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Posts posted by Charlotte

  1. Nothing can survive outside of love. 

    Love is all consuming. 

    It will transcend everything into itself. 

    Counseling this morning for me has been unbelievable. I cannot put it into words. I want to cry. 

    I accept everything. 

    I see now. 

    I was blind. 

    but that's okay. It was what it was. 

    love is guiding the life I am living. Love is the life.

    I held onto so much, I held onto it because that's all I knew. A part of you has to die, leo is right. 

    a part of ego died this morning. And in replacement of that, what was there all along was love.

    The weight, it feel, has been lifted. My eyes don't feel glazed as much anymore. 

    I feel pure, raw and vulnerable. In a beautiful boundless way. 

    my heart is beaming through my chest. This is guiding me to life purpose. It's actualising my life purpose. 

    How can I love and heal if I cannot apply that directly from oneself? 

    Now I can.




  2. Is there ever really one Absolute... One Absolute truth? Everyone's own experience is relative to them via communication. We listen to another human talk about the Absolute, we maybe able to relate but have a different experience or perspective on it, so who's is the Absolute? 

    I've realised that every single fucking thing is relative to one's own perspective/mind set/paradigm/outlook blah blah. How could we ever truuulllyyyy know there is ONE ABSOLUTE truth?

    Like truly. 


    We can't. Can we?


  3. 2 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

    I resonate with trees too. Not in a “isn’t that a pretty tree” kind of way. It’s more of a connection. An essence. Like a sixth sense. Closer to a feeling than a thought. Almost like they have a personality. Yet if I start thinking about it and try to make sense of it, I lose it. It’s like I need to be a child again and just be it. 

    Me to dude. Exactly the same! ♥️

  4. @TheExplorer Absolutely massive well done for taking responsibility of your life. You've/you're doing amazing, don't stop. 

    I'm going to echo what @DrewNows touched upon and ask if you truly and deeply have accepted? Acceptance I personally feel can happen on different levels. When you accept on the deepest level, you just know. 

    Your journey is beautiful, that's exactly what it is, a journey, embrace and rejoice in each and every new part of it. If you haven't reached to a certain part of journey yet which you feel you should have already, glance back and make sure you learned each and every lesson along the way. Did you definitely clear each 'obstacle?'

    And most importantly, enjoy friend. ❤️