my opinion God doesn't mind what happens to individual life forms. He pertains to the whole. So when people ask why doesn't god help me they don't understand god only cares about the whole and not you in particular. I'm asking because I just heard that a friend tried to hang himself from a rope. He attached it to the sealing of his house, put it around his neck and jumped from the chair only for the sealing to come down. He told me he believed God helped him for a reason, otherwise he would be dead. I'm happy that he is still alive but this made me thinking... Personally, I think you are your own god. For example if I wanted to kill myself I wouldn't fail at that, especially if it is such a big life decision. I don't get why people fail at everything in their life including failing at suicide. You had just one job and you even fail at that. But that is neither here or there. So did God helped him? In a sense yes, he helped himself by failing.
  21. @josemar Yeah, I want to keep myself in existence, but not like this. I'm actually very happy for the fact that I wouldn't see people that have hurt me in life. It's so great. I'd be free and safe from them all. 5-Meo-DMT will never work on me because it's just a substance for temporary death. Seeing death for what it is changes almost nothing in my life. Plus, it is easier to get suicide than 5-Meo-DMT. What can this substance do for me other than make me happy for a short while? It's a reward. It doesn't make you any smarter, any safer or healthier, it doesn't detox you, it doesn't help you sleep or meditate in calmness for hours, it's almost like a drug, except that it isn't. Magic mushrooms probably are like a drug, and I'd probably eat them every day, multiple times a day. That still costs and requires me to work and function as a member of some grouo of peopls that is a part of some larger group of people and so forth. I'll never do that.
  22. I saw this documentary in high school. It was shown to us by our Asian culture club instructor, who herself was Korean. Students are groomed to adopt a competitive mindset, so that they may be competitive in the business world. If you watch the documentary, the therapists feel bad providing mental health and relaxation advice to the students, as the students have utterly no time to relax for their mental health. The education system is a system of systemized child abuse, which rewards competition. It shows no regard for the mental health of students, and an almost complete indifference to student suicidality. When the youngest among us kill themselves, we as a society deserve nothing but shame. “To understand this we have first and foremost to understand that what has been fed to the human mind, in the largest quantity, is the poison of ambition. The whole structure of our society is based on ambition. “We make it a point to make the littlest child ambitious. He is goaded on and on to stand first in whatever he does – whether at school or at play, while learning behavior or wearing clothes; whatever he does, or whatever we make him do, we see that he is well caught in the spirit of competition. “Ambition means: We make his ego stand in competition with the ego of others. We tell him that others should not overtake him. His lagging behind will leave no place for his ego. So, wherever he is, he should always try to be at the top. This, being the first, is our poison. Whether in clothes or in business or in education or whether in worship and prayer or in renunciation or in penance we are taught constantly to remember that ‘I am being judged vis-à-vis others.’ I have forever to see where I stand with regard to others. What is my place in the line? Am I lagging behind? If so, I will be in pain.” Osho, The Way of Tao, Vol. 1, Talk #9
  23. I do understand that approaching is important, it clearly puts hairs on your chest. It takes balls to do it. Yeah you’re right about Mystery and all the other top PUA teachers, they either had a shit childhood or some other serious issue underneath. I used to like Tom Torero and he was getting laid like a rockstar - only to then commit suicide a few years ago. This just tells me that even if you are banging hundreds of chicks it doesn’t mean you’re mentally sound.
  24. Holykael is the most honest ego and simultaneously the most dishonest ego. Every ego wants to be God. Currently the number one thing egos chase is money due to survival purposes and after that relationships and sex. If you notice those three are usually the most complained about with physical health taking up the 4th place spot. The reason there are so many complaints is because they do not know love. All of this conflict is inner turmoil that has not been resolved. All egos on this planet will be faced with suffering of some kind and unless you work to overcome your judgments you will suffer your entire life. Anyone who has done extensive study on the rich and the affluent will discover they are not immune to this suffering. Before I entered spirituality I noticed this. So the biggest lie that everyone believes is that your happiness or lack thereof is based on how well your survival is going. This is the first lie that literally runs majority of people's lives so they chase physical comfort. It's sad that this lie has been able to be pushed so effectively. But think about this....America's wealth collectively has increased. But according to opinion polls and mental hospital reports the population suffers from more depression, and suicide attempts than earlier in their history when poverty was more widespread. In fact it seems the middle class enjoys more healthy levels of satisfaction than the poor or the very rich. The poor mainly suffer due to poor physical health and the rich suffer with the fear of losing what they have built, and boredom with the riches. At a certain point some start to feel empty inside due to not being able to quench their excessive greed.
  25. I have a love-hate relationship with God. In fact, I curse God regularly. Why? Because I know nothing is random. Every human, animal, event, situation, plan, system, spiritual teacher, molecule, cell, etc. is manifested or materialized according to God's will. Every form of suffering or ugliness such as child abuse, rape, cancer, depression, self-murder (suicide), murder, ALS, HIV, Hashimoto disease, anxiety, down syndrome, corruption, exploitation, war, bipolar disorder, the natural cycle of animals eating other animals for survival, etc. exists because God wills it. Only a bastard can design such shit. I understand my perspective and perception are limited; hence, I don't see the grandest scheme of things. But my human perspective and perception are all I have. I must honor them. I even intuit that such horrors I mentioned are needed for the highest good and beauty. God is unlimited, hence it's perfect. If there's a perspective which is faulty, it's mine, not God's. I understand these things. But in the end, I must honor my limited perspective and perception. As I have said, it's all I have. I feel doing so is actually more genuine than pretending I have access to God's unlimited perspective and see perfection in all the horrors of this dream existence.