Princess Arabia

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Everything posted by Princess Arabia

  1. Geesh, haven't heard this fable in a while. I guess it's that time for the circle to jerk back around and cook up some jerk chicken and rice and peas., with some Y2k syrup on top.
  2. If you're not on any serious medication or blood thinners, try using Black Seed Oil. It's amazing stuff. Get good quality, though. I have a pic of the one i take in the Healthy Food Mega Thread. It may help with your pain. Google and research for details. I swear by it personally, and have seen results compared to when I don't. Results as in, lots more energy, and immunity. I'm not sick or anything but it doesn't mean one can't take just as a precaution or for preventative reasons. It helps with just about everything under the sun. Use caution and consult your physician if you're concerned about using it.
  3. This is the thing with trying to get somewhere. There's no where to get to. It is already done. This is home. This is it. That said. Meditation can be great, it feels relaxing and, for me is a spontaneous thing. Not for trying to get somewhere, but because it feels good in the moment when it hits me. Meditation means to become familiar with so it's just for feeling the aliveness that's already present, for me anyway. Once it becomes a chore or a duty, it takes away from the spontaneity of it all. Just like I might feel for something to eat, I might feel like just sitting and taking in the scenery, watching the birds, feeling my breath or something of the sort. Nothing wrong or right with doing any Spiritual practices, imo, if done without trying to reach somewhere. It may appear that you have gotten somewhere, but that's only an appearance. One never really gains anything because there's nothing lost. Everyone is different, and I'm not knocking anything because it doesn't matter either way, as anything can appear; and I'm not really making a choice to do or not do anything because there's no person making any choices; it's all just happening. I love to watch Spiritual videos, read Spiritual catalogues and watch podcasts about anything related to psychology, the Universe, the mind, quantum physics and stuff like that for the enjoyment of it, now not to get all carried away with trying to improve myself or get somewhere, even though I love self-improvement stuff because it's a way of gaining knowledge and applications may appear to happen. I'm not a freak about anything and I try to limit watching a lot of junk and stuff that seems to try and get you to try to do anything for any Spiritual purposes to become enlightened since there's no such thing. Nothing wrong or right about it, but it can appear to make one a bit delusional and get stuck in the apparent illusion of the self.
  4. "Life isn't about you" - The Legendary Starstruck. Hope when you come here bitching and whining about something, I can use your legendary trademark quote on you. Don't take that personal.😜
  5. You're welcome. These things will happen and there's no need to try and resist anything as it's just happening on it's own. Jim Newman's messages are very clear and may or may not resonate but look him up, if you haven't already and see if anything resonates with you and maybe brings more clarity on your situation.
  6. Go and listen to Jim Newman on YT and you will probably gain more clarity on why this doesn't work. There's nothing to surrender to. Those emotions that are coming up are responses that the body does. There's nothing the individual can do because it is nothing the individual is doing. It's just happening, but not to you but it's felt because you've identified with the body which is ok, but It'll pass on it's own. No surrender needed, as there's no one to surrender to what's currently arising. Even the thought of surrendering is just energetic and only a response. These will fade away once the contraction loosens up a bit until there will be no response to try and surrender.
  7. It's OK, it's kind of hard to unsee the seen, and verbally communicating gets a bit challenging when trying to keep it on a relative/practical level with certain points I'm trying to get across. I see things differently than how I saw them years ago as I view them as energetic instead of seeing it materialistically. Not every time and not with everything. It's not something forced or fake or coming from a place of thinking I'm deeper than you or more Spiritual or anything like that. This is why I'm even here responding back to you because I'm aware it's not personal and I didn't take it to heart; but at the same time, there was a response that felt like not communicating anymore because of whatever reason I stated especially when I wasn't rude to you first and should expect another rude response back.
  8. You have to understand something here. Life isn't personal. It's not about you, anyone or anything. There is no creation. That would mean a creator and something created. This is complete, wholeness, nothing separate, the Absolute. The Absolute is unfolding as we speak. It is ALIVE. It appears as everything. What's happening is what's happening. What happened yesterday, is what's appearing as we speak as a memory of what happened yesterday. Yesterday only happens as a memory. There is no past, no future, no space, no time, no here, no there. It all just appears to be that. So, pain is also the Absolute appearing as pain. It can appear as ANYTHING. Even as these words. Even as your post, even as war. It needs no reason to appear as anything because it is also that apparent reason. You can call it God if you like. Makes no difference. It's all there is. There's no you. There's no you feeling pain. Only appears to be. The Absolute can appear as a you that feels pain but it's actually the energy of pain that arises and the contracted energy that claims ownership of that pain (you), that believes it's in pain when it's just pain arising. There's no God that created pain and is now watching humans suffer because of that pain. God (the Absolute), is appearing as pain and you, who is an illusion, because there's just an empty body there thinks it's in pain. There's is just energy in motion and that energy can shape-shift and appear as anything. SPONTANEOUSLY. The dream is the INDIVIDUAL. The "I" thought that believes it's a somebody that is experiencing. What comes with that is the belief that everything else is real and now you have a life and everything is happening to you and you are the center of the Universe. That's the dream. It never happened. It just seems to happen. Please don't think I'm saying this to appear as if I don't feel pain and that I don't feel separate and that I'm just parroting anything. Yes, I've heard this from Jim Newman, but his words resonated with something within me and it responds to his message very deeply and I can intuit all this (which is also just apparent because there's no one to intuit anything ,only the Absolute appearing as intuition), and it is from that place where this message is coming from, not Princess Arabia because there is no Princess Arabia. Only an apparent message that's appearing on a screen.
  9. Surrender to what someone told him to surrender to but forgot to tell him that there's no surrendering to wholeness. Impossible. Surrender is also wholeness.
  10. I might as well have written this myself except for a few changes here and there including the part about life becoming more difficult. For me, its not becoming more difficult, not that it's become easier either, but not anymore difficult. I could say a bit more mentally peaceful. I've found that the more knowledge one gains, the more you lose. The less, the more homeostasis. Meaning, and I'm speaking on a Spiritual level the more you know, it covers up what truly is. Concepts and ideas just leaves you with more concepts and ideas. It's not even so much as to start applying what you've learnt as more to allow room and space for what you've ingested to digest so that the bullshit can work it's way through on it's own just like the body does when you feed it. Lately, I've been seeing quite a few comments such as yours and It seems more obvious to me that what I've come to realize is playing itself out right before my eyes. None of this stuff gets you anywhere only more seeking. It's fine to do it for doing it sake but there's no where to get and nothing to learn to get you anywhere Spiritually, only more shit to chew up and digest and spit out. Learning skills and expanding one's creativity is great and is needed to expand your horizons and to benefit your own curiosities about life, and to become good at achievements, even Spiritually, because that helps to get to the point of realization and the recognition that there's no where to go and nothing to seek or get. Just more questions and answers that breed more questions to Infinity. Life is very spontaneous and is appearing to unfold as we speak, so itls impossible to grasp and know anything concrete about it, only to know it's unknowable. Relax and try to enjoy each moment and concentrate on your personal goals and what is needed to attain the necessary tools to get you to where you would like to go on the grounded level.
  11. Yes it does, but only as a concept. But I know what you're saying.
  12. God is also the word lonely. So God is lonely of being itself. Dunno if that even makes sense. Doesn't even matter because that's also it.
  13. That's what I also thought when I read it. Then I scrolled through the comments and came across yours and busted out laughing. Nothing wrong with stories, though, as they are just the Absolute appearing as such. Doesn't even matter what the contents are because it's still a story, true or not.
  14. You didn't have to repeat what I said I was trying to do. I already said I was going to try to keep it as practical as I can. I have nothing more to say to you. As soon as I detect some form of animosity by anyone, I will stop conversing, simple as that. You're asking for advice or whatever you're asking for but telling the person how to give it and what you're not interested in when the person already told you. The issue with me is not even that, but the way in which you said it, after I was courteous enough with you in how I related what i had to say. Enough said.
  15. I assume you're speaking to me. If you consider suggestions bashing, then I don't know what to tell you. I will make no more comments on this thread. Thanks.
  16. Truth needs no defense. If I say the word "the" 1000x, or if I say 1000 words, the difference would be repetition. If I keep saying the same thing about a particular thing, that's not having a lot to say about that particular thing. I respond to questions being asked and comments being made.
  17. I can touch a pencil, can you touch an emotion. That's what I mean when I say physical. Everything is imagination. But this is not about that, and I don't want to turn this into some existential Spiritual convo. So I'm trying to stay as practical as I can. Muscles is energy. It's all energy. I won't even begin to dissect this one and leave it at that. The only thing I'll say, though, is that it is still energy responding to energy. I don't go to the spa, but I've had personal massages and I love them. The person doing the massage can feel the tension and also the person receiving them. Emotions can appear to be stored in the body and can appear to be released through massages. It's energy flowing through the body.
  18. This is just speculation and lack any merit. This is also a certain way of generalizing communicating to someone what you're trying to communicate. These words, your exact same words, could easily be said to anyone in the exact same way that you suspect haven't come to their own realization or who is parroting. It is not personable to me and doesn't reflect what you think you have personally observed with me. You have made an assumption and now the best you can do with that is say to me a generalized statement that you would say to anyone about this assumption. Meaning, there's nothing that you actually know in my case, you're assuming that I don't understand what I'm saying and now the text book of what to say to that is out. This is in itself A DOWNRIGHT INAUTHENTIC ACCUSATION, coming from assumptions. You constantly mention Tony Parsons to me and i don't listen to Tony Parsons. I cannot stand how Tony Parsons communicates and i think I've only seen one or two of his videos outright, the others were just flipping through and j never really watch him. Also, as of late the only thing I've mentioned about consciousness is that it's a dream and doesn't really exist because that is separation. I speak about the Absolute. Then you tell me I speak about consciousness as if.............. Also, you have made a claim that I'm studying. "The things you study, you parrot", you said. I didn't know watching a few videos was studying. How else can you say "The Absolute", how else can you say "Individual", how else can you say "no one", "this", "dream", "all there is", 'there's a me, or there's no me", "realization, recognition, "already", "energy", 'contraction", "body", "happening", "arises", "aliveness".....i mean, these are the kinds ordinary words that are being used and can barely be replaced with other ordinary words because they are so ordinary. When you've been in this field for a little bit there are just certain words you adapt, which just happens not because one is parroting or doesn't understand what they are saying. Also, I have started a few threads explaining what I've come to realize without the help of the dictionary, looking through any phrases, or referring back to any teachings. I spoke fluently and within my speaking style. I speak so everyone can understand what I'm trying to communicate and most of the time without the use of fancy words that may be misleading. I speak clearly and articulate my words the same way I speak when I'm on any parts of the forum. My threads are usually pretty long and explanatory, in MO way shape or form can a "parroted" accomplish this without sounding repetitive and robotic. They are usually very personal and obviously not rehearsed and coming from a place of inauthenticity. If they were, I would deserve a gold medal for being able to relate something I'm parroting with "in-depthness" and able to start original threads about. I knew nothing about advaita before pretty much all you spiritual heads kept accusing me of being a school of except for hearing the term thrown around from time to time through videos or just in general from being into spirituality. Its not something I ascribed to or studied or whatever. What I've come to realize is that what I'm saying sounds like advaitas teachings and I still haven't even go searching for them out of curiosity because I don't need to. If anything it's more Jim Newman and his is not a teaching. I used to watch him a long time ago and stopped, and it's not until I started watching him again that his talks have took on a whole new meaning that I can relate to and understand a whole lot more and integrate because of all the other stuff i was exposed to. Kind of like watching a movie and every time you watch it something new is noticed or even reading a book. It is not something I'm parroting. Maybe some words are the sane but all that doesn't matter. I may have a different view on how you see things but you cannot tell me I'm just parroting without understanding what I'm saying and when ever I've responded you on the forum indepth you make no attempt to respond back to my statements which are obviously not parroted. I won't go over this long ass response so excuse the errors.
  19. How's this any different than what I've been saying as far as there's no one. I mean there is a slight difference as there's no one already and nothing needs to be done just a kind of recognition or realization of this.
  20. Spirituality is an endless cycle. You will run into blockages and loopholes, trying to do things. You're better off learning how to undo, unless you're trying to reach a materialistic goal and need to learn things in order to accomplish them and to better yourself as a human, or watch videos like the one suggested here, because that pertains to being human in the "real" world. There will always be a point that cannot be overcome on a Spiritual level if you're operating as an individual just like the one you're saying because there's really nothing to surrender to. You will appear to hit a hurdle you can't get over at a certain point and start to get confused and start to wonder about things and ask questions like these and the answer will just lead to more questions.
  21. Priests are molesting little boys and Pastors are sleeping with the congregation members. When I was a stripper and was into food and nutrition I used to bring books to work and read about nutrition. As a working girl, I would have headphones in my ear listening to Spiritual podcasts. Don't make a difference. It's not a Sunday only thing for me, it's a way of being and a lifestyle. I don't need to separate the two,
  22. I actually liked the second one. Weird but entertaining and cool at the same time.