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About Hojo

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  1. Ive been listening for 1 minute 45 seconds and she has already seemed to have contradicted herself she says the president isnt in power barack obama is he was a president and was in power. These people seem like Russian spies. they are saying entirely let Donald Trump do what he wants tear the whole system down while having no idea about anything to do with politics.
  2. the human body is a computer, it just goes bow bow bow bow and you make up what its saying.
  3. @MarioGabrielJ it does exist but i think it has to do with your mood. Your mood is Gods mood if you die in a bad mood God has a bad mood. When God has a bad mood is attacks itself.To not go to hell disassociate from everything things are what put you in a bad mood.
  4. They will probably hit the void and freak out for eternity. Your loved ones could be demonic overlords you dont know them you know them as a human not their true nature and their true nature is behind their face hiding
  5. @Husseinisdoingfine kinda like if there is no food the people who push to the front get it first but in every aspect of life. Pushing to the front is bias.
  6. If you stare at one topic long enough God will reveal himself quitting is retarded this is how life works. Ego is telling you to quit because you pass the surface level and feel you have done nothing you are just opening the container
  7. @Javfly33 I think it is thinking too much about other people. Try repeating I do not want attention from anyone. other people dont exist. to yourself all day you will see you forget to think about them. It will make the time talking better as you will not have thought about anything and be genuine.
  8. Its a void of nothing, reality is a simulation the void of nothing created. The void of nothing created Gods that created a dead infinity simulation for life to live in. Life = empty space. If a void of nothing started chanting the names of a God for infinity then something happens. Did the void create a God or did the God already exist and just answer it? God is the first person experience you have of before you were born. When you think about what is it like before I was born what is the qualia of that? Thats what God feels like to you personally.
  9. The thing about politics is there is absolutely no reason to get into it unless you want to control people. People like to bicker back and forth about it but its useless and brings your energy down. You wont change anything unless you gain the power to control people with your knowledge and want to use it to control people. The entire system is purposefully made so complex that one person cannot know all of it. So you wont gain anything from learning about it at all besides bickering or gaining power in politics to control people. You can also learn about it to protect yourself against it and vote. Politics can be a spiritual trap you can become identified and judge massive groups of people in a whim. Hate can be born here.
  10. This is how I went to the void the first time 27 beers and a massive bong hit. An eternity of pure abandonment later I woke up, very spiritual combo. Years later I awaken and tried it again I drank 20 beers and took 8 massive bong hits and I was about to go to the place again but I said no last second cause im pussy.
  11. I turned the other cheek my whole life while not letting myself get bullied. When I have my spiritual awakening it felt like god was telling me to literally only beleive myself and that what I was doing was right the whole time. I haven't done anything spectacular with my life and let people verbally walk over me when they did this I would beleive them. I never wanted to accomplish anything and people around just keep telling me I am fucking up over and over and I let it get to me and start describing myself as a fuck up. When god woke me up it told me that everything I do is perfect so now I don't turn the other cheek I tell it how I see it. And I will fight people who stand in my way. We don't have to be Jesus all the time just enough to wake ourselves up and then we can stand up for ourselves.
  12. Thats why I decided to do it and it let me awaken i was so scared of dying but living seemed worse than something I do not know but very scared of.
  13. @OBEler It is said that the universe can perceived in 2 different solipsistic ways. One leads to satan one leads to God. You can be exclusively solipsistic or inclusively solipsistic. One deletes you the other deletes everyone else. One can travel down the exclusive path but must come back to inclusitivity. One can stay inclusive and never go down the exclusive path. The one who travels down the exclusive comes back to inclusive and has much more understanding on why its important to be inclusive.
  14. @Jannes 3d - being attached to a 2d object that can appear to move forward and backward. Conciousness dosent move across dimensions it is the traveller of all dimensions. Each dimension is just a appearance of consciousness moving in a new way imo. Right now you can look ahead of you 1d, move your eyes 2d, move your body backward and forward 3d. Dying is like going to 0 d.
  15. The earth is flat because reality is flat. Literally everything is 2d. In your direct experience the planet is flat so it is. People cannot tell you 100 percent the earth is not flat because they just read it in a book or watched a video. Even then trying to debate you about it is a sign they don't know. No one would debate you on it a glass of water is a glass of water but they will debate flat earth because they don't know they just have a strong opinion. But reality is deceitful. You cant know that space is a real place you can go to. You cant know that every celebrity you have seen in space is not ai.