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About LSD-Rumi

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    Middle East
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  1. @zurew @mrPixel I don't think she threw it or at least not intented to threw it. People don't call cops to their homes to throw hot water at them. She was apperantely panicking when the cops turned so aggressive and pointed their guns at her out from no where. But from what I saw in the videos, I think she was just lifting her head. I think Discussing this whole detail is an insult to the victim.
  2. @Leo Gura How does Russian compare to English? I find Engish to be too simplistic as a language which is ironically its biggest strength and weakness at the same time. English is practical but not poetic.
  3. It was comically absurd. He even said I will shoot you in the face just seconds before shooting her. I don't know how people are even discussing the whole boiling water thing. She was so away and the pot was so small that water would have barely touched him or even not if he just backed away. Her body language was not aggressive at all and he apperantely escalated the situation by aggressively telling her to lay on the ground instead of just putting the pot aside. The poor woman was so afraid that she just liftes her head a bit before being shot.
  4. Jesus. Decades of experience and research in psychology and cannot even recognize a narcissist when he sees one? Political bias makes one so gullible.
  5. This situation sucks. But you must try to understand her perspective too. Although it was a wrong deed, you kindda broke her heart when you told her you cheated on her. Women can be quite impulsive and act on emotions as men can be very horny and easily seduced. Now, you either try to heal your relationship as mature adults and take lessons from this experience or just break up for good. I don't see cheating as the end of a relationship if both partners still take the relationship seriously.
  6. Yeah, nondual teaching can be corrupting if you apply the absolute into the relative. Another trap is using the notion of "Taking care of my survival" to engage in evil. But the good thing is that although evil managed to bypass your first defense mechanism against devilary, you still got the ultimate barrier installed into your subconscious mind. The devil cannot fool a good person for too long, it becomes too painful to ignore.
  7. Just realized this is How Trump Would look like in a post-apocalyptic world |
  8. I enjoyed the shit out of this movie. It takes a lot for a purely action movie to grab my attention but this did. Strangely, it didn't do well at the box office although it had great reviews. I wish I watched it in the cinema tho. Btw, Anya Taylor, and Chris Hemsworth totally nailed it.
  9. The comedowns of LSD are pure bliss.
  10. 200 micrograms
  11. LSD is not an easy substance. It is a stimulant, it can induce anxiety and it is know to cause racing of thoughts. To use it, you have to master the art of relaxation, and have a good grip on your mind. You must guide your mind into your own interests otherwise it could guide you into negative loops of thinking. I noticed combining it with dissociatves tend to create a much more pleasant experience but you need to use half the dose. 3-HO PCP is a good one.
  12. How do you personally deal with politics? Do you get triggered/anxious sometimed? The thing is engaging with politics can be a big distraction from personal growth and success. It could also have a negative effect on one's psyche.
  13. There are good weirdos and there are bad weirdos. which are we?
  14. I am not taking it seriously 😆 I am sure some dude on Reddit just made this graph based people's reports.