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About gettoefl

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  1. Excellent, you have done yourself proud. Next you should buy them a gift and go tell them you appreciate their kindness in giving you a second chance. Gift can be wine, cake or chocolates. Tell them you are going to be a great neighbour from now on. If they need you, they can rely on you to look after their house if they go away for the weekend. Leave them your phone number and full name.
  2. Free will is the same as God. If you live like there is no God, you will live duality to the max- good bad good bad life after life. One day the murdered, next day the murderer. There is no free will in this, you can't alter it, it happens just like night and day. If you live like there is God, you will transcend and leave for good. You have free will to choose either path. Many will say but I tried God and it never works. No that was your ego trying on your behalf. You need to get on your knees and get serious with this religion thing.
  3. God's will is to create reality ever deeper and ever lovelier. God can't do anything but this. God hasn't free will in this. What God can do though is create seeming reality. This isn't reality but a dual mad scientist version of it just for kicks and giggles. We can term this a divine sleep break: another mode of creating reality and another string to God's orchestral repertoire. In seeming reality, rules are tweaked. In particular, there is free will. You can choose heaven or hell. Heaven ends the sleep break. Hell keeps it going. Choose whichever suits you better. Don't worry, eventually you will choose heaven since this is just a break and breaks HAVE to be finite since if they weren't finite they would be the actual reality. Have fun here my lovelies.
  4. It's a great opportunity. It can hone your skills and sell your charms. If there is no mutual-likey-like in the 5 minutes, there is no need to waste more time so the idea is perfectly sound. Your goal is to close on securing a second meeting for anyone promising before the 5 minutes elapses. You need a strong game plan: 10 relevant questions to ask and 10 points about yourself you wish to highlight. You get better the more you practice. Expect to end the night with a few numbers.
  5. Yes I do think the places you mention are better choices. The UK however is very much stuck in the past and doesn't want to embrace change.
  6. It's dehumanizing, depressing and pathetic. And worse it brings the other down to this level too. You pay a price for wielding your powers recklessly. Erosion of your innocence and beauty and alignment with your true nature. Not to mention for many it's addicting, disgustingly unhealthy and character corroding. A chapter of a life that nobody can be proud of. A chapter one would need healing of if not to pass it on to future generations.
  7. If you sell sex, you may find yourself feeling bitter, jaded, and alienated, making it difficult to cross over into mainstream society. If you buy sex, you risk becoming fixated on it and leading a divided life, where authenticity, honesty, and trustworthiness are widely doubted.
  8. Have lived half my life in each and am itching to get back west. Hopefully will make it back in next few years. People are more open minded, generous, enterprising and strange to say, simplistic. Change is always on the table. Here it's same old same old. I coined the name for California as the state of tomorrow.
  9. Great opportunity for humility and contrition and restitution. Go talk to them in any way you can and tell them you majorly messed up and you will do anything in your power to make this right. Get on your knees and implore them to have mercy on a hot-headed stressed out punk who was having an abysmal day and is trying to do better in life.
  10. Everyone has religion and lives it from womb to tomb - the scientist, the religious, the atheist, the agnostic. Simply put, it's you or it's me. Pay not heed to what people say since the majority can't get it. Figure out your own religion.
  11. Did you try 1-day to ensure feasibility. My ego loves threads on 7-day alone retreats of silent sitting.
  12. If she walks innocently down the street and he offers her a sum for sex and she agrees, he has brought her to the same level of sickness he is at If he walks innocently down the street and she provides him her OF details and he subs, she has brought him to the same level of sickness she is at.
  13. Everyone wants every other at the same level of pain and sickness as they are at and will exert sweat and proffer money to actualize that. It's only fair, right! Let's trade honey for money. None of us are effed up, we're just having fun.
  14. Evil is me not knowing the truth yet thinking I do despite my life being hell and thus leading you into the same hell I am in. The question to ask is, was my reality hell when I got out of bed today? My obligation in every conversation becomes to state whether today is heaven or hell before my eyes. To not do so, is to wallow in self delusion lifetime after lifetime and to have oneself be ostracised per this criteria by the serious truth seeker. In which case the rapists the terrorists and the extortioners are going to bring heaven to earth before you do. They can accept themselves while you are in hiding. How's it going folks? All grand here. Good simply put is, did I bring heaven with me today.