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About Yali

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  1. First 5-MeO-MALT Trip
    First 5-MeO-MALT Trip
    Dude, after I took my first bong hit of weed, I couldn't walk straight for the next two days. That's how deep my trip was.
    Don't worry too much about it.

  2. Is This What 5-MeO-DMT Salt Should Look Like? My Experience & Seeking Input!
    Is This What 5-MeO-DMT Salt Should Look Like? My Experience & Seeking Input!
    Hey fellow psychonauts!
    I recently acquired what was claimed to be 5-MeO-DMT salt, and I'm a bit perplexed by its appearance. I wanted to share a video with you all to get your thoughts on whether this is how it should look.
    As you can see in the video, the substance appears to be extremely insoluble, almost like small crystals or chunks. Is this consistent with your experiences, or does it look different from what you've encountered? I'm curious to know if this is normal for 5-MeO-DMT salt.
    Now, onto my experience. Despite the unique appearance, I plugged 29mg and 31mg of this substance on two separate occasions, hoping for a strong effect. However, I didn't experience the intense effects that are often associated with 5-MeO-DMT. Instead, I noticed some mild perception changes, but nothing too profound.
    I'm reaching out to this community because I value your knowledge and experiences. Has anyone else encountered similar-looking 5-MeO-DMT salt? And if so, did it produce the expected effects? I'm wondering if I received a less potent batch or if there might be some other factors at play.
    Your insights and feedback would be greatly appreciated. Let's engage in a discussion and share our knowledge to better understand this intriguing compound. Thanks in advance for your input!

  3. For people who think running on a treadmill is different from running on the ground
    For people who think running on a treadmill is different from running on the ground
    Real-world running is quite noticably different than treadmill running. Real-world running is harder. The treadmill just spins under your feet, that's not how real running works, where you have to push yourself forward more. On a treadmill you are not pushing forward, you are just lifting your legs.
    If you train on a treadmill a lot, and then try real running, you will feel weak at it.

  4. First 5-MeO-MALT Trip
    First 5-MeO-MALT Trip
    It's hard to go wrong with a 10mg first dose on any 5-MeO class substance.
    20mg+ is where things start to get challenging.

  5. Should I go organic or wait until I have business success?
    Should I go organic or wait until I have business success?
    In my experience you will NEVER feel any difference between organic and inorganic.
    However, that doesn't mean it won't affect your health over decades. You can't notice something that takes a decade to build up.
    When something finally goes wrong with your health you will not even know why. You will be confused as fuck about it for years.

  6. What is self-love ? really do not understand.
    What is self-love ? really do not understand.
    Because I am also doing other things.
    Yes, it will be the most advanced thing I've seen.
    Yes, information nobody knows.

  7. Clubbing without alcohol and drugs?
    Clubbing without alcohol and drugs?
    It's possible but you gotta be serious about it. You should act fast.

  8. LSD + Shrooms
    LSD + Shrooms
    Doesn't matter much. THC lasts a lot longer than vaped DMT so it would be a better baseline to which you can then add a boost of DMT or 5-MeO.
    A powerful combo is to plug 5-MeO-DMT and then vape DMT or DPT or 5-MeO-MALT or THC on top of it for a boost.
    You just gotta experiment around and find what hits your sweet spot.
    These combos can be way too powerful, so be careful. You can really start to lose your mind and spiral out of control.
    I would recommend only taking small boosts from your vape if you're gonna try such combos, so you don't overdo it. A vape pen allows you to really dial it in with small tokes.

  9. LSD + Shrooms
    LSD + Shrooms
    THC, DMT, and 5-MeO all work well together for me. The consciousness attainable is insane. You be will 100x more conscious than any smelly Buddhist.

  10. 1p-LSD trip report – mostly fear and paranoia
    1p-LSD trip report – mostly fear and paranoia
    It's not just gigantic, it's Infinite.

  11. 1p-LSD trip report – mostly fear and paranoia
    1p-LSD trip report – mostly fear and paranoia
    There are healthy and unhealthy ways. Depends on how you do it.
    If you take 10g of mushrooms, yeah, it will be traumatizing.
    It's hard to know where the line is until you cross it.
    After 30 days of 5-MeO-DMT, I crossed that line and had to back off. But that took 30 days of epic tripping to cross it.
    And everyone's different, so no one can tell you where your line is.
    Facing fear is a requirement of Love.

  12. Trip Report - Nothingness, Absolute Infinity and Love
    Trip Report - Nothingness, Absolute Infinity and Love
    @reves I find 1P-LSD harder to manage than DPT, so you are more than ready for it.

  13. Pick-Up is draining
    Pick-Up is draining
    As I said, it has a crazy steep learning curve. Just embrace it and have fun with it. Don't focus on the sex, focus on the growth and adventure of it.

  14. How Does One Discover What They Authentically Want?
    How Does One Discover What They Authentically Want?
    You want both.
    Truth is of course core. But that by itself is not enough for a good life. You need passions outside of spirituality. You need some kind of career, hobbies, etc.
    Pick one career and pick one hobby. And also you will pursue truth.

  15. Monogamy or Polyamory
    Monogamy or Polyamory
    Both can work, both have their pros and cons. It's about finding what aligns with you and your partner(s).
    It's gonna be difficult either way. There is no easy fix to relationships. They require work.

  16. What is absolutely irresistible to girls?
    What is absolutely irresistible to girls?

  17. Patrick Bet David is a tremendous interviewer, seeing Andrew Tate's interview
    Patrick Bet David is a tremendous interviewer, seeing Andrew Tate's interview
    Pat's MLM was not like those really scammy MLMs. It was a life insurance FMO company which he then sold for $100M. Pat built a legit sales company. Credit to him for that.

  18. Radical Honesty OR Manipulative pickup?
    Radical Honesty OR Manipulative pickup?
    It's a game.
    If you are gonna be radically honest, expect your survival to be seriously jeopardized. Why do you think most people are so dishonest? Just for kicks?
    Honesty can get you killed.

  19. How To Raise The Collective Consciousness With a Raw Vegan Diet (For Light-workers)
    How To Raise The Collective Consciousness With a Raw Vegan Diet (For Light-workers)
    Eating raw foods definitely improves clarity of mind. The challenge is getting enough calories and doing all the prep work since you gotta make it all yourself. It's a huge volume of matter just to chew through. It's also very expensive.

  20. Pick-Up is draining
    Pick-Up is draining
    Do it seriously for a few years, then move on to other things.

  21. why psychedelics can allow some people to awaken and others not?
    why psychedelics can allow some people to awaken and others not?
    Of course I get that logic. But it's just bad logic because LSD doesn't merely change the scenery of your dream, it massively raises consciousness.
    The real test of your awakening is not taking psychedelics, but something more akin to torture or getting hit in the head with a hammer.
    Can you still maintain your awakening when you don't get enough thyroid hormone for example? Surgically remove your thyroid gland and then stop taking thyroid hormone supplements and see how long you can maintain awakeness without T3. That's your real test.
    Or just try not sleeping for 5 days and see how awake you still are then.

  22. What is awakening?
    What is awakening?
    It is possible, but not realistic. And your level of realization, even if it does happen, will be very low.

  23. What is awakening?
    What is awakening?
    @Joker_Theory Perceptions don't have to change. You just realize that your body is already God. God is exactly what you see now, minus the ego.
    A change in your state of consciousness is required. This is accomplished with spiritual practices like self-inquiry, meditation, psychedelics, yoga, etc. The practices must be done rigorously.

  24. Is a 100 hour work week viable?
    Is a 100 hour work week viable?
    Because they are workaholics who got nothing else going on.
    If they had even an ounce of spiritual sense they would not be promoting such crap lifestyles.
    The most successful people tend to be unbalanced, obsessive workaholics. Because that does tend to produce success. But at what cost? There is way more to life than business success. To reduce life to that is an abomination onto God. So it's no wonder that these people are godless materialists.

  25. Is a 100 hour work week viable?
    Is a 100 hour work week viable?
    You will burn out and ruin your health and relationships.