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About UnbornTao

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  1. Sexism Test - Eliminating Bias
    Sexism Test - Eliminating Bias
    I mean I agree with you here for the most part, but we’re not talking about hypothetical futures, we’re talking about statistical observations that you can make about current society and the levels of bias present in them.
    Right now, an individual that says “men are taller than woman” is not likely biased against women. But an individual who says “men are smarter than woman” likely is biased against woman. The discussion is about levels of bias in an individual in our current society with our current genetics for male and female.
    Yea of course if you had long enough you could breed anything you want into existence, following your logic you could even breed gestation out of woman, and so even that is a ‘bias’ to say that woman gestate. But that’s on the scale of many many lifetimes and not really relevant or practical to our current discussion.

  2. Sexism Test - Eliminating Bias
    Sexism Test - Eliminating Bias
    They are probably of the notion that logical = intelligent… when very logical people tend to get things wrong quite a lot.
    They think logical equals true. But logical just refers to what makes the most sense given certain pre-supposed assumptions about reality.
    That means, if we assume that the world is flat… then it makes good logical sense that we could sail off the edge of it.
    It’s a false premise. But it is totally logical.
    And I’ve noticed that men do fall in these traps a bit more than women because men tend to be systematic algorithmic logical thinkers while women tend to be more intuitive emotional thinkers.
    And if a man holds a great deal of false premises, his logical orientation will make him an simultaneously intellectual and foolish. I’m sure you know the type of person I’m talking about.
    The issue is that the social scientists are so steeped in patriarchal thinking that (even in their attempts at Feminism) they don’t realize that they’re biased toward masculine principled orientations and against feminine principled orientations.

  3. Sexism Test - Eliminating Bias
    Sexism Test - Eliminating Bias
    Overall without getting into internet discussions, the assumptions are made based on internalized attitudes as far as I can tell, we are miles a way from a super-holistic study from 10 different fields analyzing one sector in big picture style. Having Ken Wilbers 4 quadrant model in mind helps to re-frame the idea that the test is just there as a reflection tool. At best study sexology to contemplate difference in male and female behaviour on the pure biological level as well as have an idea of it. These are all different topics and themes, and it's rare to see an interdisciplinary approach. Sex at dawn is still a pretty eye-opening book about this, I had only one date who'd be willing to discuss sex that deeply, I am looking for women similar to this, who enjoy sex and are willing to explore most dates have mostly been sorta survival like, so far besides 3 that had more depth. I mean even Owen Cook has a dirty sneaky level of awarness of knowledge behind this.

    There are differences although they accumulated in attitudes and predisposition without any presumptions there simply is no bias, even when the dynamic is different. It's interesting to study these, although without a high-level of non-judgement and development these topics are close to impossible to talk about I meet although a couple of women who were super open, it just did not fit logistic wise. It's more like a deep dive into reality and masculine feminie polarities I really love this when going out I sort of miss it. 

    I was personally curious about if there is a tool to reflect on the issue of sexism besides reading endless "hot quick articles" and something slightly more deeper. I would look at it holistically, I dunno I just don't think feminism is a good topic for dating, it might be in a relationship as a concern for social causes and historical impacts and just sheer interest and curiosity. I gave it a go for online-dating and meet a super manipulaitve women even though I legit have concerns and enjoy to talk about the topic, it's just not really my kind of tea currently. I dunno I did not like the feeling of rigidity of talking about it, and me feeling guilty without doing anything etc. So I just stay clear from toxic vibes in that regard, I dated and meet more integrated women so to speak, who did not need to lash out and attack. Most are also not like this. Maybe 1 in 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Approximately. 

    I am sometimes unsure how far I can trust PUA advice, as I struggle beign sexually with women and legit just consent already worked for me, so I am curious how far I can build the sex life of my dreams in terms of also "awareness and consciouness" and not only more "traditional spiritual" ideas. Even though I am not against it, I just don't want someone traditional ever.

  4. If no description can capture the essence of Truth, then why talk about it?
    If no description can capture the essence of Truth, then why talk about it?
    Not a single Buddist is Awake.
    Buddism is pure bullshit.
    The only one on this planet who's Awake is me and Peter Ralson.

  5. Any brands of turmeric in tablet form without heavy metal contamination?
    Any brands of turmeric in tablet form without heavy metal contamination?
    This is a legit question and I don't know the full scope of the answer. 
    A lot of nutritionists/functional medicine docs, naturopaths and holistic practitioners recommend supplements based on hearsay or quick google search.
    It is rare for health professionals to review the evidence of efficacy before making product recommendations like these because let's face it, it is boring and most don't know how to do that.
    That's generally one of the reasons why some nutritionists keep recommending crap like adrenal formulas or collagen powders because they never bothered to check. That and the fact that many take commissions for prescribing supplements which is a disgusting practice that the Industry has become corrupted with. And so the entire industry is being pulled down by rotten apples (you can see that this is a personal grudge I hold :D) 
    When it comes to absorption o curcumin, the clinical trials that show the benefits of curcumin are usually accounted for by either increasing the supplemental dose or frequency of dosing. Even at the low absorption rate, curcumin does appear to have potential benefits, which makes it an attractive supplement so the conquest is now all about absorption. 
    I think using it as a culinary ingredient combined with oils and heat processing as well as other spices (such as black pepper which may improve its absorption by manipulating CYP45 enzyme family) is probably increasing the absorption, but I have no way of measuring it. It also teaches people to think about food functionally, and the whole "food is medicine" perspective rather than endlessly popping pills which is a behaviour where we reject ownership for our health and rely on gimmicks. 
    Possibly. It depends on where they were grown, how they have treated post harvesting etc. Anything can be contaminated nowadays. 
    But let's entertain the idea they are. Still, it appears when these are used in culinary doses, they exert beneficial effects. People who eat more of this stuff, including many vegetables and fruits that are suspected to be (statistically speaking) more likely to be contaminated, still get health benefits compared to those who don't eat them or eat less of them.
    Not to mention that spices make healthy food taste better and so we can eat more of it - again pros vs cons tradeoff.
    The question also is "what are we going to eat instead once we start eliminating?" If we start eliminating plants, herbs, and veggies then people will start doing all sorts of crazy stuff like powders, meal replacements and processed junk  that rarely results in anything other than disordered eating and unnecessary phobia causing more mental damage than any tiny particles of lead or mercury ever could hope to.
    Ever seen what some of those insta influencers eat?  I get blown away but how popular they get considering all they eat are protein powders and processed junk. 
    I'll give you a different perspective on this, maybe it will help. 
    For some foods, we have a pretty good certainty that they are bad. For example, processed meat like sausages and hot dogs is one of those. As low as 100-150 grams per week (equivalent to one medium hot dog a week) already seems to increase the risk of bowel cancer. For such foods, we can confidently say, the negatives outweigh the positives quite dramatically. Animal fats like tallow, goose fat, pig fat etc also belong into this category where less is better than more. 
    For other foods like unprocessed red meat, there appears to be a dose-dependent curve. A little bit (about 80g/day) is conditionally safe, but above that, the relative risk goes up. This is because the negative effects of this food might not have anything to do with total calories and more to do with ApoB binding in the arteries and risk of early onset of atherosclerosis. 
    High-fat dairy (butter, whole milk, ghee, high fat cheddar) is also one of those where less is better than more due to breast & prostate cancer risk. 
    With everything else, there is harm ONLY where those foods are overeaten and lead to weight gain (sugar, sugar drinks, oils ) but where calories are accounting for are highly health-promoting (PUFA & MUFA oils) or there is neither harm nor benefit (lean meat, low-fat dairy) or there is just pure benefit (veggies, fruits, berries, legumes, soy products, whole grains, nuts, seeds). 
    The problem is that once we start eliminating foods that are clearly beneficial like vegetables in fear of some possible (often unlikely) risk we either need to replace them with something else or our diet loses diversity and that will have a negative knock-on effect. We cannot just endlessly eliminate foods without restoring the caloric values from somewhere else. 
    A lot of people end up so confused about everything that they take up intermittent fasting in order to avoid the anxiety of actually eating something, they start cutting meals, using overpriced green powders, overeating on a single food category that is often worse than all other foods combined(e.g. carnivore diet) or just go into all sorts of crazy ass ways. Many end up gut problems and mental health problems the moment they want to go back because they've devasted their microbiome colonies, their colon harboured since birth and with these good colonies gone, they get replaced by pathogenic proteolytic species overpopulated during steak, butter & organ diets. For a lot of these people, there might not be a cure anymore because we cannot repopulate gut once it is all gone. 
    So just each time you remove something, make sure to put something similar back. Don't just remove it because someone told you so. Do the research and find out for yourself. If carrots are so bad for us, why do people who have higher circulator levels of beta-carotene have less cancer? Why do men who eat more carrots have less prostate cancer? 
    These are the types of questions proponents of food phobia need to answer before we will begin listening to them. 
    Sorry for the long rant, hopefully this will help to draw a perspective

  6. This Small Clip Made Me Question Buddhism & Meditation
    This Small Clip Made Me Question Buddhism & Meditation
    There is a trade-off with having a silent mind: you'll have very few thoughts, but whatever thoughts you do have will carry a lot of significance and be crystal clear. When your mind is loud, you'll be more capable of ruminating over the same things over and over, but much of that is just repetition, unclear thinking, logical dead-ends, fear-based and reaction-based thinking. But sure, being obsessed about something can certainly produce some result that a lack of obsession couldn't produce, but will that product generally be one of virtue and deep genuine insight, or one of ego and delusion? All I know is that the people I consider "enlightened" tend to have the deepest and most streamlined minds I've ever seen. On the other hand, the people I consider "obsessed" tend to have deeply troubled and chaotic minds and often over-complicate the simplest things.

  7. What is the difference between blaming vs gaslighting?
    What is the difference between blaming vs gaslighting?
    Gaslighting is making you think that what you are experiencing,  saying,doing is not real while it is, blaming is when they saying things based on things you really did do, not trying to change the experience if that makes sense...but the goal is the same from the one whos doing it,consequences are psychologically different on the reciver...

  8. How to be motivated for intellectual pursuits?
    How to be motivated for intellectual pursuits?
    Do you really want to do that?  -- Would be my question. 
    Like, are you just doing it because you believe you should, are told it's something good to do, etc.?  
    I think if you truly find it meaningful and something enjoyable, you'd be doing it.  
    I used to try and read tons, study, and be diligent intellectually.  But it did feel like a grind sometimes.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy studying, reading, and understanding stuff and "nerding out" on things, but faaaarrrr less than I initially believed.  
    Recently I've just sort of realized that no, I don't really want to be the intellectual guy and have cut down my studies faaaaarrr more recently.  Instead, I realize that being creative gives me fffffaaaaaarrrrr more joy and love than studying;  The simple act of making a drawing or a video puts me back into that childlike place of play.  IT feels so much better.  
    So I'm trying to just do more stuff rather than simply read and study.  Whether that's creating things, going on adventures, travelling, exploring, socializing, etc.. Like, really just trying to do things that I find intrinsically way more rewarding, joyful, and meaningful.  
    So maybe try just doing other stuff to fill your time.  Experiment.  As opposed to thinking you should be studying etc. (unless that's what you truly want and find joy in of course).  

  9. Garlic: A Promising Antidote To Heavy Metal Toxicity
    Garlic: A Promising Antidote To Heavy Metal Toxicity
    Garlic will not help heavy metal toxicity. It may help the symptoms somehow, but it won’t chelate. Pop culture medicine edutainment seems to have propagated this idea that anything with a sulfur molecule or even a proper thiol group somehow purges heavy metals from the body or something — this is false. It is only the double thiol group having molecules that can chelate — DMPS, DMSA, dimercaprol/BAL (not recommended), ALA, etc — the two thiol groups next to each other act as a functional hook… When there’s just one thiol (chlorella, etc), it just stirs stuff around; doesn’t usefully or effectively chelate anything whatsoever.

  10. What Makes A Good Man?
    What Makes A Good Man?
    Other than the ones mentioned:
    - able to connect to his inner child,
    - able to not always be serious, able to be joyful,
    - able to embrace his cute side

  11. Are You A Sigma Male??? Take the test
    Are You A Sigma Male??? Take the test
    IMO being an alpha is an internal thing. It's not about being a big dick who bosses people around but it's having ownership and mastery of your own mind and independence of outer circumstances. If anything an alpha helps and serves those around him. Ask yourself based on your internal thoughts and emotions, are you an alpha. If we could see your thoughts and emotions, would they be correlated to that of an alpha. Or would it be a fearful squirrelly mind craving and escaping, thinking out of control and manipulating everyone. There's your test, fuck a stupid internet test which you can easily skew the results for. 
    Also another great test is your attractiveness to females. They basically are nature's biggest alpha male test. How many women have ya fucked?

  12. What Makes A Good Man?
    What Makes A Good Man?
    I do feel hesitant to share my views of what makes a good man. I feel that a lot of female feminists feel this way too because sure we can describe toxic masculinity because we often deal with the consequences of that but generally speaking the hesitation comes from the notion of *who am I to define masculinity and manhood when I haven't lived as such* but then because a lot of men lean more orange as opposed to green, you have a bunch of men doubleing down on the age old alpha male narrative. 
    That aside, for conversation's sake, here is my perspective. I feel like all of this has to do with being a good person in general but I will talk about this in the point of view of what I perceive to be a healthy form of masculinity. 
    Not Stoic 
    And what I mean by that is not stoic in the truest sense, because to me that is more of emotional regulation, the ability to detach from things that aren't serving you, and having an emphasis on self reflection. All of that is fine and encouraged. I'm talking about stoicism in the day to day sense that a lot of men tend to internalize which is the whole *men aren't supposed to be emotional* narrative. I think a good man is aware of his emotions, can feel his emotions, can articulate himself (at the very least for communication and connection, creativity is a nice plus), and can regulate his emotions. I think that a lot of men think that men are less emotional than women and I honestly think a lot of that is bs. A lot of men lack self awareness to recognize their emotions, repress them, or have everything come out (including things like stress, sadness, grief etc.) as anger because anger and agression are seen as acceptable and not really like emotions. Cuz lets be real, how many women do you see punch walls when they get upset and how many women will harrass you on the street when they got an answer they don't like?  
    Also, rather than being a lone wolf, a good man knows how to deal with people. He might not be everyone's friend but generally speaking he can atleast get along and empathize with most people. He has quality friends and other deep and fulfilling human connections because part of being brave and being a leader is being brave enough to show your emotions and share about yourself and your vulnerabilities, and a large part of being a leader is knowing how to deal and connect with people given the circumstance. And the last part about circumstance is important because trauma dumping at inappropriate times is not healthy for a singular person or the dynamic as a whole. I felt like I needed to make that last point because I feel like men, when they are told to show emotion, somIt etimes they straw man the whole thing and take it to the extreme because there aren't many examples of healthy emotional regulation and expression in a lot of male dominated spaces and often a lot of relationships as a result only go so deep. 
    Stable and Consistent
    This is something that I look for in both friends and partners regardless of gender. I believe that a good man can consistently follow up with you and make plans, consistently abide by his values and boundaries, and consistently treat people with dignity, empathy, and respect. I believe that this kind of consistency is the thing that makes most people feel safe, secure, and protected. 
    Empathetically Honest
    I think that I am talking about empathy a lot in general in this post so I'm not going to elaborate on it too much. But while a good man is honest, he is also empathetic and wise enought to know that just because something is honest, that doesn't mean that you need to say it. I mean, we've all dealt with those people who say "no offense" and say the most vile stuff after that or back up awful things they saw to people by justifying it by saying "I'm just being honest." And I think those statements reflect a lack of empathy, self accountability, and awareness, or in some cases plain common sense. And a lot of that also reflects self honesty as well becasue in my mind self accountability and awareness falls under that category. 
    Committed to Self Education / Is Open minded 
    This is not limitted to getting a formal education or reading a lot, but it can also include putting yourself out there and trying something new or engaging with different people and persepectives. I think that shows strength, bravery, and initiative. This also means taking information from quality sources and generally knowing better than you know being an Andrew Tate fan. 

  13. I have a vision but don't have something that I enjoy doing, is that okay?
    I have a vision but don't have something that I enjoy doing, is that okay?
    As someone who's been doing this life purpose stuff for years and has recently changed my approach for the better... way better... here's what I'd say;
    I did the whole Life Purpose course, got myself some visions, but, like yourself, still felt stagnant and uninspired when it came to actually finding something I enjoyed to do in the moment.  Something I could do just for the pure joy of it.   Recently, I think I've stated to change that around by... Taking breaks on consuming media, studying, and doing what I think I "should" be doing.  Just pausing all that.  Including reducing/stopping masturbation and porn. As "airy-fairy" as it may sound, by not releasing the sexual energy I had into sexual acts, it almost immediately got redirected into creative pursuits.  This whole "tranmutation of sexual energy into creative energy" thing seems to actually have merit to it.   .... Also... Just create stuff:  little things.  Anything.  Draw a picture.  Write a blog post.  Make a short little video.  Create a song.  Make a a T-shirt and try to sell it at a market or festival or something.  Anything!   As you start creating things, you'll quickly figure out what you actually enjoy doing and find intrinsic pleasure in vs. what you "should" being doing.   Examples
     For years I though I should be studying tons, and doing personal development videos and teaching content on videos or in written format on blogs.  But I always felt like so depleted and like I just didn't like it.  I felt I had to do something relating to teaching non-fictional concepts and ideas and techniques.   But this got me nowhere fast.  It was just so hard to accomplish anything because it was such a grind since I didn't like it.  Recently however, I've stopped all that and just started to be more creative in other ways.  I wrote a bunch of a screenplay, I drew a picture, I made a quick little video.  All this was soooo much better and felt playful and meaningful.  Something which now I actually feel a desire to do.  It feels expansive.  Like there's "juice" in it to savor.  As opposed to sitting in my room, grinding away at concepts n stuff, feeling totally bereft of any "juice" or passion.   
    Just create shit.  Things that turn you on and that you find fun and engaging.  Enjoyment is the key word here. Consider cutting/reducing media and information intakes to reestablish what you authentically like (not what the media says) Consider abstaining from masturbation for a week or two (or w/e) to see where your creative energies might go.  Consider reading Seth Godin's material; Purple Cow, Linchpin, etc.  
    "Artists ship.  The point of shipping is to get to the next thing you're going to ship.  You'll create more duds than gems, but the more duds you create the higher the chances a gem will shine through."  --(paraphrased)  Seth Godin 
    Find something you can create lots of, create due-dates, and just start pumping that shit out with as much care and quality as you can before the due-date has arrived.  Then do the next thing that inspires you and feel is meaningful.  

  14. I have a vision but don't have something that I enjoy doing, is that okay?
    I have a vision but don't have something that I enjoy doing, is that okay?
    I think, I've finally found a great vision for myself, maybe even a life purpose.
    I want to transform myself into a strong man and to build an amazing life. And use my own journey to support and inspire other people.
    I want to learn how to do conscious business from scratch, record my journey step by step and share it with others so that they can do it as well.
    I think it would be pretty cool to find some guy who knows nothing about business, is a total nube at it, and then see his follow along journey of building a successful business. 
    Basically I want to have a self-help youtube channel, but instead of theory and talking I want it to be very practical, almost like a reality show, but with a detailed analysis and explanation of each step.
    The same goes for social skills dating, public speaking, character development, spiritual development,  financial success, becoming a web developer, etc.
    I find this vision really meaningful and inspiring.
    The issue though, is that I don't have any particular medium that I am really passionate about.
    I am not particularly passionate about web development,  or business, or public speaking, or filming youtube videos, etc.
    Is that okay? Maybe I will acquire passion for those things as I keep going?
    It's the big picture, the process of learning, developing myself by itself, and helping others do the same which I am passionate about.
    @Leo Gura any advise, please?

  15. Spiral Dynamics - Summary Series
    Spiral Dynamics - Summary Series
    Spiral Dynamics Summary Series
    I created a Spiral Dynamics summary series based on Leo's videos, The Spiral Dynamics book, the website spiraldynamicsintegral.nl, as well as my own insights. 
    I hope these videos will be of help to someone.
    What is Spiral Dynamics? The Stages
    Stage Beige ? Stage Purple ? Stage Red ? Stage Blue ? Stage Orange ? Stage Green ? Stage Yellow ? Stage Turquoise ?  
    I'll happily take feedback!

  16. Productivity makes me depressed, need advice
    Productivity makes me depressed, need advice
    @LostSoul Hey mate. Its something I struggle with myself. But my best current understanding is to journal about events from your past and engage in humanistic psychotherapy. Humanistic psychotherapy is the most empathetic and human centred psychotherapy I've personally come across.

  17. Playing With Perspectives
    Playing With Perspectives
    Before it's considered obvious, first it has to be accepted and adopted.

  18. What's the best book you ever read ?
    What's the best book you ever read ?
    Some of my favs;
    Mastery Robert Greene
    The Alchemist
    Warrior of Light
    Principles Ray Dalio
    Gospel of Thomas
    Matthew/Mark/Luke/John/Proverbs/Pslams/Ecclesaistes in the Bible
    80/20 Principle and 92 Other Powerful Laws
    Living 80/20 Way
    50 Psychology Classics
    50 Philosophy Classics
    Parent's Guide Gifted Children
    Understand Psychology
    Thinking For a Change
    Business Creativity
    10 Ox Herding Pictures

    All are life changing in their own way

  19. Famous Cardiologist Truthbombs millions live on BBC
    Famous Cardiologist Truthbombs millions live on BBC
    The whole vaccine skepticism thing exists because of the internet, social media and alternative media, because now you can find unqualified people posting inaccurate interpretations of scientific questions everywhere, and just the sheer volume makes it into a shit storm which claims the minds of all sorts of people. The fact of the matter is that the vaccine underwent well-established scientific protocols/trials for testing. The fact that they were released early doesn't change the fact that they were tested on many thousands of people, and it doesn't change the fact that this decision saved tons of lives. Then you can ask "but what about potential long-term unintended side effects?". Well for one, long-term side effects from vaccines that stretch beyond 2 months are virtually unheard of, and the professionals responsible for the trials had access to extreme amounts of analogous data to make an educated decision whether to release the vaccine or not. When you really boil it down, vaccine skepticism by and large is science skepticism.

  20. Toxicity in YOUR lifestyle Giga-Thread
    Toxicity in YOUR lifestyle Giga-Thread
    Eliminate plastic dishes, utensiles, cups.
    Replace aluminum baking pans with steel.
    Don't use aluminum foil for cooking.
    Don't microwave food in plastic.
    Be careful with chemical cleaners, sprays, weed-killer, bug spray, etc.
    Be careful with makeup, lots of heavy metals there.
    Be careful with certain spices, lots of heavy metals.
    Be careful with any powdered foods.
    Be careful with baby food.
    Be careful with pet food.
    Be careful with talc powder.
    Be careful with fast food wrappers and containers.
    Be careful handling receipts, they are covered in toxins.
    Be careful with sunscreen, full of toxins.
    Be careful with non-MRNA vaccines, may contain mercury.
    Be careful with seafood, especially anything you fish out of a lake yourself.
    Be careful with gasoline fumes, smog, exhaust, pollution. Never live within a mile of a major highway.
    Never buy flourescent light bulbs, they are extremely toxic.
    Never get any metal into your mouth at the dentist. Do not get any metal crowns, all-ceramic only. No metal filings.
    Never accept routine flouride treatments at the dentist.
    Be careful with birth control pills and devices.
    Upgrade all your soaps, cleaners, and detergents to all-natural ones.
    Upgrade your shampoo and bodywash.
    Avoid food coloring.
    Avoid artificial sweetners like Splenda and aspartame.

  21. Why It's Glaringly Obvious That Solipsism Is True
    Why It's Glaringly Obvious That Solipsism Is True
    You guys get easily confused by calling it solipsism. Just call it dreaming. You are dreaming everything and everyone. And the dream is designed in such a way that you cannot easily notice that it is a dream, nor stop dreaming. If you could easily see through the dream, you'd be dead, so obviously the dream must be intensely convincing.
    If you could just walk up to a scientist and ask him, "Am I dreaming?" And he said, "Yes!" Then that would be a very weak dream. Of course he's gonna tell you No! A dream can only work if you deny that you are dreaming.
    So it all boils down to a simple game of denial. Since you are dreaming, you have infinite capacity for denial. Who's gonna contradict you in your own dream? Whatever you manage to convince yourself of becomes your reality. Simple.

  22. Notice: Cleaning Up Forum Drama & Toxicity
    Notice: Cleaning Up Forum Drama & Toxicity
    Unfortunately what I found after 7 years of running this forum is that toxic people never make behavioral adjustments, and actually get worse and worse over time. And if you politely tell them to shape up, they take it personally, develop a grudge against you, and start behaving like monsters.

  23. Girlfriend gets in the way of getting work done
    Girlfriend gets in the way of getting work done
    @integral Why not go to a library to do your work during the day? Pay for access to a commune office space... Get out of the house.
    Also, set boundaries. If you say are you unavailable and she asks you to do something... Be a man, tell her NO. And do your work. Tell her when you will be available. She has to learn that you mean your boundaries. If you don't respect the boundaries you have set by giving into her... she won't respect them.
    It's really about you two loving each other. You two being a team, being friends and supporting each others growth. Work it out together.
    If you can't do that, your work is so important to you... Do whatever you have to do.

  24. Girlfriend gets in the way of getting work done
    Girlfriend gets in the way of getting work done
    People don't understand that some things need concentration and how hard concentration is because they have never really done it. People don't understand the need for flow to go deep. People don't understand the need for passion and joy in ones work. People don't understand the need for alone time or the need of spending time with other people or things that is not them. People don't realize that the things you do that is not about them is vital for the health the relationship. Its all connected, our relationship does not exist in isolation from the rest of our lives, the quality of all aspects of our lives is integral to the relationship. ... more Not understanding = taking it personally.

  25. Leo, answer this question please.
    Leo, answer this question please.
    I could be a lot more developed.
    I feel the pain from my lack of development every day.
    Well, there's a lot you could do, but in a nutshell I would boil it down to this:
    1) First, prime your mind with reading and studying a wide array of sources and perspectives, like by reading the sources in my book list and watching my videos. You need some basic theory as grist for your contemplation mill.
    2) Then, after some years you will have a solid theoretical foundation and the real work can begin. Now you stop reading and learning theory, and you start doing serious contemplation. 1000s of hours of thinking everything through for yourself and deriving every answer for yourself from scratch from first principles and direct experience.
    3) And then you turn your attention to observing your ego-mind at work, and become a master of your own self-deception and egoic reactions.
    You don't have to complete one step before doing the others. In practice you should be intermixing them.
    Of course practices like meditation and psychedelics become really important after a while.
    Perhaps most importantly, have an insatiable curiosity and passion for understanding reality at the deepest levels, and never settle for beliefs or the words of humans. That's really my only secret. All I do is just rentlessly pursue pure understanding by derviving all of it for myself from direct experience and intuition. This is what I've called Pure Philosophy.
    The doing of Pure Philosophy leads to the highest wisdom. That's it. See my episode: An Intro To Serious Philosophy. That's my process.