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About gettoefl

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  1. i like this schemata - meditation is learning what's up and prayer is voicing what's up, being god's mouthpiece to a hurting world, so-help-me-god miracles are moments of transcendence, when you transform perception into vision and both healer and healed realize their oneness
  2. the world is indeed unreal but you yourself made it thus and now you need to heal it back to wholeness or else you are not going home. it is insane thanks to the fact that you projected your insanity onto it and now it's your work to go out there and heal the terrible mistakes you made through forgiveness your mind is sitting in front of you right now hurting and wailing because of what you did to it all this is your fault and it is your responsibility to fix the mess you made and save the world good thing is you don't need to do a single thing, all you need to do is forgive every piece of crap that assaults your every waking moment
  3. for me it's a case of i have figured me out now i am intrigued by you and my receptivity and compassion is degrees higher than anyone else by virtue of the work i have put in ... furthermore i don't mind what happens
  4. yes take no notice, he was way out of line here, thanks for sharing what you did, it must be unimaginably horrific what you have undergone and i thank god you're dealing with it better, good to see you posting and hope you are doing well today
  5. love is nothing to do with what i bring to the party and everything to do with affirming and being encaptivated at what you bring to the party i remain incomplete without your contribution
  6. i think the closest fit is purpose: beliefs about the meaning of life and your life’s purpose; seeking to be part of something greater than yourself.
  7. the 6 virtues resulting in the 24 values found in all cultures
  8. yes to see innocence is to gain innocence
  9. being a human being is an existential disorder known as misidentifying oneself god in its loving wisdom moves heaven and earth to set right the ship (without violating sovereignty) but boys and girls just want to have fun
  10. have had people plotting my death for ages and i forgive the heavy cross they bear
  11. always love your content, you are quite the polymath yourself, did you consider posting on tiktok to get more eyeballs on this? am sure lots would love it and you would get lots of dialogue going ... perfectly understand if you want to keep it here as tiktok can become a taxing chore if you're on it alot ... for me it's my daily guilty pleasure
  12. seeing them as christ is a pretty good practice in my experience, the c is childlike just wanting to play and have fun, the h is holy which means not from around here, r is radiant meaning all of us are vibrant light bodys if looked at closely, the i is innocent never having erred even once, the s is saving since i have no other opportunity of waking up and the t is sheer thankfulness for knowing their nature so that i can finally see mine
  13. everyone speaking to you is you and you have dissociated yourself of what you are in favor of a spiritual identity spirituality means to be normal and relate with people where they are at they need you and more importantly you need them not for material stuff primarily but to attain the state of heaven being spiritual alone is gross self deception where ego has kept itself intact at the expense of your awakening start where everyone around you is and make that your spiritual work in a nutshell spirituality is knowing what's true and what's false and when you know what's false you bring it to what's true right now you want to bring truth to the illusions (yes nobody cares!) so now try bringing illusions to truth