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About something_else

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  1. Yes, it’s fine. Just pick the right clubs. Some places can be iffy about people on their own (M or F), so don’t be discouraged if you encounter a place like that. Just go somewhere else that doesn’t care. A really good tip is to make friends with people in the queue when you’re waiting to get in. And to be honest, just have the mindset of making friends with everyone. Thats what turned going to clubs from something I forced myself to do to meet women into something I actually enjoyed doing.
  2. This is a pretty standard experience when trying to date girls. It’s frustrating as hell but you have to become desensitised to it so it doesn’t bother you. You kinda have two options. Either you play the game and don’t become too invested, you just play it cool and see how it goes. Or you decide that this kind of gamey behaviour is a deal breaker for you and politely move on to a girl who is more direct.
  3. It’s totally normal to enjoy looking at sexual body parts of the opposite sex. As long as you don’t stare creepily, no one cares if you take a glance. It’s normal human behaviour. Training your mind to repress natural sexual urges like that is a pretty bad idea. Maybe you come from a culture that has already repressed some natural human behaviour against your will
  4. If your texting skills aren’t great just send a playful/flirty message saying you’d love to take her out for a coffee on a certain day. Don’t overthink it too hard. If she’s interested, which it sounds like she is, she’ll make it easy as long as you don’t say anything weird. You could even ask ChatGPT to write you some texts for inspiration if you like. But ask it to be less formal and more playful since it tends to be a bit robotic by default. And ask it for 10 different messages and choose the best one, maybe tweak it a bit. You could try and build some chemistry over text and then build that up to asking her out for a coffee or something. Some people are good at that. If you know what you’re doing that can work pretty well, especially with gen Z who like texting.
  5. Yea very true! I think this is true for both genders actually. Men are also quite attracted to women who are fundamentally feminine but have some masculine qualities or hobbies. Think gamer girls or nerdy women. I guess many of us are attracted to well rounded people.
  6. What negative impact does casual sex have? If you practice safe sex and aren’t sex addicted or something, I can’t really think of many. Humans have been partying since we were chimps. Partying helps you build social relationships, be playful, have fun, not take life too seriously, and remove the stick from your ass. All very valuable things for living a good and rewarding life. I had the same mindset as you until my early twenties. I was pretty miserable and lonely. I used this “I’m too wise to enjoy partying” shtick as a way to soothe my ego from the pain of missing out on social events when I was younger, and also to avoid the things was deeply scared of: socialising and other people. Now I’m backpacking the world. I party a fair bit, but through this very intense socialising I’ve grown so much that I almost don’t recognise the person I was a year or two ago. What I realised is that part of the reason I was so socially anxious was a lack of fun, positive social experiences to teach my brain that being around people is actually a good thing, and they are not a threat to me. I’m not saying that partying is the key to a happy life, but I think almost everyone benefits from being able to let loose and have some carefree fun now and then. Living life constantly tense, with a stick all the way up your ass, is very uncomfortable.
  7. This could just be a one off thing. But if it’s a consistent pattern then the vibe you are giving off might be threatening or creepy. Maybe you are breaking some basic rules of socialisation which you must follow in order to make others feel safe around you. Talking to people at night on the street (esp if it’s not a busy street) is the kind of setting where you have to show that you are friendly and mean no harm within the first 5 seconds or you’re going to run into a lot of trouble. Dont come up from behind a girl or approach girls you haven’t made a bit of eye contact with first. And you can’t just start with a deadpan ‘hi’. You have to include some kind of conversation starter that shows you aren’t a robot or a weirdo. Even just something like “Hey! Are you having a great night?” Or something like that. Be fun, friendly and high energy.
  8. They are meant to be shallow, the point of the game is to derive deeper meaning from your answers to simple questions. If you read what stage 2 involves, it makes a lot more sense.
  9. Yesterday, I went on a date with a girl who suggested we play a game, and it turned out to be so great that I want to share it Maybe you’ve heard of it before (I found out later that Teal Swan wrote about it), but it was new to me. It’s fun and a good way to make the conversation flirty. There are two stages. I won’t spoil the second stage here—you should come up with your answers and reasons first. You can click the link below to read about it afterward. Three Questions Game The gist of the first stage is to ask these three questions and have the other person give deep reasons for their answers. The questions are: What is your favourite colour? What is your favourite animal? What is your favourite body of water? (e.g., waterfall, bird bath, whirlpool, river, lake) Think of your answers and some deep reasons why you chose each one. Then, read the blog post to see what stage two is. Deep answers go beyond “I like blue because it’s the color of the ocean.” Instead, aim for something like, “I like green because it is energizing, natural, and symbolizes growth and change.” It would be even more fun if you share your answers here before checking out stage two! Mine were: Used to be blue when I was younger because it was soft, comforting, and peaceful, but in recent years I’ve switched to red because it is fierce, passionate, striking, and exciting. A swan, because they are elegant and aesthetic. They can also fiercely defend themselves when necessary. And since they can fly, they have a lot of freedom, often migrating across the world together. A whirlpool, because they are wild, powerful, and exciting. They also evoke feelings of awe, like many large and powerful feats of nature.
  10. Oh, is this why I always wake up the moment I’m about to fuck in my dreams 😂
  11. You can escalate pretty heavily on a dance floor. I’ve done super extremely forward stuff on dance floors before. But it’s not my strength, I’d rather dance for a bit and then lead them somewhere else to chat and actually get to know each other. If they’re interested they’ll follow you. At a moment when there’s good chemistry, just give seductive eyes, grab her hand and lead her off the dance floor to somewhere you can chat. Obv she might want to let her friends know where she’s going and that’s fine. Be friendly to her friends and let them know what you’re doing.
  12. Bro you are delusional. Do you have any friends or social life? Because this reads like a statement from someone who only leaves the house to go to the grocery store
  13. Asking a woman if she needs help losing weight is a terrible idea. But other than the last one, it doesn’t really sound like you did anything too wrong. Some people are just more sensitive than you and it’s a good thing that you filter them out early so you find someone that matches your sensitivity level.
  14. I’m currently backpacking and it has been a very good experience socially. I would say it is a form of personal development if you treat it like one. It’s also a lot of fun. But yea, I have met some long term travellers who are running away from things or burning through mummy and daddy’s money and these people are not really developing themselves that much I don’t think.
  15. Is this not just trickle down economics?