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About Breakingthewall

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  1. No you can't because the Catholic church already did it and has patented it
  2. You could know everything: you are. There is nothing else to know. Why the things are as they are? Because you are. The fact of this implies that your depth is unfathomable, then your movement is eternal, but it's just apparent, you are not going to any place, because you never started, there is not movement without a reference, you are just flowing in yourself, because you are. That's the answer to any question.
  3. very different, for example the Aztecs believed that the sun god would devour the world if he was not appeased by ripping out the hearts of thousands of victims, the Greeks thought that Zeus was fucking every woman who turned him on and playing practical jokes on some heroes just for fun, the Nordics believed that the gods loved war, the Christians believed that God loved peace, which is why they were the most warlike culture in history, and the Buddhists believed that the human being could achieve Buddhahood in this life and stop a supposed cycle of reincarnation. Native Americans believed that the great spirit permeated everything and everything was a manifestation of manitou, Africans believed in totems and fetishes, and black magic that could kill you from a distance, and Muslims believe that you should wipe your ass three times, always using your left hand.
  4. Use to be a work that needs time, because the mind has the ability to hidden everything that can't handle. When you are a child there are many things that you cannot handle, all your parents' lies are transmitted to you, and all their fears, and the mind creates solid structures to integrate them and not collapse. There are layers and layers of this, hidden fears that cover other more hidden fears, until we reach the primordial fear of dying, genetically incoded.
  5. For me, psychedelics have been very useful in the aspect you mention. It is essential that the subconscious stops being subconscious and is fully integrated, as long as this is not the case, you are emotionally crippled, and you will use mental strategies and lies to constantly deceive yourself.
  6. Good also can express what promotes the survival and bad that is against the survival. Are just words used depending of the conceptual frame of the person, but that points to a reality. Survival is a reality, openess to the absolute is a reality, perception is a reality. You could say: from an absolute perspective nothing happens because reality is infinite, then good and bad means nothing. But from an absolute perspective even the idea of good and bad doesn't exist, nor the thought or anything else, so it's meaningless to use this argument
  7. Good is just a word that crates a mental structure that represents the openess to the absolute reality. Bad is another word that represents the closure to the absolute reality. Both, open and close, refers to perception. Perception exist, then perception can be open or close, it's a reality,not an idea, the ideas come after the reality, to make a mental map of it.
  8. Good and bad exist, free will exist, life is meaningful. It's very obvious. The conceptual is not a fantasy, it is the mental representation of reality, without the concept of good, good exists, the concept is only a tool, not an end in itself, a conceptual mind aligned with the reality is wisdom, a conceptual mind confused is ignorance
  9. The issue is not whether or not to demonize selfishness, it is to understand that selfishness closes you to the absolute nature of reality. It's like understanding that hammering your finger hurts, you don't demonize them, you just know they hurt. selfishness closes, period. Now, at a given moment, what do you prefer, to close yourself off completely or to be eaten by a tiger? thats the question
  10. real spirituality is a deconstruction, not a construction. As Teihard de Chardin said, the human begins at an alpha point and goes towards an omega point. At the alpha point he is a prisoner of his genetic impulses, and spirituality is the deconstruction of the entire karmic structure to reach the omega point, the total opening to the absolute nature
  11. Anyone who does not have the slightest interest in spirituality is absolutely mentally retarded, like a teenager obsessed with being cool without being able to see beyond it. Let's see, isn't it obvious that within a minute you can die? No, it's not obvious if you are mentally retarded, then you become very obsessed with giant yachts and models with surgeries. and you are very very sad because there is someone with a bigger yacht and a prostitute with bigger fake tits. Ok, you're officially mentally retarded, and you should be in a special school for retarded people, but instead you're the CEO of black rock.
  12. Hamas don't want to help the people, want war against the oppressor. Maybe now it seems that Israel has won, Trump will build hotels in Gaza and that, but the Muslim world is with the Palestinians more than ever. hamas has won this battle in my opinion, and the war is going to be very long, unfortunately.
  13. It is not that they are going to have a punishment like ruin or cancer, it is that the very fact of being selfish and false creates a dense karmic structure, the individual lives in a lie that is constantly being executed by his mind, and he moves further and further away from himself, this is hell itself. Your drug dealer father may not be the case, just because you are a criminal does not mean that you are far from yourself, morality is relative, but truth and lies are absolute.
  14. Be careful in Greece, it seems that there is a volcano over there about to explode that will plunge Europe into a kind of nuclear winter.