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About Alexop

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  • Birthday 05/10/1995

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  1. Poor Elon got denyed by the AI cool kids and now trying to make his own conservative AI toy.
  2. I think you wanted to mean sociopaths/psychopats? That can be true. You need a dose of disconnection from emotions, empathy, and compassion in order to create such crap as Coca-Cola or McDonald's. Imagine a mature, wel-calibrated feminine woman creating such company and compete with others on cutting costs at the expense of customer's health. Not going to happen.
  3. You either choose truth or get out of business. Or you get too good to be ignored.
  4. good luck! It is hard to satisfy the basic human needs but also aim for high spiritual ideals. A serious, mature, loving, growth mindset girlfriend and a solid career based on you passion should solve the urge to push this stuff on to normies. They are lost, they don't care but about their fucking pasta, netflix, and stupid vacations.
  5. Sad truth. They eithter watch the already established big youtubers who will show up in recommendations or some silly shorts through which one hardly can offer any value.
  6. I am quite happy with the articles I wrote, especially the femininity vs. masculinity one. But they are fking long, like 15-20 pages. How would you promote them to people? I am thinking of putting out some shorts/reels so these ADD audience get a taste of my energy and how I think, then funnel them into more deep and long content.
  7. @eTorro Are you sure you are as spiritual as you think? Firstly how old are you? I heard of a lot of 21 year old heroes who went through the dark night of the soul and shit. A real spiritual person has integrated the Tier 1 stages and burned the karmas. It seems you are an introvert as most of us here are, it is totally normal to not fit in big groups as an intorvert. Go out with one friend at a time and introduce them to you deep ideas. As women are more social and less autistic on average, they might not be so interested in you nerdy stuff but they might be intersted in personal development if you introduce it in a calibrated and non-pushy way.
  8. We have an over reaction against masculinity because of the horrors men did in the past. Healhy masculinity is also harder to pull out, it is a balance walk between empathy and cutting the bullshit. I was thinking about this when I saw Leo deciding who deserves a ban and who deserves another chance.
  9. @Lila9 Good points. We need more healthy masculinity in the world that will bring life and energy to men, so many men are like zombies from what I notice. Men are like a bicycle, if they don't go forward towards some meaningful goal, they fall. Office jobs, bad marriage, no education in healthy maculinity are sucking their energy. I remember asking my grandfather about his job as a teacher, his eyes lighened up when someone asked him what he used to work. Ask now a programmer what he works with.
  10. They value their cars more than their girls
  11. Of course there are specific men who are tidy, do you understand what a generalization is?
  12. No offence guys but see the person for what he/she is. Musk is good at business, he knows how to make an idea reality, that does not make him some political expert, he sucks at politics. The same way Bernie Sanders might suck at building a business. Musk is not an intellectual, far from it.
  13. Your point can be valid because usually the dreamer, ambitious, introvert kinds are the ones who split from the sheep herd and do something amazing with their lives.
  14. This one! Above this, I think there is the cultural aspect of women being judged more harshly by being messy.