
Leo, how much do looks influence a man's attractiveness

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I don’t even feel like myself lately in that this man in the mirror, is not what I wanted or expected. I had a belief I wouldn’t go bald. But, here we are. 

I am lucky that am tall, have a nice face and I’m in good shape.

But, I still HATE balding. 

That being said, my mind has attached a lot of meaning to my attractiveness and ability to succeed in life. Which, I suspect is true. 

This is where acceptance and emotional maturity come it. 

My hair did/ does matter to me. But, it’s going. 


Edited by Thought Art

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You guys have no clue what attraction looks like at the higher levels. 

Have you ever seen someone who you could swear was a celebrity but you just can't remember from what you knew them? But everyone stared at them, doors just opened, things just turned to gold. 

You can become so attractive people start to physically shake with positive vibrations when they're even near you. Girls getting wet from just eye contact or physical proximity. 

You guys have no idea what attraction is. It's literally in the word ATTRACTION. Not an ounce of "trying", not an ounce of effort, pure fluid attraction. 

Hill was right: it starts with a burning desire backed by faith. Then daily persistent action. Only after that sexual transmutation can take place. Nobody on this forum knows what sexual transmutation is, it's not NoFap, not at all. 

Edited by Butters

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The thing is that if you never got female praise from your mother, female relatives and females around you, you won't have a winner effect. 

The less success you got, the less success you will have. And the more you had the more you will have. Kind of reminds me about biblical phrase: 

Matthew 25:29 says: “For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away."

Love is basically a currency that can give given or received. It is a multiplier. 

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Also to mention that are more elements at play. If the girl is looking mostly for a one night stand then the looks and fitness are more important, but if she is looking for a father to her kids, the things get complicated. She will take many more factors into consideration. 

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33 minutes ago, Alexop said:

Also to mention that are more elements at play. If the girl is looking mostly for a one night stand then the looks and fitness are more important, but if she is looking for a father to her kids, the things get complicated. She will take many more factors into consideration. 


We're talking about attraction here, not compatibility. Obviously there are way more factors to take into account if you're looking for a compatible, long term relationship.

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@Leo Gura Attraction comes 90% down to energy! Why are you making looks (for a man) sound so important?

When my energy is right I attract the bulk of girls when it's off I do the opposite of attract. Attraction and repulsion is an energetic force, just like with a magnet. 

I was once in a club slightly high on LSD, my energy was fire. I was aware of how I was literally attracting people like a magnet, I saw it visually. It was actually very annoying and had to physically push some people away. But this is how attraction works, if I was needy or dark souled the opposite would have happened. 

Edited by Vrubel

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@Yali I was thinking about that because girls usually look for a realtionship, a guy who will "stick around" and fun to be with, therefore losing attraction after the first date. At least the ones that I like. 

@Vrubel Had the same experience! Vibe and energy is so important.

Edited by Alexop

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1 hour ago, Vrubel said:

@Leo Gura Attraction comes 90% down to energy! Why are you making looks (for a man) sound so important?

When my energy is right I attract the bulk of girls when it's off I do the opposite of attract. Attraction and repulsion is an energetic force, just like with a magnet. 

I was once in a club slightly high on LSD, my energy was fire. I was aware of how I was literally attracting people like a magnet, I saw it visually. It was actually very annoying and had to physically push some people away. But this is how attraction works, if I was needy or dark souled the opposite would have happened. 

Just because you can compensate does not falsify what I said.

Anyway... go find out for yourselves how attraction works. Test all your theories in real life. I have no interest in filling your head with more theories.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Just because you can compensate does not falsify what I said.

Anyway... go find out for yourselves how attraction works. Test all your theories in real life. I have no interest in filling your head with more theories.

Thanks for your new insights :D Will pay attention and observe it first hand.

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44 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Just because you can compensate does not falsify what I said.

Anyway... go find out for yourselves how attraction works. Test all your theories in real life. I have no interest in filling your head with more theories.

For me, it seems the other way around: with looks, you can compensate because who doesn't like beauty? But still, energy is absolutely fundamental. And most guys can work on it. 
Also with "good" energy, I also seem physically beautiful in a deep way. with bad energy, I am nothing special. The energy/vibe is what gives the physical features depth and meaning. 

The whole journey is to find your authentic energy. To have strong dark masculine energy but also cool, class and even some feminity.

Feminity is so important!

Edited by Vrubel

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1 minute ago, Vrubel said:

because who doesn't like beauty?

You proved my point.

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@Vrubel I have to go with Leo on that one. I hate your "good" energy from hello. I am pretty sure I still wouldn't like you if we met in person. So what you are describing is not as universal as good looks, thus it makes sense to say a person is compensating with it for looks and not the other way around.

Edited by Girzo

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You proved my point.

The deepest beauty comes from (authentic, strong and cool) energy. 

Having physical features that are popularly considered attractive is definitely nice but that alone will get you only so far.


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8 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

The deepest beauty comes from (authentic, strong and cool) energy. 

This is a kind of talk that would go nicely talking in a circle after yoga class.

On these forums I don't think you are going to persuade anyone by just assertively repeating your opinion one more time without adding any new substance.

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43 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

The deepest beauty comes from (authentic, strong and cool) energy. 

Having physical features that are popularly considered attractive is definitely nice but that alone will get you only so far.


I think this is true. Owen Cook teaches this is blue print. True in my experience, your energy and personality are very important. 

Physical looks do matter. 

But, for your ability to get laid… there’s such a wide variety of people out there. If you try, and keep trying it will happen. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Owen Cook teaches this is blue print.

Owen is bullshitting you about that in the Blueprint. Because he is selling guys on the idea of game. You have to be aware of his biases and agenda. His agenda is NOT truth.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Owen is bullshitting you about that in the Blueprint. Because he is selling guys on the idea of game. You have to be aware of his biases and agenda. His agenda is NOT truth.

Except he already said saying looks don’t matter hurts his sales because he could get sponsorship deals with mens fashion and gym trainers. He even refused to do a million dollar deal that just required him saying hair gel can help you get women.

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26 minutes ago, Raze said:

Except he already said saying looks don’t matter hurts his sales because he could get sponsorship deals with mens fashion and gym trainers. He even refused to do a million dollar deal that just required him saying hair gel can help you get women.

Don't take the Owen bait, he is a master manipulator.  Look at his seminars, the majority of the men there are lower in the looks department and are all struggling with women.

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How would you guys describe "good" genetics? To be tall? To have a beard and thick scalp hair? Jaw bone? Because the incels fucked their whole lives blindly believing in some of these silly theoies. So a more specific description of good genetics would be needed.

Also, define "attraction". If I got a date based  on my dating app profile then after the first date she walked away, does it mean I attracted her or not? Of course looks play a crucial role when a girl knows nothing about you, because that is the only input. DId you attract her when you got a smile at first sight or when she got in bed with you?

Edited by Alexop

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The problem with most of these "physically attractive" men is that almost always they tend to be very narcissistic as a result..and sometimes even demonic... Like they'll often abuse the shit out of the fact they look better and always treat the people around them (including romantic interests) like some lower being, and counterintuitively becomes a huge turn off. But since there are always people who are okay being treated like crap they also don't change usually and just keep on being arrogant jerks. I used to get fooled by it at the start but now I sniff it out so quickly and run miles away from them. I don't care how good someone looks if they're an asshole, or just good at manipulating and pretending to be "nice". None of that can fool me or interest me anymore. It's pretty low consciousness stuff. But I'm also not some naive person fresh out of high school...or a "normie". Only a fool would be attracted to a jerk who has a nice clothing. :D but there are plenty of fools out there.

To get to a point where you really don't care about someone's looks that much but it's all about their consciousness requires a lot of healing on yourself too.

Edited by puporing

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