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About Hojo

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  1. @The Crocodile I telling it how it is. Truth is scary. The theme of my life is death. I saw it and now I'm telling what I saw. And I am obsessed with the void yes. It is the only real thing.
  2. You have a black space behind you and light in front of you. The light goes away the black space comes into the forefront. You sit there until you forget you ever existed then the light comes back. If you are scared you will be scared for infinite time if you are happy you will be happy for infinite time. Then after infinite time you calm down and just sit there existing as the darkness. Then you respawn. If you can be acquainted with the void of nothing while alive you wont freak out and you will respawn faster. The more you become void inside the more you will calm down in the dark and instead of freaking out you just become nothing dissolve immediately and respawn immediately. And you will come out of the mothers womb saying your own name.
  3. @The Crocodile they say light is the illusion we are darkness we see our true form when we close our eyes. When we die we go back to the dark space between planets. This darkness is permeating the light at all times throught the day and you can see it. When we can go back to the space between planets we can travel to any planet faster than light. I think anyway. Because the darkness between planets is 1 thing.
  4. @Dodo 0 substance to answer back with. Its an empty open ended question.
  5. @Dodo i read the entire thing. I'm here to discuss the second i start you start attacking me. Read what happening you just attack for no reason. You already know dont ask then. Then claim im doing it to you.
  6. @Dodo You are too quit projecting. You want to ego battle and you are talking out your ass while asking for an answer. Don't ask if you know already.
  7. @Emerald we don't know that and it already is. He might be talking about special forces using military equipment that the cartel dosent have. IE exploding precision drones and no civilians die and they just pick them off with Intel.
  8. @Dodo the light comes and goes something else is there always and its darkness. Dark opposes light its yin and yang. If nothing opposes light you wouldn't be able to speak it.
  9. If I wanted to curse a bunch of people at the same time I would disguise it as a reiki healing video to protect against curses.
  10. Darkness travels faster than light we are darkness. Scientist think darkness is just lack of light but its not its a real substance or field and contains information.Scientist say that darkness essentially dosent exist but its a proven fact that when you look in the dark you start seeing shit. I wonder why no scientist has looked at this its a very simple observation. Any retarded scientist could sit in a room for 20 minutes with their eyes open and say there is something here.
  11. The answer is always a black hole of nothing.
  12. @Lyubov Sounds like terrorism. They better stop shipping drugs to usa or Mexico is asking for it. Probably should have been done along time ago
  13. If he takes out the cartel your country will be free. You should like this unless your country is secretly funded by drugs. I don't think American people want war.
  14. I think its good. It creates a strong identity. The only people who care about it are people who want you to be wrong. I don't agree with his definition of bias it dosent always mean you are wrong. You pick it cause it works and it works till it dosent. When you see your bias is leading you astray you can see it and changed it. Seeing bias as being wrong and ignoring it to suit your bias is what this video is talking about not just bias generally. Reality is a fight for truth believing in God is a bias.
  15. Watch the body breathe by itself. The body will breathe automatically.