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About TheAlchemist

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  • Birthday 07/12/1997

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    Turku, Finland
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  1. @Sincerity sounds to me like the marketing is sinking in 😁
  2. Betfair betting exchange (peer to peer) is currently settled on odds of 1.72 (58%) for a Trump win and only 9.6 (10.4%) for a Biden win, which is absolutely crazy. Kamala Harris currently has higher odds than Biden (7.0/14.3%). Odds for someone other than Biden being the Democrat candidate seem to now be around 30-60% on a few sites.
  3. Good point, it's just baffling how this doesn't register as an actual issue for so many people. Even though there is 100x more historical, sociological, geopolitical reason to be seriously concerned about this than some "Great Reset" hype. It's just fascinating (and scary) what kind of stuff gets masses of people panicked and concerned (Great Reset, WEF, conspiracy theories), and how when actual shit goes down it just doesn't seem to click.
  4. The progressives reactions to Project 2025 remind me a lot of the conservatives reactions to the WEF "Great Reset" thing. Both the Great Reset idea and the Project 2025 idea are seen by some as a fundamental change in existing governance structures and day to day life. Of course, it seems there are more well founded epistemic reasons to see the "Project 2025" as a legitimate issue, compared to the Great Reset idea, which remained extremely vague and full of assumptions. I think it is a good exercise to think about why exactly something like a the WEF Great Reset hype looked like something silly to you (which I believe it mostly was), whereas this looks like a real issue. I think we can identify some of the epistemic practices that happen on either side. What is required for a progressive to take on a potential danger in the future seriously, and what is required for a conservative? (Generally speaking ofc)
  5. I sometimes catch myself thinking that maybe I haven't suffered "enough" yet, maybe I haven't been deep enough into hell yet for me to live out some story of coming stronger and wiser through it to the other side. But then sometimes I wonder, how much is enough? I have this idea in my mind that I have to explore and understand the depths to become whole but maybe there are some distorted ideas mixed in. The perspective you shared helped me shine a light on this pattern of thinking, also helped me recognize that it is coming from cultural conditioning. It surely connects to these cultural ideas we have about human worth, achievement and who deserves what. Here's an exercise for me: Imagine this kid has a more holistic, nuanced, wise and overall deeper insight into some fundamental aspect of reality than any guru figure, philosopher or teacher you ever looked up to. The kid had a nice and chill life and just got all the answers, figured his life out without much suffering. What then? What kind of resistance comes up?
  6. This video is indeed a great intro to NVC
  7. Brothers and sisters, we dreaming
  8. I have been trying to track down the original creator of this image Edit: Finally found the original source of this image. The artists name is Rozzi Roomian and her instagram is @rozzidreams
  9. Came across this quote from Anhony DeMello that I thought went along quite nicely with this episode “I'm going to write a book someday and the title will be I'm an Ass, You're an Ass. That's the most liberating, wonderful thing in the world, when you openly admit you're an ass. It's wonderful. When people tell me, "You're wrong." I say, "What can you expect of an ass?"
  10. Is the implication here that there could exist a reality that is pure horror, torture and absolute suffering for a seemingly eternal amount of time? Also, not just could, but MUST every kind of reality also exist in true infinity? Are there any sorts of functions that in any way direct how reality can be? For example, it seems to me that certain aspects of reality need to be convincing enough to an experiencer so that certain qualities/functions are possible. For example being lucid in a dream basically stops the possibility of horror dreams or nightmares, since the dream is recognized as a dream and certain aspects of it cease to be convincing. But maybe also a reality could exist where it is impossible to become "lucid" or to awaken from the dream. Is awakening or lucidity or "seeing through" the dream (recognizing the dream as a dream) always in some way possible, no matter which reality is being imagined?
  11. Sounds similiar to the headless way perspective Douglas Harding and Richard Lang talk about. Douglas Harding has a short book on this view where he goes into various challenges people experience with this way of seeing the world. You can find the pdf online. Hope it helps
  12. Weed is not in itself a psychedelic or non-psychedelic. It has the potential of acting as a psychedelic, a stimulant or a depressant. The method of consumption, the set and setting, frequency of use, personal history and intention all have a major effect on what potentials in the plant come forward. Take an edible in a beautiful place in nature without any distractions, after a tolerance break, with no phone and set a real intention as you would with a psychedelic and you're likely gonna have a totally different experience than sitting at home hitting the bong eating pizza for the 5th time this week.
  13. Many of the existing Trump followers will likely double down in their defense of Trump after this, since now in their eyes the whole judicial system is completely corrupt. So I think we might see an even more extremist version of the MAGA movement. Probably this verdict will have a real effect on the part of the population that doesn't really follow politics and are not super passionate about it, and those Trump supporters who are not idolizing him but just supporting him because of some shared values. Also, it isn't easy to convince half the population of a conspiracy theory, a lot of people still have a respect for the judicial system. I think it's likely Trumps rhetoric will get even more extreme in demonizing the left and Biden, but he is running out of moves here. Biden just needs to keep it cool and stable, funnily enough being that "law and order" character which is usually associated with conservatism.
  14. My instagram feed is also getting flooded with AI generated videos with Alan Watts' voice talking things that he never actually spoke. And these videos are getting massive amounts of views and people seem to think it's actually Alan Watts speaking. Or maybe the comments are also AI generated 🤷‍♂️