Alien Consciousness

72 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

My biggest problem at the moment is that I have not been able to find any camera that can record my face transform into a colorful Alien God.

When I do, I will post it, and zero words will be necessary. Until then you will not understand.

I know sometimes you write things here flippantly, but come on.

Are you seriously considering transforming your imaginary physical body into an alien in front of a camera? Or are you rather making the point that Alien Consciousness goes beyond imaginary material reality like "Money, Power, Fame, Sex, Satisfaction, Intelligence, Peace, Skills, Meta-Skills"?

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@Danioover9000 I doubt that, the entire channel seems to be made by someone just cutting different clips together. Not at all like Leo's style.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

My biggest problem at the moment is that I have not been able to find any camera that can record my face transform into a colorful Alien God.


I see you are beginning to embody your insights from your "insanity" trip.

No but seriously, I have no idea where you're going with this, but I'm very excited nonetheless.

Describe a thought.

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I'm trying to contemplate it.

Maybe it's a second body like Robert A. Monroe talked about in "Journeys Out Of The Body" or I'm totally wrong/biased (I'm open to that).

What I'm trying to understand:

  • Do we really need psychedelics to access Alien Consciousness?
  • Is Alien Consciousness something permanent or more like states of consciousness (anger, love, desire)?
  • Can we see it with our eyes if Leo is in front of us?
  • What are the possibilities with Alien Consciousness?
  • How to create a modus operandi/philosophy to really use it for good?
  • How it will affect our daily lives? Family? Emotions? Mind? Past? Present? Future? Knowledge?

Here we go again :D 

Edited by CARDOZZO

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I think the biggest obstacle Leo faces is simply just communicating this stuff to his audience. Once you say "I've had an awakening and its so incredible" then you say "I have had a God-Realization and its way past normal awakening" then you say "I've had an alien awakening which is way past God Awakening" in my opinion, you start to lose merit and trust. Not because it's not True, or that Leo didn't actually breakthrough into some new weird and alien form of awakening, but simply because it feels like a broken record.

I'm not saying I'm not open to Alien Awakening. And I'm definitely not saying its "impossible" to discover a new form of awakening that nobody (we know of) has communicated or talked about. It's definitely possible and I look forward to buying his Alien course and going all in on it. I just hope he is aware of the sort of cycle that seems to be repeating itself with the whole "I found a new type of awakening thats way better and bigger than the last" thing. And if so, Leo if you are aware of this, please for the love of god address this so that your audience (we) can understand whats going on with this whole big-picture process of awakening.

Why it seem like every year or so there is a new "awakening?" Will this go on forever? How does normal awaken, god realization, and alien awakening fit together? Since reality is Imaginary, How do you know that your ego isn't pulling new types of awakenings out of its ass to fulfill projections? Can't you "awaken" to whatever you want since you are God creating everything? Where does this all lead? How does it all fit together?

I guess we will see.

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.” ― Meister Eckhart,



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@VictorB02 Well put.

Hyping everyone up and serving small teasers here and there reeks of a marketing strategy. Why communicate this at all and not keep it to yourself before making sense of it first?

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8 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

I'm not saying I'm not open to Alien Awakening.

It's just another experience. There is nothing special about it, but novelty is a lot of fun.


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28 minutes ago, VictorB02 said:

I think the biggest obstacle Leo faces is simply just communicating this stuff to his audience. Once you say "I've had an awakening and its so incredible" then you say "I have had a God-Realization and its way past normal awakening" then you say "I've had an alien awakening which is way past God Awakening" in my opinion, you start to lose merit and trust. Not because it's not True, or that Leo didn't actually breakthrough into some new weird and alien form of awakening, but simply because it feels like a broken record.

I'm not saying I'm not open to Alien Awakening. And I'm definitely not saying its "impossible" to discover a new form of awakening that nobody (we know of) has communicated or talked about. It's definitely possible and I look forward to buying his Alien course and going all in on it. I just hope he is aware of the sort of cycle that seems to be repeating itself with the whole "I found a new type of awakening thats way better and bigger than the last" thing. And if so, Leo if you are aware of this, please for the love of god address this so that your audience (we) can understand whats going on with this whole big-picture process of awakening.

Why it seem like every year or so there is a new "awakening?" Will this go on forever? How does normal awaken, god realization, and alien awakening fit together? Since reality is Imaginary, How do you know that your ego isn't pulling new types of awakenings out of its ass to fulfill projections? Can't you "awaken" to whatever you want since you are God creating everything? Where does this all lead? How does it all fit together?

I guess we will see.

Great points dude! :D 

I think his awakenings will never end, like infinity, it goes and goes.

Maybe his next awakening is "I became an Infinity of Alien-Gods". To be clear, I'm not sabotaging or making Leo seems silly or whatever.

Why not put that way: An awakening is useful to the point it transforms your reality/experience of life/self.

If what he'll teach us really transforms our lives and perception of reality, i'm open to all his awakenings and new ways of "actualizing" Consciousness.

I'm an optimist and always will be.


Edited by CARDOZZO

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@Leo Gura what do you mean by 'alien'? Do you mean a degree of foreignness so far beyond our frame of reference you label it as alien?

Or like some extraterrestrial shit? 


I've been out of touch with the forum in recent months so to me Leo just sounds like he's lost it a little bit with this 'alien' talk. But then again, at every step of the way where Leo grows to a new level he always seems crazy. A feature of his path I suppose. Or maybe its just the way he communicates, almost seems like he does it on purpose. Probably both...

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… ground yourself everyone.

My honest opinion is that this is a psychedelic induced psychosis and Leo needs to take a break and let his brain chemistry restabilize.

It’s embarrassing for me because now I’m following the guy who thinks he is an alien but it’s the cameras fault he can’t show us…

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I have Awoken so profoundly that I opened a portal inside my skull to a colorful Infinite Cartoon landscape full of striped and polka-dotted sentient Alien creatures doing cartwheeels, backflips, and helicoptering around.

I have Awoken to an Infinite dreamscape of pure fun and Love!

I gained complete access to imagine the Universe any way I want. That is what true God-Realization means. If you think I've gone insane, I've gone way beyond any insanity a human can ever imagine. It's the most amazing thing I've ever experienced and the happiest I've ever been in my life.

I'm explain more later. For now I'm having too much in fantasy land.



As I've told you guys before, reality is all in your Mind. Only now I have completely broke through every last limit of my Mind. The only problem is, ya'll are still stuck in your human dreams and it would take a nuclear explosion to break you free from your closedmindedness. So don't come whining to me about that. I am only responsible for my Mind.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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42 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

It’s embarrassing for me because now I’m following the guy who thinks he is an alien but it’s the cameras fault he can’t show us…

Gotta admit, that hit the part of my mind that triggers alarm bells too.

Edited by something_else

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@Leo Gura damn that sounds frightening, but also amazing! Hope the sceptical people here keep calm and patient until your video is revealed. There will be a lot of questions 

Hope you can somehow capture this alien transformation on camera. 


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@Leo Gura have all these recent awakenings been happening through 5-meo-malt? Or what has been the catalyst?

"Only that which can change can continue."

-James P. Carse

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@Leo Gura I have no problems to that above statement. Just if you’re going to make claims about filming yourself turning into an alien is a totally different thing than unlocking your own mind. 

Enjoy exploring your consciousness. But, if you make claims about turning into an alien on camera… but just don’t have the right one… anyway.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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