Princess Arabia

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About Princess Arabia

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  1. I AM
    Just Move To The "I AM". Powerful Video To Heal Trauma or Depression/Anxiety.
    step 1 - dealing with oneself lovingly /not being down on oneself
    step 2 - dealing with the world smartly / not reacting
    step 3 - dealing as god, dealing as prayer, dealing as love
    located these i-am discourses given in september 1937:

  2. Solipsism proof : experience isn't divided nor limited
    Solipsism proof : experience isn't divided nor limited
    Let's just say this....according to @Loveeee there is no unconsciousness. If this were so, then they just said their entire life is a lie, absolutely. Now notice their actions, their speech are in conflict with each other. They ASSUME they are making sense, even though the truth of what literally different. 
    Unconsciousness and Consciousness are duality. The truth is what is. Right now Loveee is communicating and arguing with me about what is and is not. For Loveee to respond to me they have to ASSUME I'm an other, they have to ASSUME that I exist seperate from them and are saying something opposite of them. Unconsciousness signifies a lower maturity level, as such growth can't happen. So Loveee has to deny the existence of babies, but on an even greater level they have to deny impermanence.
    As such me and you are welcome to help ourselves to Loveee's money and possessions because they are literally denying the reality before their eyes. People like Loveee are lost in conceptualization but accuse people who try to correct them like me to see what is LITERALLY IN THEIR DIRECT EXPERIENCE!!! This is why your present experience is always ABSOLUTE TRUTH.
    But Loveeee denies the existence of unconsciousness and as a result is unconscious. Because they gave their authority away to a concept called Absolute Solipsism. As such, anything that threatens the integrity of their conceptualization of Absolute Solipsism they must deny it exists. This is proof that Loveee is not awake because they gave their authority to something LESS than them. If you deny the relative, you become stuck in relative because the Absolute includes EVERYTHING, even division.
    TRUE ABSOLUTE SOLIPSISM= Includes everything!! Loveee believes in a false version of ABSOLUTE SOLIPSISM which outs them as an imposter because they are being discriminatory. The same mechanism that causes them to act this way is the birth of all discrimination that plays out in humans. This is why I have said over and over, you CANNOT CONCEPTUALIZE ONLY you have to REALIZE. And this is why the map IS THE TERRITORY. In your direct experience when you walk on a territory with a map you are HOLDING THE MAP. How can the MAP not be the TERRITORY when it literally exists!!!
    Words are beliefs. Your actions you take and have always taken are beliefs. Everything is an acting out of beliefs. Beliefs are assumptions. Why? Because reality is an unfolding mystery. You are locked out of ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE purposefully to have progression. As such anything you believe by default is an assumption. So the only way to discover what is true you must drop assumptions and allow the mystery to unfold and reveal itself to you. 
    This is why I will repeatedly say over and over, you cannot scheme, manipulate, conceptualize your way to truth which you have been trained from birth to do. All you do is strip away all your beliefs until you are naked like a brand new baby....then you can be reborn again and experience raw perceptual experience with out the filter that you had over it called beliefs. Beliefs are not evil, beliefs are not false, they are LIMITED that is all.

  3. Important Read
    The Path of Love from Sanity to Insanity to Sanity
    You are borne into a world. As a child you are told sharing is caring. You are told to be honest, to give your best effort, to prepare and practice because this leads to perfection. You are taught that there are values, things like beauty, efficiency, functionality, power, virtue, morality, and that there are things that are bad like ugly, inefficiency, lack of function/usability, weakness, unethical, lacking in morals. 
    You notice the majority of the world functions off of this and this is reinforced in business, movies, t.v. shows, and the general population. You are born into a world that chases the acquisition, and expression of these things. You notice that things hold universal value, but you have not yet realized that the value they hold is dependent on the opposite. You also realize if you are objective that the opportunity to acquire and express these things according to how the world currently defines them is not equal. You realize that discrimination is inherent in this world view and then you get pulled into how to alleviate this discrimination to create a more equal opportunity world. But as you continue down this path you discover that biologically we are not equal either according to this constructed paradigm the world has created and also additionally these biological differences are not by choice, but some how you are punished for it as if it was.
    Now this confuses you too, humanity fights over things like intelligence, competence, physical attractiveness of appearance, country/town of origin, who your family is, how much money you come from. Then you start noticing you even get judged for your past actions, even though many of your mistakes were either a result of ignorance or lack of competence which is the same as saying immaturity or lack of development. You really start to wonder...what the hell is going on? How do I make sense of this world, because strictly speaking this world seems....insane. 
    Easy....self-honesty. But you reply this world it doesn't even stick to its own metrics, they told me when I was a kid that sharing was caring, and to be honest, to give my best effort, to practice and yada yada yada. But they do the opposite!!! But look, religion is telling me to do the things they told me as a child, maybe I'll join a religion!! So you join a religion and everything they say makes perfect sense!! You are like, yes if everyone just lived in alignment with this message all the world would get along smoothly. But notice...the religions are doing the same thing!! They each claim their religion is the true religion and even within the congregation they have cliques, there is gossip, there is politics and hierarchy. So you leave the religion because they are a reflection of the current state of the world that you think is insane.
    So now you go to the study of history, psychology, sociology, you want to discover why things are the way they are and why you function the way you are. You get into self-development and make it your mission to develop your body as well as your mind. You struggle with your failures and beat yourself up over them. You watch yourself like a hawk, you become your greatest taskmaster, choosing goal after goal, building yourself. Every time you crash, fail an objective you take it personal and crash with it. But you rise again. You fall and you rise, like the rising and setting sun you pursue and pursue. As you go through this process you notice those around you don't have this same fervor, they lack passion. You judge them, you call them out, you see them as weak. But at the same time you don't want to be mean, you don't want to be a bully but you just want to help them improve. You realized that because you took the lessons everybody gave you seriously you were able to see the value in the virtues. You noticed that you were more resilient, and you had less fear. You realized that it takes strength to be honest, it takes strength to be accountable, to have integrity, and you wonder why people don't do this? You noticed that these ideals that society says everyone should aspire for, are the same ideals that religion preaches. So you get confused, you ask so if everybody is saying the same thing then why aren't they actually doing it?
    This creates a righteous anger within you, you seek to go out and correct this. As you push this against the world, the world pushes back at you. This keeps happening and you get confused. Then one day you do a job for the first time and you are a beginner. Everyone is impatient with you, they judge you, they ridicule you but you are honestly trying your best. They complain about you until finally you breakthrough and become competent, then you become a master and everyone loves you. When a new beginner comes into this job you are patient and kind and giving because you remember what it is like to be a beginner completely confused and as a result you have compassion for them. Through this process you learn, that anyone struggling to do something is struggling because they are a beginner. To a master who has forgotten what it is to be a beginner, the beginner looks like a fool. They look lazy, undisciplined, clumsy, and as a result they berate them and insult them. For most beginners this would make them give up, why try when everyone tells you that you will fail. Why try when nobody wants to help you. Well the secret is, if you persevere you can become a master and then be the change you want to see. You can be the master that helps all beginners become a master by offering them the help that was denied you. But you ask why don’t those masters realize this? Because they have not mastered being a master. A true master remembers what it was like to be a beginner. There goes that truth thing again….always combining/creating a union between two apparent opposites.
    Be the change you want to see in the world. Everybody complains about the world, but nobody wants to be the reflection that they wish to see. Everyone always looks for someone else to fix the problem, to be the change. So why is the world in its current shape? Because the motto of the world is do as I say, not as I do. Notice a message like this resonates. I have never had this message not resonate, it has resonated ABSOLUTELY!!! Everyone agrees, there only disagreement is, why me? HAHAHHAH. They say why do I have to do it, why not someone else.....and then they realize they are just passing the buck to someone else just like the world. 
    You see? It's so simple. Now someone will say, I hear you if we all act according to our ideals then we can create an ideal world. But that would take too long and I may not live to see it. To which I would reply, there is a secret. You see God is that which hides in plain sight, so God hides the truth of what is going on in plain sight. What is strength? Strength is the courage to do the right thing regardless of the results. Why is it considered strength? Why is it considered courageous? It is considered that because the results look disadvantageous, like a waste of time. Because you are taught that your time is only properly used in the pursuit of individual self-aggrandizement, self elevation, self-illumination. The world teaches you that visibility, popularity is self-illumination. The world believes that power, status, popularity, is enlightenment. This is why the world acts this way. You will often hear someone promise to give you a strategy or "game" on how to get something. This is what the world thinks is value.
    But notice, value is based on limitation. But isn't it true you can only know your value through self-sacrifice? A master of something has to give its all in devotion towards something to master it. But only someone who has experience in what the master is doing can understand the value of the master's work. Once you become a master at something you understand all mastery. Because mastery is self-understanding, mastery is self-illumination, mastery is enlightenment. So you see the world is actually chasing enlightenment they are just at various stages of development. Now once someone has chased mastery enough, eventually they will come to a realization that they are not in control. How does this happen you say? By living a life so steeped in a belief in control and pursuing it with reckless abandon. Eventually your lack of control will become so apparent, that you will surrender. Now the problem is, you cannot cheat or skip steps. If you attempt to surrender before you are TRULY WILLING, that will end in failure no different than if you try to perform a task that you are unwilling to perform you cannot give your best, which is your ALL.
    You cannot surrender all, if you are unwilling. Are you getting it now? Self-Sacrifice is equal to maturity. Maturity cannot be forced!!! You cannot force a flower to grow faster. You can biologically design a flower to grow faster, but is written into its design. However something is, is what it is. It is, its own limit. THIS IS SELF-ACCEPTANCE!!! So notice, once you get tired of trying to control or change things and can accept them where they currently are, then you can do that not just with your human self but with the ALL. A master has nothing to prove anymore, why? Because the journey of his mastery and the fruit of his results is PROOF ENOUGH. He has learned the value of the total experience of his strengths and his weaknesses and the miracle of self-surprise, of the surprise present. When you pursue something with reckless abandon eventually exponential growth happens, growth that you did not expect. Through this you fall in love with yourself, and as you fall more and more in love with yourself the less love you need from others. As you investigate the life you lived and look at the confusion around you eventually you realize even more what is going.
    The pursuit of value teaches the lack of value, which makes all things equally value. Life is absolutely relative because everything is inter-defined, but this is something only a Master can know because he lived the journey of walking the path of self-truth, self-love, and is given the gift of clarity. Think about it, if a man masters something could he ever feel like he has no value? He proved to himself his value in his mastery. His value has become SELF-EVIDENT. This is why you CANNOT BULLSHIT LIFE!!! This is why they say you can only cheat yourself! If you lie, cheat, manipulate, you bar yourself from mastery, self-understanding, self-respect, and ultimately self-love. As a result you live in Hell!!! This is why life is PERFECT!!!! The Kingdom of God is within!!! If you work your hardest and someone tells you your slacking off, you cannot be fooled!! Only you know the truth of your inner experience, if you gave your all you cannot be fooled!!! 
    Are you getting it? You can only have low self-esteem if you take on the low self-esteem of others. Live by your truth to the best of your abilities and you cannot have regrets. Regret nothing, but learn from mistakes. You can learn from the past, but you cannot regret a past that was true. If you gave your all then that was the limit of your actions at the time. If you held back at all then that was not your limit. So you see? If you don't give your all and someone calls you out on it, they are correct. But if you lie and say you did give your best, you now have created a FALSE LIMIT. This is how LIMITING BELIEFS ARE FORMED. You do not know your limits, you DISCOVER WHAT THEY ARE!!! Knowing your limits is like you at 5 years old predicting how tall you will grow to be. The same way you have no clue how tall your adult height will be is the same way you have no clue how or what heights you can reach when you pursue something.
    An Enlightened Master has lived a full honest life of self-expression. He listened to the teachings of every religion HONESTLY. He has learned the value of self-sacrifice so when it came time to face his death he could surrender contently because he lived a FULL LIFE. I only speak of my own experience. Humans look for the kingdom of God on the outside, not realizing that Self-Mastery, Self-Knowledge, Self-Acceptance is forged within. 
    Once you master Masculinity, which is the pursuit of mastery through action, can you surrender to being, which is the recognition of mastery through inaction which is Femininity. The value of Being is Self-Realized through the Self-Realization of Action. This is how the paradox is resolved that Being and Action are one and the same. A man that is a master visibly is seen as beautiful. A woman who is beautiful in appearance is treated with the same reverence as a master for her appearance. 
    So a man who is considered ugly in appearance but whose movements are masterful can be given the status of beauty because of his action. A woman who is considered beautiful in appearance but whose movements are clumsy is only given the status for her being. The issue is a woman given beauty but no adversity will sit on her laurels, no different than a man born to unearned riches. Seek to forge both inner and outer beauty by discovering the interconnectivity of the ugly and the beautiful, the short and the tall, the strong and the weak. When you can merge action and inaction/being= BEING.
    T:L:DR "I can tell you all day you have value but until you prove that to yourself it is a mere illusion."

  4. Important Read
    Many People Who Are Fighting Absolute Solipsism Do Not Even Know What It Is
    One of the issues I am seeing on these forums is ignorance. The first rule of debating something is UNDERSTANDING. Many of you do not even know what Absolute Solipsism is, yet you keep fighting it. I even see people keep using this term the seperate self, the seperate self does not exist, SO STOP USING THAT TERM! That term actually confuses people!!! This is why I said human spirituality is bullshit and I'm so glad I was able to figure out the various traps you guys lay because of your inability to drop your human identity when it is obvious you are not human!!! Human is JUST A MEMORY. That is all it is. It is a bunch of sensations that arise and disappear. Anyway I will explain what Absolute Solipsism is.
    1. Absolute Solipsism says you are the only thing that exists. You are awareness. Awareness has two extremes of expression, it can appear and it can disappear. Now Awareness is eternal, and is the only thing that is so even when it appears to not be there DEEP SLEEP (Imagining it is not there) it is still there because it is all there is. 
    2. This awareness is a MIND, as such it can imagine/appear as ANYTHING. But this appearance is NOTHING. Because it is NOTHING it has NO LIMITS to what it can appear as, but as a result of being nothing with no limits, each appearance will be impermanent. Impermanence is its nature so it can fully express itself in an Absolute Infinite variety.
    3. What does all this mean? This means that all appearance of distinction is not true because it is just awareness. It means that since YOU ARE AWARENESS that you are ALL ALONE. You have to CREATE OTHER to experience yourself, because there is only ONE SINGULAR AWARENESS. This means that voice you hear in your head when you think, is NO DIFFERENT than the voices of the people you meet in your life. Everyone, everything, is just a thought in the mind of awareness. So you are ALWAYS talking to yourself, and experiencing yourself because you are THE SELF, THE I AM. 
    4. Many on the forums think I am saying the avatar is all alone, HELL NO the avatar you see is no different than the other avatars you see, it is just an appearance!! You erroneously think this is what Absolute Solipsism is because YOU ARE TOO ATTACHED TO THE HUMAN IDENTITY!! That is not what it is saying!! Think about it? Is the human identity absolute? NO!!! So why the hell would Absolute Solipsism be saying that? Notice YOU are making this mistake out of your self-bias!!! What it is whatever is appearing in the present moment IS ALL THAT IS!! Your awareness IS ABSOLUTE!!! 
    5. The ramifications of this are as follows. If you are in your room, with your doors closed then there are NO OTHER ROOMS in the present moment. If you do NOT SEE any other visuals....then there are NO OTHER VISUALS. If you do not hear something, then that sound does not exist. YOU ARE EXISTENCE. If it is not within your awareness then it does not exist!!! Now you can FOOL yourself by saying it exists (imagining the possibility) and once you imagine that possibility then it exists in your awareness as a possibility being expressed in your mind. You see you use your human level imagination in conjunction with your waking level more stable/consistent imagination to fool yourself! The first thing you need to stop doing is using your human level imagination to create lies such as time, space, science, a past, a future, the belief that you can die, and the belief that when people leave your awareness to (claim) to go somewhere else that they exist outside your awareness, and lastly that when your avatar perishes that the world will still exist. All of these human level imagination bullshit lies are false!!! THERE IS ONLY YOU!!!
    6. That screen that everything arises in as an appearance is ABSOLUTE!!! How it hides itself as the absolute is through labeling and stories. You create the appearance of arms, torso, legs and feet that move upon a ground and they remain the constant (even though it does change in other ways appearance wise) and you take that as you. Then it looks at a chair and it thinks the chair is somehow different to that arm, torso, legs and feet. Through this it creates an other. But what it doesn't realize is that chair is equally just as much part of the scenery as the arms, the torso, legs, and feet. So the relative is the constant changing of ALL appearances, this relative is all comparison of appearances. Its like you have an etch and sketch, while keeping the arms, torso, legs and feet constant you are constantly erasing everything else to draw something new. But there is always one constant...the screen of awareness. So then you will ask....but what about when you go into deep sleep? Even then you are there, because you are aware that YOU blanked out. 
    7. Now notice in DEEP SLEEP there is a lack of appearance. No sound, no visual appearance, no time, no space, there is NOTHING. THIS IS YOUR TRUE IDENTITY. But cannot experience what you are...without the appearance of SOMETHING!!! But that no different than the blankness/blackout of Nothing. This is PROOF you cannot die!!! Also if you pay your direct experience....blank is happening all the time!!! Move your hand...NOTICE for it to move from left to right it has to BLANK out of existence. Motion is just you blinking in and out of awareness. This means when you walk have died and been brought back to life. You call death disappearance, and life appearance. But NOTICE in your life you are always seeing appearance and disappearance. This is why...existence is MAGIC. This appearance and disappearance has NO MECHANISM!! It is INSTANT at all times!! THIS IS THE GREAT MYSTERY because it cannot be explained. 
    So there you have it, THIS is absolute solipsism and it CANNOT be disproven no matter how hard you try!!!
    You can watch these videos by Leo and use this post as well to help you.
    These additional videos can help as well:
    Also personally for me these insights were especially helpful for me:
    Also after you awaken.....this will be your new journey

  5. Important Read
    Is this 100% True
    What if I told you at a certain level of consciousness you realize....emotions are thoughts....what if I told you there is a form of language that doesn't use symbols, but that there is an emotional, empathetic understanding that is even deeper than thought? Also from one perspective he is right that thought can lead to emotion, but emotion can lead to thought as well.
    It's like this....your ego has a set of beliefs. These beliefs are like thoughts that are set in place and will respond when messed with. So for example lets say you hate getting wet...then you walk outside and somebody sprays you with water, you will immediately get angry. You didn't have to THINK to get angry because that thought already existed. If this happens I will get angry.
    This is why you will hear people say stuff like "I'm a type of person if you do this it will piss me off." You see? So you already have a conditioned response. Some of your conditioned responses are biological, and some are sociological. For example shivering when its cold is a conditioned response.
    Also your goal shouldn't be to stop getting upset, the purpose of anger is protection. Anger gives you the strength to protect yourself. If I robbed you of the ability to get angry you would never protect yourself. Some people have been taught to not be angry so much they repress it. Anger is not bad, or evil, the only thing you should be concerned with is not letting that anger control you. Now obviously if you think you are getting angry at things that are not important from your point of view then you can do an investigation into why it bothers you. 
    Always remember this...reality goes both ways...LOL. Its bisexual!!! LOL that's a joke. But seriously emotions trigger thoughts and thoughts trigger emotions. If anyone ever tells you that something is only one way...they are unconsciously lying to you. So this guy in the video is only half right....and it is hard for my mind to listen to half right people...sigh....also there are NO NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. 
    You need to understand....society has a bias against, anger, sadness, depression, etc. because society wants to put on a veneer (cover, appearance) of happiness. Everything is always LOOK HAPPY!!! Notice people unconsciously say "How are you doing?" And you unconsciously reply 'Fine." Why? Well part of it is habit, but part of it is you know if you start telling them your problems they will probably make some excuse and leave. Notice that unless you speak in a nice non-aggressive manner people will demonize you and tell you that you are bad. This is the problem that is leading to suicide, depression, because everyone is always trying to tell you WHEN it is appropriate to express your emotions.
    Why? Because they are not comfortable with their own vulnerability they project that onto you. This is why God made women and children, to teach the power of vulnerability. To teach the importance of free emotional expression. Men complain that only women and children are allowed to be emotional, it is like that only as long as you believe that. 
    Now with that said he is not wrong that lies are what leads to what he falsely calls negative emotions. But that lie is just a BIAS. So a bias is the belief that something is not GOOD. So the video of the person you sent me...HE is lying. He is guilty of what he is preaching. Because he thinks there are negative emotions. All emotions are GOOD!!! His issue is...whenever he feels anything but peace love and joy, he judged himself as Non-Spiritual and demonizes himself. So he has created a Spiritual Ego (which is the biggest trap in Spirituality) of how he is SUPPOSED to be instead of accepting himself as he is. 
    So let's put his foolish notion to the test. If I came at you with a chainsaw...and you felt that based on a lie? Sure...the lie is that you can cannot die. But....without that fear you cannot be motivated to either run or fight. You would have to be so NON-ATTACHED, that you completely are okay with losing the human you have been living as. If this is WHAT YOU WANT? Take his advice...but we both know that is not what he is saying. So thus...based on what he is saying....what he says can only be relative, and contextual. So what he SHOULD be teaching is HEALTHY emotional expression. There are no negative emotions, but there are NON-HEALTHY NON PRODUCTIVE forms of emotional expression. 

  6. Important Read
    Why Feeling is Truth
    Many Men will say things like facts don't care about your feelings, this is true, facts don't care about your feelings, but guess what? Your own feelings have never cared about facts. Not a single time in your life has your feelings ever cared about facts, or evidence!!! 
    So a guy will say so how are feelings true? Because feelings EXPRESS your beliefs!!! So you can say one thing, even try to convince yourself with your thoughts, but your feelings REVEAL where you actually stand!!! So feelings reveal the truth of what you actually believe!!!! This is why feelings are true!!! Logic is one half of the path to truth, it is the abstract intelligence you use to figure something out and make sense of it by looking at patterns and distinctions and forming relationships with them in your mind. But emotion? Emotion is the expression of your preference of said belief. If you like/love something.....positive emotions come forth. If you dislike/hate something anger, fear, annoyance, boredom can express itself.
    This is what many men don't understand and they think they can suppress their emotions and rationalize away how they really feel about something. Here is something you need to can fool yourself with inner words (thought) that you are okay with something...but you cannot fool your feelings. If you tell yourself you are not afraid of something and are lying to yourself about how you feel, when it comes time to do it...your feelings will take hold and you won't have any control. You will then attempt to force yourself to do something you honestly do not want too...and then you will have the problem of trying to do this to others in relationships. You relate to you relate to yourself.
    The Masculine and Feminine are two aspects of truth. The Masculine wants to find the truth and grasp it, control it, the feminine wants to experience the truth, and express it. The feminine never lies about its preference, its feelings always reveal where its stands on what it prefers or doesn't. Whereas the Masculine...uses its power of manipulation to twist and turn what it is seeing to force things to fit its perspective. 
    The path to the you must listen to both your emotions and your logic. If you notice your thoughts...and emotion are in disagreement....ask yourself what is going on here? Then observe your feelings again and be honest on the interpretation no matter what appears. Remember you said facts don't care about your feelings? Well your feelings don't care about your "facts" the lies you spin to deny how you really feel.
    So you might ask....why is it that women like brave men? Brave men....have learned how to communicate with their emotions, and convince their emotions that what they are about to do is worth it. The emotion may still be scared but it trusts...the intelligence and its observation and it generates.....just enough take the action. Without your emotion generating cannot take action. Your thoughts don't take action....your emotions do. Your emotions are the fuel of your life. They are what makes life worthwhile, you go towards what you love, and you run from what you fear (unless what you fear is destroying what you love, and what you love you fear to approach) so once you realize the importance of will realize the beauty.
    The reason emotions don't care about how something new is created. Facts are about the past, when you break free of can see a new possibility. So if you can learn how to speak to your emotions, you will be successful, and that same ability to speak to your emotions will be transferred to your relationship with women and children. Isn't it great that emotion doesn't care about facts? This is why GAME works. A man can undo a woman's facts....if he is clever with his words. When intelligence is stumped, and confused...emotion says wanna keep going? If intelligence and emotion agree and fall in love with the unknown they are doing....they become one and GIVE BIRTH TO A NEW POSSIBILITY!!!
    Because of possibilities are born!!!!
    Your entire life is just an inner marriage!!!! Of the Masculine and the Feminine!!