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About LostSoul

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  1. @Leo Gura How to start developing It? Are there any good resources, like would you recomend any YT channel?
  2. @Leo Gura could you please say again in which fundamental things you differ with him?
  3. @Miguel1 thanks @mmKay Thank you for your comment, I'm quite impressed with the level of summary and analysis you made of my situation. It's difficult to communicate something so complex in a way that others can help. I'm impressed by the clarity of your response. With few words you gave me some clarity. I will DM you By the way, I moved out from parents house, but i was born Here in Spain(Asturias). @Danioover9000 Thanks for the advice. I would add to my initial post that my hero's journey started when I had that Kundalini experience, but the amount of LOVE I felt and the contrast with society, family, etc., made me repress it all, the fear of rejection. I feel like I'm five years behind. Also, my own psyche juggled to try to forget everything and return to my comfort zone, but it went too far.
  4. @Leo Gura could you share your thoughts on this. At least I have openmindeness, so maybe I need a change on perspective... i don't know, I'm pretty lost.
  5. @Princess Arabia well... I think I get you. I think a good amount of Life on this planet is luck. So things are what they are... In my case, right now, with all the bullshit i had to experience (bad luck i guess), I'm currently in need of practical guidance to maximize my options of creating a good Life. I think I'm on the fortunate side of the road.
  6. Hello forum, I would like to seek help as I feel quite lost in my life, and I believe I have the potential to improve it and change its course. If I don't act soon, things might take a turn for the worse. As background, I'm 25 years old and I've always been afraid of intimacy with people, always putting up a barrier against them. Despite this, I've always had friends and people who care about me, but deep down, I've always felt isolated. Everything changed when I had a powerful kundalini awakening when I was 18. I saw everything very clearly, life, relationships, my mind, my ego, everything dissolved. I was in nirvana for 2 weeks. From then on, I had a major existential crisis, as without an ego, I was in complete peace, but gradually the storm returned, and I didn't know who I was anymore. I found Leo's channel and saw incredible potential in myself, but the forces of my mind and my environment made me leave all this behind, and after several depressions, feeling lost, I decided to forget everything and focus on finding a job. Now, 5-6 years have passed, and I have a stable job but I feel like I've lost my soul, everything I saw when I woke up, I left behind to fit into society and have a normal job. My job gives me money but it doesn't motivate me. I don't know what I want. I'm afraid of intimate relationships and showing my soul, as I was the first one to run away from it. I have many repressed emotions, a repressed mind, a repressed soul. The first thing I should do is to be clear about what I want, but what I want scares me, and I'm very attached to avoiding reality, and my mind is slowly deteriorating further. I don't know how to be myself again. Where should I start to purify my mind, break addictions to the phone, drinking, the routine of repression? But I have potential, pure intentions, a stable job, and health, I'm young. I have to start from scratch. Where would you recommend I start in this state of confusion, fear, anxiety, but with potential for change, since one day I saw how everything is the mind, and I intellectually understand much of Leo's teachings, but I don't apply them in my life. Basically, how to actualize all the conceptual bullshit I have in my mind, while at the same time grounding myself in some valuable life. As more context, i just invest in buying a house here in Spain, just moved out from parents house. I have little almost no experience with girls, i consider myself intelectually and intuition wise (but i deceived myself into always run away from myself!!), I have great openmindeness, I lack vision, I lack confidence, I have good compassion and heart, I think I can be courageous to reset my Life, etc... I have been existencially suffering almost 7 years. I had other minor awakening into the nature of reality, since that huge kundalini (not wanted and out of the blue!!) some conciousness stayed with me forever, but every year is dimissing since i do not do the work, and i have HUGE ANXIETY PAIN in the chest almost 24/7. THANKS
  7. @Cosmin Visan So I'm reading this very unique and interesting paper, just a quick first read. I found myself stuck at this point: [So, let’s start from Nothing. Initially, all that there ever “was”, “was” Nothing, or better put, no-thing. Initially there was no thing. Whatever that was, it could not be spoken of. But that no-thing looked-back-at-itself. By looking-back-at-itself, that no-thing saw itself. By seeing itself, that no-thing became some-thing. The first object was brought into existence: “I am!”. The first object that Nothing experienced was itself, was the object “I am”. This object, even though it is an object, it appeared because no-object looked-back-at-itself.] How can a no-thing look back at itself? How can you justifie that property of looking back at itself? How? If you start with self-reference I buy that, but how starting with no-thing?
  8. @Leo Gura You mean all subjective suffering from direct experience of ''mine'' or all suffering from the ''universe''
  9. @Yimpa dosage of each session?
  10. I really relate to this post, I'm 25 and had an unwanted awakening when 18... Since then I've been lost in life because somehow a thought that life is about awakening installed in my mind, but I didn't really know what is awakening. It wasn't full awakening, just huge kundalini emotional realase.
  11. Is nice to have brought here the 3 users beside Leo that I read the most. My intuition gravitates towards you, I don't really know why... I haven't had many awakenings, just a huge and unwanted one when I was 18 years old, out of the blue. I take advantage of that to ask you guys if you could offer some advice on this post that I wrote some months ago: https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/94829-blockage-in-the-heart-area/ @Bazooka Jesus @Yimpa @Razard86
  12. Just wanted to know Leo's opinion on Razard86 way of communicating things. I'm very early in my spiritual path but I really resonate with Razard86 communication of things, and I think he is very straight forward. I'm sure you Leo have read a lot of his posts since he is a very proliferous user. The question being, do you Leo validate his vision of Conciousness? Would you consider him awake?
  13. @Yimpa that has been pretty much my life. Maybe I have a difficult time giving love to other because of this? (Sorry for changing the theme of the topic but I had to ask)
  14. Just one question, @Leo Gura I was right now watching your episode with Curt in his channel TOE, and you just literally said you have one rule for you and everyone that gets into this work: "dont hurt your body, not even just dont hurt your body but take care of it, recognizing its innate beauty" Do you have changed your thoughts on this matter since you said you stopped brushing your teeth? Thanks for your time and all that you have done for humanity