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  1. And Leo loves to actualize and reveal them. Leo has no qualms about dragging you straight to hell. That should remind you of someone.
  2. Furthermore, Leo's theology, ontology and metaphysics contain raging internal contradictions that he is too smug to address. He flips up a theatre script of love, consciousness, awakening and even aliens now, but once you start to make a systematic analysis of his metaphysics, glaring issues and contradictions rise up. Stay away from this sorcerer.
  3. Warning to anyone reading this, Leo does not care about: - suffering - insanity - irrevocable damage / problems All he cares about is the most radical states of consciousness. I dont think he is sane. I recommend you all to stay away from his mania and do psychedelics in an utmost safe manner. Do NOT experiment with insanity and stay away from Leo.
  4. Infinity has no bias, stop spreading misinformation, youre on thin ice here
  5. Yes you dont have a brain if you vote for Trump and yes leftists are often retarded, but your entire rhetoric is apologetic of the horrific Democrats that helped Trump win by alienating voters with lies, guilt and corruption. Yes republicans are substantially worse than dems, but im really disappointed in your apathic stance on the dems. Its not in line with conscious politics at all, for if you would become more conscious of society and politics like i have been becoming lately you would realize its all just a bunch of horseshit that would need to be deeply rooted out for a chance of society to really become conscious. Hate the way you dont seem to give a fuck about radical love in society or utopist visions anymore and have adopted this blackpilled radlib stance about the world. You know damn well the dems are a bunch of no good horseshit filled crooks, but just because they are less bad than the republicans you dont care to call them out.
  6. Indeed, it is the fault of the dems that we are in this situation again now. The libs are corporate imperialists while the progressives are narcissist irresponsible ppl. And now there gonna let this fucker win. Demonisation of working class people and a decadent assumption that they are on board with the whole "first women prez" and that if they are not, they are a "bucket of deplorables", is what made the dems lose, and now their loyalty on a retarded senile neolib will do the same. Dems do nothing but demonize any conservative standpoint. They are just as to blame for polarisation as the republicans. Its not normal that a person like trump can win. It almost feels like a setup to me how retarded the dems have moved. The shit that Harris spewed about Joe after his debate, it just doesnt fly anymore. The public doesnt eat that stuff anymore. And a lot of left leaning ppl hate Biden and Harris for the atrocities in Palestine. its joever.
  7. @Antor8188 Realize that this is the reason sex outside of the marital system is bad. It causes chaotic and deep self-esteem issues and trust issues in society that can make you want to end it all. The fact that there are people in this thread telling you to be more psychopathic/homeless, and the fact this is genuinely good advice in today's meta of society more than proves my claim. .
  8. I'll also pay for someone's course to pay back what was wasted on me, or split the price of 1 course between a few people. bitcoin only. I'll log back when the course is out.
  9. Just like adam and eve were the first humans, and evolution is not real, and that's just exactly how it works. Bye.
  10. I did find out however, through years of reasoning and contemplation, that solipsism and infinity being true are the only hope for any salvation of any kind. If it turns out not to be true, we are all grievously fucked. Hell is other people.
  11. Just last week he said the dream is absolute and therefore impossible to change, even though it's possible to change the content of a lucid dream. This statement should be rectified because it is a 100% internal contradiction of Leo's worldview and teachings. This is not some rationalwiki bs critique, but if Leo's system contradicts itself, it should not be taken seriously anymore.
  12. Bullshit. If you can have Alien consciousness and end-of-the-world awakenings, you should be able to use that to help with your human life since the human life is a dream like any other. Somehow Leo can access the deepest levels of consciousness but have absolutely zero control over any of his material existence, even when insisting that all material existence is not realer than a dream. So there should be no ground for material existence to stop you from fixing your human problems. But nooo, you can have an alien experience that transcends the universe, but you still have to come back into your shitty human form and deal with exactly the same problems as before. Almost like that entire alien experience was fake and just a hallucination... oh wait. And don't hit me with ad hominems about muhh ego, thats why you want to change the human experience, you're so childish and immature. You know I make a valid point here, you even admitted yourself in your convo with Kurt that you couldn't do magical healing even though it should be possible. So just leave humanity alone with your bullshit and false hope. Also the argument that the dream can't be changed because it's absolute is utter horseshit. In lucid dreaming, which according to you, has the same ontological status as human life, the dream can easily be changed on command. Where do you even get the balls to make such outrageous, utterly self-contradictory and self-denying claims and spout them out to us? I'm calling bullshit on all of Leo's weird, alien, magical bullshit until he proves he has power of the material world. Until then it's all bullshit except his classical, philosophical, ontological ideas about reality, consciousness and god because those are not about "attaining" alien godly states or any other extravagant magical horseshit. What happened to just God. No, now its alien God. why not God God? Your work is provably self-contradictory. I hope it's by mistake and that you're not a snake oil seller.
  13. You are correct just like a person is correct who goes to a book club to state that the book is only pages with printed ink and that that is all the book is about. I also don't see how assumptions and beliefs are not experiences. But we'll go in circles forever. I appreciate it though.
  14. And no, I do believe liberated states exist, or at least i have no reason to disbelieve in it. I do think realizing non-duality and freeing yourself from desires is probably the best way to try and reach that. But attaining liberation is for the ego, in the end when we are talking about liberation it is the ego that is liberated, who else. but when we are talrking from consciousness, reaching various states, reaching various understanding or knowledges, i think reducing consciousness down to non-duality is not correct. there might have been liberated, non-dual realized people who have also traversed various "dualistic" states of radical consciousness, such as tribal shamans taking dmt and going to crazy realms and all that kind of stuff. I'd say that is a cool polarity to make between various psychonauts; "shamans" being the ones who interact spiritually with the illusory world, interacting with spirits, traversing various radicals states of dualistic conscioussness, and "mystics" being the classical buddhist/sufi/advaita realizers trying to become conscious only of the non-dual oneness reality and going ever deeper in it. and of course the christian mystics. So i'd say the mystics operate more in the realm of the Father and shamans in the realm of the Mother. Non-duality is what distinguishes a mystic experience from a shamanic. What are your thoughts on all this?