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Posts posted by starsofclay

  1. Has anyone ever tried talking to self or ego while lucid dreaming? I imagine this could be done in a number of ways... you could conjure up an image of yourself, talk to dream characters (which would be basically talking to yourself), speaking into a radio and await an answer, etc. 

    One time I got a little lucid and attempted this... got some pretty silly non-sense answers. I'm not saying that you will get anything special out of this, but it is pretty fascinating in my opinion.  I think it would be great for self-development or just to figure out what the f*ck is wrong with yourself (ha), but I also wonder if you could do a little ego-manipulation while you're at it. 

    That being said, I have also tried talking to dream characters before while lucid, and sometimes they realize they are part of me,  but most of the time they deny it with passion... they think that they are real individuals... hmm... that kind of reminds me of something....

  2. Man, I love synchronicities.... they always make me smile and remind myself to get out of my head. The ones that happen to me most often lately is that I'll be reading something and watching tv at the same time (which i do often) and a character on tv will say the exact same word i am about to read. Or someone will be in the room that isn't paying attention to the tv and say the exact word that is said on tv. Always makes me smile. 

    Glad you got some confirmation, i hope it's what you needed

  3. 9 hours ago, herghly said:


    I don't enjoy meditating while high 

    but , weed and yoga is an unbelievable combination 

    Yes! that is so true! 

    also, meditating while high is not a good combo, but self exploration and sub conscious work is great with marijuana. It's kind of like meditating, except you aren't trying to clear your mind, you just sit or lay still and let your subconscious bubble up to the surface... and oh boy will it..... 

    @2000 I have used marijuana for spiritual development. I get so many insights with it that I wouldn't normally while sober, things like how to improve my life, my relationships, and my business. That being said, it can also be a trap. You can't let yourself depend on it's help too often. It is addicting, like Leo said. Best used once a week to once a month, or less. It's a great teacher plant, but it will abuse you if you abuse it..

  4. On 2/23/2018 at 3:55 PM, Star Net said:


    @Ibn Sina @Ether @sgn @Saumaya @Preetom @Slade @Rachityczny @Charlotte

    Do not call them Problems, Call them challenges and be happy with these challenges in Your life,

    Can You imagine a life without challenges ?, a life without challenges can not be called a life,

    it is about the mindset.


    I have been calling them tests... but yes completely agree with this. I have changed my mind from a negative,victimized mindset to a mostly positive, tested mindset over the last two years. Still struggle with irritability and anxiety , but have made huge strides by learning to be in the present moment. 

  5. @Steph1988 I agree... I came here originally looking for self improvement, (there are really no good forums for that besides this that I have found) but the enlightenment and non-duality does get a little screeching. I comprehend intellectually what they are talking about, and have a few times felt it myself with LSA (related to LSD) and marijuana, but sometimes I just want to improve my life and feel better, and not be told that there is no point because I don't exist anyway :S

  6. @D-tron these are normal hallucinations for putting yourself into sleep paralysis, which i think you might be accidentally doing after sitting for so long. Did you gradually go up to 1-2 hours per day or did you make a big leap?

    When I saw the title of thread, I thought you meant hallucinations of images, land scapes, people, etc. Which is what I get, some times in full color, and sometimes accompanied with audio hallucinations, and would like to know if that's normal. @Leo Gura

  7. I really like watching guided meditations too... obviously they don't take place of traditional meditation, but are really helpful and get you into a good suggestible state: 

    And for improving visualization, I like to listen to ones that are based off of a movie, so that I can use imagery that already exists to include in my visualizing, which I feel strengthens it:



  8. There's only us, there's only this
    Forget regret, or life is your's to miss
    No other path, no other way
    No day but today

    There's only us, only tonight
    We must let go to know what's right
    No other road, No other way
    No day but today

    I can't control my destiny
    I trust my soul, my only goal
    Is just to be

    There's only now, there's only here
    Give in to love or live in fear
    No other path, No other way
    No day but today